Investigation into Mother and Baby Institutions, Work Houses and Magdalene Laundries and Workhouses

17 August 2022

We launched an investigation into allegations of possible criminality involving Mother and Baby Institutions, Magdalene Laundries and Workhouses on 6th October 2021. Since then, we have received reports from a number of people including mothers who gave birth in these institutions, those who were adopted from different named institutions, people who worked there, and residents. We are pleased that people are having the confidence after all these years to come forward, however we believe there are still people out there who have suffered and not yet made a report.

Help and support available

If you come forward, you will speak with a specialist detective from our Historic Child Abuse Unit within our Public Protection Branch, and will be offered the opportunity to have your account recorded so that a criminal investigation can take place. You will also be offered to be signposted to other services for help and support.

How do I make a report to Police?

If you have been the victim of non-recent abuse or any criminal act arising out of these institutions, or have any information likely to assist an investigation into a criminal act committed, please come forward and report this to us. We care about what you have to say, will listen and support you, and will act to keep you and others safe

You can contact our Investigative Team via:


Direct line (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm GMT)

Great Britain: 028 9090 1728

ROI: 00 44 28 9090 1728

Australia: 001 44 28 9090 1728

New Zealand: 00 44 28 9090 1728

USA: 011 44 9090 1728

Canada: 011 44 9090 1728