Unauthorised adoption reported in Visakhapatnam

26 September 2022

ICDS and SCPCR members inform about the incident to the police

An unauthorised child adoption was reported under MVP police station limits here on Monday. Members of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) and member of State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (SCPCR) Gondu Sitharam informed about the incident to MVP Police Station House Officer Prasad who is looking into the matter. According to Mr. Sitharam, on September 15, a couple had given birth to a girl child in a private hospital in the city. The couple had allegedly given away the child to another couple for a sum of ?2 lakh. He also alleged the involvement of a ASHA worker in the unauthorised adoption. MVP Police said that they are looking into the issue. Mr. Sitharam said that people can reach out to SCPCR if they come across any such unauthorised adoptions in their area.