Mediator : le Professeur Claude Griscelli poursuivi par l’Ordre des médecins

4 June 2022

Claude Griscelli, the former boss of Inserm, aged 86, distinguished himself by re-reading, in favor of the Servier laboratories, on June 21, 2011 in the Senate, the copy of Marie-Thérèse Hermange (UMP) before she does not submit her report on the Mediator.

Caught by the patrol. Professor Claude Griscelli, the famous pediatrician, pioneer of bone marrow transplants for newborns is under threat of a sanction from the Order of Physicians for having re-read, in favor of Servier, the 2011 Senate report on the Mediator . The Collective of victims of the Mediator which had filed a complaint in January with the order obtained satisfaction: on March 16, the authority not only transmitted the request to the disciplinary chamber but it also associated itself with it. . The order joins the plaintiffs only when it considers that a doctor has committed an ethical fault, the latter then incurs a penalty that can range from a simple warning to radiation.