1 September 1993

Do the perpetrators and their sympathizers network? Is there a Kinderfreunde connection from the crèches to the lecture halls? The EMMA report reveals surprising cross-connections between pedophile associations and child protection organizations. And: A much-cited lady is part of the men's party.

Mark Morgan is a likeable young man. Everyone who knows him thinks so. The American educator has just turned 30 when he sets up a home for neglected street urchins in the Thai capital: 'The Bangkok Children's Shelter'. International aid organizations invest donations in the exemplary project. A year later, wealthy American Howard Ruff pays a visit to the boys and their benefactor. The millionaire finds the educator, whom the children affectionately call "Poh Mark" (Papa Mark), "moving and heartwarming." He promises to support the good deed financially.

Ruff has already filled out the check for $67,000 when he receives disturbing news: the child friend Morgan is listed as a "child molester" by the American police. He had sexually abused his underage charges in a psychiatric hospital. And: In Mexico he was caught shooting child porn. Mark Morgan is arrested in Bangkok. The kids he picked off the streets can finally tell the truth: "We were raped by Papa Mark." And: "from uncles from America". The educator's homes were actually brothels for pedophile sex tourists.

Rainer M. is also a likeable man. The 34-year-old educator from Münsterland used to work in two Montessori children's homes in Borken and Coesfeld. The charming young man with the long hair "was considered someone who got things going": "Walks in the woods with the children. Catching tadpoles and kicking" ( Die Zeit ). Moms and dads liked him, some were friends with him.


But for months, the dedicated pedagogue has been on trial in Münster. He is accused of sexually abusing more than 60 of his wards from 1983 to 1991 in both day-care centers. Rainer X. from Cologne was also an educator whose "respect for the children and their limitations" the mother Marion M. still admires today. Together with other parents, she founded a left-wing children's shop ("positive attitude to life, to love, to sexuality") and hired the nice Rainer X. as an educator. But the children's shop in Cologne has now been closed - due to abuse of the children by the competent educator.

Bangkok, Coesfeld and Cologne are not isolated cases. For 15 years, feminists have been saying it out loud: fathers and stepfathers rape their daughters, brothers their sisters, and uncles their nieces. The fact that the family is often the scene of the crime and not the bushes in which the strange, evil man is lurking has now even been understood by the Bild newspaper. But that not only the families are the scene of the crime. but also social institutions, has not yet really penetrated the public consciousness. According to recent studies, every third child abuse is perpetrated by an acquaintance in the so-called "social environment" of the victim. It is not uncommon for men to choose a job in which they have to deal with children. Fake childhood friends...

The American Ron O'Grady is the coordinator of the "International Campaign Against Child Prostitution", which is also active in Germany. In his book Broken Roses, O'Grady characterizes the "typical pedophile" as follows: "He is a middle-aged professional or professional man. He may be a doctor (often a pediatrician), teacher. social worker or clergyman. Most of the time he has to do with children professionally or is involved in child labor in his free time. He's probably or was married and has kids."

In the US, it's no longer a secret that pedophiles are systematically infiltrating organizations that work with children. The bitter reality is of such proportions that it has even become a topic in literature. In his thrillers, the New York children's lawyer and crime writer Andrew Vacchs describes the milieu of the supposed friends of children - Vacchs calls them "freaks": day-care centers that rent their pupils to porn producers; cult leaders who pick up street walkers, get them pregnant and then barter the babies to adoptive parents; high state officials who are computer-networked with other pedophiles and trade child pornography.


The pedophile associations in the USA resemble "medieval secret guilds" (O'Grady) in their organization, effectiveness and opaqueness. Whether they call themselves 'The North American Man/Boy Association' or 'Howard Nichols Society' - they all present themselves as friends of children and people and see themselves as "progressive" because they propagate "the right of all people to relationships between the generations". These so-called children's friends have a high "wear and tear". They lose desire as soon as the new object of their desire grows big. 403 convicted pedophiles interviewed by a US scientist had abused a total of 67,000 children (!), so: each on average 166.

Pedophilia an American Phenomenon? Unfortunately, no. The German sexologist Herbert Selg assumes that "such sexual orientations have to be regarded almost as 'normal' in our country too". And indeed: If we look closely, we not only discover individual false friends of children, but a network of organizations and institutions is emerging whose members have to put up with the question: What is their real interest in the children?

There is ZEGG, for example. The 'Center for Experimental Society Design' is based in Belzig near Berlin. ZEGG members practice "free love" on a 15-hectare site in the former GDR. With their help, the sexually liberated want to "have a planetary effect in the sense of an expanded morphogenetic field".

Professor Ernest Borneman is a welcome ZEGG guest. The author of 'Das Patriarchat', founder of the Austrian 'Society for Sexual Research', winner of the Magnus Hirschfeld Medal, head of a long-term project to research child sexuality and ex-sex uncle of the Neue Revue recently enthused publicly: "Whoever has never experienced , like a moody doll of ten bossing around a seasoned man of 40 who knows little about sexuality."


The founder of the "Center for Experimental Society Design" is Dieter Duhm, who was in his 1968 and wrote a lot. When his fellow revolutionaries got married and pursued a career, he found shelter in the "AA-Commune" of the Austrian performance artist Otto Mühl. Duhm: "I loved this experiment." At the Friedrichshof in Burgenland with a branch on the island of Gomera, Mühl raped and tortured girls and women for 15 years. He has been in prison since 1991.

In the fall of 1992, the Duhm supporters from Belzig published a special issue in defense of the Cologne kindergarten teacher, who belonged to the "ZEGG group of interested parties". Topic: 'Sexuality and Children'. It talks about the "abuse of abuse" and "unmasks" who is doing it. According to ZEGG, it is an amalgamation "of organized feminism, the press and the church," an "anti-sex alliance." She is spurred on by "crazy radical feminists' hatred of everything that is male, has hair on their chest and wears a penis". Conclusion: "It's about organized women's revenge on men."

The much-noticed and assertive ISUV (interest group for maintenance and family law), which mainly consists of divorced fathers, fights the so-called "SAID syndrome": 'Sexual Allegation in Divorce' (sexual allegations in divorce). In December 1992, the association invited to a press conference in Cologne. Lo and behold, who's in on the party again? The Duhm Sect. At the press conference, the brave fathers distributed an "open letter" from ZEGG on the Cologne children's shop process. And: They present a brochure on the subject of "abuse of abuse".

Kinderfreund Borneman is one of the pseudoscientific authors. This time he reasoned: "If you condemn every form of love that does not move within the same generation from the outset, you damage the child." Friedrich Nolte also campaigns in the brochure for divorced fathers. Nolte is a Munich psychotherapist who lost a lawsuit against EMMA in autumn 1991. So EMMA can continue to write: "The sex therapist Friedrich Nolte abuses women and calls it therapy."


A male-hostile anti-sex alliance of feminists, church and press? It looks more like this. as if a clandestine pro-child sex alliance was being formed here made up of overly affectionate friends of children: respected professors, committed fathers, progressive educators and people aged 68 and over. A male-friendly alliance proved its worth in Berlin. In the early summer of 1993, the "story dealers" filled the headlines in Berlin: "Educators tormented 1,000 holiday children." The summer project "last German border patrol" is overturned. No "Trophy through no man's land" by jeep, in a rubber dinghy or on foot. No adventure holiday for Kreuzberg brats. The weekly post reports that "internal letters" from the Kreuzberg district office say about the "story dealers": their concept

The "story dealers" are left-wing sociologists and educators. For years they have been organizing child-friendly holiday camps on behalf of the Kreuzberg district office. One of these childhood friends is the Berlin sociologist Hans G. After their separation, his partner accused him of sexually abusing their son.

The Berlin city magazine Tip defended G. vehemently: "A Berlin sociologist was suspected and caught in the clutches of the Inquisition." Not only the mother and her friends were presented as inquisitors, but also children's shop educators, employees of "Wildwasser" and the Kreuzberg district office. According to Tip, they were the ones who all together got the little boy to say: "When I rub dad's penis, milk comes out and it tastes bad!" A sympathetic magistrate who had to decide on custody did not have enough evidence.

In the early summer of 1993, the "Story Dealers" received support from an honorable colleague. The pedagogy professor and rector of the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (FH) for social affairs, Reinhart Wolff, explains publicly: "The attempt to destroy a committed group of educators must be resolutely opposed." Today's father, Wolff, as a 1968 revolutionary, wanted to abolish the family.


But that was a long time ago. In the 1970s, the pedagogue became the leading figure in the children's shop movement, which was once initiated by women. In the early 1980s, Wolff founded the "Child Protection Center" in Berlin. At the end of the 1980s, the 1968er conceived the new strategy "Help instead of Punishment" for the "German Child Protection Association". This is based on the so-called "family-oriented approach", which means that the victim is not protected from the offender and separated from him, but "treated" together with him. In plain language: an abusive father remains under one roof with the abused daughter, and together they both have understanding conversations with the therapists.

At the end of 1990, child rights activist Wolff and his wife Angela launched the slogan “abuse of abuse”, which has been much quoted and overused since then, in the specialist journal Sozial Extra . Pedagogue Wolff: "All the zeal is aimed at restoring the norms of a desexualized childhood." Once again, "Sexuality is characterized as essentially 'bad', 'dangerous' and 'pathological'..."

At the child protection days in the Beethoven Hall in June 1991, a tried and tested child protection activist resigned. It is Professor Walter Barsch, the "moral authority of the child protection association", whose president he was for ten years and whose honorary president he is now.

In Bonn, the Frankfurt advertising agency Lintas presents a poster campaign on sexual abuse to the assembled child protection activists. The little Lolitas in the photos are embellished with texts like this: "Dad was her first husband." - "Whenever the opportunity arises, Uncle Paul can not help it." - "Sabine is dad's one and only. She is loved by him. But more than she can handle."

Murmuring, sometimes loud protests in the Beethoven Hall. But it's no use. The contracts with the advertising agency have already been signed. Prof. Walter Barsch and the board went it alone. The base is not asked. The Lintas campaign is not the first slip of the child protection association. In 1987 he published a book on 'Sexual Violence Against Children', which literally states: The right to 'sexual self-determination by the children themselves' is restricted, 'by making sexual contact between a child and an adult generally, without exception, under threat of punishment be provided".


That sounds insightful. But: What is "sexual contact" between adults and children? Does that just mean a too tender caress? Hardly likely. It has to be genital touching or penetration of the vagina, anus and mouth. With an erect penis or with objects, not infrequently until the body tears. Who interprets children's sexual needs? Who decides what they mean by "eroticism" or even "sexuality" and what they want?

Prof. Heinrich Kupfer from the 'Deutscher Kinderschutzbund' sits on a podium in Münster, Westphalia, in February 1993. In the "Schützenhof" restaurant, this evening is about a "scandal" that has been heating up middle-class tempers in the venerable bishopric for months. Kupfer is also outraged: "Don't leave the field to small-minded initiatives that strive for the highest possible shooting quotas!" What happened?

In the kindergarten of a Protestant parish, educators uncovered three cases of sexual abuse by fathers. Experts confirmed the suspicion, and the district court had the children accommodated in a home. Now they are back home. The parents, all academically educated, were up in arms. "Abduction" they sounded and put the church community under pressure. A teacher was on leave. and Der Spiegel asked: "How credible are children who accuse their parents of sexual abuse? And how competent are educators and authorities who uncover such abuse?"

Since then, kindergarten teachers, teachers and employees of youth welfare offices in North Rhine-Westphalia have been unsettled. In return, others appear more and more confident. Helmut Kentler, for example. The honorable professor of psychology is a member of the renowned 'German Society for Sex Research'. In 1976 he was appointed to the Chair of Social Pedagogy at the University of Hanover. The Münster parents turned on the professor, who is considered a knowledgeable expert on youth and especially boy sexuality, as an expert. He promptly accused the teachers from the Protestant kindergarten of "possession".


Those familiar with the scene are not surprised by Kentler's partisanship. Because the professor, who also likes to write "exclusive reports" for Beate Uhse catalogues, recommends in his scientific writings that delinquent boys be placed "with pedagogically interested pederasts". Kentler is in line with the "Working Group on Humane Sexuality" (AHS), on whose board of trustees he sits as an "adviser". Also works in this body, lo and behold. Child protection activist Prof. Walter Barsch, the honorary president of the "German Child Protection Association". Also advisors to AHS are Frits Bernard and Theo Sandfort, editors of the Dutch magazine 'Paidika - Journal of Paedophilia'.

As early as autumn 1990, the AHS had announced a "future cooperation" between the working group and the child protection association. That had been agreed at a meeting chaired by Prof. Barsch, who was still the acting president of the federal government at the time. The reason for the meeting was the AHS position paper "Sexuality between children and adults". It states, among other things: Even "paedosexual contacts" could be "equal and consensual despite the inequality of the partners". Inequality or partnership? And how "consensual"?

The "Working Group on Humane Sexuality", which is "decided" against "making the possession of pornography (child pornography) a criminal offense", was founded in 1982 by Michael C. Baurmann, among others. The psychologist at the Federal Criminal Police Office is a much-cited expert on sexual violence - also by EMMA. Rüdiger Lautmann is also a member of the AHS. The social scientist teaches and researches at the University of Bremen, where he investigates, among other things, the "phenomenology of sexual contacts between adults and children" (AHS-Info 2/1990).

Bruno Bendig, the chairman of the AHS, was formerly the managing director of the "German Study and Working Group on Pedophilia" (DSAP). After the dissolution of the pedophile organization in 1983, most of its members joined AHS. In the book 'Pedophilia Today' the social worker Bruno Bendig asks: "Where should children actually learn how to deal with their sexuality, if not from adults?" The book is subtitled 'On the sexual liberation of the child'.

A truly honorable society that has come out to denounce the so-called "abuse of abuse": friends of children who, in the name of progress and freedom, declare children fair game. All these gentlemen professors, doctors and rectors are not only united by their love for children, they also have a weakness for a lady.


The lady's name is Katharinarutschky and she is a teacher by profession. But she likes to describe herself as a "Freudian" - probably to suggest that she is a psychoanalyst. Bututschky has so little knowledge of psychoanalysis that she still speaks of the "sexual drive" in all seriousness. From the old steam boiler theory of exploding shoots, which modern science has long since shelved.

Katharinarutschky, who was a teacher for second-chance schoolgirls before she became a "freelance author", is today the "expert" most cited in the men's media when it comes to men's sexuality and criticism of women. The freelance author, who has long published in left-wing and left-liberal newspapers, first appeared as a specialist in sexuality and sexual violence in 1988. Occasion: EMMA's anti-porn campaign. rutschky was one of the two or three women who were systematically harnessed to pornography by the men's media. "Feminist anger of the people that manifests itself in this way," trumpeted Schiebeky at a Green Party hearing on the PorNO campaign, "is to be rejected just as much as any other organized stupidity." The porn lover went from podium to podium and from talk show to talk show. When things got quieter about the campaign, things also got quieter about Katharinarutschky.

Soon, however, a new field of activity opened up for this nation's Schiebekys: the sexual abuse of children. For 15 years, feminists have been explaining this and fighting against it. It took ten years for the public to take note of the "phenomenon of incest". More and more is being reported about it. After all, the media is also read and seen by women, and as ex-victims they know what's going on. But even in the area of ??sexuality, the setback is faster than the enlightenment. No sooner has public awareness taken note of the scandal than the "backlash" rolls in: the catchphrase "abuse of abuse" is making the rounds.


His loudest propagandist is Katharinarutschky. In the spring of 1992 she published her small pamphlet 'Erregte Clarification' in the left-leaning (and previously affiliated with Konkret) Hamburger Klein-Verlag. It is not about the clearing up of the crime of sexual abuse, for example, byrutschky. She is concerned with the excitement about feminists who are affected by "delusional education" and "dogmatic hostility to men". According torutschky, organizations like 'Wildwasser' and 'Zartbitter', which offer refuge to abused children, only have the goal of enriching themselves: "So a new need has to be created, which can be met with funds, permanent positions, counseling facilities and further training measures can."

Most of the women work on a voluntary basis at 'Wildwasser' and 'Zartbitter', which support the victims. Katharinarutschky, who defends the perpetrators, works for money. She makes money from sexual abuse. She tinkers again, because her book is well received.

"A clever contribution," applauds the conservative FAZ. "Fascinating and important," enthuses alternative psychoanalyst Paul Parin in the Basler Zeitung . "Refreshingly disrespectful," says the educational journal Jugendhilfe happily . "Brilliant and with admirable clarity", judges ZEGG guest Ernest Borneman in päd.extra . "Recommended reading for child protectors," praises Heinrich Kupfer from the 'Child Protection Association'. "Katharinarutschky hits all the epigones of abuse myths and unreported hysteria in the pan," enthuses the "Working Group on Humane Sexuality" (AHS).

In the case of the child protector and old 1968 Wolff, the weakness for the lady goes so far that he inspired her to write her little book. In the afterword,rutschky thanks: "I got the suggestion from Reinhart Wolff." It has come full circle. Only: Who is trapped in it?
