Phare project - Details about CNA’s Phare funded Awareness Campaign
6 December 2022

With the support of the EU Phare programme, CNA has implemented one of the most successful “social campaigns” that has been seen in Romania.

Many people are familiar with the slogan Don’t let your child be educated by the TV. According to an Omnibus Survey carried out by IMAS, the TV spots have been broadcast over 2000 times on the main Romanian TV channels.

Radio spots, outdoor banners, newsletters and brochures for adults and children have also been produced as part of this project.

The purpose of the campaign is to inform parents about the risks of “abandoning” their children in front of the TV. The full name of the project is Enhancement and Development of the Professional Expertise of the Romanian Audio Visual Sector (RO 2004/016-722.03.15.01)

In addition to the awareness campaign, CNA’s Phare project also implemented training sessions for CNA staff, organised conferences and study tours and commissionedmajor research studies.

See below for more details

Phare Project Outcome:

Romanian radio spot submitted to Cannes advertising festival

Radio spot made for the National Audiovisual Council of Romania (CNA) win Romanian advertising award and are submitted to Cannes. Although the Internews-led project in Romania recently came to an end, the results are still being felt. The overall purpose of the project was to build the (...)


CNA Presentation Brochure

A professionally designed brochure, with short presentations of each Council member and department, illustrated by photos. This brochure gives a useful and concise presentation of the institution.


TV Spots

A public awareness campaign Research carried out by the National Audiovisual Council of Romania (CNA) into the effect of television on children was worrying. Almost a third of Romanian children have a TV in their own room, many have seen horror films, and they spend more time in front of the (...)



CNA’s Phare project commissioned 4 Newsletters, all of which can be seen (in English) here. The main purpose of the newsletters was to promote the national surveys, studies and polls that were commissioned by the project, but they also proved to be a useful means of promoting other news from (...)


“Outdoor” advertising campaign

This “outdoor” billboard image was taken from the first of the TV spots and shows a young boy who is watching late night TV while his parents sleep. The slogan in the TV spot was “Sleeping Parents Give Birth to Monsters”. It was not possible to take this image from the actual TV spot, as it was (...)


Opinion polls, studies & research

CNA’s Phare project commissioned four national surveys — all of which are in English (and Romanian) are are available for download in this section. The purpose of these studies was to give the National Audiovisual Council of Romania a series of useful instruments with which to measure public (...)


Children’s brochure

A story of a young child who watches too much TV

