protest-ro] Vali Nas (valinash), the connection of international adoption networks

5 January 2007

protest-ro] Vali Nas (valinash), the connection of international adoption networks

Radu Iliescu Fri, 05 Jan 2007 07:39:32 -0800

Let's see how some of them worked and are still working

the intermediaries of international adoptions from Romania.

The case of Vali Nas (valinash), according to some it was also called in the past

Parpanghel Tiganul, domiciled in str. Rahmaninov no. 11, ap 3,

sect.2, Bucharest, has become in the last 5 years, from

the moratorium on the prohibition of international adoptions (ICA)

imposed by the European Union of Romania, an extreme character

active on dozens or even hundreds of Internet groups

where he writes and gives advice especially on the subject of adoption

international, makes an aggressive propaganda in favor

international adoptions, centralizes and keeps in touch with

people from outside the country interested in this type of adoption.

About Vali Nas, it is said that it was in the 80s

busy, among other things, selling jeans on the street

Selari among the inhabitants of the place where it seems that he still earns

a penny from the foundry to the militia. After the change

regime Vali Nas, who was also a geologist, discovered a

portita to profit learning English and attaching to

the charitable organizations that dealt with adoptions


Thus he became a skilled intermediary of international adoptions

after 1990 and remained unprofitable after the Union moratorium

European that stops international adoptions after 2001, in

the desperation of his pressures and maneuvers more and more

intense in favor of the reopening of international adoptions,

Vali Nas was noted as a very active character in

advising and coordinating these pressures in favor

the reopening of international adoptions since February 2006

to Baroness Emma Nicholson, European Parliamentarian, as

can be read at the address below:

http://www.vivid. ro/index. php/issue/ 78/page/opinion

I saw an email dated 4th February 2006 from one of

the most active lobbyists in Europe, Vali Nas, who

writes continually for the pro-ICA Internet forums.

His advice to this particular ICA forum was as

follows: "I would suggest that each of you

consider the possibility of sending the `Bucharest

Daily News´ a message in which you could: 1)

express your thanks for such a well balanced series

of articles on the delicate issue of inter country

adoptions and, 2) detail your own `pipeline

case´ (if you are a waiting family) or share your

own happy adoption story ...."

In this way, those parents who had been unable to

adopt from Romania were mobilised and Bucharest

Daily News were inundated with "spontaneous"

emails from concerned parents who were both praising

the article and stating their case. This was

unprecedented for the paper and another double page

spread of pro-ICA "readers letters" was


Here are other examples of groups only on yahoo where they are active

Vali Us:

http://groups. group/Romanian_ Adoption/

http://groups. group/Romania_ Adoption/ messages

It can be seen only from here that Vali Nas keeps under

observe a large number of groups where they perform


--- In Romania_Adoption@ yahoogroups. com, "Vali Nas"



> Does anybody know what happened to the ProChild

> list? It looks like it no longer

> exists.

> ------------ --------- -------

> Vali

and the fact that the number stands out on all these groups

messages sent daily by Vali Nas, he being the most active

and with a precise target in international adoptions.

In all these propaganda messages, the skillful charlatan Vali Nas

when he appeals to the UN declarations, he omits a passage

very important from the basic UN document on this


http://www.un. org/documents/ ga/res/41/ a41r085.htm

Where in Article 17 the priority is unequivocally emphasized

national adoptions, in the interest of the child, in front of those

internationale( ICA - Inter-Country) .

Article 17

If a child cannot be placed in a foster or an adoptive family

or cannot in any suitable manner be cared for in the country

of origin, intercountry adoption may be considered as an

alternative means of providing the child with a family.

Also the charlatan Vali Nas and his wife Mariana Nas,

former doctor excluded from the Romanian medical system, appear on the website

Mr. Rikk Carey from California who visited them and who

adopted a child from Romania years ago, as they say

can see on the album below: com/photos/ rikk/23097419/ in/set-538287/

"Mariana and Vali Nas, our kind hosts in Romania.

Mariana is a former doctor that now owns a B&B and

helps foreign families with adoption issues. Vali is

an engineer and moderate of [EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Unde apare explicatia "help foreign families with

adoption issues" when in fact adoptions are in Romania

international are prohibited by law for 2 years, and

the photos are from 2005.

Moreover, the spouses Vali and Mariana Nas, the latter coming from

Buzau, they also own a villa near Buzau where they seem to be staying

visitors from outside the country who are interested in adoptions

internationale: detail_space. php?id=272

Jud. Buzau, Postal code: 127042

Address: Com. Berca, Owner: Mariana NAS

Sat Plescoi nr. 164 Contact: Mariana Nas

and a company also registered in Buzau:

http://72.14. 203.104/search?

q=cache:S8dgxuf9Po8 J:forum.portal. php%3Fact%

3DAttach%26type% 3Dpost%26id%

3D198463+Vali+ Nas&hl=ro& gl=ro&ct= clnk&cd=26

15 BZ Thema Vali NAS 0722942862

Another site where the former adoption broker became

skilled activist of the pressures for the resumption of adoptions

international (ICA), Vali Nas and his wife Mariana Nas are

presented as contact persons is the site of the lady

Laura LaBounty from New Hampshire USA, who describes

on the personal website how he met Mr

Vali Nas, as well as how he came to Romania in the past, where he came from

adopted a child. LaBounty describes that he came in June 2001 in

Romania, but the adoptions were stopped in the fall of 2001.

Because in the period 1998-2004 the adoptions continued in

number restricted based on law no. 87 of April 28, 1998 which a

failed the Ordinance of 1997 and by which law they were brought

additions to the Ordinance from 1997, to Art. 9 point 3 thereof

the law said: (3) The Child Protection Commission can

entrust the child with a view to adoption and a

persons or families who do not have Romanian citizenship,

but who resides on the territory of the Romanian state

for AT LEAST 6 (six) MONTHS.

So Ms. Laura LaBounty in:

http://www.specialc Romania1. htm

indirectly admits that he did not stay the 6 months required by law

no. 87 of April 1998, in force at that time, for

adopting a child from Romania:

'At last we were told we would be getting a 3 year

old little girl named Bianca. We went to Romania IN

JUNE 2001 and came home with our daughter Bianca'

All this was also known to the skillful charlatan Vali Nas and

his wife Mariana, who write and appear with photos on the website

personal al Laurei LaBounty.

Other examples of skillful and desperate pressures for resumption

international adoptions that brought profits of millions

of USD to adoption intermediaries, can be read on various

groups, especially those with a large number of members, where

the charlatan intermediary Vali Nas, out of desperation, switches to

face attack against the law that prohibits adoptions

international organizations (ICA), directly attacking the European parliamentarian

who initiated this law with the accusation that this parliamentarian

European is a child trafficker. Perfect materialization

the Romanian saying "the thief who calls thieves":

"In addition, it seems that the baroness omitted to

she applies the same "logic" in her own case

being a leading trafficker (more, towards

unlike the thousands of adoptive parents he takes

permanently insulted, the baroness did not adopt him

Amar legally, but kidnapped from Iraq, thing

clearly illegal...)"

http://groups. group/romania_ eu_list/message/ 38972

Moreover, the adoption intermediary remained unprofitable,

Vali Nas, we can also find him on the tribunarwwgroup group with a

message in which he admits that he is in contact with dozens of families

who adopted from Romania:

--- In tribunarwwgroup@ yahoogroups. com, "Vali Nas"


> Madam Bertzi deviates from everything! With other

words, lost track of everything

> children adopted internationally between 1990 and

2001... Well, only I have it

> connection with a lot of families and acquaintances

the evolution of several dozen children,

> I receive pictures almost every day, I find out what they have done

to school, where they left

> in excursion etc.

> ------------ --------- -------

> Vali

In conclusion, the newspaper "Ziua", through the article from April 2004

about "Vali(valinash) active connection between networks" a

revealed one of the liaison people for the networks of

international adoptions from Romania, this being actually Vali

Nas from Bucharest Floreasca, former adoption intermediary

international, has now become desperate in the pressures for

reopening this type of adoptions.

The author of the message can be found at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
