Bodi Gapen & Sperling-Newton, SC
Bon Secours home (Tuam)
BOOK: Romania for Export Only
Born to Belong Foundation Limited
Both Ends Believing
Both Ends Burning
Bowers Harrison, LLP
Bras Kind Familien für Kinder
Brener-Sam Associates, inc
Bresma, Haiti
Bridge of Hope Centre, Liberia
Bridge of Love Adoption Service (China)
Bridges of Hope - Orphan hosting program
Bright Dreams International
Brightside Adoption Services
Brightside for Families and Children
Bring Me Hope
British Association for Adoption & Fostering ( BAAF)
Brittany's Hope Foundation
Brothers of Charity
Brucke nach Ethiopien - Bridge to Ethiopia
Bucharest Early Intervention Project
Buckner Adoption and Maternity Services Inc
Buckner Baptist Children's Home
Buckner Baptist Childrens Home - Lubbock
Buckner Children & Family Services Inc
Buckner Children Village & Family Beaumont office
Buckner Foundation
Buckner international
Buckner Orphan Care International
Building America's Future
Building Arizona Families
Building Blocks Adoption Services Inc.
Building Bridges to Families program
Build Your house On The Rock INC.
Bulgarian Abandoned Children Trust (BACT)
Bulgarian adoption Mark and Melissa McGregor
Bundesamt für Justiz Zentralbehörde zur Behandlung internationaler Adoptionen
Bundesministerium für Justiz (Federal Ministry of Justice), Austria
Bundeszentralstelle fur Auslandsadoptionen
Bundle of Hope Ministries
Bureau genevois d'adoption
Bureau Interlandelijke Adoptie (BIA)
Burlington United Methodist Family Services
Bustea Deheza & Asociatii
Cable News Network LP, LLLP (CNN)
Caleb Resources
California Alliance of Child and Family Services
California Department of Social Services