Critical Adoptees Front Europe (CAFE)
Cross Creek Programs
Crossings Ministries
Crossroads Adoption Services
Crown Child Placement International, Inc.
Crown Financial Ministries
Cry of the Orphan
Crystal Cathedral Ministries
Curtin and Heefner
D.A. Blodgett for Children
Dakar’s Pouponnière orphanage
Danadopt (Danish Society for International child care)
Da Nang Hospital/District Center for Abandoned Children
Daniel Hoover Children's Village orphanage
Danish Korean Rights Group (DKRG)
Dare Family Services
Dar Gift Foundation
Das Kinderhaus in Addis Abeba
Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
Davis Crisis Pregnancy Center
Dawn Bonn and Associates
Dear Adoption
De Argumentenfabriek
Declaration on the Rights of the Child
DeColores Adoptions International
Defence for Children (DCI)
Défense des Enfants International (DEI)
Defiende (Human Rights Organization)
Degenhardt Foundation
De-Institutionalisation of children in Public Care and Promotion of the social and family reinsertion
Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families
Deloitte Consulting LLP
Delta Family Services and Foster Care
Democratic National Committee
Department of Children and Youth Affairs - Ireland
Department of Human Services of the Ministry of Human Development, Bolivia
Department of International Adoptions, Vietnam
Department of Probation and Child Care Services, Sri Lanka
Department of Public Health and Social Services of Guam
Department of Social Development, South Africa
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
Depelchin Children's Center
De Schakel - Adoptie Schakel - Facebook Group
Destitute and Orphan Children Safeguarding Foundation, Nepal (DOCSF-Nepal)
Deutscher Verein (ISS)
De Vreugdezaaiers (The Joy Sowers/Les Semeurs de Joie)
Dewitt Families Conduit Foundation
DFW Alliance