Global Orphan Team
Global Reach Children's Fund
Global Village
Globe International
God's Children Adoption Agency, Inc.
God's Families International Adoption Services
God's Grace Adoption Ministry
God's Kids
God's Littlest Angels
God's Littlest Angels Canada
God's Littlest Angels (Haiti, orphanage)
God's Plumbline Ministry
God's Special Kids
Goldenberg and Phillips, P.C.
Golden Cradle Adoption Services
Golden Link Foundation
Good Hope Adoption Agency
Good Samaritan Evangelical Social Welfare
Good Shepherd Services
Good Will Farm Association, Inc.
Gospel Communications International
Go Vap Orphanage
Government of France
Government of Italy
Grace Center for Children and Families, Ethiopia
Grace Chapel
Grace Community Church
Grace International Adoption Agency
Grace Kenneth Foundation
Graceworks Lutheran Services
Grady, Hayes & Neary, LLC
Graham's Gift Children's Foundation
Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo
Greater Love Children's Home
Great Wall China Adoption (GWCA)
Green Acres Baptist Church
Greenhouse Adoption Service
Greenway Consulting Services, Inc
Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA)
Growing Families
Grupo Pediatrico on Vista Hermosa (DNA)
Gruppo di Volontariato Solidarietà
Guatemala 900
Guatemalan Adoption Consultants
Guatemalan Adoptions, NFP
Guatemalan Roots
Guild of Service - Central (Sevasamajam)
Gulder Foundation
Gulf Coast Academy