Hortus Ltd. (Oleg Klimkovski)
Hospital Coatepeque
Hospital General San Juan de Dios
Hospital Roosevelt (location)
Host Orphans Worldwide (HOW)
House of Angels
House of Hope, Ethiopia
HQ Online
Human Capital Foundation
Huminska’s Anioly
Hungarian girl - dead by fall from stairs
Hung Yen orphanage
I Bambini dell’Arcobaleno
IBOC Consulting
Ibu Indonesia
Icelandic Adoption Society
ICHILD - India Adoption Resources
I Cinque Pani onlus
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Idaho Youth Ranch
Identiteit, Nazorg, Erkenning en Adoptievraagstukken.(INEA)
Idhayam Trust
I Fiori Semplici – onlus
Illien Adoptions International, Inc.
Illini Christian Ministries, Inc.
Illinois DCFS
il Mantello
Ilsan orphanage
Imagine Adoption
Imperial County Department of Social Services Adoptions
Impilo Place of Safety
Inasmuch Romania
In Cammino per la Famiglia
Independent Adoption Center
Independent Charities of America
Independent Children’s Homes Association
Independent Panel of Family Law Experts of the EU Member States
Independent Ukrainian Adoption and Facilitator's Services
India Alternative Care Network - (IACN)
Indiana Department of Child Services
Indian Boys from to Italy - blocked in Dubai (Corona)
Indian Council for Child Welfare (ICCW)
Indian Council for Social Welfare
Indian Council of Social Welfare
Indian girl abandoned in Spain
Infancia y Futuro