Mississippi Children's Home
Mississippi DHS
Mississippi Families for Kids
Missouri Baptist Children’s Home
Missouri DFS
Mitsubishi Motors Nederland
miXed2020/Métis de Belgique
MLJ Adoption
MLJ Adoptions, Inc.
Módulos Maternos (aka AMMY)
Mogilino, Bulgaria
MomService Surrogate and Donation
Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services
Montana Ranch
Monterey County Department of Social Services Adoptions
Moral Majority
Morava Academy
Morris Child Child Development Centre
Morris, Lee & Bayle
Mother Land Children's Assistance Association
Mother Mary Florence Foundation
Mother's Choice
Mother's Hope, India
Mother's Love
Mouvement Enfance & Foyers
Movimento Shalom
M/S Amatizia-Organization For International Adoption
Mukti Nepal
Mundi Adopta
Municipality of San Antonio La Paz
Municipality of San Juan Sacatepéquez
Musa Sadiker
Mussie orphanage (Ethiopia)
MyersStrickland, P.L.L.C.
Myndigheten för familjerätt och föräldraskapsstöd, MFoF
My Roots Foundation
N.A.A.A. Onlus Network Aiuto Assistenza Accoglienza
Nacidos para Triunfar
Nadejda Home, Bulgaria
N.A.D.I.A. Nuova Associazione Di genitori Insieme per l'Adozione - Onlus
Namasté - Asociacion Aragonesa para la Promoción de la Infancia
Nam Dinh Orphanage
Napsugar Foundation
Natasha's Story, Inc.
National Abstinence Education Foundation
National Adoption Day
National Alliance for Adoptee Equality (NAAE)
National Association of Adoptees and Parents (NAAP)
National Association of Black Social Workers
National Association of Christian Child and Family Agencies