New Jersey Right to Life
New Life Adoption Agency, Inc.
New Life Children's Refuge
New Life Family Services
New Life Home Trust
New Life Link
New Mexico Christian Children's Home
New Mexico Department of Children, Youth and Families
New Mexico Family Connection
New Venture Fund
New York Administration for Children's Services
New York Council on Adoptable Children (COAC)
New York Law School
Next Steps
Nezabravka, Bulgaria
NGO Committee on Unicef
Ngoingwa Centre for Good Future, Kenya
NHS Human Services - Canal Ways Center
Nightlight Christian Adoption
Nino Santamarina - onlus
Ni ños del Sol (Children of the Sun) Guatemala
Niños Huérfanos Intercountry Adoptions
Niños sin Fronteras - Madrid
Niños sin Fronteras (NSF) ECAI
Niños sin Fronteras - Palma de Mallorca
Niños sin Fronteras - Toledo
Niños sin Fronteras - Valladolid
Niños sin Fronteras - Zaragoza
Niradhar Balsangopan Balak Ashram
Nishkam Sewa Ashram
Noah's Ark
Nobel Peace Prize
Nobody's Children
Noel Orphanage - Rwanda
No greater gift adoptions, inc.
No Price for Children
Nordic Adoption Council
Nordic Cryobank aka European Sperm Bank
Norsa Community Care
North American Association of Christian Social Workers
North American Council on Adoptable Children
North American Resource Center for Child Welfare (NARCCW)
North Bay Adoption
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
North Dakota Department of Human Services
North East Association of Directors of Children's Services
Northern Ireland Executive
North Texas International Adoption Clinic