The Annie E. Casey Foundation
The Assistant Stork
The Association of the Children of Guatemala
The Baby Fold
The Bair Foundation
The Barker Foundation
The Benevolent Society
The Brown Foundation Inc.
The Cailloux Foundation
The Carlyle Group
The Catholic Adoption and Care Center, Poland
The Center for Adoption Support & Education, Inc.
The Children's Aid Society New York
The Children’s Center
The Children's Home, Inc.
The Children's Shelter of San Antonio
The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc.
The Christian Children's Fund of Great Britain
The City of Helsinki Social Services Board
The CoMission for Children at Risk
The Cradle
The Cradle Foundation
The Dallas Foundation
The Datz Foundation
The Dutch Council for Refugees
The Dutch Ministry of Justice
The Eckels Adoption Agency, inc.
The Edna Gladney Home
The Eftychia Project
The Ethics Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology (Ecart)
The Family & Children's Society
The Family Network
The Federalist Society
The Finnish Board of Intercountry Adoption Affairs
The Florence Crittenton League Adoption Agency
The Foundation for American Assistance for Romania (FAAR)
The Gerber Foundation
The Gladney Cup
The Gladney Fund
The Gladney Maternity Home
The Grains of Rice
The Group of Single Adoptants - GEA
The Guatemala 5000 Initiative
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption
The Heritage Foundation
The Hershey Company
The Hidden Pond Foundation
The Hoglund Foundation
The Home for Little Wanderers
The Hope for Children Act