European Parliament Written Declaration No 23


DC\608237EN.doc PE 372.505v01-00





3.4.2006 0023/2006



pursuant to Rule 116 of the Rules of Procedure

by Claire Gibault, Jean-Marie Cavada, Antoine Duquesne, Charles Tannock

and Enrique Barón Crespo

on international adoption in Romania

Lapse date: 3.7.2006

PE 372.505v01-00 2/2 DC\608237EN.doc



Written declaration on international adoption in Romania

The European Parliament

– having regard to Rule 116 of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas respect for fundamental rights is one of the criteria for accession to the European


B. whereas the Hague Convention on intercountry adoption, which has been ratified by

Romania, provides for essential precautions in the fight against trafficking in children and

promotes the best interests of the child,

C. whereas in June 2001 the Romanian authorities imposed a moratorium on international

adoption, which was replaced on 1 January 2005 by a law on the protection of children,

D. whereas this moratorium was retroactive to 1 December 2000 and consequently abruptly

interrupted consideration of several thousands of applications for adoption,

E. whereas the children whom these applications concerned had already, over a long period,

established contacts with their future adoptive families, and whereas this moratorium has

therefore placed them for a second time in the situation of being abandoned,

F. whereas, in paragraph 23 of its resolution on the extent of Romania's readiness for

accession to the European Union, adopted on 15 December 2005, Parliament urged the

Romanian Government 'to settle the cases of applications for international adoption made

during the moratorium of June 2001',

G. whereas the Romanian Government has to date not responded to this call,

1. Calls on the Romanian authorities to take due account of Parliament's opinion and to

consequently resume without delay consideration of pending cases, in the best interests of

the children, and to authorise international adoption where appropriate;

2. Instructs its President to forward this declaration, together with the names of the

signatories, to the Council and the Commission.

3 July 2006


Person Relation type Date from Date to
Jean-Marie Cavada Contributed to 2006 Jun 01
Antoine Duquesne, MEP Founder of
Charles Tannock MEP Founder of
Claire Gibault, MEP Founder of
Claire Gibault, MEP Founder of
Enrique Barón Crespo, MEP Founder of
Jean-Marie Cavada Founder of
Adamos Adamou Participates in
Alexander Alvaro Participates in
Gabriele Albertini Participates in

Relations to other organizations

Organization Relation Type Organization Country Date from Date to
European Parliament Written Declaration No 23 Part of Lobby to Re-open Romanian Adoptions (2001- ) 2006 Jul 13