"A hero for children" - Linda Robak about Ralu Filip

25 May 2007

Newspaper: Jurnalul National

Date of publication: May 25, 2007


Title: A hero for children


Text: Linda Robak, executive director of „SOS for the Children” organization, sent a letter to Marius Tuca, the director of „Jurnalul National” newspaper. Here is the content of this letter: 


“We were shocked and in grieve when we found out, yesterday morning, the news about the premature death of Ralu Filip. During the day, we received many e-mails and phone calls from NGOs and members of our organization in Europe and US, who expressed their grief and sadness regarding his death. Mr. Filip was not only an important public person and respected in Romania but also a hero for the Romanian children, especially for the abandoned one. His courage of publicly confronting Baroness Emma Nicholson will never be forgotten by us, the thousands of people who are representing the Romanian children and who are working with the Romanian children. 


His death is an enormous loss. We hope and pray that his voice, which reflected the children’s need, won’t be reduced to silence by his death. In the name of hundreds of NGOs and thousands of adoptive parents as well as thousands of persons who are preoccupied about the fate of the children, we ask you to accept our deepest and sincerely condolences. 


We are grateful that, as a director of the newspaper, you have published his ideas. We would also be grateful to you if you would transmit our condolences to Dana Filip and his children. We imagine how much they will miss him! Please tell Dana that we have kept all his articles and the e-mails which he sent us and which I consider very valuable, as well as a source of inspiration.