Ottawa can't stop Canadians from buying Romanian babies

5 August 1991
Ottawa can't stop Canadians from buying Romanian babies
[HO2 Edition]
Toronto Star - Toronto, Ont.
Author: Roger Bird Special to The Star (Southam News)
Date: Aug 5, 1991
Start Page: D.1
Section: LIFE
Text Word Count: 432
 Abstract (Document Summary)

A United Nations commission in Geneva was told last week that thousands of Romanian babies and toddlers have been sold to adoptive parents in Canada, the United States and Western Europe since the fall of Nicolae Ceaucescu. in December, 1989.

As many as 500 of the "purchases" of Romanian children were made by Canadians and processed unwittingly through the Canadian embassy in Bucharest, according to Defence for Children International.

Rita Markland of International Social Service Canada, part of a Romanian government adoption advisory committee, says overseas adoptions put immigration officials "between a rock and a hard place."