JCICS Board Meeting

16 June 2005
International Symposium Proposal:
Proposal #1: JCICS participation in the 2005 Conference on Children without Parental Care
Proposal #2: JCICS participation in the 2005 Conference on Children without Parental Care in the amount of $10,000.
Background: In 2004, International Advocates for Children (IAC) sponsored an international conference in Atlanta, Georgia. The event was fully funded in the amount of $60,000 by AMREX. Participants included 17 countries and NGO’s from Europe and the United States.
The second conference is planned for November 2005. Sponsors for this year’s event include: University of Mass, Focus on Adoption (FOA), IAC and Center for Adoption Research. Speakers will include Jakob Doek, Chairman of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Sarah Dillon Phd., Elizabeth Bartholet Phd. among others including sending countries and sponsor representatives.
Rationale: Benefits to JCICS
Benefits to All
- Association with groups/individuals that do not have 100% agreement with JCICS positions as noted in the recently approved White Paper.
- Specific individuals and organizations upon whom JCICS is reliant, have expressed concern over JCICS involvement with certain co-sponsors.
Further Description:
T. DiFilipo
Demonstrates to decision makers JCICS’s leadership on child welfare issues.
Positions JCICS as a proactive advocacy group.
Provides opportunity to develop relationships with sending countries and others of influence with little human, man-hour or capital expenditures. [The cost of travel to all sending countries would run into the ten’s of thousands.]
Provides a world stage for JCICS advocacy on issues of concern.
Fulfills the JCICS goal of sponsoring an international symposium.
Provides a setting where peoples of divergent opinions, practices and process can openly share issues, concerns and solutions.
Provides the opportunity to create working relationships amongst the key layers in international child welfare.
Facilitates networking amongst child welfare professionals. [Prof. Elizabeth Bartholet, Harvard Law and Jakob Doek, UN Committee Chair held opposing positions until sitting on a panel at last year’s conference. Since then they have collaborated on two projects.]
Places children at the focus of key decision makers.
World Conference on Children without Parental Care
Understanding and Enforcing their Human Rights
Purpose: Facilitate an active, open and continuing exchange of ideas, concerns, issues, best practices, and solutions related to the best interest of children without parental care.
Method: 3-day conference in Boston, Massachusetts USA in November 2005 targeting participation of 200+ Government Representatives, Central Adoption Authorities, Social Service Providers, International NGO’s
Invite entities representing divergent cultures, practices and beliefs in an effort to dampen predetermined outcomes
Encourage ‘best evidence’ presentations from non-vested entities and academia
1) Targeted Sponsors
a) Center for Adoption Policy
b) Center for Adoption Research (
c) Evan B. Donaldson Institute
d) Focus on Adoption (
e) Joint Council on International Children’s Services
f) International Advocates for Children (
g) National Council for Adoption
h) University of Massachusetts (
2) Targeted Speakers
a) UN Committee on the Rights of the Child – Jakob Doek
c) Hague Permanent Committee
d) Central Authorities
i. China
ii. Russia
f) Academics
g) Sponsors
3) Workshop Topics
a) Structured Decision-making Principles to Serve the Best Interest of the Child
b) The Role of Agencies in Finding Permanent Placement Options for Children in Need
c) Reunification of Child to Biological Family
d) The Responsibility of Government to Children of Refugees and Street Children
e) Establishing a System of Checks and Balances in Child Policy
f) The Role of Receiving Countries in Intercountry Adoption
g) Psychological and Physical State of Institutionalized Children
4) Panel Discussions
Panel discussions and questions will be held between workshops with multiple experts from different fields in order to achieve a comprehensive perspective on issues. Attendees will be
invited to present on specific issues and questions relating to their individual governments and to share best practices.
Matches what JCICS wanted to do with own symposium
Furthers JCICS mission
Cost of $10,000
Puts us as co-sponsor with reputable organizations
Opportunity to speak, help set the agenda
Networking possibilities
Inroads with UNICEF
Possibly 19 countries represented
Cost of $10,000
Negative perception of some co-sponsors
Not a direct benefit to our members
Concerns: Negative reaction of JCICS members
Questions: Should JCICS still hold its own symposium, and if so, should JCICS network with other organizations?
Do nothing
Raise $ on our own
Make our own alliance with other organizations
Join this one
Agreed to Sponsor) Agreed to Sponsor) Agreed to Sponsor) Agreed to Sponsor)
MOTION: For JCICS to co-sponsor the IAC Symposium.
K. Wallace MOVED/ L. Wetterberg SECONDED TIED 4-4, 2 abstentions
Further discussion was held regarding whether or not JCICS should co-sponsor the IAC symposium. Those in favor of the idea felt that it would give JCICS the opportunity to lead and to network with UNICEF and foreign officials in a cost effective way. Those concerned about participating felt that JCICS’ relationship with U.S. government officials and JCICS members might be compromised due to existing perceptions regarding some of the existing sponsors. It was generally agreed upon that there might be a more level playing field if other organizations with similar values and beliefs would also agree to be sponsors. Tom will do further investigation and report back to the board.


JCICS 16 June 2005.pdf (299769 Bytes)