Title |
Publication date |
Emergency for children without families: there are 500 thousand in Europe and Central Asia. A law on European adoption is urgently needed |
29 January 2024 |
Only people with a Danish passport are heard in the debate about international adoption |
23 January 2024 |
Mia Dambach - Vreaking Through |
11 November 2023 |
‘The least we can do is care for their children’: Libyans rally to protect Derna’s orphans |
22 September 2023 |
VG reveals: This is how Norway was notified about the sale of children, corruption and false identities |
4 September 2023 |
VG reveals: This is how Norway was notified about the sale of children, corruption and false identities |
4 September 2023 |
Intercountry adoption is 'in the interests of the child', how can D66 be so sure? |
19 June 2023 |
On the Rhetorics of Dr. Diane B. Kunz, Esq., Crusader for International Adoption |
27 March 2023 |
Intercountry Adoption Information Portfolio - Committee on the Rights of the Child - 3. State Party Reports |
3 March 2023 |
Mrs Chatterjee v/s Norway: The film should provoke wider conversations on plugging gaps in child protection |
28 February 2023 |
Adopting a child is not emergency aid |
15 February 2023 |
Three countries of origin are given the green light for further adoption cooperation after extensive screening |
14 February 2023 |
Three countries of origin are given the green light for further adoption cooperation after extensive screening |
14 February 2023 |
The scandal of forced adoptions |
12 February 2023 |
Italy is about to resume the adoption of Cambodian children |
8 February 2023 |
Telefacts exposes Romanian child trafficking |
20 January 2023 |
Reasons For Low Level Of Adoption In India |
25 October 2022 |
Cabinet Reynders to ACT: UNCRC Acquis (delay) |
10 October 2022 |
Update: Adoption Policy Reform |
1 October 2022 |
Baby sale booms, cartels devise means to beat clampdown |
15 September 2022 |
Baby sale booms, cartels devise means to beat clampdown |
10 September 2022 |
ACT to Reynders (COM) - UNCRC = Acquis |
22 August 2022 |
The Best Interests of the Child in Intercountry Adoption |
4 July 2022 |
Ukraine simplifies the adoption procedure of Ukrainian children through a "fast digital process" |
1 June 2022 |
Vulnerable Ukrainian children at risk of illegal adoption |
25 April 2022 |
Americans have rushed to rescue Ukrainian orphans. One mission led to a child trafficking probe |
22 April 2022 |
Adoption in a Time of Crisis: We Should Be Concerned |
6 April 2022 |
Why are adoption rates so low in India where thousands of children live in child care institutions? |
19 March 2022 |
Former WA Rep. Matt Shea, accused of domestic terrorism, working to secure adoptions for Ukrainian children in Poland |
16 March 2022 |
New Commonwealth Children's Interest Group |
14 March 2022 |
FBC Sim Lab | snehalaya-charity - Immersive Simulation Lab: Transition to family-based care in India |
27 February 2022 |
Children in alternative care: Comparable statistics to monitor progress on deinstitutionalisation across the European Union |
18 February 2022 |
Eurochild continues its work to influence better data systems for children in alternative care |
15 February 2022 |
Why Surrogacy Should Be Banned |
8 February 2022 |
1 February 2022 |
1 February 2022 |
The Relationship between Intercountry Adoption and Human Trafficking |
16 January 2022 |
Children in alternative care Data to Strengthen Child Protection Systems and Outcomes for Children in Europe |
1 January 2022 |
The Hague Conference: Progressively Heading Towards Surrogacy? |
25 November 2021 |
Interview with Mia Dambach |
1 November 2021 |
The pontoon does not often go to the water |
21 October 2021 |
Senate Appropriations Committee Releases FY 2022 |
20 October 2021 |
UNICEF statement on Ethiopia |
1 October 2021 |
16 September 2021 |
UNICEF Career insights: Alex Yuster |
1 September 2021 |
The hidden face of international adoptions and mothers' rights in Vietnam |
30 August 2021 |
Reform of the adoption system: experts present before the Constitution CommissionReform of the adoption system: experts present |
24 August 2021 |
Unicef Netherlands position in Intercountry Adoption ? |
12 August 2021 |
Holistic Review of Alternative Care Provision in an area of Thailand |
1 June 2021 |
Covid is leaving kids orphaned but adoption pleas are illegal |
10 May 2021 |
Fwd: Reminder: FW: Unicef Netherlands position in Intercountry Adoption ? |
4 May 2021 |
Baby Harvesting/trafficking: Time For National Dialogue And Collective Action-Rise-Ghana |
29 January 2021 |
Wob decision of September 1, 2020 on five Wob requests from Against Child Trafficking - ketenoverleg (wrong) |
1 September 2020 |
EU-UNICEF Child-Rights-Toolkit: Integrating child rights in development cooperation |
18 July 2020 |
Fwd: MFoF redovisar slutrapport om indikatorer |
2 July 2020 |
Immersive Simulation Lab: Transition to family-based care in India |
27 February 2020 |
One of Romania's 'children of the decree' fights for change |
20 December 2019 |
Eurochild and UNICEF to develop a study on children in alternative care across the EU |
12 December 2019 |
Internationale visies op frauduleuze adopties, hoe reageren we hierop? |
2 December 2019 |
Orphans of India |
2 October 2019 |
Explanatory Report to the Guidelines regarding the implementation of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights..... |
1 September 2019 |
Explanatory Report to the Guidelines regarding the implementation of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights..... |
1 September 2019 |
The Romanian Children Growing up Without Their Parents |
15 July 2019 |
Wie zijn wij l Kinderrechten |
17 June 2019 |
Interlandelijke adoptie - UNICEF |
17 June 2019 |
Yes, We Adopted More Girls Than Boys – But What About the Missing? |
11 June 2019 |
The Government of Romania and UNICEF Romania Office - A Strategic Partnership in Support of Romanian and World Children |
22 May 2019 |
Zodra met adopties geld te verdienen valt, loert fraude om de hoek |
18 May 2019 |
Bernard Sintobin, CEO ad interim van Unicef België. |
13 May 2019 |
Le directeur ad interim d'Unicef Belgique écarté après des accusations sur Twitter |
13 May 2019 |
Baas Unicef zet stap opzij wegens ‘kinderhandel’ |
12 May 2019 |
Na amper een week: Unicef-baas zet stap opzij na gerechtelijk onderzoek over kinderhandel |
12 May 2019 |
Need to strengthen orphanage rules to protect kids: Activist |
8 March 2019 |
Press conference invitation ( Madad ) |
4 March 2019 |
International Humanitarian Law and Child Rights Competition, 2019 by NALSAR University of Law and UNICEF [April 12-13] |
14 February 2019 |
How the international aid community again finds itself at centre of child exploitation allegations |
10 January 2019 |
No Way to Treat Children |
28 September 2018 |
UNICEF and French government join efforts to improve International Adoption Standards in Viet Nam |
24 August 2018 |
UNICEF and French government join efforts to improve International Adoption Standards in Viet Nam |
24 July 2018 |
Congress recommends $132.5 million for UNICEF for FY 19 |
28 June 2018 |
New York power couple joins UNICEF to raise nearly $1 million at Project Lion fundraiser to support children in India |
5 June 2018 |
New Appropriations Act Signals Big Wins for Kids |
26 March 2018 |
Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Armenia – TA project |
21 February 2018 |
Call for proposal: Quality Alternative Care for Children and De-Institutionalisation |
19 February 2018 |
Children’s rights activist Peter Newell jailed for abuse |
16 February 2018 |
Top UNICEF children's rights campaigner - who led UK's anti-smacking campaign - is jailed for rape of boy, 13, in latest charity |
16 February 2018 |
Kerry Neal: Unicef NL position (mail to AD) |
12 February 2018 |
BOMBSHELL UN DOSSIER UN aid workers raped 60,000 people as it’s claimed organisation employs 3,300 paedophiles |
12 February 2018 |
CAP: Why UNICEF's Views Are Wrong |
30 January 2018 |
Mail Jolijn to Smolin, Cantwell, ISS on China |
9 December 2017 |
Marina Sturdza, Romanian Princess and Humanitarian, Dies at 73 (Life story) |
24 October 2017 |
NAF, EU and UNICEF partner to strengthen social protection system for the most vulnerable children |
28 August 2017 |
EU Trust Fund contribution to UNICEF’s Syria crisis response reaches nearly €200 million |
20 June 2017 |
Romania: Children in Public Care 2014 |
1 June 2017 |
Experts meeting to discuss international reponses to surrogacy at University of Verona |
20 May 2017 |
Unicef NL position paper RSJ Report |
16 May 2017 |
EU Affairs Minister Birchall: Romania - child protection best practice model to UNICEF |
2 May 2017 |
Towards the Right Care for Children |
3 March 2017 |
UNICEF Condemns Liberia Failure To Address Inter-Country Adoption |
20 October 2016 |
Unicef about Serbia, foster and children went to Sweden |
1 October 2016 |
1 September 2016 |
Leiden University and UNICEF Netherlands renew collaboration |
25 August 2016 |
Report of an independent review on sexual exploitation and abuse by international peacekeeping forces in the Central African Rep |
23 June 2016 |
Nana Oye Lithur gives assurance of government’s commitment to child protection |
12 June 2016 |
Subsidiarity, and the notion that indigenous solutions should be preferred |
1 February 2016 |
MO* heeft een nieuwe zakelijk leider |
15 December 2015 |
26 November 2015 |
Reply of Unicef to AD (Cornelius Williams = successor Susan Bissell) |
11 November 2015 |
AD reminder to Susan Bissell + documentary Bulgaria/Hague |
7 November 2015 |
4th Meeting of the Special Commission on the Hague Convention |
12 July 2015 |
News about Tony lake's involvement in Srebrenica |
4 July 2015 |
NEW UNICEF POSITION ON INTERCOUNTRY ADOPTION (institutions no longer last resort) |
26 June 2015 |
Mail exchange Arun Dohle - Nigel Cantwell - ARTICLE 21B - Independent Panel |
17 June 2015 |
Unicef: 10 principles should become EU policy – EU acquis – so that they are binding |
4 June 2015 |
Overhaul of adoption in Haiti means fewer kids go overseas, alarming some and pleasing others |
8 May 2015 |
The Union of Municipalities of Montenegro`s Executive Board held it`s third session - Local Authorities to provide group homes |
23 April 2015 |
New step towards adoptions |
4 March 2015 |
Every Single Kid Who Was Orphaned By Ebola In Guinea Now Has A Home |
9 February 2015 |
L'Unicef demande 3,1 milliards de dollars pour l'aide humanitaire aux enfants |
29 January 2015 |
Youtube: Adverse Childhood Experiences - Presentation by Benjamin Perks, UNICEF Representative to Montenegro |
11 November 2014 |
Youtube: UNICEF MNE - Roundtable "Children in state care in the media in Montenegro" |
3 November 2014 |
Nicholas Rees (UNICEF) will lead the theme on social return on investment at Eurochild Annual Conference |
16 October 2014 |
Bulgaria Vows Support for Deinstitutionalization Efforts of UNICEF |
25 September 2014 |
Conference: Prevention of Family Breakdown due to Poverty |
17 September 2014 |
UNICEF Executive Board turns its focus to child protection |
12 September 2014 |
Civil society representatives from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova will participate in a study visit in Romania |
16 June 2014 |
Russia - press release Unicef politicizing Ukraine |
23 April 2014 |
Unicef Montenegro - Presentation of the results of the "Every child needs a family campaign" (Andre Lys) |
9 April 2014 |
CD/SM: Briefing Note for the File on Children in Adversity - Lumos - Unicef |
8 April 2014 |
Unicef-VietnamAdoption law must improve to protect children |
7 April 2014 |
Treaty’s tighter adoption rules kick in for Haiti |
5 April 2014 |
“Every child needs a family” campaign: 25 requests for non-kin foster care submitted, six children placed with non-kin families |
31 March 2014 |
4 February 2014 |
EU commits 3 billion Euro to Unicef (unprecedented) |
4 February 2014 |
Unicef Report: Best Interests, Human Rights and Intercountry Adoption |
2014 |
Denmark meeting with Unicef/ISS on ica |
5 December 2013 |
Europese pilotgoup on intercountry adoption en wekbezoek aan ISS en Unicef op 5 en 6 november 2013 |
5 November 2013 |
Informal European Pilot meeting CA's and visit ISS and Unicef (Geneva) - NL proposed joint actions Congo |
5 November 2013 |
Momma Mia! |
23 October 2013 |
EU calls for care of children in state institutions of family and community |
4 October 2013 |
International adoptions in decline as number of orphans grows |
16 September 2013 |
Misguided Saviors: An Analysis of International Adoption Issues and Necessary Considerations for Prospective Adoptive Parents |
1 September 2013 |
Misguided Saviors: An Analysis of International Adoption Issues and Necessary Considerations for Prospective Adoptive Parents |
1 September 2013 |
21 May 2013 |
1) Assessment of the Adoption and Child Protection framework |
May 2013 |
Liberian actor sues UNICEF for child abuse |
28 March 2013 |
International Adoptions: UNICEF urges Ghana to the ratification of the Hague Convention by June 2013 |
11 March 2013 |
Jury out as Vietnam, US look to revive adoption programs |
8 March 2013 |
Jury out as Vietnam, US look to revive adoption programs |
8 March 2013 |
UNICEF: ‘’Strategic dialogue between DG Enlargement and UNICEF on cooperation in Enlargement Countries’’ in Brussels |
21 January 2013 |
UNICEF urges Ukraine to ratify the Hague Convention |
16 January 2013 |
JUST prepared acquis list for meeting with Unicef |
1 January 2013 |
Unicef asked DG Enlargement for overview acquis on children's rights |
January 2013 |
UNICEF in Ethiopia gets 5 million eksktra |
26 December 2012 |
19 December 2012 |
UNICEF: Many children not to Denmark |
27 November 2012 |
Adopting from Africa, Saving the Children? |
6 August 2012 |
Haiti - Social : UNICEF congratulates and encourages the Haitian State for its determination |
17 June 2012 |
The appalling situation of Romania’s institutionalized children: From Ceausescu to today |
23 May 2012 |
Handboek bij de Richtlijnen: binnenkort zal dit beschikbaar zijn |
22 May 2012 |
UNICEF Chair in Children's Rights - Ton Liefaard |
3 April 2012 |
European Expert Group stimulates transformation of care services in Europe |
7 December 2011 |
European Expert Group stimulates transformation of care services in Europe |
7 December 2011 |
USAID helps child adoption reform in Vietnam |
27 April 2011 |
One million USD for taking care child adoption in Vietnam |
25 April 2011 |
UNICEF Concern Prompts Cambodian Investigation of Orphanages |
23 March 2011 |
Raise money for foster parents |
16 March 2011 |
Vietnam initiates first national program on child protection |
16 March 2011 |
Officials examine inter-country adoption of Lao children |
19 February 2011 |
Focal point broadcast Ethiopia |
10 January 2011 |
Ethiopia Working with Child Advocacy Groups to Clean Up Adoptions |
16 December 2010 |
Support to Children in Mogilino - FINAL REPORT |
1 September 2010 |
Support to Children in Mogilino |
31 August 2010 |
Oh baby - Authors call for international reform in an assessment of Vietnam’s adoption system |
20 August 2010 |
Unfinished business |
11 August 2010 |
UNICEF expresses strong support for the Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention (POSITION) |
22 July 2010 |
CIA to UNICEF, big aid has a very dirty secret |
20 July 2010 |
European Commission: UNICEF signs US$ 1.2 Million cooperation agreement with World Vision Lesotho and Sentebale to assist and em |
12 July 2010 |
In Haiti, aftershocks of a mother's wrenching decision |
19 June 2010 |
Congressional Briefing : MISSON ACCOMPLISHED! |
7 May 2010 |
Internal Seminar DG Regio: ' Would you call this home'? |
29 April 2010 |
Hague Training in Addis |
24 April 2010 |
Security Risk Anthony Lake to Head UNICEF |
21 April 2010 |
Split arises over adoptions from Haiti |
14 April 2010 |
Divisions arise over push for adoptions from Haiti |
10 April 2010 |
Minutes CP meeting 9 April 2010 |
9 April 2010 |
Haiti's children held hostage by UNICEF's agenda |
26 February 2010 |
UNICEF Seeks to Keep Kids Out of Haiti Orphanages |
18 February 2010 |
Haïti, de l'adoption au trafic |
10 February 2010 |
Unicef warns against Haiti child smuggling |
10 February 2010 |
Call for halt to Haiti adoptions over traffickers |
23 January 2010 |
Children missing from Haiti hospitals: UNICEF |
22 January 2010 |
Adopted orphans arrive in France as UNICEF raises trafficking fears |
22 January 2010 |
Unicef waarschuwt voor haast in adoptiedossiers |
19 January 2010 |
Unicef Report Vietnam |
29 November 2009 |
Guatemala Confronts One of its Largest Businesses: Adoptions |
1 November 2009 |
Jurnal National: Romanian Orphans, ready for export to the EU - ADOPTION MAFIA WORKS THROUGH THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION |
20 October 2009 |
Vietnamese adoptions face scrutiny |
21 September 2009 |
Dear Friends of the Convention on the Rights of the Child - by Laetitia van Haren - Executive Director |
12 September 2009 |
UNICEF Guidance Note on Intercountry Adoption in the CEE/CIS Region |
September 2009 |
Barrot: Forum 2009 New frontiers: A comprehensive strategy on children’s rights |
18 June 2009 |
Unicef Office Montenegro set up end 2010 (Board Meeting) |
April 2009 |
A quick win for children |
March 2009 |
Déclaration de Mme Rama Yade |
28 July 2008 |
Further steps towards the UN Guidelines on Children without Parental Care |
11 June 2008 |
Vaststelling begroting Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken (V) voor het jaar 2008 - punt 16 |
6 June 2008 |
When There's No Place Like Home |
4 February 2008 |
13 December 2007 |
Banana Republic to Baby Republic - Guatemala could shut down its massive adoption industry |
5 November 2007 |
Bling Bling Girls scoren voor Unicef |
1 June 2007 |
Arcelor Mittal and UNICEF help the babies born in Galati Maternity Hospital get the best start in life |
28 May 2007 |
Steering Committee - Better Care Network |
8 February 2007 |
Steering Committee - Better Care Network |
8 February 2007 |
Steering Committee - Background to the Formation of the Better Care Network |
8 February 2007 |
Background to the Formation of the Better Care Network |
8 February 2007 |
1 February 2007 |
2007 |
Unicef Handbook: last resort art 21b |
2007 |
BCN Initiatives - Better Care Network |
18 December 2006 |
BCN Initiatives - Better Care Network |
18 December 2006 |
Joint Council on International Children's Services is pleased to announce the JCICS International Relations Initiative. |
26 September 2006 |
23 June 2006 |
Subject: Conference: Discover the reality of child protection in Romania De Combret, back from Romania |
12 June 2006 |
Forum: Vali Nas - swindler, imposter |
11 May 2006 |
11 May 2006 |
May 2006 |
European parliamentarians break the Nicholson monopoly on international adoptions |
8 March 2006 |
2006 |
Romanian Adoption Policy Examined as Human Rights Issue |
14 September 2005 |
Helsinki Commission Testimony |
14 September 2005 |
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe “Helsinki Commission” |
14 September 2005 |
Trafficking in children in Guatemala |
7 July 2005 |
Report Ulrike Jerre - Unicef report Child Care in Romania (critique) |
July 2005 |
JCICS - Tony Lake - plan Hanna Wallace? |
17 June 2005 |
JCICS Board Meeting |
17 June 2005 |
JCICS Board Meeting - US inside EP |
17 June 2005 |
JCICS Board Meeting |
16 June 2005 |
JCICS did not agree with Poupard/Unicef Romania's letter of 2/4/2004 |
17 May 2005 |
Adozioni Romania: "Violata la Convenzione ONU dell´89". |
8 February 2005 |
UNICEF report on trafficking out of Humla to the Michael Job Center in Tamil Nadu |
1 January 2005 |
Children without Parental care, a call for international standards |
1 August 2004 |
Inter-country adoption |
8 April 2004 |
Letter Hague to Romania - still children in need |
30 March 2004 |
UNICEF's position on Inter-country adoption (Hague version of subsidiarity) |
16 February 2004 |
An independent voice for ethical adoption |
23 January 2004 |
Cantwell visiting EU Delegation: ica before institutions (preparing Unicef position) (DRAFT BOOK) |
6 January 2004 |
History of CRIN |
1 January 2004 |
National Model United Nations (ICA discussion) |
1 January 2004 |
Children in Residential Care Conference, Stockholm 12-15 May 2003 |
15 May 2003 |
UNICEF Engages Edelman to Promote 50 Years of Celebrity Goodwill |
5 May 2003 |
1 February 2003 |
No more orphanages for Kosovo's forgotten children |
1 January 2002 |
Unicef Lambada Report |
14 December 2001 |
Working Group on Adoption Law - US Embassy Bucharest |
29 November 2001 |
New Romanian laws facilitate child adoption by Irish families |
16 September 2000 |
politics: Fighting child trafficking: The twins Oleg and Zhenya cost $23,000 |
8 March 2000 |
2000 NMB: Inception Report: A Situation Analysis of Orphan Children in Namibia |
2000 |
Mia Farrow to help deprived Indian kids |
2 August 1999 |
Illegal adoptions: Guatemala case study |
27 October 1998 |
CoE - Abuses of Intercountry Adoption (Cantwell) |
2 July 1998 |
World congress against the sexual exploitation of children Stockholm (organised crime) |
1 January 1996 |
Unicef report: Starting from Zero |
1994 |
Intercountry Adoption Information Portfolio - Committee on the Rights of the Child - 3. State Party Reports |
3 June 1993 |
Committee on the Rights of the Child 3. State Party Reports Romania |
1 January 1993 |
UN Committee on the Rights of the Child - Romania |
1993 |
Officials Urge New Romanian Adoption Law |
7 June 1991 |
Officials Urge New Romanian Adoption Law |
7 June 1991 |
Officials Urge New Romanian Adoption Law |
7 June 1991 |
The Network - Adoptions Romania |
1 January 1991 |
Uncover UNICEF links to child-sex/espionage ring |
3 July 1987 |
The Children and the Nations, The Story of Unicef |
31 December 1950 |
VG avslører: Slik ble Norge varslet om salg av barn, korrupsjon og falske identiteter - VG |
UN says Russia must not ban adoption |