Nigel Cantwell


Organization Relation type Date from Date to
International Social Service (ISS) - Germany Employed by 2003 Jan 01
Unicef New York Employed by 1994 Jan 01
Defence for Children (DCI) Founder of
2006 3rd Annual World Conference on Children without Parental Care Speaker at


Title Publication date
Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights’ Post 1 January 2024
Hoksbergen agrees with Roelie Post on conflict Hague/UNCRC 5 December 2023
Mail Nigel Cantwell to ACT and R. Post 27 November 2023
One of the world's foremost experts on international adoption, Nigel Cantwell, believes that several changes are needed before an adoption abroad can be said to be in the best interests of the child. 31 October 2023
The challenges of out-of-home care Nigel Cantwell* 16 April 2023
The Best Interests of the Child in Intercountry Adoption 4 July 2022
Today's inter-country adoption system is not fit for purpose 7 May 2022
The aftermath of transnational illegal adoptions: Redressing human rights violations in the intercountry adoption system with in 31 December 2021
Mariela Sr Coline Fanon on LinkedIn: #LaHaye #adoptions #illégales 20 December 2021
Interview with Mia Dambach 1 November 2021
Unicef Netherlands position in Intercountry Adoption ? 12 August 2021
Angry e-mail from Nigel to Arun regarding issue with Guidelines. Fwd: Reminder, newsletter 3 December 2019
Belgium: Internationale visies op frauduleuze adopties, hoe reageren we hierop? 2 December 2019
FW: newsletter -> Latest Communication with Nigel and Mia to van Nispen 28 November 2019
October 2019: Triple consultations in one month on draft principles for the protection of the rights of the child in the context 1 October 2019
AD/ACT Open Letter to Hague/Laura Martinez - working group “illicit practices” meeting 14 May 2019
12th European Forum on the Rights of the Child 2 April 2019
12th European Forum on the rights of the child 2-3 April 2019 ( Cantwell about Searches ) 2 April 2019
Kerry Neal: Unicef NL position (mail to AD) 12 February 2018
CAP: Why UNICEF's Views Are Wrong 30 January 2018
Developing the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children 30 January 2018
Jaap Doek about the Guidelines: not approved; sensitive 2018
MIA and Nigel Cantwell 'Report to Swedish Government March 2015 - Commission conc bilateral agreements on intercountry adoption.pdf' with you 27 December 2017
Mail Jolijn to Smolin, Cantwell, ISS on China 9 December 2017
Mails AD - Cantwell about report for Maud de Boer 15 November 2017
Meeting European Central Authorities with ISS - Subsidiarity - RSJ Report 4 October 2017
Nigel Cantwell, founder of DCI, receives a well-deserved Doctorate Honoris Causa from the University of Strathclyde 28 June 2017
NIgel Cantwell about the Guidelines 15 June 2017
Fwd: adoptees who can discuss Hague Convention and UNROC? - 2017 28 May 2017
Experts meeting to discuss international reponses to surrogacy at University of Verona 20 May 2017
Towards the Right Care for Children 3 March 2017
Public lecture UN Special Rapporteur Ms. Maud de Boer- Buquicchio 22 September 2016
Expert Meeting on “Sale of Children and Illegal Adoption” 22 September 2016
E-Mail Exchange: UAI (Anand), Mia, Illegal adoption project update 30 March 1 April 2016
Illegal adoption project update 17 December 2015
40 years fighting for Children’s Rights : the International Movement of Defence for Children International turns 40 15 November 2015
NEW UNICEF POSITION ON INTERCOUNTRY ADOPTION (institutions no longer last resort) 26 June 2015
Press Release: new DCI Advisory Committee (Nigel Cantwell) 22 June 2015
Mail exchange Arun Dohle - Nigel Cantwell - ARTICLE 21B - Independent Panel 17 June 2015
Nordic Adoption Council: 4th Meeting of the Special Commission on the Hague Convention 12 June 2015
Commission Concerning Bilateral Agreements on Intercountry Adoption - Report to the Government 2 March 2015
Best interest of the child - conference Brussels 10 December 2014
Conference: Prevention of Family Breakdown due to Poverty 17 September 2014
Youtube Nigel Cantwell: Regaining Lost Ground (Ireland) 11 June 2014
Unicef Report: Best Interests, Human Rights and Intercountry Adoption 2014
Denmark meeting with Unicef/ISS on ica 5 December 2013
Jury out as Vietnam, US look to revive adoption programs 8 March 2013
Jury out as Vietnam, US look to revive adoption programs 8 March 2013
Handboek bij de Richtlijnen: binnenkort zal dit beschikbaar zijn 22 May 2012
Cantwell to Iara de Witte - intern ACT 28 November 2011
A Consultation on Definitions of Formal Care for Children: An Invitation to Participate 13 April 2011
Misterul copiilor pierduti de Romania: "Nu stim care au fost adoptati" 11 January 2010
Unicef Report Vietnam 29 November 2009
ACT mail - Better Care Network (Bep van Sloten) about Draft Guidelines 12 August 2009
Het Netwerk in 2008 Netwerkmiddag 22 mei 2008 Towards UN Guidelines on alternative care for children From concerns to consensus 22 May 2008
« Suite à votre demande pressante... »... ou l'adoption international dans tous ces États October 2006
Wikileaks - no evidence trafficking - Ukraine 6 March 2006
NGO Working Group on Children without Parental Care 15 September 2005
Joint Committee on The Draft Children (Contact) and Adoption Bill Minutes of Evidence 3 March 2005
Examination of Witnesses (Questions 220 - 235) - Nicholson/Cantwell UK Parliament 3 March 2005
Joint Committee on The Draft Children (Contact) and Adoption Bill Minutes of Evidence 3 March 2005
Is the Rights-Based Approach the Right Approach? Speech by Nigel Cantwell 22 November 2004
The impact of the CRC on the concept of “best interests of the child” 8 September 2004
UNICEF's position on Inter-country adoption (Hague version of subsidiarity) 16 February 2004
Cantwell visiting EU Delegation: ica before institutions (preparing Unicef position) (DRAFT BOOK) 6 January 2004
Intercountry adoption: Trafficking children 1 January 2004
Working Group on Adoption Law - US Embassy Bucharest 29 November 2001
CoE - Abuses of Intercountry Adoption (Cantwell) 2 July 1998
Kinderhandel in Roemenië floreert als nooit tevoren 12 July 1994
Unicef report: Starting from Zero 1994
Committee on the Rights of the Child 3. State Party Reports Romania 1 January 1993
Library Data - Title Inter-country adoption from Romania - the big test 1 March 1992
Officials Urge New Romanian Adoption Law 7 June 1991
Officials Urge New Romanian Adoption Law 7 June 1991
Report: The Adoption of Romanian Children by Foreigners (DCI, ISS, Hague, Nigel) 1 April 1991
Contemporary Issues in the Law of Treaties (NGO Group UNCRC) 1 January 1991
The Network - Adoptions Romania 1 January 1991
A question of interests : Inter-country Adoption 1 October 1983
Modern Pioneers (Book) - setting up DCI 1979