FW: newsletter -> Latest Communication with Nigel and Mia to van Nispen

28 November 2019

From: Arun Dohle [mailto:arundohle@gmail.com]

Sent: Donnerstag, 28. November 2019 07:49

To: m.vnispen@tweedekamer.nl

Subject: FW: newsletter

Dear Michiel van Nispen,

here my latest communication with ISS in Geneva.

It´s one word, with a very big difference on social policies regarding children on a global scale.

The so called UN Guidelines, largely drafted by ISS / Nigel Cantwell, were not “ approved” by the UN General Assembly.

The wording is:

1) “ Adopted”

2) “ welcomed”

3) “Taken note of”

The Guidelines were only “ welcomed” .

Quote: “1. Welcomes the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, as

contained in the annex to the present resolution, as a set of orientations to help to

inform policy and practice;” ( attached the full resolution)

The development of these guidelines were started in 2004 with involvement of the then Chairperson of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child – Jaap Doek.

That all happened in the context of the accession of Romania to the EU and the fact that the independent panel clarified the subsidiarity principle. Clarified on how the UNCRC has to be interpreted with regards to adoption.

You can find more information about that in the Whistleblower letter of Roelie Post, which she send to Mr. Rutte in 2016.

All this hangs deeply together.

It has to be untangled somehow.

Best regards

Arun Dohle


From: Arun Dohle [mailto:arundohle@gmail.com]

Sent: Donnerstag, 14. November 2019 08:57

To: Mia Dambach; Nigel Cantwell

Subject: newsletter

Dear Mia and Nigel,

as usual i read your newsletter with great interest.

As you know we greatly differ on the question of subsidiarity and whether adoption is a child protection measure.

We highlight also on every conference and meeting we have that the Guidelines were not “ adopted” by the UN General Assembly.

They were only “ welcomed “ by the general assembly.

Jaap Doek himself also points this out.


To use the word “ approved” here in your newsletter is grossly inaccurate and misleading. Kindly see attached screenshot.

I request you to rectify this.

On another note, when will ISS start an internal research into criminal adoption practices of your network?

For example ICSW,


Waiting for your response


Arun Dohle
