October 2019: Triple consultations in one month on draft principles for the protection of the rights of the child in the context

1 October 2019

International Social Service (ISS) continues to refine the draft principles throughout 2019; this work will continue next years. The preparation of these Principles was recommended by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Sale and Sexual Exploitation of Children in 2018 (UN Doc. A/HRC/37/60), in her recommendation: [At the international level]:

78. The Special Rapporteur invites the international community to:

[...] (d) Support the work of the International Social Service in developing international principles and standards governing surrogacy arrangements that are in accordance with human rights norms and standards and particularly with the rights of the child. [...]

A core group of experts including Claire Achmad, Nigel Cantwell, Patricia Fronek, Olga Khazova, John Pascoe, David Smolin, Katarina Trimmings and Michael Wells-Greco with International Social Service has been responsible for drafting these principles. A wider group of experts and observers including CRC Committee, Governments, HCCH, UNICEF, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Sale and Sexual Exploitation of Children, academics and practitioners from multi-disciplinary backgrounds representing all regions in the world have contributed to development of the principles.

As part of the consultations, meetings with experts were held in Cape town, London and Geneva in August and September. See below for further information
