David Smolin

Relations to other persons

Person Relation Type Person Date from Date to
David Smolin Associate of Elvira Loibl 2019 Jan 01


Title Publication date
Center for Children, Law and Ethics 22 July 2023
Paper Orphans: Preventing Illegal Intercountry Adoptions 29 June 2023
Paper Orphans: Preventing Illegal Intercountry Adoptions - BORGEN 28 June 2023
29 November - 1 December 2023: Conference: The 'manufactured child' - What are the challenges for children’s rights, identity and origins? 23 June 2023
ICAV - Let’s talk about Illegal and Illicit Intercountry Adoptions 12 April 2023
The aftermath of transnational illegal adoptions: Redressing human rights violations in the intercountry adoption system with in 31 December 2021
Examining International Adoption 9 November 2021
Adoption, Memory, and Cold War Greece: Kid pro quo?:Adoption, Memory, and Cold War Greece: Kid pro quo?: A Before and After 22 March 2021
ISL Webinar #19 08 10 2020 - Examination of Intercountry Adoptions 8 October 2020
Chat with Julia Rollings: / ISS / Sandi Petersen 4 December 2019
Angry e-mail from Nigel to Arun regarding issue with Guidelines. Fwd: Reminder, newsletter 3 December 2019
Internationale visies op frauduleuze adopties, hoe reageren we hierop? 2 December 2019
Belgium: Internationale visies op frauduleuze adopties, hoe reageren we hierop? 2 December 2019
October 2019: Triple consultations in one month on draft principles for the protection of the rights of the child in the context 1 October 2019
Thesis Elvira Loibl: The Transnational Illegal Adoption Market 15 May 2019
AD/ACT Open Letter to Hague/Laura Martinez - working group “illicit practices” meeting 14 May 2019
CHILD SNATCHERS Inside the ‘abduction to order’ rings ‘blamed for snatching’ Maddie McCann where ‘attractive British children.. 19 March 2019
Ethiopia adoption ban may curb trafficking, but poorest families need support 15 January 2018
Mail Jolijn to Smolin, Cantwell, ISS on China 9 December 2017
Experts meeting to discuss international reponses to surrogacy at University of Verona 20 May 2017
International Social Service General Secretariat 19 October 2016
Public lecture UN Special Rapporteur Ms. Maud de Boer- Buquicchio 22 September 2016
Expert Meeting on “Sale of Children and Illegal Adoption” 22 September 2016
Reducing Sexual Violence against Children, with special attention for sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism, in 25 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East 31 August 2016
E-Mail Exchange: UAI (Anand), Mia, Illegal adoption project update 30 March 1 April 2016
Illegal adoption project update 17 December 2015
Fraud and deceit at the heart of Uganda adoptions to United States 28 May 2015
International adoption: Saving orphans or child trafficking? 16 September 2013
International adoptions in decline as number of orphans grows 16 September 2013
Misguided Saviors: An Analysis of International Adoption Issues and Necessary Considerations for Prospective Adoptive Parents 1 September 2013
Coalition tries to rescue world's orphans 25 June 2013
Link to Skype Video Call Smolin 8 March 2013
Ethics Resource: Fleas Biting Back Online 31 July 2011
Duped by Indian adoption agency, US family cautions couples 23 May 2010
How to Prevent Adoption Disasters 16 April 2010
Adoption scandal has prompted only minor changes 14 February 2009
Dutch Radio: For export only? Smolin, Hut, Post 8 July 2007
Baby’s te koop TE KOOP 2 July 2007
Adoption victim meets mother after 9 years: Deccan Chronicle 26 December 2005
The Two Faces of Intercountry Adoption: The Significance of the Indian Adoption Scandals 1 June 2005