Illegal adoption project update

17 December 2015

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From: Chamila Seppenwoolde

Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2019, 10:35

Subject: Fwd: illegal adoption project update

To: Arun Dohle

---------- Forwarded message ---------

Van: UAI - Anand Kaper

Date: do 17 dec. 2015 23:07

Subject: Fwd: illegal adoption project update

To: Hilbrand Westra , UAI - Chamila Kwakernaak

Ter info.

Ikdenk dat ik, gezien de nieuwe ontwikkelingen in India (nieuwe Cara guidelines en het document dat ik heb geschreven hierover) mijn bijdrage aan het boek ietwat herschrijf.

@Hil: zie jij nog kans om op korte termijnde UAI bijdrage ( rahul case) toe te voegen?

---------- Doorgestuurd bericht ----------

Van: "Mia Dambach"

Datum: 17 dec. 2015 22:04

Onderwerp: illegal adoption project update

Aan: "Mia Dambach"

Cc: "David Smolin <> (" , "'Nigel Cantwell' (" , "Christina B. Baglietto (" , "Cecile Jeannin"

Dear colleagues

Hope this email finds you well. As we approach the end of the year, I just wanted to provide you with a short update on the status of the “illegal adoption project” that you have generously contributed to by way of experience, expertise and time. Attached is a draft contents page of all the contributions.

Whilst I had hoped to have a very first draft of all the contributions by September and launched by now, this was not possible for a number of reasons. However I am pleased to let you know that I have now received all pending contributions – which were definitely worth the wait - and Professor David Smolin is currently drafting the conclusions (although he is still waiting for a couple to be translated into English to finalise his piece).

In parallel, Nigel Cantwell* has kindly agreed to edit the entire publication (160 pages) as contributions may need to be "lightened up" and ensure consistency. Unless there is a proposed significant change to content – in which case I would contact you for your prior approval – I would gently request that you trust your piece in the hands of Nigel as well as ISS to ensure that we have the most useful resource as possible. The publication will be edited once more for footnotes, references, hyperlinks etc by Christina Baglietto in January. Professor Benyam Dawit Mezmur (CRC Committee chairperson) has agreed to write the foreword.

Once all these steps have been undertaken, ISS would be aiming to publish the final document in English in March and in Spanish and French later on in the year. I will of course keep you updated with the launch date.

In the meantime, thank you again for your collaboration with this project and wishing you a lovely festive season

Warmest regards


* Ps. For those who do not know Nigel, which I doubt in the small intercountry adoption world – please see page iii “about the author” at – which I trust will give you solid assurance that your contribution is in very capable hands.

Mia Dambach

Acting Director – International Reference Centre

Coordinator – Advocacy and Policy Development

International Social Service (ISS) - General Secretariat

Quai du Seujet 32 - 1201 Geneva – Switzerland

Tel.: + 41 22 906 77 00

Fax: + 41 22 906 77 01



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