Title |
Publication date |
Why countries are banning international adoptions |
14 February 2025 |
Wrong family linked again at Spoorloos, real parents already deceased: 'So angry and sad' |
12 February 2025 |
Lost Roots A Sri Lankan Adoptee’s 20-Year Search for her Birth Family |
10 February 2025 |
Mirjam starts legal case in Chile for child abduction and adoption fraud by Dutch 'nun' |
6 February 2025 |
WOO Ministerie van Justitie NL: Independent panel, no documents: |
6 February 2025 |
Anna (71) travels through Brazil to perform DNA tests: 'Every mother deserves contact with her child' |
26 January 2025 |
Eight Sri Lankan adoptees appeal against State for adoption fraud |
18 January 2025 |
'When you are abandoned by a parent as a child, you develop a kind of primal fear. You have to learn to deal with that' |
27 December 2024 |
Adoptive sisters Iresha and Inoka from Sevenum raise money for their birth village in Sri Lanka |
18 December 2024 |
Adoption of children from abroad will no longer be possible from 2030 |
10 December 2024 |
'We need to talk about the racism behind adoption' |
10 December 2024 |
Quebec halts most international adoptions amid human trafficking concerns |
2 December 2024 |
Adoption freeze for children from abroad will continue for at least another year: “The safety of the child comes first” |
28 November 2024 |
Dutch-adopted man revisits China family, tells adoptive father ‘You’ll always be my dad’ |
27 November 2024 |
What is Pankaja? |
25 November 2024 |
The intercountry adoption debate: about children's rights then, now and in the future |
14 November 2024 |
Left in the dark: examining Australian adoptions from South Korea |
28 October 2024 |
Thousands of women were forced to give up their children in the 1960s and 1970s |
23 October 2024 |
Court Judgement Sri Lanka Adoptees: ECLI:NL:RBDHA:2024:16503, Rechtbank Den Haag, C/09/651762 / HA ZA 23-691 |
16 October 2024 |
Rarely Seen: Adoptee Makes Her Adoptive Parents Testify Under Oath About Her Origins |
24 September 2024 |
Research on illegal intercountry adoption awarded with Edmond Hustinxprijs |
16 September 2024 |
On a journey to yourself, you can never get lost |
5 September 2024 |
“Preventing adoption abuses is almost impossible” |
3 September 2024 |
Karlijn (27) traveled to Indonesia to meet her biological grandmother: “We hugged each other tightly” |
30 August 2024 |
'Impact of adoption doesn't stop once you become an adult' |
20 August 2024 |
New State Department ruling makes inter-country adoption harder for prospective parents | Opinion |
16 August 2024 |
Zeeland-West-Brabant District Court 05-07-2024 , ECLI:NL:RBZWB:2024:4599 |
7 August 2024 |
2 August 2024 |
Defence for Children - Past, present and future |
26 July 2024 |
Habtamu de Hoop: 'I think many friends would be helped by our politics, but they will never vote left' |
25 July 2024 |
More than ten foreign adopted children rejected just before or after arrival in ten years: “That is traumatic” |
25 July 2024 |
Fund In Name: Doris Tuapante Children's Fund |
18 July 2024 |
Mia Dambach PhD candidate / self funded |
16 July 2024 |
Chile’s stolen children: a new effort offers hope to Pinochet-era international adoptees |
14 July 2024 |
DNA pilot project with Voie d'Espoir |
10 July 2024 |
Rodrigo looked up 'biological mother': "I discovered 1.5 years later that she wasn't really my mother" |
1 July 2024 |
Chinese boy adopted by Dutch couple finds biological parents after 12-year-long search Read more at: https://www.deccanherald.com/world/chinese-boy-adopted-by-dutch-couple-finds-biological-parents-after-12-year-long-search |
1 July 2024 |
Foster children are staying with foster families longer and longer |
26 June 2024 |
Incomprehensible that Belgium continues with adoption from Hungary and Bulgaria' |
22 June 2024 |
A child of the puszta |
22 June 2024 |
Despite the stop, five hundred parents still have hope for an adopted child |
21 June 2024 |
The Netherlands adopts children from Hungary, although quite a few things seem wrong |
21 June 2024 |
19 June 2024 |
Archives black out names in adoption files. Adoptees react furiously |
19 June 2024 |
Children wrongly placed in adoption system |
18 June 2024 |
Fwd: Funding DCI- NL |
6 June 2024 |
La fin de l’adoption internationale, pour qui? – PROMOTION DES DROITS DE L'ENFANT (The end of international adoption, for whom? – PROMOTION OF CHILDREN’S RIGHTS) |
1 June 2024 |
Children's rights in Europe |
30 May 2024 |
How Amanda from Weert discovered that her sister was not related and her birth certificate was false: 'It's like the ground is disappearing beneath your feet' |
29 May 2024 |
Pleegouders zwaargewond meisje (10) opgepakt voor poging tot doodslag |
27 May 2024 |
Lawyer Saskia de Groot: Stopping foreign adoptions is the first step towards justice |
24 May 2024 |
'Hurtful to adoptive families' vs. 'couldn't go ahead', mixed reactions to adoption freeze |
22 May 2024 |
Phasing out international adoption |
21 May 2024 |
Koninklijke Onderscheiding Ina Hut |
1 May 2024 |
Woo's request about communication with the Child Protection Council |
22 April 2024 |
Woo request about communication with Fiom about (intercountry) adoption and surrogacy |
22 April 2024 |
Betty grows* up in a horror family: 'Shit Ethiopian, I regret that adoption so much' |
21 April 2024 |
objection to Woo request for intercountry adoption from Indonesia |
19 April 2024 |
Victims of Spoorloos mismatches want to hear makers and Derk Bolt under oath: 'Timing of departure remarkable' |
18 April 2024 |
Erik has his adoption annulled to become the son of his real mother |
5 April 2024 |
Woo request about communication regarding the country analysis of intercountry adoption, including with the US |
28 March 2024 |
Al 134 meldingen over mogelijke onregelmatigheden bij adopties | De Standaard Mobile (Already 134 reports about possible irregularities in adoptions | The Standard Mobile) |
24 March 2024 |
Kim ten Hagen is looking for family in South Korea: 'I am still that little girl waiting for her mother' |
12 March 2024 |
19 February 2024 |
The Hague District Court - Revocation of adoption / deletion / correction / addition of a birth certificate |
12 February 2024 |
Centrale autoriteit Internationale Kinderaangelegenheden’s Post - Central Authority International Children's Affairs Post |
30 January 2024 |
The stranger across from me was my sister: how one adoptee uncovered a tragic past |
26 January 2024 |
Is the end coming for intercountry adoption in Europe? |
26 January 2024 |
Bangladesh launches investigation into children ‘wrongly’ adopted overseas |
25 January 2024 |
Bangladesh launches investigation into children ‘wrongly’ adopted overseas |
25 January 2024 |
Activists not convinced about Norwegian adoption investigation |
23 January 2024 |
Despite S. Korea’s low birth rate, babies are still being sent overseas for adoption |
22 January 2024 |
Chile's justice department stops investigating illegal adoptions by Dutch 'fake nun', victims demand action |
20 January 2024 |
Taiwan affected by international adoptions decision |
18 January 2024 |
Guatemala’s baby brokers: how thousands of children were stolen for adoption |
4 January 2024 |
January 2024 |
Politician Yngvild Ingels sold as a baby for 6.500 frank: ‘Thorough investigation needed’ |
15 December 2023 |
Woo request on correspondence with country analysis of intercountry adoption |
10 December 2023 |
If your child turns out not to have been adopted in Bolivia but in the Netherlands |
5 December 2023 |
Vooruit once again calls for an adoption pause: 'Too great a risk of fraud' |
28 November 2023 |
If there was malpractice surrounding your adoption - experiences of adoptees |
18 November 2023 |
Blog | Liability for adoption abuse; an update |
16 November 2023 |
Decision memorandum accompanying letter to Parliament about Woo decision on reports of discussions about the future of intercountry adoption |
12 November 2023 |
Woo request about meeting reports on the future of intercountry adoption |
12 November 2023 |
Adopted Paula finds her twin sister in China - Geadopteerde Paula vindt haar tweelingzus in China |
9 November 2023 |
Lara from Enschede is looking for her mother: 'The story about the orphanage was a lie' |
8 November 2023 |
Fiom: Vacancy Case Manager International Searches (ISS) (24-32 hours) |
4 November 2023 |
Guillermo turned out to have been stolen as a baby: Fiom starts campaign |
3 November 2023 |
The protection of children's rights in the international reproductive market |
2 November 2023 |
note accompanying a letter to Parliament on a decision on a Woo request regarding the selection of a central mediation organization for intercountry adoption |
31 October 2023 |
Hester was stolen as a baby: 'I never want to live without an identity again' |
27 October 2023 |
Commission for Research on Domestic Distance and Adoption looking for stories |
24 October 2023 |
Chairman and members of the Supervisory Board - Foundation for Intercountry Adoption Mediation in the Netherlands |
23 October 2023 |
A child of a surrogate mother, now a fighter against the industry |
23 October 2023 |
Transitieplan bemiddeling interlandelijke adoptie Oktober 2023 | Rapport | Rijksoverheid.nl - Transition plan for intercountry adoption mediation October 2023 |
20 October 2023 |
Woo request on intercountry adoption from Indonesia |
18 October 2023 |
Woo request regarding intercountry adoption from India |
18 October 2023 |
Stephanie Dong Hee Kim is organizing this fundraiser. |
15 October 2023 |
note accompanying letter to Parliament about Woo decisions regarding intercountry adoption |
13 October 2023 |
Woo request on correspondence with country analysis of intercountry adoption |
12 October 2023 |
Diplomatic spat Netherlands and Russia: two worlds of law and diplomacy | Clingendael |
10 October 2023 |
Adoptee Rowan Veltman also hopes for an adoption storyline in GTST |
7 October 2023 |
note to Parliamentary letter about Woo decides on correspondence with the HCCH about intercountry adoption |
2 October 2023 |
Woo request on communication with HCCH |
2 October 2023 |
The protection of children against organized violent sexual abuse in the Netherlands |
1 October 2023 |
Green light for use of genealogical DNA databases |
28 September 2023 |
The subsidy scheme 'International Adoptee Interest Organizations' explained |
28 September 2023 |
Committee on Enforced Disappearances Marks First Anniversary of the Joint Statement on Illegal Intercountry Adoptions |
20 September 2023 |
'Keep all administration regarding intercountry adoption files in one central place' |
14 September 2023 |
'I might also compensate for my wheelchair with my clothes' |
13 September 2023 |
Terre des Hommes is not responsible for possible irregularities during adoption from Bangladesh in the 1970s |
12 September 2023 |
Intercountry adoption from Bangladesh; appeal by Wereldkinderen and Terre des Hommes to the limitation period is not unacceptable according to standards of reasonableness and fairness; no claim within a reasonable period; claim against State fails for sub |
12 September 2023 |
Stop exploiting adoption suffering |
7 September 2023 |
Mulock Houwer Lecture 2023 - Defence for Children |
7 September 2023 |
VG reveals: This is how Norway was notified about the sale of children, corruption and false identities |
4 September 2023 |
Minister does not start investigation into illegal adoptions from Chile by Dutch 'nun' |
2 September 2023 |
Netherlands Intercountry Adoption Mediation Foundation (IAN) – Chairman of the Supervisory Board |
27 August 2023 |
Opinion: The government should invest more in the recovery for adoptees |
20 August 2023 |
2023: Sad days for ‘adoptable’ children in Greece |
19 August 2023 |
‘My mother spent her life trying to find me’: the children who say they were wrongly taken for adoption |
11 August 2023 |
Time for a human gesture towards adopted children |
3 August 2023 |
Woo request about dinner pensant intercountry adoption |
1 August 2023 |
Deborah's painful adoption story: 'I made good money at the time' |
28 July 2023 |
"Was my mother paid to give me up?" Looking for government recognition for mistakes in adoption |
25 July 2023 |
Adoptees from Sri Lanka hold the state liable for abuses |
25 July 2023 |
Dutch woman linked at least 3 adult adoptees from Chile to wrong birth families: report |
24 July 2023 |
Center for Children, Law and Ethics |
22 July 2023 |
Woo request on international adoption procedures |
21 July 2023 |
21 July 2023 |
ATTWIN Position Paper: |
19 July 2023 |
Outgoing minister Weerwind about wrong adoptions: 'I cannot correct past suffering' |
17 July 2023 |
Adopted Diego also victim of Spoorloos fixer: 'Was lied to' |
16 July 2023 |
Adoption is as universal as motherhood |
7 July 2023 |
The Dutch child protection system uses the term 'acceptable period'. This concerns the supervision order |
7 July 2023 |
a request for information to the institution of the JA Poch Dossier Committee |
29 June 2023 |
'We found your birth mother': How Chile's children were stolen and adopted worldwide |
28 June 2023 |
Dr. Aurangasri Hinriksson : Brave Lankan lady knighted for her battle against baby farm racket - Opinion | Daily Mirror |
27 June 2023 |
Dutch 'nun' suspected of baby theft from Chile appears to have destroyed files |
23 June 2023 |
Sister Kuijpers and the Chilean adopted children: 'I just wanted to help, shouldn't that be possible?' |
20 June 2023 |
Foreign adoption: 'No one has the courage to stop it' |
20 June 2023 |
Tjibbe Joustra about intercountry adoption: biological parent is most forgotten |
19 June 2023 |
Intercountry adoption is 'in the interests of the child', how can D66 be so sure? |
19 June 2023 |
Network meeting 17 June 2023 Meet & Greet for Haitian adoptees (17+) Meeting, connecting and sharing Haitian roots |
17 June 2023 |
Reconstruction: how the adoption freeze was canceled at the very last minute |
16 June 2023 |
Adoptions from abroad were going to stop, but D66 put a stop to that at the very last - Nederlands Dagblad. The quality newspaper of Christian Netherlands |
16 June 2023 |
Woo request about the position taken regarding the future of intercountry adoption |
15 June 2023 |
Alma Feenstra afdelingshoofd Uitvoering van Beleid bij SZW | Nieuwsbericht | Algemene Bestuursdienst (Alma Feenstra, head of the Policy Implementation department at SZW | News item | General Administrative Service) |
15 June 2023 |
13 June 2023 |
EurAdopt 2024 |
12 June 2023 |
Nicole (59) is adopted: 'I am grateful that she gave me up' |
1 June 2023 |
Tirza Kingma writes about adopted son Wen |
28 May 2023 |
27 May 2023 |
Henk-Jan was adopted, but found out that he was not legally brought to the Netherlands |
27 May 2023 |
Henk-Jan is geadopteerd, maar kwam erachter dat hij niet legaal naar Nederland is gebracht - &C (Henk-Jan was adopted, but found out that he was not legally brought to the Netherlands - &C) |
27 May 2023 |
The fact that the government has destroyed dozens of meters of adoption files is criminal |
16 May 2023 |
The Story of Jordy Nijkerk Who Rediscovered His Biological Parents Armed with Incomplete Adoption Documents |
16 May 2023 |
Woo's request regarding the report on the Commission's investigation into intercountry adoption |
16 May 2023 |
SUCCESS STORIES - Delhi Council For Child Welfare |
15 May 2023 |
'Child with disability is better off at home than in a home' |
13 May 2023 |
Interlandelijke adoptie | Defence for Children (Intercountry Adoption | Defense for Children) |
3 May 2023 |
After Spoorloos riot, Derk Bolt is under fire again |
29 April 2023 |
Marc Dullaert is benoemd tot de nieuwe voorzitter van het Kinderrechtencollectief - Stichting KidsRights |
24 April 2023 |
“Cling, bonding,” my therapist yelled |
24 April 2023 |
Adoption can be revoked, even if application is submitted too late |
18 April 2023 |
Al veertig jaar hopen Braziliaanse moeders op vergiffenis na schimmige adoptieprocedures - NRC (For 40 years, Brazilian mothers |
16 April 2023 |
Karin startte 'datingsite' voor wensouders: 'De gunfactor is enorm' - LINDA.nl (Karin started 'dating site' for prospective pare |
9 April 2023 |
Extra incentive for projects related to care and guidance |
6 April 2023 |
FIOM: Search for missing children from Argentina |
4 April 2023 |
The difficult homecoming of Greece’s ‘lost children’ |
2 April 2023 |
What if you cannot provide a birth certificate? |
30 March 2023 |
Intercountry adoption ideally back to zero, says minister |
30 March 2023 |
10 Years Since Forced Adoption Apology |
23 March 2023 |
Establishment Advisory Committee on the Rule of Law and Legal Protection (Van Dooijeweert Advisory Committee) |
22 March 2023 |
10 Years Since Forced Adoption Apology |
21 March 2023 |
Illegal international adoptions How adoptees demand enlightenment |
18 March 2023 |
Illegal foreign adoptions How Adoptees Demand Education |
18 March 2023 |
Binnenlands geadopteerden vragen meer aandacht: ’Maak haast met het onderzoek naar de praktijk van afstand en adoptie. Straks ka |
15 March 2023 |
Was Delias fatally abused by foster mother? "I never wanted to hurt him" |
14 March 2023 |
Vacancy secretary Better Care Network Netherlands (volunteer) |
14 March 2023 |
Lenna discovered at the age of 25 that she had been circumcised: 'I tensed up at every touch, now I know why' |
5 March 2023 |
Parents want to start a claim against the government for custodial placements |
1 March 2023 |
Mrs Chatterjee v/s Norway: The film should provoke wider conversations on plugging gaps in child protection |
28 February 2023 |
Paula is a surrogate mother: 'After giving birth she goes with the dads' |
25 February 2023 |
Lonneke Kapoen director Advice, Direction and Central Authority at JenV |
21 February 2023 |
Children have the right to a carefree childhood. With love, attention and dedication. Your whole life depends on it. |
19 February 2023 |
'Never before had I viewed my adoption file in the light of the scandals' |
19 February 2023 |
Adoptive parents to House of Representatives: it must remain possible to adopt children from the US |
16 February 2023 |
Subject Answers Parliamentary questions about the progress of intercountry adoption |
13 February 2023 |
Looking for a home. Iresha's story |
12 February 2023 |
France and irregular international adoptions: a necessary restorative justice |
12 February 2023 |
Adoption organizations that have mediated for Indonesian children (before 1983) |
6 February 2023 |
Wochenende für Adoptierte Erwachsene (mit und ohne beeninträchtigungen) |
29 January 2023 |
Amy went looking for her biological parents: "We shook hands awkwardly" |
27 January 2023 |
Norway to investigate illegal adoptions from Sri Lanka, up to 11,000 children may be involved |
23 January 2023 |
Een zoektocht in India naar de échte biologische ouders (A search in India for the real biological parents) |
18 January 2023 |
Voluntourism in poor countries needs to be tackled |
3 January 2023 |
Lara Mallo about her adoption: "I was convinced that people I love would leave me" |
3 January 2023 |
Lara Mallo about her adoption: "I was convinced that people I love would leave me" - NPO3.nl |
3 January 2023 |
Fiom : Sister found, now my parents |
30 December 2022 |
Sebastian Kruis (PVV) went looking for his biological mother: 'adoption file was correct' |
30 December 2022 |
Liz was given up as a baby: 'My mother chose a life without me' |
29 December 2022 |
Barbara was linked to the wrong family by 'Spoorloos': "You can't be careless with adoption" |
19 December 2022 |
IV. Estranha – Charlie decide matar a saudade |
19 December 2022 |
Barbara, duped without a trace, still finds her real mother |
15 December 2022 |
12 December 2022 |
The second generation: A story of Korean adoptees' child - The Korea Times |
12 December 2022 |
Fiom: Vacancy Professional helper Aftercare 16-28 hours |
11 December 2022 |
South Korea launches investigation into suspicious adoptions of children to the West |
8 December 2022 |
SP Member of Parliament Van Nispen in motion: 'Withdraw appeal in adoption cases' |
8 December 2022 |
Fiom : To search |
4 December 2022 |
Explanatory note to the House of Representatives on intercountry adoption and meetings of the expertise center |
4 December 2022 |
SOPHIE Ouders gezocht. - SOPHIE Parents wanted. |
4 December 2022 |
Greetings from Florida Billy and I became father!! |
4 December 2022 |
Fiom : Adoption |
4 December 2022 |
Dutch nun (89) accused of baby robbery: she told mothers that their child was stillborn |
3 December 2022 |
Real life: Sam discovered that her adoption has been cheated |
3 December 2022 |
Guideline 'Out-of-home placement and return' submitted for authorisation |
28 November 2022 |
28 November 2022 |
The Ministry must make black lacquered documents from the adoption file public - Zembla - BNNVARA |
24 November 2022 |
Restoration decision Woo on intercountry adoption Sri Lanka |
22 November 2022 |
Justus Kox Director of Sanctions and Victim Policy at JenV |
18 November 2022 |
Cabinet still allows foreign adoption so as not to 'exclude' prospective parents |
14 November 2022 |
Eline and Sander adopted three Hungarian girls: 'I preferred to hug them completely flat' |
13 November 2022 |
Woo request on inspections of animal testing permit holders |
7 November 2022 |
Adoptiehulpverlening - Beginpagina |
6 November 2022 |
Myranda (52) was rejected by her biological and her adoptive mother: 'I could never do it right' |
4 November 2022 |
'Offer adopted children from the US the chance to have a family in the Netherlands' |
3 November 2022 |
Mirjam (49) found her biological family after a long search: 'My identity was taken away from me twice' |
3 November 2022 |
Dutch to slowly reinstate international adoption after hiatus |
3 November 2022 |
2 November 2022 |
Whistleblowers House for litigation support |
29 October 2022 |
Out-of-home placement can improve the well-being of children and parents |
28 October 2022 |
Wob/Woo request about specific dog seller |
28 October 2022 |
'Life is worth living' |
28 October 2022 |
The Egg: A Story of Adoption and Happiness with Two Mothers |
27 October 2022 |
Advisor Central Authority International Children's Affairs |
27 October 2022 |
Niels | Sex, drugs & rock 'n roll |
25 October 2022 |
Spoorloos initiates external investigation into controversial fixer in Colombia |
17 October 2022 |
17 October 2022 |
Traumas are exposed in documentary about forced adoption |
16 October 2022 |
Unrest among adoption organizations after Colombia mismatches |
14 October 2022 |
Friends Annick, An Sheela and Sheela are all adopted |
13 October 2022 |
Unrest among adoption organizations after mismatches in Colombia |
13 October 2022 |
Adopted Jody Bernal after unveiling Spoorloos: 'It has been rumbling for years' |
13 October 2022 |
Noëmi (26) was linked to the wrong biological father: "Everyone says DNA doesn't lie, until it does" |
12 October 2022 |
World children are shocked by the role in mismatches in Colombia: 'Very serious if this is true' |
12 October 2022 |
Tv-programma Spoorloos koppelde zeker twee deelnemers aan verkeerde familie (TV program Spoorloos linked at least two participan |
11 October 2022 |
Kees van der Spek overwhelmed with reactions: 'More people with doubts about the search for parents' |
11 October 2022 |
Dutch worked with Colombian fixer: 'She hired him in unsafe situations' |
11 October 2022 |
KRO-NCRV screens more carefully after incorrectly linked families in Spoorloos |
11 October 2022 |
Multiple wrong matches made in Spoorloos |
10 October 2022 |
Friends Annick, An Sheela and Sheela are all adopted |
7 October 2022 |
VPRO documentary prize 2022 to Filho - VPRO |
7 October 2022 |
My Family: Miranda (49) single-handedly adopted Mica (5) from Haiti |
6 October 2022 |
UAI-VHO-Pres.ppt |
4 October 2022 |
Orphan. Mother's love under conditions |
21 September 2022 |
Woo request regarding reactions after publication of the Joustra Committee report on intercountry adoption |
19 September 2022 |
Raising the child in another family: foster care or adoption |
18 September 2022 |
Laura gave up her baby: 'We wanted as much safety and stability as possible for her' |
13 September 2022 |
9 September 2022 |
'There are also successful adoptions in this life' |
30 August 2022 |
Children's rights collective speaks before the UN Human Rights Council |
29 August 2022 |
Experience story Danielle |
22 August 2022 |
Vision on intercountry adoption Intercountry adoption is undesirable because the perspective and interests of children not being |
13 August 2022 |
Lydia and Jaco adopted two children: 'I lifted him and it was good right away' |
11 August 2022 |
BZ Wob decision requesting implementation of sanctions against Russia |
9 August 2022 |
The youngest and longest serving MP in conversation: 'Pim Fortuyn was a very important moment' |
5 August 2022 |
The aftermath of transnational illegal adoptions: Redressing human rights violations in the intercountry adoption system with in |
3 August 2022 |
Rosanne and Martin have three adopted children: 'In an ideal world they would not have been adopted' |
2 August 2022 |
Looking for a home. The Story of Iresha |
26 July 2022 |
Distance mother Trudy: 'It was only: give up, give up, give up' |
26 July 2022 |
24 July 2022 |
Anouk (42): 'My adopted daughter doesn't want me' |
19 July 2022 |
Support adopted children who are looking for their own parents with a fund |
18 July 2022 |
Unlimited adoption The growth of illegal adoption practices |
18 July 2022 |
Wereldkinderen / Bureau Interlandelijke Adoptie (BIA) - Netherlands. |
18 July 2022 |
Critical court decision in Butink case is 'pure recognition' for adoptees |
14 July 2022 |
Dilani Butink equated in Sri Lanka adoption case |
14 July 2022 |
Shanthy became a victim of illegal adoption: 'I felt it immediately: she was my mother' |
13 July 2022 |
Henk's desperate search for his out-of-home grandchildren |
2 July 2022 |
Adopted Lotte is afraid of negative image adoption |
23 June 2022 |
Adopted? Only financial support for a group search in the country of origin |
17 June 2022 |
I would have given them a thatched villa to catch their breath together |
15 June 2022 |
Father Rob Marrevee about foreign adoption: 'Had I known all this, I would never have done it' |
13 June 2022 |
Minister Weerwind: State must pay for its role in adoptions |
10 June 2022 |
7 June 2022 |
Nelson M. of banned pedophile club Martijn arrested in Mexico with weapon and child porn |
7 June 2022 |
The fact that black parents also adopt children, for example, has not yet occurred to many |
4 June 2022 |
Interview: ''Knowing who your biological parents are is a primal desire'' |
4 June 2022 |
Temporary Commission of Inquiry Organized Sadistic Abuse of Minors (Hendriks Commission) |
4 June 2022 |
Amendment to Artificial Insemination Donor Data Act |
3 June 2022 |
Rosanne and Martin have three adopted children: 'In an ideal world they would not have been adopted' |
3 June 2022 |
Looking for the roots after intercountry adoption |
1 June 2022 |
Rosanne and Martin have three adopted children: 'In an ideal world they would not have been adopted' |
31 May 2022 |
With the help of the Donorkind Foundation, donor children found ten fertility doctors in the past five years who used their own |
30 May 2022 |
'I want to get rid of the fact that all adopted children have attachment problems' |
28 May 2022 |
Tackling the sexual exploitation of children threatens to be snowed in |
24 May 2022 |
Anastasia and Nikolai were evicted as children, now they want compensation |
24 May 2022 |
'We Are Family' is looking for roots adoptive sisters and turns to Filip and Yang Naudts for good advice |
23 May 2022 |
Wereldkinderendag 2022 - World Children's Day 2022 |
21 May 2022 |
The Hague PVV councilor finds his biological mother in Colombia: "Went absurdly fast" |
21 May 2022 |
Opinie | Stop adoptie uit het buitenland (Opinion | Stop adoption from abroad) |
20 May 2022 |
Intercountry Adoption is a Child Protection Measure |
19 May 2022 |
Intercountry Adoption is a Child Protection Measure |
19 May 2022 |
Declared Dead – Illegal adoptions from Chile to Europe |
11 May 2022 |
Mariel was adopted by gifted parents |
10 May 2022 |
Today's inter-country adoption system is not fit for purpose |
7 May 2022 |
Sumi was adopted and found her mother after 35 years: 'I screamed when she left us, but she didn't look back' |
4 May 2022 |
Scandal at Foster Parents Netherlands |
3 May 2022 |
Mariel's adoption was not a success: 'I packed my backpack to go back to India' |
22 April 2022 |
21 April 2022 |
20 April 2022 |
AD/ACT to Plankiskeya - planning overleg werkgroep beleid invloed |
20 April 2022 |
Should we ban adoption from abroad? That doesn't just follow from the facts |
18 April 2022 |
Opinion: 'Prevent new generation of adoptees who cannot verify their identity' |
16 April 2022 |
Decision on Wob Request Regarding Adoptions in India |
14 April 2022 |
New guideline: children who have been removed from home can still return to their parents after a year |
14 April 2022 |
Explanation of the acceptable terms in the Out-of-home placement guideline |
13 April 2022 |
12 April 2022 |
Adoption from abroad will soon be allowed again: 'This gives hope of finally having a baby' |
11 April 2022 |
Future Intercountry Adoptions |
11 April 2022 |
Letter to the House of Representatives on April 11, 2022 |
11 April 2022 |
The zeitgeist has turned: adoptive parents are now robbers and 'white saviors' |
11 April 2022 |
Adopting children from abroad will be possible again, if local childcare is not an option |
11 April 2022 |
Cautious joy about making adoptions possible again |
8 April 2022 |
Adoptions in the future still possible |
8 April 2022 |
Hope and anger about cabinet plans for foreign adoptions: 'My life is extremely difficult' |
8 April 2022 |
Adoption from abroad will be allowed again soon, but much is still unclear |
8 April 2022 |
Learn more about your pedigree |
8 April 2022 |
Mariel grew up in a foster family: 'I could hardly handle their love' |
1 April 2022 |
Omtzigt asks parliamentary questions about kidnapped Insiya just before President India's state visit |
1 April 2022 |
Dutch scandal serves as a warning for Europe over risks of using algorithms |
29 March 2022 |
Save the Children: No adoptions of single children from Ukraine |
28 March 2022 |
Peter Pannekoek receives plenty of support after a swipe at Rutte about 'state kidnappings' |
25 March 2022 |
Myths and facts about the 'state kidnappings' after the allowance affair: this is what it really is - Follow the Money - Platfor |
24 March 2022 |
BACK HOME - Defense for Children |
24 March 2022 |
Subject: repeat call for roots fund for intercountry adoptees |
22 March 2022 |
Project Roots - Wereldkinderen |
12 March 2022 |
Supreme Court: cooperation in DNA test to establish biological paternity mandatory in principle |
11 March 2022 |
Decision on Wob request regarding communication with the COIA |
2 March 2022 |
Sam never wants to fill in the wrong date of birth again: 'It's a lie' |
25 February 2022 |
Blood connection isn't everything |
22 February 2022 |
22 February 2022 |
ADOPTION Rethink |
19 February 2022 |
Dutch Maud de Boer-Buquicchio new chairman ECPAT International |
14 February 2022 |
Frequently asked questions and answers about the steps of destruction data and stop investigation of domestic distance and adopt |
1 February 2022 |
COC Netherlands against minister: come up with a multi-parent law this year |
29 January 2022 |
Girl from Netherlands traces roots back to Salem |
29 January 2022 |
Gay rights organization pushes for multi-parent law |
29 January 2022 |
Netherlands woman meets biological mom after 23 years |
29 January 2022 |
Mother faces 4 years in prison for abandoning baby in Amsterdam dumpster |
27 January 2022 |
According to court, the state is not liable for the suffering of 'remote mothers' |
26 January 2022 |
Claims in remote mothers case dismissed |
26 January 2022 |
Already 21 unknown bodies identified by DNA database for missing persons |
26 January 2022 |
Several names mentioned after sexually transgressive behavior The Voice |
15 January 2022 |
'Reform intercountry adoption: when will the government dare to look into its own pockets?' |
11 January 2022 |
Crowdfunding campaign to reunite Muniz Dekker with his biological family |
9 January 2022 |
Deleting pre-adoption data What is changing? |
1 January 2022 |
The aftermath of transnational illegal adoptions: Redressing human rights violations in the intercountry adoption system with in |
31 December 2021 |
Not always enough adoptive parents in their own country |
29 December 2021 |
Looking for a home. The Story of Iresha |
27 December 2021 |
Letter from the Chinese government to the Dutch Ministry of Justice. |
27 December 2021 |
Senate Ratifies Pact That Seeks to Protect Children In International Adoptions |
23 December 2021 |
Adopted Hartini searched for family for 40 years, but half sister lives around the corner |
19 December 2021 |
Carlos (29) was severely abused and mutilated as a child, now he gets artificial skin |
16 December 2021 |
LETTER FROM THE MINISTER FOR LEGAL PROTECTION To the President of the House of Representatives of the States Gener - Netherlands |
10 December 2021 |
Sperm donors with hundreds of children 'just want to help' |
8 December 2021 |
Non-binary Ryan is pregnant: 'If I have to declare the baby, I will be registered as a mother' |
7 December 2021 |
The Hague Court rules on intercountry adoption cases |
2 December 2021 |
Kick private equity out of youth care |
29 November 2021 |
Judgments in intercountry adoption cases |
24 November 2021 |
24 November 2021 |
State ordered for the first time to pay damages to illegally adopted person |
24 November 2021 |
Illegal adoptee receives compensation: government 'could and should have done more' |
24 November 2021 |
Redesign system international adoption Exploration of the public law system |
23 November 2021 |
Sharinda on her adoption from Sri Lanka: 'Who says I couldn't have been happy there?' |
23 November 2021 |
Yvonne Keuls: 'By writing about those abused children, I have shown others what it is' |
18 November 2021 |
Irregularities in international adoptions must be investigated |
14 November 2021 |
'Bad taste of people who cannot have children and therefore adopt' |
12 November 2021 |
Examining International Adoption |
9 November 2021 |
Change of course at Donor Data Foundation: Maria is allowed to know who her father is |
5 November 2021 |
Reporting on the stagnation in the transfer of the adoption files of the Child Protection Council to the National Archives |
4 November 2021 |
Largest acquisition for FutureLife: takeover of assisted reproduction clinics in the Netherlands |
1 November 2021 |
Trade in Dutch babies to America is closed - Leeuwarder courant : hoofdblad van Friesland » 12 nov 1959 - Art. 150 | Delpher |
30 October 2021 |
Patrick was adopted illegally: 'You lack ownership of your identity' |
30 October 2021 |
Bep van Sloten: She helps close children's homes: 'It is arrogant to think that we have to save the country' |
25 October 2021 |
A DNA test should provide clarity about the alleged siblings of Fabienne (39), who was adopted from Sri Lanka. |
19 October 2021 |
Our dream: a safe, caring and permanent family for every child! |
14 October 2021 |
Why I'm not going to the opening reception of the Descendancy Center tonight |
1 October 2021 |
Rick Lawson elected new FRA Management Board Vice-Chair |
27 September 2021 |
The state's attitude in matters of waiver mothers and statute of limitations on adoption - House of Representatives of the State |
24 September 2021 |
State invokes limitation period in remote mothers lawsuit |
24 September 2021 |
First lawsuit against the State for the forced adoption of children in the Netherlands |
24 September 2021 |
Justice at last for the thousands of mothers who were forced to give up their children? 'Important to get recognition' |
23 September 2021 |
Possibly hundreds of children from families who were the victims of the allowance affair have been removed from their homes |
8 September 2021 |
Search for information about Mother Home De Hoeksteen, where unmarried mothers and their babies were cared for and separated fro |
7 September 2021 |
Subject: Roots fund for intercountry adoptees in the Netherlands |
6 September 2021 |
Residential Child and Youth care in a Developing World |
3 September 2021 |
Wouter Beke argues for a general adoption break, but immediately receives criticism from Flemish coalition partners: "This is ra |
2 September 2021 |
After many problems, the couple pushes their baby in the arms of the notary: 'I am deeply moved' |
21 August 2021 |
Leena returned to her native India: 'Grateful that I grew up here' |
20 August 2021 |
Leena went back to native India: 'Grateful that I grew up here' |
20 August 2021 |
Matthias, Sarah and Johanna Labee went looking for their roots |
14 August 2021 |
The systematization of 'child exports' for economic and political aims |
13 August 2021 |
Unicef Netherlands position in Intercountry Adoption ? |
12 August 2021 |
Drag queens rejected by Uber drivers during Pride: 'He said I wasn't human' |
11 August 2021 |
Tineke and Bieni adopt the adult Ilse (24) and can now really call her their daughter after years of fighting |
8 August 2021 |
This professor pointed out problems with adoption a long time ago. He is still right 'forty years too late' |
2 August 2021 |
International Alliance for Adoption Abolition (IAAA) PIVOT CAMPAIGN Abuse, Alienation and Innocence versus Coincidence, Connecti |
31 July 2021 |
Adopted children from China recognize their native language |
28 July 2021 |
Sebastian is looking for his mother after a hard adoption report: 'Maybe not abandoned after all' |
27 July 2021 |
Sebastian is looking for his mother after a hard adoption report: 'Maybe not abandoned after all' |
27 July 2021 |
Adopted Sam sues state: 'I want my own date of birth in my passport' |
8 July 2021 |
Take care of Aftercare |
7 July 2021 |
Chained to files: Parents and children suffer from mistakes in youth protection |
7 July 2021 |
Is there a future for adoption? Sure, but there's a lot of work to be done |
5 July 2021 |
Adoption: a compassionate emergency measure |
3 July 2021 |
Child Abuse & Neglect |
30 June 2021 |
Compensation for adopted children possible but government not responsible |
28 June 2021 |
Growing up in an adoptive or foster family: 'That's not your 'real' sister, is it?' |
24 June 2021 |
Still adopting brothers and sisters of placed children from abroad |
23 June 2021 |
Beware of calls to ‘rescue’ India’s ‘Covid orphans’ |
15 June 2021 |
Amanda: 'I'm not the person on my adoption papers' |
13 June 2021 |
They now know for sure: they are full sisters and are committed to their native Nepal |
12 June 2021 |
Ethical dilemmas in parliamentary debate on adoption |
11 June 2021 |
Jonkers offers Parliament a petition about adoptions: 'Minister must reconsider decision' |
9 June 2021 |
AO Tweede Kamer (transcript) - Report Joustra incl FINAL REPORT |
9 June 2021 |
9 June 2021 |
ChristenUnie: Protect parentage data of adopted child |
9 June 2021 |
Project adoptees NL - Volunteers wanted! (Indonesia/My Roots) |
8 June 2021 |
'Retain adoption options from certain countries' |
7 June 2021 |
Netherlands adoptee Stichting Facebook.pdf |
5 June 2021 |
Hiring Project Supporter Expertise Center Intercountry Adoption |
27 May 2021 |
Private environment for women considering renunciation for adoption |
25 May 2021 |
Malawi Court to Rule On Dutch Man's Application to Dismiss Indecent Assault Case On May 26 |
22 May 2021 |
“Meager evidence for abuses adoption” |
20 May 2021 |
The fact that abuses can arise is insufficient reason to stop adoptions altogether: 'Then you can also stop the marriage' |
19 May 2021 |
Karen wants the temporary adoption stop to be lifted |
18 May 2021 |
More young, sexually exploited girls: 'They often don't even understand that they are victims' |
15 May 2021 |
Adopted as sisters: 'People from Indonesia also immediately see that we are not sisters' |
14 May 2021 |
“Adopted people: right to security!” |
13 May 2021 |
Distance mothers say confidence in forced adoption research: 'don't recognize myself in it' |
10 May 2021 |
Becoming a mother in corona time: 'you can also feel love through a window' |
8 May 2021 |
Number of children sent overseas for adoptions even higher than previously thought |
8 May 2021 |
Vacancy senior communication advisor |
7 May 2021 |
Documentation Survey Intercountry adoption in the Netherlands (SIAN) |
6 May 2021 |
Fwd: Reminder: FW: Unicef Netherlands position in Intercountry Adoption ? |
4 May 2021 |
Ernst and Tonny had to give up their baby and thought they would never see him again: 'As if you were amputated' |
3 May 2021 |
Never told: 'I kept silent about being adopted' |
30 April 2021 |
Xueli Abbing: The abandoned baby who became a Vogue model |
30 April 2021 |
Elise and Klaas adopted 5 children at once: 'Openness our strength' |
23 April 2021 |
The Influencing Force |
23 April 2021 |
Elise and Klaas adopted 5 children at once: 'Openness our strength' |
23 April 2021 |
Tjibbe Joustra ziet ‘veel goede wil’ in verbeterplan adoptie, maar ‘invulling zal doorslaggevend zijn’ |
19 April 2021 |
Adoptiegesprek - De Balie |
19 April 2021 |
800 Colombian adoptions to the West are suspected to be illegal |
18 April 2021 |
The lawyer who went too far for the clients |
18 April 2021 |
How 4 adults are still struggling with their adoption: 'Woman in the photo on my bedside table turned out not to be my mother' |
16 April 2021 |
13 April 2021 |
Interview with adoption permit holders |
12 April 2021 |
'Dutch adoption stop deprives South African children of the chance to have a family' |
10 April 2021 |
Sick toddler Teleza (1.5) finally has a Dutch passport for much needed heart surgery |
9 April 2021 |
Stolen or sold as a baby: 'Nothing in my adoption file is true' |
6 April 2021 |
COURT OF OVERIJSSEL 06-04-2021 , ECLI: NL: RBOVE: 2021: 1988 |
6 April 2021 |
Foundation wants to file a report against insurers for behavior in personal injury claims |
5 April 2021 |
'The time has come to stop intercountry adoption' |
5 April 2021 |
Report on the stagnation in the transfer of adoption files from the Child Protection Board to the National Archives |
2 April 2021 |
How do you tell a child that it is a foundling? 'A child feels: I am not wanted' |
2 April 2021 |
ECLI: NL: RBAMS: 2020: 6419 |
1 April 2021 |
Are intercountry adoptions in children’s best interests? |
1 April 2021 |
CDA Zaanstad wants to see the consequences of investors in youth care |
31 March 2021 |
ANW History | A New Way |
30 March 2021 |
Call: TV makers looking for distance mothers - MAX Vandaag |
29 March 2021 |
The Netherlands clarifies and stops international adoptions |
29 March 2021 |
The adoption system needs a basic investigation - not a lifeline |
29 March 2021 |
Nikwi found her biological parents surprisingly quickly: 'Now much more is possible' |
26 March 2021 |
PvdA member Habtamu de Hoop is the youngest member of the new House of Representatives |
26 March 2021 |
KennisBureau ter Meulen responds to report |
25 March 2021 |
Minister Grapperhaus is investigating sadistic child abuse |
25 March 2021 |
A Dutch person who wanted to have children cheated in Kenya, moves the court with his story |
24 March 2021 |
Adoption, Memory, and Cold War Greece: Kid pro quo?:Adoption, Memory, and Cold War Greece: Kid pro quo?: A Before and After |
22 March 2021 |
Social Impact Bonds ontrafeld (Social Impact Bonds Unraveled) |
22 March 2021 |
Marktwerking Tieners met lichte psychische klachten zijn een groeimarkt |
21 March 2021 |
Organic, but put up for adoption child and heirs |
19 March 2021 |
"Looking away is not an option" |
19 March 2021 |
Police of Rotterdam investigate living environment of badly injured 9-year-old girl - March 19 '21 |
19 March 2021 |
Fake documents hamper Dutch-Indonesian adoptees' search for birth parents This article was published in thejakartapost.com with |
17 March 2021 |
Sri Lanka adoption: The babies who were given away |
14 March 2021 |
Looking for a home. The Story of Iresha |
13 March 2021 |
Adoption report Joustra committee: besides pain, finally recognition |
12 March 2021 |
Adoption report Joustra Committee: besides pain, finally recognition |
12 March 2021 |
Nova-Lilly (33) on her adoption: "Why had the agency placed me with such a woman?" |
10 March 2021 |
Netherlands stops international adoptions after Brazilian demonstrates that he was taken illegally - Brazil - Estadão |
8 March 2021 |
Life as an Adoptee and Her View on Ending Foreign Adoption with Minakshi Baigum | Dutch Desi |
8 March 2021 |
Children from another world |
6 March 2021 |
Hugo de Jonge (CDA) seemed a dream candidate for youth care when he was appointed Minister of Health in 2017 |
5 March 2021 |
Sigrid Kaag (D66) wants to continue to stand for ideals against negative forces: 'Do what is possible' |
3 March 2021 |
Seeking roots all the way to Nongkojajar |
1 March 2021 |
Adoptees: 'Adoption is not synonymous with child trafficking' |
28 February 2021 |
'My adoptive mother didn't want me' |
27 February 2021 |
In search of biological parents, Brazilian changes rule of adoption in the Netherlands |
26 February 2021 |
With the campaign "Everyone a Max", Child Focus wants to be a person of trust for every child |
26 February 2021 |
Maya Kik: 'Acceptance is the key to happiness for me' |
25 February 2021 |
Choosing a Party with Libelle: the photo album of Kees van der Staaij (SGP) |
25 February 2021 |
Babs has photo album full of unknown babies: 'so much sorrow is hidden behind this' |
25 February 2021 |
Subject Motion Bergkamp van de Berge (GL) VSO Parenthood and adoption |
24 February 2021 |
Featured Illegal adoptions? Stolen children? Adopted children request an investigation |
22 February 2021 |
Gratitude and despair after foreign adoptions stop: 'My adoptive parents saved my life' |
21 February 2021 |
Is it wise to stop adoption? 'Got opportunities that I would otherwise never get' |
21 February 2021 |
Stopping intercountry adoption is merciless in a broken world |
19 February 2021 |
Statskontorets adoptionsutredning gränsar till korruption | GP (The State Office's adoption investigation borders on corruption |
19 February 2021 |
"Dutch sperm donor begets 200 children and advertises them on social media" |
19 February 2021 |
19 February 2021 |
Suspend intercountry adoption, but choose one mediator quickly |
18 February 2021 |
17 February 2021 |
Half of all adult adoptees have searched for birth information |
17 February 2021 |
About - parental leave. |
16 February 2021 |
Mother Karen stands up for adoption: 'We already hear that adopted children address their parents about it' |
16 February 2021 |
Not all adopted children are victims of cheating - NRC |
16 February 2021 |
Don't dismiss adoption abuses - NRC |
16 February 2021 |
Adoptive parents start petition against complete adoption stop | Inland | AD.nl |
15 February 2021 |
Reclaiming Our Narrative |
15 February 2021 |
"Do me such a Korean!" |
14 February 2021 |
Hard report hurts adoptive parents: 'As if I am part of a criminal circuit' |
13 February 2021 |
Nuances to the report of the Joustra Committee |
12 February 2021 |
ACT/AD to Juhansone (SG): Fwd: Joustra Committee / Intercountry Adoptions |
11 February 2021 |
Response to the report of the Joustra Committee |
10 February 2021 |
Adoptive parents Chantal and Dirk-Jan deeply touched by critical report: 'We are not child traffickers' |
10 February 2021 |
"I plead for a Belgian adoption break" |
10 February 2021 |
Colombian mother about Dutch adoption: 'They said my son was dead' |
10 February 2021 |
The hardest observation is that the adopted children offered were 'usually' not orphans at all. |
10 February 2021 |
Request_members_questions_adoption.pdf |
9 February 2021 |
Netherlands Halts Adoptions From Abroad After Exposing Past Abuses |
9 February 2021 |
'Time for thorough reflection on adoption' |
9 February 2021 |
They are not surprised by the criticism of adoption: 'A child was regularly given a name that was invented on the spot' |
9 February 2021 |
Vlogging in search of biological parents |
9 February 2021 |
International adoption: the government has looked away from abuses for years |
9 February 2021 |
Informatie over onderzoek naar interlandelijke adoptie / Information about research into intercountry adoption |
9 February 2021 |
Dilani Butink raised adoption abuses: 'years have been looked away' |
8 February 2021 |
Joustra Commission report on intercountry adoption - Terre des Hommes in Bangladesh |
8 February 2021 |
Commission presents report on abuses adoption culture - Press conference Dekker / Joustra 8th February 2021 |
8 February 2021 |
Statement AVGG following report committee Joustra |
8 February 2021 |
What does the research report mean for adoption cases? |
8 February 2021 |
NJCM Working Group on Youth Law and Health Law/Sub Working Group on Intercountry Adoption |
8 February 2021 |
Cabinet receives report on adoption from abroad |
8 February 2021 |
Policy response report Commission Investigation into Intercountry Adoption in the past |
8 February 2021 |
Threshold removed for lawsuits after 'shocking' report on adoption abuses |
8 February 2021 |
The government immediately suspends international adoptions |
8 February 2021 |
Baby Farms Nigeria |
8 February 2021 |
Minister Dekker: international adoption immediately suspended after damning report |
8 February 2021 |
Adoption has been viewed through naive rose-colored glasses for far too long |
8 February 2021 |
"Adoption is the best thing that happened to me in my life" |
8 February 2021 |
Adopted Chamila Seppenwoolde: 'Every international adoption causes irreparable damage' |
7 February 2021 |
"Government must stop foreign adoptions," Amanda has been fighting for years |
6 February 2021 |
Adoptees 'happy and doubly' about advice provisional adoption stop: 'keep checking that something is actually done with this rep |
6 February 2021 |
Jyoti (37) from Deventer and Yanien (50) from Apeldoorn about temporary adoption ban: 'Trade must stop' |
5 February 2021 |
Hooge Mierdse Inez Teurlings: 'Abolition of adoption not necessary' |
5 February 2021 |
'Hard report' on adoption fraud leaked: 'Government must stop international adoptions' |
5 February 2021 |
Tough report on adoptions from abroad: cabinet urged to stop |
5 February 2021 |
Kabinet zet nieuwe adopties in pauzestand, maar wil geen verbod |
5 February 2021 |
Illegal adoptees want compensation for looking for biological parents |
5 February 2021 |
4 February 2021 |
The Dutch Data Protection Authority has a new advisory board |
4 February 2021 |
Cooperating Licensees Adoption for the purpose of the General Consultation |
1 February 2021 |
Investigation into role of government in illegal adoptions abroad |
29 January 2021 |
Remco is a diplomat and lives in China with his husband and three children: 'Back in the closet a bit' |
25 January 2021 |
Dutch Rutte government to resign over child welfare fraud scandal - BBC News |
15 January 2021 |
White parents, black children: 'I didn't notice the bullying' |
15 January 2021 |
State of affairs research on domestic distance and adoption between 1956 and 1984 |
11 January 2021 |
Spoorloos - Twee meisjes, geboren in hetzelfde gezin in Iran,... | Facebook |
11 January 2021 |
Soorien (34) feels pain and sorrow due to adoption: 'They said: you should be grateful' |
5 January 2021 |
Wob request. Information about intercountry adoptions. Appeal well-founded. ECLI: NL: RBAMS: 2020: 6419 |
4 January 2021 |
2 January 2021 |
23 December 2020 |
Government Gazette of the Kingdom of the Netherlands / Government Gazette 2020, 63439 |
16 December 2020 |
A Dutch adoption scandal triggers a search for roots in Indonesia |
12 December 2020 |
ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2020:5774, Rechtbank Amsterdam, C/1… |
4 December 2020 |
Multi-Year Policy World Children - financial support from the state |
1 December 2020 |
Adopted, afraid to say she was a lesbian and a great relationship: Elly, 61, wrote a book about her life |
27 November 2020 |
Adoption Deception - Part 4 |
27 November 2020 |
Adoption: 'It's not your child, you're the caregiver' |
26 November 2020 |
Karen de Bok Talent Prize to film plan about adoption |
19 November 2020 |
Arrangements archive Commission Research Intercountry Adoption in the past |
18 November 2020 |
Nancy Santing from Emmen draws attention to adoption |
11 November 2020 |
Fwd: FW: Concept verkiezingsprogramma vvd |
1 November 2020 |
SP en GroenLinks kritisch op nieuwe subsidieregeling onder geadopteerden |
14 October 2020 |
Kamerbrief over voortgang versterking rootszoektochten |
13 October 2020 |
Letter Committee Joustra to Minister Dekker |
12 October 2020 |
Twins Naila and Bryan from Tiel were illegally adopted: 'Shut your mouth, close your ears, close everything' |
7 October 2020 |
Geadopteerden ontstemd over nieuwe subsidieregeling |
1 October 2020 |
VACANCIES Communication advisor project Distance and Adoption (8 hours per week) - Ministry of Justice and Security, at home |
29 September 2020 |
Dutch NGO calls for probe after KZN girls adopted without father’s consent |
28 September 2020 |
Judge in adoption case: barred |
9 September 2020 |
International Social Service and the Hague Permanent Buro (Part 4) |
8 September 2020 |
International Social Service and the Hague Permanent Buro (Part 4) |
8 September 2020 |
Jyoti (36) uit Deventer werd slachtoffer van gesjoemel met adoptie in India: ‘De priester weet veel meer’ |
5 September 2020 |
Wob decision of September 1, 2020 on five Wob requests from Against Child Trafficking - ketenoverleg (wrong) |
1 September 2020 |
Her ‘rainbow tribe of 12’ and your ‘liberator granddad’ |
19 August 2020 |
Geadopteerden ontevreden over onderzoek: ‘Commissie lijkt waarheid te verdraaien’ |
31 July 2020 |
Wob request on artificial insemination with donor sperm (KID) |
17 July 2020 |
The Chinese get over their shame to look for daughters given away |
2 July 2020 |
The WAI Society and Adoptionpedia, for all (Chinese) adoptees |
1 July 2020 |
Stichting Wereldkinderen De kwaliteit van het bemiddelingsproces bij een vergunninghouder interlandelijke adoptie |
1 July 2020 |
Letter Dutch Ministry of Justice |
30 June 2020 |
Letter to Parliament on parenting and adoption / Kamerbrief over ouderschap en adoptie | Kamerstuk | Rijksoverheid.nl |
30 June 2020 |
Omtzigt - Tweede Kamer Staat van de Europese Unie 2020 |
29 June 2020 |
Hungary: Interview with adoptive parents (NL - child in residential care) |
7 June 2020 |
Minister grijpt in bij onderzoek naar gedwongen adoptie: Bossche organisatie FIOM buitenspel gezet |
5 June 2020 |
Ministry is careless with sensitive information about adoption |
5 June 2020 |
Vacancy Communication Advisor Online |
28 May 2020 |
Sille werd geadopteerd en heeft kritiek op groot adoptie-onderzoek |
28 May 2020 |
CBS-onderzoek onder geadopteerden valt totaal verkeerd |
22 May 2020 |
Sri Lankan adoption fraud lawyer: 'Not a child in need, but business' |
18 May 2020 |
Special homecoming from Haiti |
9 May 2020 |
Parenting, citizenship and belonging in Dutch adoption debates 1900-1995 |
27 April 2020 |
Independent adoption |
25 April 2020 |
The trail comes to a dead end; everything points to adoption fraud |
24 April 2020 |
Concerns about distance research and adoption |
24 April 2020 |
Cabinet will come up with a scheme for partial custody and surrogacy |
24 April 2020 |
CBS survey commissioned by the Joustra Committee |
21 April 2020 |
Subpoenas served on order of nuns as Dutch court asked to lift statute of limitation |
21 April 2020 |
Letter Ministry of Justice to RP - subsidiarity |
1 April 2020 |
A New Way neemt adoptiebemiddeling Slowakije over |
16 March 2020 |
1 March 2020 |
Afstandsmoeders |
24 February 2020 |
Nota - Praktische gang van zaken rond adoptie en adoptievoorbereiding |
10 February 2020 |
ISS NL involved in Adoptions from Greece and Austria |
9 February 2020 |
E-mail Truus - Fwd: Nieuws van Fiom |
9 January 2020 |
Archief Nederlandse Federatie van Instellingen voor de Ongehuwde Moeder en haar kind (FIOM) (1928) 1930-1999 |
1 January 2020 |
Waarom Eva de geboortedatum uit haar paspoort wil wijzigen: ‘Ik mis al mijn hele leven een identiteit’ |
31 December 2019 |
Reina adopted two daughters from India |
24 December 2019 |
Fwd: Reminder: File National Archive |
20 December 2019 |
Hoe kan ik meedoen aan het onderzoek naar afstand en adoptie tussen 1956 en 1984? |
20 December 2019 |
Adoptieprocedures Haïti tijdelijk opgeschort |
18 December 2019 |
Adopteren uit Thailand |
10 December 2019 |
E-mail to Dekker Fwd: Searches FIOM / ISS |
9 December 2019 |
‘Gekleurde adoptiekinderen zeggen zich een bounty te voelen: bruin van buiten, wit van binnen’ |
7 December 2019 |
Het afstaan van een kind is een zeer ingrijpende gebeurtenis |
4 December 2019 |
E-Mail to Truus Fwd: File National Archive |
2 December 2019 |
1 December 2019 |
Miek de Langen (1930-2019), oprichter van de allereerste Kinderrechtswinkel |
29 November 2019 |
Chamila to Aldewereld Fiom |
28 November 2019 |
Terre des Hommes uses bait ads to track down pedophiles, but OM and lawyers are not happy with that |
25 November 2019 |
Schimmige adopties: wat wist de Nederlandse overheid ervan? | NIEUWSUUR |
16 November 2019 |
Kamervragen zonder Antwoord |
15 November 2019 |
Beatrix staat stil bij dertig jaar kinderrechten - Vorsten (Beatrix reflects on thirty years of children's rights - Royals) |
15 November 2019 |
Connectedness when adopting a child |
14 November 2019 |
Hoe de ziel uit de ngo-sector verdwijnt - Vice Versa (How the soul disappears from the NGO sector - Vice Versa) |
13 November 2019 |
"Ze hebben ons gewoon verkocht" |
10 November 2019 |
Een warm gezin helpt weeshuiskind met stress omgaan |
1 November 2019 |
Hoe belangrijk is de onderzoekscommissie naar adoptiefraude? |
25 October 2019 |
Documents - from Roots Search India FB Group |
21 October 2019 |
'Alles wat ik over mijzelf wist, bleek niet te kloppen' |
15 October 2019 |
Onbegrensde adoptie De groei van illegale adoptiepraktijken |
8 October 2019 |
Verdiepingsmiddag voor volwassen geadopteerden groot succes |
6 October 2019 |
Bij adoptie is de waarheid uiteindelijk het beste |
3 October 2019 |
Inzage Nederlandse afstandsdossiers met terugwerkende kracht gratis voor geadopteerden |
2 October 2019 |
Adoptie: wel of niet? |
30 September 2019 |
Adoption: yes or no? |
30 September 2019 |
Adoptie: wel of niet? (Hoksbergen/Juffer) |
30 September 2019 |
US Operation Babylift ‘orphans’ are still seeking their Vietnamese parents, more than 40 years on |
28 September 2019 |
Afstand en adoptie in Nederland tussen 1956-1984 |
27 September 2019 |
Dutch Parliament unanimously adopted: Motion Omtzigt |
24 September 2019 |
UAI Letter to PM Rutte and Minister Blok (Buza) |
23 September 2019 |
Waarom je geen boekjes over adoptie moet lezen |
21 September 2019 |
Vondeling Daniël (9) uit Hoorn start zoektocht naar zijn biologische ouders |
19 September 2019 |
Sharron en Mark wachten op Amerikaanse baby: „Wat ons betreft komt het telefoontje snel” |
12 September 2019 |
Vrouw die kind moest afstaan stelt Staat aansprakelijk |
10 September 2019 |
Holanda investiga 10.000 casos de adopciones forzadas |
10 September 2019 |
Adoption by gay couples: what about that? - New Li .. |
1 September 2019 |
Social worker put the child at the centre of adoption |
10 August 2019 |
Why intercountry adoption needs a rethink |
1 August 2019 |
SPOORLOOS: Borny gaat op zoek naar zijn Roemeense familie | Spoorloos |
16 July 2019 |
Yanien werd als kind ontvoerd en geadopteerd: ‘Ik ben voor het leven getekend’ |
15 July 2019 |
De meeste volwassen geadopteerden zijn tevreden met hun leven |
13 July 2019 |
Samenvatting by Anneke Vinke ( Adoptie in beweging ) |
7 July 2019 |
Adopties uit India - Wereldkinderen |
1 July 2019 |
Voice Recording Aldewereld Link |
25 June 2019 |
Vrijwilligerswerk en weeshuistoerisme in het buitenland |
25 June 2019 |
Tweet Herman Bolhaar Weeshuistoerisme Onderzoek |
24 June 2019 |
Wereldkinderen: Adopties uit India 1970 - 2000 |
17 June 2019 |
17 June 2019 |
Adoptie Standpunten SGP |
17 June 2019 |
Wie zijn wij l Kinderrechten |
17 June 2019 |
Wereldkinderen: |
17 June 2019 |
Wereldkinderen: Het adoptiedossier |
17 June 2019 |
Project Historie en Roots |
17 June 2019 |
Wereldkinderen: Adopties uit Bangladesh 1970 - 1983 |
17 June 2019 |
Commissie Geweld Jeugdzorg | Eindrapport |
12 June 2019 |
14 French, Dutch orphans repatriated from Syria |
10 June 2019 |
Adoptiekinderen zoeken familie in Colombia: 'Nederland is medeverantwoordelijk' |
10 June 2019 |
A Tale of A Shadowed Woman by Bram Paling |
7 June 2019 |
Belangengroep Indiaas Geadopteerden Nederland: Toelichting ondertekening gezamenlijk plan UAI. |
6 June 2019 |
Hechtingsproblematiek in pleegzorg- en adoptiesituaties extra ingewikkeld |
3 June 2019 |
Meeting Ministry of Justice and FIOM At the office of SAV 3 June 2019 |
3 June 2019 |
Tragische verhalen: veel misstanden rond adoptie in Haïti |
3 June 2019 |
Nieuwsuur: Kinderen in Haïti weggehaald bij ouders en verdwenen naar buitenland |
2 June 2019 |
Adoptiekinderen Haïti: dna-match is enige hoop op hereniging |
2 June 2019 |
Presentatie van 'De vondeling van Kreta' |
30 May 2019 |
Wensouderschap: zo reduceer je een kind tot een middel tegen kinderloosheid - Nederlands Dagblad |
27 May 2019 |
Caroline Vrijens nieuwe kinderrechtencommissaris |
22 May 2019 |
Nederlands-Duitse samenwerking door Europa ondersteund |
20 May 2019 |
’Ook legale adopties kunnen illegaal zijn’ |
16 May 2019 |
Invitation FIOM Meeting, May 2019 |
15 May 2019 |
Expertenpanel over adopties in de maak |
10 May 2019 |
Beslissen over het perspectief van het pleegkind |
30 April 2019 |
Chamber president intervenes after abuse scandal at ProDemos |
30 April 2019 |
Landenlijst behoud nationaliteit - Bangladesh |
29 April 2019 |
Tjibbe Joustra: 'Overheid heeft niet veel krediet meer' |
26 April 2019 |
21 April 2019 |
Dutch doctor 'fathered 49 children' in IVF scandal |
12 April 2019 |
Europees kenniscentrum Nazorg Adoptie in Venray |
11 April 2019 |
Column Ina Hut: 'Aanpak mensenhandel, de moraal uit het debat!' |
11 April 2019 |
'Weeshuistoerisme debat is te eenzijdig' - Child Rights Focus |
1 April 2019 |
Nederlandse Adoptie Stichting (NAS) - Newsletter |
29 March 2019 |
With this first general newsletter of this year we would like to inform you again about general affairs at the NAS, the adoption |
29 March 2019 |
'A good intention is not always a good idea' | International Institute of Social Studies | Erasmus University Rotterdam |
27 March 2019 |
Initiatiefnota van het lid Van Haga: Een goede bedoeling is niet altijd een goed idee |
27 March 2019 |
Minister Dekker over zaak Lisa: 'Onafhankelijkheid rechters voldoende gewaarborgd' |
27 March 2019 |
"In het middelbaar deden medestudenten de Hitlergroet" |
23 March 2019 |
Manat (26) is zijn ouders 'voor eeuwig dankbaar' dat ze hem adopteerden |
22 March 2019 |
Moeten we stoppen met buitenlandse adopties? 'Ik gun iedereen zo'n mooi leven' |
21 March 2019 |
After a lifetime of searching, two adopted Chinese find their birth parents |
19 March 2019 |
Amy Documentary in The Netherlands: Facebook Comments |
19 March 2019 |
Girl In Return (vanavond, om 20.55 uur, op NPO2) |
18 March 2019 |
Het aantal adopties uit het buitenland loopt gestaag terug |
18 March 2019 |
‘Ik ben een weggeefkind.’ Over de gevolgen van een adoptie |
15 March 2019 |
VPRO 2Doc: Girl in return |
13 March 2019 |
Bargoens - Episode Adoption Fraud |
12 March 2019 |
Grandparents of Dutch model consider adoption in struggle to move on |
11 March 2019 |
Adoption – The responsibility is to the child |
10 March 2019 |
Vacature specialist beleid verwantschapsvragen |
9 March 2019 |
Jody Bernal: 'als adoptieouder kun je een deel niet opvullen' |
7 March 2019 |
Goals overview - Objectives overview activities of Lions Club Hoevelaken |
1 March 2019 |
‘Afrikaanse weeshuizen zijn goudmijntjes voor Westerse uitbaters’ |
26 February 2019 |
Should the judge in the Netherlands judge child abuse? |
16 February 2019 |
‘Rechter had zich uit zaak moeten terugtrekken vanwege privé-contact met Joris Demmink’ |
16 February 2019 |
Back to the Origin: The Woman Helping Adopted People Find Their Birth Parents |
14 February 2019 |
De Kansencirkel, de beste start voor ieder kind |
14 February 2019 |
Meisje drie weken na adoptie naar pleeggezin |
13 February 2019 |
De achtergrond - DCI |
4 February 2019 |
Presenter Habtuma de Hoop returns to native Ethiopia |
3 February 2019 |
Courtcase child abuse: PAP Haiti - Netherlands |
26 January 2019 |
Vrouw sleept Nederlandse staat voor de rechter om 'schimmige' adoptie |
11 January 2019 |
Onderzoek naar illegale adopties rijt oude wonden open in Tuitjenhorn |
5 January 2019 |
Justitie stopte illegale adoptie in doofpot |
4 January 2019 |
Jansma’s op de bres voor adoptie |
3 January 2019 |
Hague subsidiarity |
1 January 2019 |
Kyrgyzstan Notice: Suspension of All Adoption Service Providers |
21 December 2018 |
Fwd: 1982 |
19 December 2018 |
'I've probably been traded' |
17 December 2018 |
Aangekondigd onderzoek naar illegale adoptie maakt veel los |
16 December 2018 |
Het verhaal van Lisa |
8 December 2018 |
Mondje dicht! Ambtenaren knepen oogje toe bij ‘handel in baby's’ |
8 December 2018 |
Geadopteerde Bibi Hasenaar: ‘Mijn leven is stukgemaakt voor de poen’ |
8 December 2018 |
Onderzoek naar rol Nederlandse ambtenaren bij illegale adopties |
6 December 2018 |
Investigation into the role of Dutch civil servants in illegal adoptions |
6 December 2018 |
19 years on, no justice, no compensation: A TN mother's fight for her abducted son |
4 December 2018 |
Opinie René Hoksbergen, oud-hoogleraar adoptie |
December 2018 |
WOB Fiom subsidieverlening 2018 |
16 October 2018 |
Sajeda returns home after 40- yr from Netherlands |
14 August 2018 |
King at the 125th anniversary of The Hague Conference on Private International Law |
13 August 2018 |
ECLI:NL:RBNHO:2018:5426, Rechtbank Noord-Holland,… |
1 August 2018 |
Revocation of adoption. |
1 August 2018 |
ECLI:NL:RBNHO:2018:5426, Rechtbank Noord-Holland,… |
1 August 2018 |
Demonstration for subsidy of searches for biological parents |
5 July 2018 |
Yanien werd ontvoerd uit haar thuisland. (Indonesia 1980) |
24 June 2018 |
'Maybe I robbed a mother of her child' |
29 May 2018 |
Mensen Bizarre wending in het adoptieverhaal van Kevin (19) in Spoorloos |
21 May 2018 |
12 May 2018 |
Adoptiekinderen die kat de bel aanbonden blijven met wrang gevoel zitten bij onderzoek naar fraude |
7 May 2018 |
28 March 2018 |
Sri Lankan Adoptions: The Government-Flash Relationship (Part 3/4) |
28 March 2018 |
26 March 2018 |
15 January 2018 |
terre des Hommes and the mild-making process from the term 'child abuser' to 'pedosexual' |
9 January 2018 |
Verslag thema-avond ‘Zoeken via DNA-databanken' voor volwassen geadopteerden |
19 December 2017 |
‘Jullie weten alles, wij weten niets. Wij hebben alleen maar leugens!’ |
15 December 2017 |
Mail Jolijn to Smolin, Cantwell, ISS on China |
9 December 2017 |
Health Ministry initiates a programme help adopted children to find their biological parents in Sri Lanka |
22 November 2017 |
1 November 2017 |
Son Paul de Leeuw angry: 'Jokes at my expense' |
29 October 2017 |
Terre des Hommes reageert op uitzending Nieuwsuur over Biafra-kinderen |
27 October 2017 |
Terre des Hommes responds to adoption story in Trouw |
14 October 2017 |
TERRE DES HOMMES RESPONDS TO ADOPTION STORY IN TROUW 14/10/2017 In response to the article today in the Dutch national newspaper |
14 October 2017 |
Finding family in the DNA database: 'I finally belong somewhere' |
12 October 2017 |
Adoptiebedrog Sri Lanka (De Nieuwe Maan) |
6 October 2017 |
Zembla: Watch now: Adoption Fraud 2 Sri Lanka |
5 October 2017 |
Sri Lanka acknowledges the existence of 'baby alarms' in the 1980s and started investigation |
20 September 2017 |
ZEMBLA onthult: Sri Lanka erkent bestaan 'babyfarms' voor adoptie |
20 September 2017 |
ZEMBLA onthult: Sri Lanka erkent bestaan 'babyfarms' voor adoptie |
20 September 2017 |
Vorderingen op grond van illegale adoptie verjaard (Brazilie) |
5 July 2017 |
Adoptiekinderen willen dna-databank voor alle nationaliteiten |
30 June 2017 |
Adoptiekinderen Bangladesh zonder medeweten van ouders naar Nederland gebracht |
3 June 2017 |
Fwd: adoptees who can discuss Hague Convention and UNROC? - 2017 |
28 May 2017 |
'Veel fouten gemaakt bij adoptiedossiers kinderen uit Sri Lanka' |
17 May 2017 |
Fiom hands over assistance to local professionals |
17 May 2017 |
Unicef NL position paper RSJ Report |
16 May 2017 |
ADOPTIEBEDROG (Zembla - Sri Lanka) |
10 May 2017 |
Human Microchipping, The Benefits And Downsides |
23 April 2017 |
Overleg met Fiom |
11 April 2017 |
Why international adoption should not yet be terminated |
7 March 2017 |
The 1993 Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption Information Brochure |
March 2017 |
Adopted children don't forget their mother tongue |
15 February 2017 |
'Stelsel interlandelijke adoptie verbeteren, niet stopzetten' |
31 January 2017 |
Letter Secretary of State - RSJ Report |
17 January 2017 |
Accessing adoption files and information on the biological family | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights |
2017 |
Brabants echtpaar veroordeeld voor illegale adoptie |
31 December 2016 |
ECLI:NL:RBDHA:2016:13534 Dutch / Bangladesh Adoption 2016 |
15 November 2016 |
The Netherlands’ proposed ban on foreign adoption and the (ab)uses of ‘scientific expertise’ |
10 November 2016 |
Film The Lost Son - November 8 |
7 November 2016 |
Roemenië heeft nu zelf jeugdzorg |
4 November 2016 |
Intercountry adoption is a good option for a child |
3 November 2016 |
’Stop adoptie kinderen uit buitenland’ |
2 November 2016 |
2 November 2016 |
Stop adoption of children from abroad |
2 November 2016 |
2 November 2016 |
Invitation - Lecture by Ms. Margaret Tuite, European Commission Coordinator for the Rights of the Child |
6 October 2016 |
Look at adoption in Hungary |
26 September 2016 |
Public lecture UN Special Rapporteur Ms. Maud de Boer- Buquicchio |
22 September 2016 |
Opschorting interlandelijke adopties vanuit de DR Congo |
14 September 2016 |
Netherlands stops adoptions from Congo |
13 September 2016 |
Reducing Sexual Violence against Children, with special attention for sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism, in 25 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East |
31 August 2016 |
Leiden University and UNICEF Netherlands renew collaboration |
25 August 2016 |
Jayanti Zwanenburg uit India (Jayanti Zwanenburg from India) |
12 August 2016 |
Eindelijk steun voor geadopteerde Oostenrijkse kinderen |
31 July 2016 |
DCI NL No clear picture on subsidiarity |
16 July 2016 |
Varsha's body prefers turmeric to dairy |
4 June 2016 |
European Parliament: Briefing - Adoption of children in the European Union |
1 June 2016 |
Afscheid niet hartverscheurend of naar - Goodbye not heartbreaking or to |
30 May 2016 |
The future of the chain for inter-country adoption |
17 May 2016 |
Reunited Indonesian twins on Swedish television |
16 May 2016 |
Wie niet horen wil, moet voelen |
18 April 2016 |
Congolese adoptiekinderen eindelijk hier (NL) |
12 April 2016 |
17 February 2016 |
Whistleblower Letter RP to EP President Martin Schulz (copied NL and European Ombudsman) |
12 February 2016 |
Letter Minister about working visit to Bulgaria |
4 February 2016 |
Dutch woman on quest for family in Bangladesh |
4 February 2016 |
'Laat adoptiekinderen geen lijdend voorwerp zijn van emo-tv!' |
6 January 2016 |
Parliamentary question - The message 'Free play for child traffickers' regarding illegal adoption from Nepal |
22 December 2015 |
Illegal adoption project update |
17 December 2015 |
By rushing to speed up forced adoptions we are letting children down |
9 December 2015 |
Justice : plus d’adoption internationale en RDC jusqu’à nouvel ordre |
3 November 2015 |
Congo clears the way for 72 adoptions after 2-year wait |
2 November 2015 |
Brandpunt/Reporter: De Bulgaarse adoptie-industrie |
18 October 2015 |
Politieke partijen willen stop op adoptie uit Bulgarije |
18 October 2015 |
De kinderen die Nederland niet wilde helpen |
16 August 2015 |
Illegale adoptie met hulp van de staat (radio) (DCI: ica niet afschaffen) |
7 June 2015 |
U wilt een kind adopteren uit Nederland. |
April 2015 |
Less children adopted from abroad Last year, in the Netherlands 488 children were adopted, the lowest in 40 years. The number of |
23 March 2015 |
Acting Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs Travels to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Netherlands, and Italy |
19 March 2015 |
More view on adoptees |
11 March 2015 |
More insight into adoptees |
11 March 2015 |
Two adopted Congolese children arrive in the Netherlands |
26 February 2015 |
Dutch adoptee afraid time running out in search for birth parents |
22 February 2015 |
The kids are OK is a production of Metropolisfilm in collaboration with the NCRV. Directed by Ton Wolswijk. |
15 January 2015 |
ISS Handbook 2015 Anand Kaper NL |
1 January 2015 |
Teeven returns from Congo without adopted children |
23 December 2014 |
'Foreign adoption must disappear to avoid suffering' |
27 November 2014 |
ECLI: NL: RBNHO: 2014: 8263, District Court of Noord-Holland, ... |
25 November 2014 |
RTL-programma Met Open Armen schaadt belangen adoptiekinderen |
23 November 2014 |
Ina Hut: Adoptiemarkt is ontspoord, kinderhandel is de praktijk |
21 November 2014 |
141109 Ploumen leidt handelsmissie naar DR Congo en Rwanda |
11 September 2014 |
Adoption agencies looked at with suspicion following news report on 'baby-selling' |
2 September 2014 |
Thesis Roeland Smeek 'History Dutch Adoption' |
9 July 2014 |
"Jeugdzorg ontvoert jongetje" (Prof Arnold Heertje) |
9 April 2014 |
MEPs must investigate this child-snatching scandal (UK) |
6 April 2014 |
26 March 2014 |
Wereldkinderen - restitution costs - higher costs than mentioned at website |
21 February 2014 |
American Involvement in the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial Process |
1 February 2014 |
Dutch couple faces adoption hitch Updated |
26 January 2014 |
Court upholds suspended jail terms for illegal baby adoption (Baby Donna) |
6 December 2013 |
Informal European Pilot meeting CA's and visit ISS and Unicef (Geneva) - NL proposed joint actions Congo |
5 November 2013 |
Afscheid van Wereldkinderen |
28 October 2013 |
SA orphans going Dutch |
24 October 2013 |
Adoptie Overleg Dutch Parliament |
2 October 2013 |
Dutchman meets biological father in Mumbai (Times of India) |
21 September 2013 |
Rising overseas adoptions -- for black American children |
16 September 2013 |
Lebanon: Closed adoption system helping traffickers |
9 September 2013 |
NAS: Adoptions Czech Republic |
August 2013 |
Toch van de Melkboer |
1 June 2013 |
Bevrijd Demi en Nirvana - Petities.com -- Free Demi and Nirvana |
10 May 2013 |
Adoptions: False death certificates used |
8 April 2013 |
Hoe adoptie haar onschuld verloor |
27 March 2013 |
Vreselijk, onze Armandino bij lesbische ouders' |
25 March 2013 |
Omstreden Babyhuis in Dordrecht gaat toch open |
25 March 2013 |
Adoptions to Italy halted |
25 March 2013 |
Dutch Lesbians Raising Turkish Boy Go Into Hiding |
15 March 2013 |
Turkey seeks to relocate European foster children to Muslim families |
26 February 2013 |
PvdA: adopties uit Ethiopië voorlopig stoppen |
24 February 2013 |
Kinderen te Koop (Brandpunt II) |
24 February 2013 |
Reconstructie van een adoptie (Argos VPRO - Ethiopie) |
23 February 2013 |
Erkenning met oog op omzeiling van adoptieregels is strijdig met openbare orde |
2 November 2012 |
Adoptie uit Afrikaanse landen onder de loep |
18 October 2012 |
Argos - statement Wereldkinderen |
9 October 2012 |
Argos: Adoption, market of corruption and happiness |
6 October 2012 |
Statements of support regarding the subsidy discount for Fiom |
18 September 2012 |
Why can't gays adopt? |
27 August 2012 |
Reply Kamervraag PvdA Zuid Afrika |
13 August 2012 |
Kyrgyzstan has temporarily banned international adoptions |
26 July 2012 |
9 July 2012 |
29 June 2012 |
GroenLinks wil daadkracht kabinet in strijd tegen kindersekstoerisme (incl Parliamentary Question) |
28 June 2012 |
GHANA HET NIEUWE PEDO-PARADIJS Een Limburgse miljonair wordt beschuldigd van verkrachting van een Ghanees meisje |
28 June 2012 |
Opschorten adoptieverdrag Uganda goed signaal |
14 June 2012 |
Spread of 'baby boxes' in Europe alarms United Nations |
10 June 2012 |
Crisis zorgt voor minder adopties |
27 May 2012 |
Een echte Urker jongen |
27 May 2012 |
Door crisis minder adopties |
27 May 2012 |
Teeven ontkracht berichtgeving adoptieaanvraag pedoseksueel |
15 May 2012 |
Pedofiel in adoptieprocedure |
14 May 2012 |
Straf ouders voor verkopen baby J. |
14 May 2012 |
Adopción legal? (Steven - Netherlands/Colombia) |
15 April 2012 |
Blog: Namibië definitief opgeschort |
5 April 2012 |
Courtcase Ghana adoption Netherlands - Guardianship Youthcare |
21 March 2012 |
Application acceptance from international adoption organizations suspended in Kyrgyzstan |
20 February 2012 |
Blog: Namibië alweer opgeschort |
6 January 2012 |
Letter MoJ to Dutch Parliament |
22 December 2011 |
Editor Dares Dutch Crook and wife! |
8 December 2011 |
Kortgeding: Brandpunt over adopties uit Ethiopië |
5 November 2011 |
The Indian preacher and the fake orphan scandal |
28 October 2011 |
South Africa tightens rules for foreign adoptions |
14 October 2011 |
The interest of the child in illegal adoption |
1 October 2011 |
Blog - problems Nigeria, Congo, Ghana - Netherlands |
1 October 2011 |
26 September 2011 |
Hilversum (RNW) - De Nederlandse adoptieouders Marco en Brigitta Neervoort, die in Colombia twee weken vast zitten in een hotel, |
10 September 2011 |
Die verschwundenen Kinder von El Salvador |
29 August 2011 |
Nederlandse adoptie-ouders Colombia iets hoopvoller |
29 August 2011 |
Adoptieouders wonen verplicht half jaar in buitenland |
29 July 2011 |
Adopted Danny van der Maas searched and found his family in India |
28 July 2011 |
Geadopteerde Danny van der Maas zocht en vond zijn familie in India |
28 July 2011 |
"Meerwaarde adoptie niet groot genoeg" |
17 July 2011 |
Suspended jail terms for buying baby on internet |
15 July 2011 |
'Buitenlandse adoptie houdt zichzelf in stand' |
29 May 2011 |
Dutchman gets 10-yr RI for child abuse, uploading porn |
27 May 2011 |
Paedophile Will Heume sentenced to 10 years in jail |
26 May 2011 |
Probe into Chinese baby adoptions |
17 May 2011 |
Foreign countries adopt 142 Lagos orphans |
13 May 2011 |
Family-planning officials took & sold babies: report |
10 May 2011 |
Geadopteerde Libanese kinderen slaken noodkreet |
22 April 2011 |
ACCOUNTANT'S REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT AUDITOR Issued on behalf of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport |
7 April 2011 |
'Adoptie uit Haïti kan' |
31 March 2011 |
Courtcase Ghana adoption Netherlands - Guardianship Youthcare |
30 March 2011 |
Five questions for Hans Guijt (Terre des Hommes) |
20 March 2011 |
Themamiddag over homoseksueel ouderschap |
13 March 2011 |
Kondanani - NEWS LETTER MARCH 2011 |
March 2011 |
'Stel mishandelt jarenlang adoptiekinderen' |
4 February 2011 |
Debate MP Arib - Minister Opstelten |
11 January 2011 |
Arib wants clarity on adoption from Ethiopia |
11 January 2011 |
Arib wants clarity on adoption from Ethiopia |
11 January 2011 |
Dutch couple involved in Adoption scandal |
10 January 2011 |
Focal point broadcast Ethiopia |
10 January 2011 |
Kinderen te Koop (Brandpunt - Ethiopia) |
9 January 2011 |
adoptie info sri lanka - Netherlands |
2011 |
The secret file of Orange, update. |
23 December 2010 |
Polémique en France autour de l’adoption des enfants haïtiens |
23 December 2010 |
Kinderbescherming blokkeerde adoptievraag Robert M. |
14 December 2010 |
Netherlands temporarily halts adoptions from Haiti |
13 December 2010 |
12 December 2010 |
EC false report first international reactions |
6 December 2010 |
3 December 2010 |
Oranje Fonds steunt deskundigheidsbevordering vrijwilligers |
30 November 2010 |
Report Psychological Examination Rahul by Anneke Vinke |
4 November 2010 |
Terre des Hommes loses subsidy |
1 November 2010 |
Together4change - 52 million subsidy |
1 November 2010 |
Two-Way Street (NL/US) |
1 November 2010 |
Zef Hendriks Linked In |
15 October 2010 |
Brekelmans: Goedbedoeld, maar toch mislukt |
8 August 2010 |
Bombay high court registry gets a week to trace adoption papers |
3 August 2010 |
Oogje dicht op ambassade voor transseksuele ex’ |
1 August 2010 |
Voorwaardelijke straf voor achterlaten baby |
12 July 2010 |
Orphanage sells Malawian children to Dutch Agency |
6 July 2010 |
Hague Conference on International Private Law Held the Third Special Commission Meeting |
1 July 2010 |
Courtcase Ghana adoption Netherlands - Guardianship Youthcare |
29 June 2010 |
Indian children stolen for adoption |
28 June 2010 |
Hungary is final! |
27 June 2010 |
Netwerk: Indiase ouders 'Rahul' doen aangifte van kidnapping |
22 June 2010 |
Dutch moves court to trace Indian roots |
18 June 2010 |
In search of roots, Dutch woman smells a ‘racket’ |
17 June 2010 |
Netwerk: Indiase ouders 'Rahul' in Nederland voor DNA-test |
15 June 2010 |
E-Mail Regarding Hoksbergen Chennai |
12 June 2010 |
Failed adoption US - Kind en Toekomst |
9 June 2010 |
Deputy Director-General of CCAA, Gan Weiwei, Met with Visitors from Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands |
3 June 2010 |
Handicap wordt regel bij adoptie |
8 May 2010 |
KENYA: Climate Change, Poverty and Tourists put Maasai Daughters at Risk |
16 April 2010 |
Aantal adoptiekinderen bijna gehalveerd |
12 April 2010 |
Adoption Blogs Kenya (Netherlands) |
April 2010 |
Children abandoned as Morocco deports adoptive parents |
17 March 2010 |
25-02-2010 - Aanvulling op nieuwsbericht Adoptie uit Ethiopië, 19-02 |
25 February 2010 |
No reconsideration of adoptions from Ethiopia |
18 February 2010 |
Letter Ministry of Justice - Ethiopia |
16 February 2010 |
Joy for adopted twins after Immigration red-tape U-turn |
6 February 2010 |
Haiti slows orphan flights over human trafficking concerns (Bellerive signed for 3 flights) |
27 January 2010 |
Adopción de niños en Haití no es buena idea según la Comision Europea |
25 January 2010 |
No EU plan foreseen to fast-track adoptions of Haiti children |
25 January 2010 |
Children missing from Haiti hospitals: UNICEF |
22 January 2010 |
EU wil adoptie van Haïti–wezen regelen |
22 January 2010 |
Adopted orphans arrive in France as UNICEF raises trafficking fears |
22 January 2010 |
Al red je er maar één |
22 January 2010 |
Countries to fast-track Haiti adoption |
22 January 2010 |
Dutch Airlift Brings 123 Haitian Orphans to Netherlands for Adoption |
21 January 2010 |
Haitis Erdbebenkinder sind begehrt |
19 January 2010 |
53 Haitian orphans arrive at Pittsburgh airport |
19 January 2010 |
Vliegtuig adoptiekinderen op Curaçao |
19 January 2010 |
Snelle adoptie kinderen uit Haïti is verkeerd signaal |
18 January 2010 |
First group of evacuees, including six adoption children from Haiti, arrive back in the Netherlands |
17 January 2010 |
Nederland evacueert Haïtiaanse adoptiekinderen (Ministry pays costs airplaine) |
17 January 2010 |
Blog - Eindelijk goed nieuws!!! (military involved?) |
17 January 2010 |
16-01-2010 - update aaardbeving Haïti (13.15 u) |
16 January 2010 |
A Family for Every Child: International Adoption of American Children in the Netherlands |
1 January 2010 |
Proposals Netherlands |
2010 |
Les homosexuels bousculent les règles de l'adoption |
25 November 2009 |
Haiti Adoption - 30.000 Euro |
20 November 2009 |
Justitie onderzoekt illegale adopties |
19 November 2009 |
Laatste nieuws adoptieprocedures Ethiopië |
19 November 2009 |
Dutch Parliamentary Question - Teeven - Ethiopia |
17 November 2009 |
14 November 2009 |
Voetballer Rafael van Rijn is opgetogen teruggekeerd uit Brazilië na de hereniging met zijn Braziliaanse familie. |
12 November 2009 |
KRO Spoorloos: Herenigd met verkeerde moeder? |
9 November 2009 |
Wrong Interpretation art 21b (VVD/Kind en Toekomst) |
28 October 2009 |
‘Christen moet tegen nota Rouvoet ingaan’ |
23 October 2009 |
Ethiopiërs en Nederlanders ontmoeten elkaar |
14 October 2009 |
Deputy Director-General Gan Weiwei Led a Delegation to Visit the Netherlands and United Kingdom |
11 October 2009 |
Adoptie van HIV+ kinderen uit Zuid Afrika |
10 October 2009 |
Adoption: Solution or Problem? |
10 October 2009 |
A baby with HIV raises fears for many people. But is that right? |
10 October 2009 |
Tweede adoptieorganisatie in VS |
6 October 2009 |
Geen straf voor illegale adoptie |
29 September 2009 |
Reactie van voormalig directeur van Wereldkinderen ( Edited Version ) - CHINA |
23 September 2009 |
Some Chinese parents say their babies were stolen for adoption |
20 September 2009 |
Home » Adoptie » Verklaring adoptiebureau Wereldkinderen Verklaring adoptiebureau Wereldkinderen Reportage: Wereldkinderen stopt |
16 September 2009 |
K&T stopt met bemiddeling VS |
1 September 2009 |
Money plays too big a role in adoption |
28 August 2009 |
Netwerk: Weer adoptieschandaal China |
3 July 2009 |
Baby girls taken and sold for adoption |
3 July 2009 |
Girls seized, handed over for adoption |
2 July 2009 |
"Create" an abandoned child |
1 July 2009 |
Dutch Dear Birth Parent Website |
23 June 2009 |
Baby uit Leopoldsburg verkocht voor 25.000 euro |
20 June 2009 |
Adoptie |
12 June 2009 |
Minister Hirsch Ballin wil regels doe-het-zelf-adoptie flink aanscherpen |
11 June 2009 |
Still high on Amsterdam trip, Landrieu promotes adoption of Dutch model (part one) |
9 June 2009 |
DCI does not sign joint letter because of outgoing adoptions US |
9 June 2009 |
Mail Teeven to RP: VVD does not agree with you about subsidiarity |
6 June 2009 |
ACT Letter to Dutch Minister of Justice - Subsidiarity USA |
5 June 2009 |
US urged to abandon ageing flood defences in favour of Dutch system |
5 June 2009 |
ACT Letter to Dutch Minister of Justice - Subsidiarity |
5 June 2009 |
2009/6 gegrond Beslissing van de Raad voor de Journalistiek inzake de klacht van UAI |
1 June 2009 |
DAY FOUR: Landrieu, Congressional Delegation Conclude Study of Dutch Water Management |
29 May 2009 |
Children of the Cedars |
26 May 2009 |
GroenLinks wil behoud deelbemiddeling voor homo-paren |
25 May 2009 |
Paul de Leeuw Show |
23 May 2009 |
Kamervraag PvdA - Deelbemiddeling VS |
19 May 2009 |
PETITIE: Deelbemiddeling moet blijven |
13 May 2009 |
Juliana pregnant by her father Hendrik |
1 May 2009 |
Stricter requirements in respect of adoption from the United States |
28 April 2009 |
Doe-het-zelf-adoptie steeds populairder |
14 April 2009 |
Blog - Dutch Adoption NAS |
3 March 2009 |
deelbemiddeling VS en doorbreken monopolie van vergunninghouders |
23 February 2009 |
Bappi verjaardag » Reisverhalen » antoni-in-bangl… |
18 February 2009 |
Adoption from Kazakhstan to the Netherlands |
15 February 2009 |
Handel in kinderen keihard aanpakken |
13 February 2009 |
3500 VN-militairen in Haïti |
19 January 2009 |
Actueel boek: Baby op bestelling |
2009 |
Godanaw een straatmeisjes project in Ethiopie |
2009 |
Convention-specific Technical Assistance Programmes |
1 January 2009 |
Centrum Peruaanse Moeders |
1 January 2009 |
The Perverse Effects of the Hague Adoption Convention |
November 2008 |
Perverse effects of the Hague Convention - R. Post |
1 November 2008 |
'' Ooit wil ik terug, met mijn gezin '' |
23 October 2008 |
Deelbemiddeling in Verdragstaten |
22 September 2008 |
Chinese children's homes pay for children |
9 September 2008 |
Courtcase NL: Indonesian adoption rejected |
28 May 2008 |
TV broadcast* EenVandaag 28-05-2008 |
28 May 2008 |
Adoptees say local adoption system not free from irregularities |
14 May 2008 |
Visiting rights sperm donor |
12 March 2008 |
Netwerk TV: Adopties uit China |
11 March 2008 |
Netwerk: Timmermans naar Bulgarije (private plane) |
4 February 2008 |
Letter Roelie Post to Timmermans - Bulgaria |
1 February 2008 |
Inside Story of an Adoption Scandal - Arun Dohle |
2008 |
Erica Hoksbergen-Penningsmester Third World soest |
1 January 2008 |
eerste alleenstaande adoptie-ouder in Nederland |
4 December 2007 |
Reactie BZA op concept circulaire deelbemiddeling en vragenlijst |
3 December 2007 |
Radical house sparrow |
24 November 2007 |
Roelie Post to Drimmelen - Dank voor het gesprek (Thanks for the conversation) |
16 November 2007 |
‘Adoptiedossiers kloppen vaker niet dan wel’ |
5 November 2007 |
Forum Adoptie Trefpunt |
1 November 2007 |
Klacht Hogar ten aanzien van Colombia ICBF |
17 September 2007 |
Baby’s te koop TE KOOP |
2 July 2007 |
EenVandaag: Adoptiestop in zicht? |
19 June 2007 |
Volkskrant artikel IJzendoorn, Juffer, Vinke about Roelie Post |
16 June 2007 |
Adoptietweelingen soms geen familie |
2 June 2007 |
OM moet eigen onderzoek doen in adoptie zaken - Telegraaf (Knoops) |
28 May 2007 |
Buitenlandse ouders zijn het lucratiefste |
25 May 2007 |
'Stolen boy' may be one of dozens |
23 May 2007 |
Blog: Wereldkinderen wrote to Ministry of Justice (India) |
14 May 2007 |
,,In India heeft Stefia geen schijn van kans'' |
8 March 2007 |
02.03.07: Verenigde Naties omarmen nieuw Nederlands initiatief voor Weeskinderen |
7 March 2007 |
Tamil Nadu is home to adoption rackets and child-labour gangs |
16 February 2007 |
After 25-year search, woman traces son |
12 February 2007 |
Internationale adoptie Kinderen van de rekening |
19 January 2007 |
Sri Lanka - ID mother wrong |
2007 |
'Donated' is the core of the adopted child |
30 December 2006 |
BCN Initiatives - Better Care Network |
18 December 2006 |
Cablegate: Netherlands: Pending Adoption Cases in Romania |
22 June 2006 |
Directorate General for Prevention, Youth and Sanctions |
19 June 2006 |
Court Case Ethiopia - LJN: AV8244, Rechtbank 's-Gravenhage , 227088 |
4 April 2006 |
Happy Child Foundation Newsletter withdrawn |
25 March 2006 |
30 November 2005 |
Welcome to Anand's weblog. |
14 August 2005 |
Local Reunion ARC families |
1 August 2005 |
Netherlands To Lift Adoption Ban |
17 March 2005 |
"Expertise center adoption needed" |
6 November 2004 |
Born in America, adopted abroad |
27 October 2004 |
Protocol Working Method Bureau Central Authority when granting a permit to mediate in international adoption or extension of the validity period of that permit |
19 May 2004 |
Child trafficking in Guatemala European Parliament resolution on child trafficking in Guatemala |
12 March 2004 |
Homo’s mogen buitenlands kind adopteren |
19 December 2003 |
30 October 2003 |
President Mádl of Hungary celebrating HCCH's 110th Anniversary |
30 October 2003 |
Adoptieouders doen het ook nooit goed |
19 April 2003 |
Say: Bye bye Korea, until later, when I have grown up |
4 April 2003 |
The effect of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in the Dutch Judiciary |
20 January 2003 |
Schadeclaim tegen Jeugdzorg Dordt |
2003 |
Adoption grief - Zembla - BNNVARA |
21 November 2002 |
Child adoption from Haiti via Flash stopped |
28 September 2002 |
Adoptie kinderen uit Haïti via Flash gestaakt |
28 September 2002 |
Twijfels bij rol stichting in adoptie uit Haïti |
15 August 2002 |
Parliamentary paper 2001-2002 28457 No. 3 |
9 July 2002 |
Uitspraak 200103332/1 |
17 April 2002 |
'Alles legaal' aan snelle adoptie Paul de Leeuw |
17 October 2001 |
Handel in Indiase baby's voor adoptie is lucratief |
14 August 2001 |
The India Channel was launched at the end of 1994 |
6 March 2001 |
'Nu zijn we ineens ouders' - Colombia |
12 August 2000 |
Teveel 'wat wilt u', te weinig 'wat hebt u te bieden' |
30 June 2000 |
Letter Dutch CA (Vroomans) to French CA - Romania |
12 May 2000 |
What are the costs of an adoption? |
1 January 2000 |
BANGLADESH Evaluation of the Netherlands Development Programme with Bangladesh, 1972–1996 |
1 January 2000 |
Sex slaves for sale |
1 December 1999 |
20 October 1999 |
11 October 1999 |
LETTER Central Authorities to HAGUE - Romania problems |
8 July 1999 |
`We rolden van de ene leugen in de andere' Een echtpaar uit Enschede zou een kind uit Brazilië hebben geroofd. |
18 March 1999 |
Optimisme over `geroofd' adoptiekind (Brazilie) |
15 March 1999 |
Blog: Familie Meier (Romania/Haiti) |
1 January 1999 |
Report on the In-house Capacity Building Workshop on Intercountry Adoption, ICDC, Florence, Italy, 14-17. September, 1998 |
September 1998 |
Support center for adoption questions |
13 May 1998 |
Motalib Weijters terug naar Dhulia |
9 April 1998 |
Pessers overschreeuwt zichzelf |
26 September 1997 |
Ik eis mijn vader desnoods met een DNA-test |
5 June 1997 |
Kans op buitenlandse baby neemt toe bij tegelijk aannemen van broertjes en zusjes |
12 October 1996 |
Jordanië pakt consul van Sri Lanka op voor handel kinderen naar Nederland |
22 March 1996 |
Argumenten Amsterdams gerechtshof bij toekenning adoptie-kind aan alleenstaande moeder |
31 July 1995 |
Officieel onderzoek door Griekse Justitie |
9 May 1995 |
Vietnam: Doe geen moeite, welk geslacht wenst u? |
23 January 1995 |
Tweede Kamer: Meer controle buitenlandse adopties |
27 October 1994 |
Adult adopted children are not necessarily entitled to all information from the files about their natural parents. |
21 September 1994 |
The longing for the real parents |
18 May 1994 |
Maria de R. mag weten wie haar vader is |
16 April 1994 |
Minder adopties uit buitenland in 1993 |
6 April 1994 |
Buitenlandse Pleegkinderen |
1 January 1994 |
Baby's te koop in Hongarije |
13 November 1993 |
Verdrag beschemt kinderen tegen illegale adoptie |
1 June 1993 |
Kosto stopt Baby Lijn uit Jordanie (Sri Lanka) |
21 May 1993 |
PvdA Kamerlid Piet van Stoffelen (about Stoffelen Report) |
19 March 1993 |
Gruweldaden van het monster van de JURA |
2 February 1993 |
Kosto onderzoekt snellere adopties van Kroatische en Bosnische babies |
30 January 1993 |
Kosto: No accusation against child protection in an adontie affair |
14 October 1992 |
Kosto geen verwijt Kinderbescherming in adoptie affaire (Ethiopia) |
1 October 1992 |
Speurtocht naar 'echte' ouders is vaak moeizaam |
7 August 1992 |
Adoptiekind is in alles volop kind der christelijke gemeente |
6 March 1992 |
Sri Lanka wil handel in baby's uitroeien |
11 November 1991 |
life without a father, for many children exist 'bottomless' |
3 June 1991 |
Justitie Brabant gaat illegale adoptie praktijken vrouw onderzoeken (Sri Lanka) |
7 February 1991 |
Kosto wil onderzoek naar illegale adopties Sri Lanka |
6 February 1991 |
Justice knows illegal adoption |
6 February 1991 |
„Nauwelijks adopties Roemeense wezen Twee kinderen aangekomen op Schiphol |
15 October 1990 |
Inzagerecht (geen anonieme donoren) |
4 April 1990 |
Grote vraag adoptie Roemeense kinderen |
10 January 1990 |
Adoptie in wetgeving en programma's, van Nederland tot Zweden en Sri Lanka |
21 January 1989 |
Geadopteerde kinderen hebben recht op hun afkomst |
16 September 1988 |
Adoptie buitenlandse kinderen lijkt haast onmogelijk te worden |
14 May 1988 |
Kinderhandel uit de Derde Wereld door strengere regels indammen (Stoffelen Rapport) |
1 October 1987 |
Sri Lanka maakt einde aan baby boerderijen |
5 June 1987 |
Schokkend rapport babyhandel Sri Lanka |
10 April 1987 |
Bevrijdingskinderen blijven zoeken naar Canadese vaders |
27 January 1987 |
Stoffelen Report on Trade in Children (CoE) - Doc 5777 |
1 January 1987 |
UN Rules for Adoption |
6 December 1986 |
Salvadoraanse kinderen ontvoert voor adoptie |
18 December 1985 |
Adoptie van kinderen uit de derde wereld, 2 - Het Spoor - VPRO |
2 September 1985 |
Adoptie van kinderen uit de derde wereld, 1 - Het Spoor - VPRO |
26 August 1985 |
Haags incest (klein)kind overleden |
18 June 1985 |
No child porn in the Netherlands? Come on! |
4 May 1985 |
Nederlanders weer vrij in Santos |
16 February 1985 |
Dutch not in baby trade |
14 February 1985 |
Wij hebben niets verkeerd gedaan. Gearresteerde 'handelaren in kinderen' weer thuis |
14 February 1985 |
Appointments for new reproductive techniques |
3 January 1985 |
Adoptions to NL via Belgium (Haiti) |
1985 |
A question of interests : Inter-country Adoption |
1 October 1983 |
Overheid gaat wantoestanden rond adoptie legaliseren |
15 April 1983 |
Illegale adopties baby's; Braziliaanse advocate aangehouden |
23 March 1983 |
Stichting in Groesbeek beticht van babysmokkel |
12 March 1983 |
Profiteering from the sale of babies |
5 March 1983 |
Braziliaanse van illegale adoptie baby's verdacht |
24 February 1983 |
West Germany: The baby business |
15 January 1983 |
TROS AKTUA: FLASH adoptie kinderhandel Sri Lanka (Youtube) |
4 January 1983 |
Illegaal adopteren vaak een noodsprong; We schamen ons hier helemaal niet voor (investigation NL Peru is ongoing) |
1 January 1983 |
Illegale adoptie uit Peru hier niet bespeurd (MvJ does not know anything) |
4 November 1982 |
5000 dollars betaald. Kinderen Illegaal Geadopteerd (Peru) - Dutch MoJ not aware |
3 November 1982 |
Preadviezen Interlandelijke Adoptie BIA |
1 November 1982 |
Tijdschrift voor Familie en Jeugdrecht - Pre Adviezen Interlandelijke Adoptie |
1 November 1982 |
Baby Farm |
8 January 1982 |
Duizenden babies illegaal naar West-Europa |
17 October 1981 |
Adoption affair does not lead to prosecution |
15 September 1981 |
16 August 1981 |
Tante verdiende grof geld aan kleuters |
28 July 1981 |
Verkochte Colombiaanse baby's mogelijk ook in ons land |
25 July 1981 |
Breek Macht Baby Verkopers |
18 May 1981 |
Instellingen willen gedragscode ter voorkoming adoptie schandalen |
16 May 1981 |
Verhalen over kinderhandel slechts verdachtmaking (Indonesie) |
3 January 1981 |
Vroedvrouw aangebouden. Baby's uit Indonesie verkocht |
27 December 1980 |
Indonesische baby's vooral in Nederland verkocht |
30 November 1980 |
Haars staakt subsidie voor adoptiebureau |
17 May 1980 |
Letter Nota to Van Deth - Stateless children Indonesia (Chinese population) |
13 February 1980 |
Dacca's Den of Child Snatchers |
1 January 1980 |
Adoptie van buitenlandse (Justitiele Verkenningen) |
September 1979 |
Derde Wereld wil adopties aan banden |
1 September 1979 |
Adoption affair Irian Jaya bigger than assumed |
30 August 1979 |
Grote vraag leidt tot Babyhandel |
17 August 1979 |
Beschuldiging aan adres van Terre des Hommes in Nederland en BIA |
1 August 1979 |
Kinderhandel in Bangladesh |
1 August 1979 |
Groeiend aantal aanvragen uit gezinnen met eigen kinderen |
31 July 1979 |
Illegal trade on the baby market |
11 March 1978 |
Baby Transport zu Ostern (Bangladesh) |
1 January 1978 |
Ook fincanciële adoptie vraagt om juiste levensbeschouwelijke keuze |
5 May 1977 |
Eva den Hartog resigns: Conflict met leiding om werk Bangla Desj |
31 January 1977 |
Interlandelijke adoptie soms minst schadelijke oplossing HOOGLERAAR JEUGDRECHT IN ORATIE: |
9 November 1976 |
Werkgroep voor adoptie uit buitenland |
3 May 1976 |
Voor tienduizend gulden een kind adopteren in Beiroet |
6 March 1976 |
red. - Buitenlandse pleegkinderen. Richtlijnen voor de opneming |
1 March 1976 |
Leidsch Dagblad 17/01/1976 |
17 January 1976 |
Korean adoptions via BIA to other European countries |
1976 |
De Telegraaf: Adoptie - Twintig jaar helpen (ISS) |
16 April 1975 |
Veel aanvragen voor Vietnamese wezen (geronselde kinderen?) |
10 April 1975 |
Aankomst adoptiekinderen in Nederland (1975) |
9 April 1975 |
Ouders dolgelukkig met weesjes uit Bangladesj |
1 January 1975 |
Deze week 30 kinderen: Wezen komen ook naar Nederland (Vietnam) |
1 January 1975 |
Bangladesh stuurt voorlopig geen adoptiekinderen |
5 December 1974 |
closure threatens for 2 day care centers/ Hartog / samsom |
26 September 1974 |
Grote toename aspirantouders; adoptiekinderen moeilijker |
25 April 1973 |
Scherpe kritiek op regeringsnota kinderbescherming (adoptie moet door private actoren) |
May 1972 |
negenduizend adopties na vijftien jaar |
16 November 1971 |
PhD Jos Nota: De Adoptie |
6 December 1969 |
Vietnamese wezen land niet uit |
24 March 1969 |
Wij kunnen ongelimiteerd Zuidvietnamese kinderen opvangen |
1 March 1968 |
Aanbod kinderen kleiner dan de vraag; buitenlandse kinderen worden hier niet zondermeer erkend |
16 December 1967 |
Voorschriften nog sta-n-de-weg: Honderden pleegouders voor vietnameesjes |
19 September 1967 |
Misbruik van adoptie in Griekenland; Dokter verkocht pleegkinderen |
28 March 1965 |
Moderne Kinderhandel (US army) |
21 December 1959 |
Handel in Nederlandse babies naar Amerika neemt toe |
11 November 1959 |
KInderbescherming waarschuwt: Handel in Nederlandse babies naar Amerika neemt toe |
10 November 1959 |
Aantal ongehuwde moeders stijgende (export/import) |
9 November 1959 |
Vele Italiaanse kinderen naar Amerika verkocht |
4 September 1959 |
Eerste ervaringen met nieuwe adoptiewet |
20 November 1957 |
Kinderen voor adoptie over hun afkomst voorlichten |
19 November 1957 |
Zwarte Handel in Canadese Baby's |
11 February 1957 |
1956: Adoptiewet goedgekeurd |
23 January 1956 |
Adoptievraagstuk nog steeds in het geding; zekerheid voor pleegouders ook zonder adoptie mogelijk |
9 November 1954 |
Adoptiewet moet er komen, zelfs al zijn er bezwaren (Professor Van Bemmelen, Leiden) |
15 July 1954 |
Wetsontwerp bij Tweede Kamer; kinderadoptie wordt ook in Nederland mogelijk |
12 July 1954 |
Nederland heeft dringend een adoptiewet nodig |
21 April 1953 |
Waarderende meningen over adoptierapport. Ook bezwaren tegen wettelijke regeling |
23 December 1952 |
Handel in Zuigelingen ontdekt - Baby Export van Europa naar Amerika |
28 November 1952 |
FIOM stelt voor adoptie mogelijk te maken |
23 November 1952 |
Decision on Woo-request applications and NOW grants to transnational adoption foundations |
'Adoption pause is necessary to really change' |
Featured Illegal adoptions? Stolen children? Adopted children request an investigation |
Shiva (46) about Dharan (13): 'I had to fight for my food in an orphanage, so I can't complain' |
The Netherlands will no longer allow international adoptions |
Cost of a search |
History Fiom |