


Title Publication date
Defence for Children - Past, present and future 26 July 2024
Habtamu de Hoop: 'I think many friends would be helped by our politics, but they will never vote left' 25 July 2024
Chinese boy adopted by Dutch couple finds biological parents after 12-year-long search Read more at: 1 July 2024
Incomprehensible that Belgium continues with adoption from Hungary and Bulgaria' 22 June 2024
A child of the puszta 22 June 2024
Despite the stop, five hundred parents still have hope for an adopted child 21 June 2024
The Netherlands adopts children from Hungary, although quite a few things seem wrong 21 June 2024
Archives black out names in adoption files. Adoptees react furiously 19 June 2024
Children's rights in Europe 30 May 2024
Pleegouders zwaargewond meisje (10) opgepakt voor poging tot doodslag 27 May 2024
Koninklijke Onderscheiding Ina Hut 1 May 2024
Woo request about communication with Fiom about (intercountry) adoption and surrogacy 22 April 2024
Woo's request about communication with the Child Protection Council 22 April 2024
Betty grows* up in a horror family: 'Shit Ethiopian, I regret that adoption so much' 21 April 2024
objection to Woo request for intercountry adoption from Indonesia 19 April 2024
Woo request about communication regarding the country analysis of intercountry adoption, including with the US 28 March 2024
Al 134 meldingen over mogelijke onregelmatigheden bij adopties | De Standaard Mobile (Already 134 reports about possible irregularities in adoptions | The Standard Mobile) 24 March 2024
Kim ten Hagen is looking for family in South Korea: 'I am still that little girl waiting for her mother' 12 March 2024
Centrale autoriteit Internationale Kinderaangelegenheden’s Post - Central Authority International Children's Affairs Post 30 January 2024
The stranger across from me was my sister: how one adoptee uncovered a tragic past 26 January 2024
Is the end coming for intercountry adoption in Europe? 26 January 2024
Bangladesh launches investigation into children ‘wrongly’ adopted overseas 25 January 2024
Bangladesh launches investigation into children ‘wrongly’ adopted overseas 25 January 2024
Activists not convinced about Norwegian adoption investigation 23 January 2024
Despite S. Korea’s low birth rate, babies are still being sent overseas for adoption 22 January 2024
Chile's justice department stops investigating illegal adoptions by Dutch 'fake nun', victims demand action 20 January 2024
Taiwan affected by international adoptions decision 18 January 2024
Guatemala’s baby brokers: how thousands of children were stolen for adoption 4 January 2024
Politician Yngvild Ingels sold as a baby for 6.500 frank: ​‘Thorough investigation needed’ 15 December 2023
Woo request on correspondence with country analysis of intercountry adoption 10 December 2023
If your child turns out not to have been adopted in Bolivia but in the Netherlands 5 December 2023
Vooruit once again calls for an adoption pause: 'Too great a risk of fraud' 28 November 2023
If there was malpractice surrounding your adoption - experiences of adoptees 18 November 2023
Blog | Liability for adoption abuse; an update 16 November 2023
Decision memorandum accompanying letter to Parliament about Woo decision on reports of discussions about the future of intercountry adoption 12 November 2023
Woo request about meeting reports on the future of intercountry adoption 12 November 2023
Adopted Paula finds her twin sister in China - Geadopteerde Paula vindt haar tweelingzus in China 9 November 2023
Lara from Enschede is looking for her mother: 'The story about the orphanage was a lie' 8 November 2023
Fiom: Vacancy Case Manager International Searches (ISS) (24-32 hours) 4 November 2023
Guillermo turned out to have been stolen as a baby: Fiom starts campaign 3 November 2023
The protection of children's rights in the international reproductive market 2 November 2023
note accompanying a letter to Parliament on a decision on a Woo request regarding the selection of a central mediation organization for intercountry adoption 31 October 2023
Hester was stolen as a baby: 'I never want to live without an identity again' 27 October 2023
Commission for Research on Domestic Distance and Adoption looking for stories 24 October 2023
Chairman and members of the Supervisory Board - Foundation for Intercountry Adoption Mediation in the Netherlands 23 October 2023
A child of a surrogate mother, now a fighter against the industry 23 October 2023
Transitieplan bemiddeling interlandelijke adoptie Oktober 2023 | Rapport | - Transition plan for intercountry adoption mediation October 2023 20 October 2023
Woo request on intercountry adoption from Indonesia 18 October 2023
Woo request regarding intercountry adoption from India 18 October 2023
Stephanie Dong Hee Kim is organizing this fundraiser. 15 October 2023
note accompanying letter to Parliament about Woo decisions regarding intercountry adoption 13 October 2023
Woo request on correspondence with country analysis of intercountry adoption 12 October 2023
Diplomatic spat Netherlands and Russia: two worlds of law and diplomacy | Clingendael 10 October 2023
Adoptee Rowan Veltman also hopes for an adoption storyline in GTST 7 October 2023
Woo request on communication with HCCH 2 October 2023
note to Parliamentary letter about Woo decides on correspondence with the HCCH about intercountry adoption 2 October 2023
The protection of children against organized violent sexual abuse in the Netherlands 1 October 2023
The subsidy scheme 'International Adoptee Interest Organizations' explained 28 September 2023
Green light for use of genealogical DNA databases 28 September 2023
Committee on Enforced Disappearances Marks First Anniversary of the Joint Statement on Illegal Intercountry Adoptions 20 September 2023
'Keep all administration regarding intercountry adoption files in one central place' 14 September 2023
'I might also compensate for my wheelchair with my clothes' 13 September 2023
Intercountry adoption from Bangladesh; appeal by Wereldkinderen and Terre des Hommes to the limitation period is not unacceptable according to standards of reasonableness and fairness; no claim within a reasonable period; claim against State fails for sub 12 September 2023
Stop exploiting adoption suffering 7 September 2023
Mulock Houwer Lecture 2023 - Defence for Children 7 September 2023
VG reveals: This is how Norway was notified about the sale of children, corruption and false identities 4 September 2023
Minister does not start investigation into illegal adoptions from Chile by Dutch 'nun' 2 September 2023
Netherlands Intercountry Adoption Mediation Foundation (IAN) – Chairman of the Supervisory Board 27 August 2023
Opinion: The government should invest more in the recovery for adoptees 20 August 2023
2023: Sad days for ‘adoptable’ children in Greece 19 August 2023
‘My mother spent her life trying to find me’: the children who say they were wrongly taken for adoption 11 August 2023
Time for a human gesture towards adopted children 3 August 2023
Woo request about dinner pensant intercountry adoption 1 August 2023
Deborah's painful adoption story: 'I made good money at the time' 28 July 2023
Adoptees from Sri Lanka hold the state liable for abuses 25 July 2023
"Was my mother paid to give me up?" Looking for government recognition for mistakes in adoption 25 July 2023
Dutch woman linked at least 3 adult adoptees from Chile to wrong birth families: report 24 July 2023
Center for Children, Law and Ethics 22 July 2023
Woo request on international adoption procedures 21 July 2023
ATTWIN Position Paper: 19 July 2023
Outgoing minister Weerwind about wrong adoptions: 'I cannot correct past suffering' 17 July 2023
Adopted Diego also victim of Spoorloos fixer: 'Was lied to' 16 July 2023
Adoption is as universal as motherhood 7 July 2023
a request for information to the institution of the JA Poch Dossier Committee 29 June 2023
'We found your birth mother': How Chile's children were stolen and adopted worldwide 28 June 2023
Dr. Aurangasri Hinriksson : Brave Lankan lady knighted for her battle against baby farm racket - Opinion | Daily Mirror 27 June 2023
Dutch 'nun' suspected of baby theft from Chile appears to have destroyed files 23 June 2023
Sister Kuijpers and the Chilean adopted children: 'I just wanted to help, shouldn't that be possible?' 20 June 2023
Foreign adoption: 'No one has the courage to stop it' 20 June 2023
Tjibbe Joustra about intercountry adoption: biological parent is most forgotten 19 June 2023
Intercountry adoption is 'in the interests of the child', how can D66 be so sure? 19 June 2023
Network meeting 17 June 2023 Meet & Greet for Haitian adoptees (17+) Meeting, connecting and sharing Haitian roots 17 June 2023
Reconstruction: how the adoption freeze was canceled at the very last minute 16 June 2023
Adoptions from abroad were going to stop, but D66 put a stop to that at the very last - Nederlands Dagblad. The quality newspaper of Christian Netherlands 16 June 2023
Woo request about the position taken regarding the future of intercountry adoption 15 June 2023
Alma Feenstra afdelingshoofd Uitvoering van Beleid bij SZW | Nieuwsbericht | Algemene Bestuursdienst (Alma Feenstra, head of the Policy Implementation department at SZW | News item | General Administrative Service) 15 June 2023
EurAdopt 2024 12 June 2023
Tirza Kingma writes about adopted son Wen 28 May 2023
Henk-Jan is geadopteerd, maar kwam erachter dat hij niet legaal naar Nederland is gebracht - &C (Henk-Jan was adopted, but found out that he was not legally brought to the Netherlands - &C) 27 May 2023
Henk-Jan was adopted, but found out that he was not legally brought to the Netherlands 27 May 2023
Woo's request regarding the report on the Commission's investigation into intercountry adoption 16 May 2023
The fact that the government has destroyed dozens of meters of adoption files is criminal 16 May 2023
The Story of Jordy Nijkerk Who Rediscovered His Biological Parents Armed with Incomplete Adoption Documents 16 May 2023
SUCCESS STORIES - Delhi Council For Child Welfare 15 May 2023
'Child with disability is better off at home than in a home' 13 May 2023
Interlandelijke adoptie | Defence for Children (Intercountry Adoption | Defense for Children) 3 May 2023
After Spoorloos riot, Derk Bolt is under fire again 29 April 2023
Marc Dullaert is benoemd tot de nieuwe voorzitter van het Kinderrechtencollectief - Stichting KidsRights 24 April 2023
“Cling, bonding,” my therapist yelled 24 April 2023
Adoption can be revoked, even if application is submitted too late 18 April 2023
Al veertig jaar hopen Braziliaanse moeders op vergiffenis na schimmige adoptieprocedures - NRC (For 40 years, Brazilian mothers 16 April 2023
Karin startte 'datingsite' voor wensouders: 'De gunfactor is enorm' - (Karin started 'dating site' for prospective pare 9 April 2023
Extra incentive for projects related to care and guidance 6 April 2023
FIOM: Search for missing children from Argentina 4 April 2023
The difficult homecoming of Greece’s ‘lost children’ 2 April 2023
Intercountry adoption ideally back to zero, says minister 30 March 2023
What if you cannot provide a birth certificate? 30 March 2023
10 Years Since Forced Adoption Apology 23 March 2023
Establishment Advisory Committee on the Rule of Law and Legal Protection (Van Dooijeweert Advisory Committee) 22 March 2023
Illegal international adoptions How adoptees demand enlightenment 18 March 2023
Binnenlands geadopteerden vragen meer aandacht: ’Maak haast met het onderzoek naar de praktijk van afstand en adoptie. Straks ka 15 March 2023
Was Delias fatally abused by foster mother? "I never wanted to hurt him" 14 March 2023
Vacancy secretary Better Care Network Netherlands (volunteer) 14 March 2023
Parents want to start a claim against the government for custodial placements 1 March 2023
Mrs Chatterjee v/s Norway: The film should provoke wider conversations on plugging gaps in child protection 28 February 2023
Paula is a surrogate mother: 'After giving birth she goes with the dads' 25 February 2023
Lonneke Kapoen director Advice, Direction and Central Authority at JenV 21 February 2023
Children have the right to a carefree childhood. With love, attention and dedication. Your whole life depends on it. 19 February 2023
'Never before had I viewed my adoption file in the light of the scandals' 19 February 2023
Adoptive parents to House of Representatives: it must remain possible to adopt children from the US 16 February 2023
Subject Answers Parliamentary questions about the progress of intercountry adoption 13 February 2023
Looking for a home. Iresha's story 12 February 2023
France and irregular international adoptions: a necessary restorative justice 12 February 2023
Adoption organizations that have mediated for Indonesian children (before 1983) 6 February 2023
Wochenende für Adoptierte Erwachsene (mit und ohne beeninträchtigungen) 29 January 2023
Amy went looking for her biological parents: "We shook hands awkwardly" 27 January 2023
Norway to investigate illegal adoptions from Sri Lanka, up to 11,000 children may be involved 23 January 2023
Een zoektocht in India naar de échte biologische ouders (A search in India for the real biological parents) 18 January 2023
Lara Mallo about her adoption: "I was convinced that people I love would leave me" - 3 January 2023
Lara Mallo about her adoption: "I was convinced that people I love would leave me" 3 January 2023
Voluntourism in poor countries needs to be tackled 3 January 2023
Fiom : Sister found, now my parents 30 December 2022
Sebastian Kruis (PVV) went looking for his biological mother: 'adoption file was correct' 30 December 2022
Liz was given up as a baby: 'My mother chose a life without me' 29 December 2022
Barbara was linked to the wrong family by 'Spoorloos': "You can't be careless with adoption" 19 December 2022
IV. Estranha – Charlie decide matar a saudade 19 December 2022
Barbara, duped without a trace, still finds her real mother 15 December 2022
The second generation: A story of Korean adoptees' child - The Korea Times 12 December 2022
Fiom: Vacancy Professional helper Aftercare 16-28 hours 11 December 2022
South Korea launches investigation into suspicious adoptions of children to the West 8 December 2022
SP Member of Parliament Van Nispen in motion: 'Withdraw appeal in adoption cases' 8 December 2022
Greetings from Florida Billy and I became father!! 4 December 2022
SOPHIE Ouders gezocht. - SOPHIE Parents wanted. 4 December 2022
Fiom : To search 4 December 2022
Fiom : Adoption 4 December 2022
Explanatory note to the House of Representatives on intercountry adoption and meetings of the expertise center 4 December 2022
Dutch nun (89) accused of baby robbery: she told mothers that their child was stillborn 3 December 2022
Real life: Sam discovered that her adoption has been cheated 3 December 2022
Guideline 'Out-of-home placement and return' submitted for authorisation 28 November 2022
The Ministry must make black lacquered documents from the adoption file public - Zembla - BNNVARA 24 November 2022
Restoration decision Woo on intercountry adoption Sri Lanka 22 November 2022
Justus Kox Director of Sanctions and Victim Policy at JenV 18 November 2022
Cabinet still allows foreign adoption so as not to 'exclude' prospective parents 14 November 2022
Eline and Sander adopted three Hungarian girls: 'I preferred to hug them completely flat' 13 November 2022
Woo request on inspections of animal testing permit holders 7 November 2022
Adoptiehulpverlening - Beginpagina 6 November 2022
Myranda (52) was rejected by her biological and her adoptive mother: 'I could never do it right' 4 November 2022
'Offer adopted children from the US the chance to have a family in the Netherlands' 3 November 2022
Dutch to slowly reinstate international adoption after hiatus 3 November 2022
Mirjam (49) found her biological family after a long search: 'My identity was taken away from me twice' 3 November 2022
Whistleblowers House for litigation support 29 October 2022
'Life is worth living' 28 October 2022
Wob/Woo request about specific dog seller 28 October 2022
Out-of-home placement can improve the well-being of children and parents 28 October 2022
The Egg: A Story of Adoption and Happiness with Two Mothers 27 October 2022
Advisor Central Authority International Children's Affairs 27 October 2022
Niels | Sex, drugs & rock 'n roll 25 October 2022
Spoorloos initiates external investigation into controversial fixer in Colombia 17 October 2022
Traumas are exposed in documentary about forced adoption 16 October 2022
Unrest among adoption organizations after Colombia mismatches 14 October 2022
Adopted Jody Bernal after unveiling Spoorloos: 'It has been rumbling for years' 13 October 2022
Friends Annick, An Sheela and Sheela are all adopted 13 October 2022
Unrest among adoption organizations after mismatches in Colombia 13 October 2022
World children are shocked by the role in mismatches in Colombia: 'Very serious if this is true' 12 October 2022
Noëmi (26) was linked to the wrong biological father: "Everyone says DNA doesn't lie, until it does" 12 October 2022
KRO-NCRV screens more carefully after incorrectly linked families in Spoorloos 11 October 2022
Kees van der Spek overwhelmed with reactions: 'More people with doubts about the search for parents' 11 October 2022
Tv-programma Spoorloos koppelde zeker twee deelnemers aan verkeerde familie (TV program Spoorloos linked at least two participan 11 October 2022
Dutch worked with Colombian fixer: 'She hired him in unsafe situations' 11 October 2022
Multiple wrong matches made in Spoorloos 10 October 2022
Friends Annick, An Sheela and Sheela are all adopted 7 October 2022
VPRO documentary prize 2022 to Filho - VPRO 7 October 2022
My Family: Miranda (49) single-handedly adopted Mica (5) from Haiti 6 October 2022
UAI-VHO-Pres.ppt 4 October 2022
Orphan. Mother's love under conditions 21 September 2022
Woo request regarding reactions after publication of the Joustra Committee report on intercountry adoption 19 September 2022
Raising the child in another family: foster care or adoption 18 September 2022
Laura gave up her baby: 'We wanted as much safety and stability as possible for her' 13 September 2022
'There are also successful adoptions in this life' 30 August 2022
Children's rights collective speaks before the UN Human Rights Council 29 August 2022
Experience story Danielle 22 August 2022
Vision on intercountry adoption Intercountry adoption is undesirable because the perspective and interests of children not being 13 August 2022
Lydia and Jaco adopted two children: 'I lifted him and it was good right away' 11 August 2022
BZ Wob decision requesting implementation of sanctions against Russia 9 August 2022
The youngest and longest serving MP in conversation: 'Pim Fortuyn was a very important moment' 5 August 2022
The aftermath of transnational illegal adoptions: Redressing human rights violations in the intercountry adoption system with in 3 August 2022
Rosanne and Martin have three adopted children: 'In an ideal world they would not have been adopted' 2 August 2022
Looking for a home. The Story of Iresha 26 July 2022
Distance mother Trudy: 'It was only: give up, give up, give up' 26 July 2022
Anouk (42): 'My adopted daughter doesn't want me' 19 July 2022
Wereldkinderen / Bureau Interlandelijke Adoptie (BIA) - Netherlands. 18 July 2022
Unlimited adoption The growth of illegal adoption practices 18 July 2022
Support adopted children who are looking for their own parents with a fund 18 July 2022
Dilani Butink equated in Sri Lanka adoption case 14 July 2022
Critical court decision in Butink case is 'pure recognition' for adoptees 14 July 2022
Shanthy became a victim of illegal adoption: 'I felt it immediately: she was my mother' 13 July 2022
Henk's desperate search for his out-of-home grandchildren 2 July 2022
Adopted Lotte is afraid of negative image adoption 23 June 2022
Adopted? Only financial support for a group search in the country of origin 17 June 2022
I would have given them a thatched villa to catch their breath together 15 June 2022
Father Rob Marrevee about foreign adoption: 'Had I known all this, I would never have done it' 13 June 2022
Minister Weerwind: State must pay for its role in adoptions 10 June 2022
Nelson M. of banned pedophile club Martijn arrested in Mexico with weapon and child porn 7 June 2022
Interview: ''Knowing who your biological parents are is a primal desire'' 4 June 2022
The fact that black parents also adopt children, for example, has not yet occurred to many 4 June 2022
Temporary Commission of Inquiry Organized Sadistic Abuse of Minors (Hendriks Commission) 4 June 2022
Amendment to Artificial Insemination Donor Data Act 3 June 2022
Rosanne and Martin have three adopted children: 'In an ideal world they would not have been adopted' 3 June 2022
Looking for the roots after intercountry adoption 1 June 2022
Rosanne and Martin have three adopted children: 'In an ideal world they would not have been adopted' 31 May 2022
With the help of the Donorkind Foundation, donor children found ten fertility doctors in the past five years who used their own 30 May 2022
'I want to get rid of the fact that all adopted children have attachment problems' 28 May 2022
Tackling the sexual exploitation of children threatens to be snowed in 24 May 2022
Anastasia and Nikolai were evicted as children, now they want compensation 24 May 2022
'We Are Family' is looking for roots adoptive sisters and turns to Filip and Yang Naudts for good advice 23 May 2022
Wereldkinderendag 2022 - World Children's Day 2022 21 May 2022
The Hague PVV councilor finds his biological mother in Colombia: "Went absurdly fast" 21 May 2022
Opinie | Stop adoptie uit het buitenland (Opinion | Stop adoption from abroad) 20 May 2022
Intercountry Adoption is a Child Protection Measure 19 May 2022
Intercountry Adoption is a Child Protection Measure 19 May 2022
Declared Dead – Illegal adoptions from Chile to Europe 11 May 2022
Mariel was adopted by gifted parents 10 May 2022
Today's inter-country adoption system is not fit for purpose 7 May 2022
Sumi was adopted and found her mother after 35 years: 'I screamed when she left us, but she didn't look back' 4 May 2022
Scandal at Foster Parents Netherlands 3 May 2022
Mariel's adoption was not a success: 'I packed my backpack to go back to India' 22 April 2022
AD/ACT to Plankiskeya - planning overleg werkgroep beleid invloed 20 April 2022
Should we ban adoption from abroad? That doesn't just follow from the facts 18 April 2022
Opinion: 'Prevent new generation of adoptees who cannot verify their identity' 16 April 2022
Decision on Wob Request Regarding Adoptions in India 14 April 2022
New guideline: children who have been removed from home can still return to their parents after a year 14 April 2022
Explanation of the acceptable terms in the Out-of-home placement guideline 13 April 2022
The zeitgeist has turned: adoptive parents are now robbers and 'white saviors' 11 April 2022
Future Intercountry Adoptions 11 April 2022
Letter to the House of Representatives on April 11, 2022 11 April 2022
Adopting children from abroad will be possible again, if local childcare is not an option 11 April 2022
Adoption from abroad will soon be allowed again: 'This gives hope of finally having a baby' 11 April 2022
Adoption from abroad will be allowed again soon, but much is still unclear 8 April 2022
Learn more about your pedigree 8 April 2022
Cautious joy about making adoptions possible again 8 April 2022
Hope and anger about cabinet plans for foreign adoptions: 'My life is extremely difficult' 8 April 2022
Adoptions in the future still possible 8 April 2022
Omtzigt asks parliamentary questions about kidnapped Insiya just before President India's state visit 1 April 2022
Mariel grew up in a foster family: 'I could hardly handle their love' 1 April 2022
Dutch scandal serves as a warning for Europe over risks of using algorithms 29 March 2022
Save the Children: No adoptions of single children from Ukraine 28 March 2022
Peter Pannekoek receives plenty of support after a swipe at Rutte about 'state kidnappings' 25 March 2022
BACK HOME - Defense for Children 24 March 2022
Myths and facts about the 'state kidnappings' after the allowance affair: this is what it really is - Follow the Money - Platfor 24 March 2022
Subject: repeat call for roots fund for intercountry adoptees 22 March 2022
Project Roots - Wereldkinderen 12 March 2022
Supreme Court: cooperation in DNA test to establish biological paternity mandatory in principle 11 March 2022
Sam never wants to fill in the wrong date of birth again: 'It's a lie' 25 February 2022
Blood connection isn't everything 22 February 2022
ADOPTION Rethink 19 February 2022
Dutch Maud de Boer-Buquicchio new chairman ECPAT International 14 February 2022
Frequently asked questions and answers about the steps of destruction data and stop investigation of domestic distance and adopt 1 February 2022
Girl from Netherlands traces roots back to Salem 29 January 2022
Gay rights organization pushes for multi-parent law 29 January 2022
Netherlands woman meets biological mom after 23 years 29 January 2022
COC Netherlands against minister: come up with a multi-parent law this year 29 January 2022
Mother faces 4 years in prison for abandoning baby in Amsterdam dumpster 27 January 2022
Claims in remote mothers case dismissed 26 January 2022
Already 21 unknown bodies identified by DNA database for missing persons 26 January 2022
According to court, the state is not liable for the suffering of 'remote mothers' 26 January 2022
Several names mentioned after sexually transgressive behavior The Voice 15 January 2022
'Reform intercountry adoption: when will the government dare to look into its own pockets?' 11 January 2022
Crowdfunding campaign to reunite Muniz Dekker with his biological family 9 January 2022
Deleting pre-adoption data What is changing? 1 January 2022
The aftermath of transnational illegal adoptions: Redressing human rights violations in the intercountry adoption system with in 31 December 2021
Not always enough adoptive parents in their own country 29 December 2021
Looking for a home. The Story of Iresha 27 December 2021
Letter from the Chinese government to the Dutch Ministry of Justice. 27 December 2021
Senate Ratifies Pact That Seeks to Protect Children In International Adoptions 23 December 2021
Adopted Hartini searched for family for 40 years, but half sister lives around the corner 19 December 2021
Carlos (29) was severely abused and mutilated as a child, now he gets artificial skin 16 December 2021
LETTER FROM THE MINISTER FOR LEGAL PROTECTION To the President of the House of Representatives of the States Gener - Netherlands 10 December 2021
Sperm donors with hundreds of children 'just want to help' 8 December 2021
Non-binary Ryan is pregnant: 'If I have to declare the baby, I will be registered as a mother' 7 December 2021
The Hague Court rules on intercountry adoption cases 2 December 2021
Kick private equity out of youth care 29 November 2021
State ordered for the first time to pay damages to illegally adopted person 24 November 2021
Judgments in intercountry adoption cases 24 November 2021
Illegal adoptee receives compensation: government 'could and should have done more' 24 November 2021
Redesign system international adoption Exploration of the public law system 23 November 2021
Sharinda on her adoption from Sri Lanka: 'Who says I couldn't have been happy there?' 23 November 2021
Yvonne Keuls: 'By writing about those abused children, I have shown others what it is' 18 November 2021
Irregularities in international adoptions must be investigated 14 November 2021
'Bad taste of people who cannot have children and therefore adopt' 12 November 2021
Examining International Adoption 9 November 2021
Change of course at Donor Data Foundation: Maria is allowed to know who her father is 5 November 2021
Reporting on the stagnation in the transfer of the adoption files of the Child Protection Council to the National Archives 4 November 2021
Largest acquisition for FutureLife: takeover of assisted reproduction clinics in the Netherlands 1 November 2021
Trade in Dutch babies to America is closed - Leeuwarder courant : hoofdblad van Friesland » 12 nov 1959 - Art. 150 | Delpher 30 October 2021
Patrick was adopted illegally: 'You lack ownership of your identity' 30 October 2021
Bep van Sloten: She helps close children's homes: 'It is arrogant to think that we have to save the country' 25 October 2021
A DNA test should provide clarity about the alleged siblings of Fabienne (39), who was adopted from Sri Lanka. 19 October 2021
Our dream: a safe, caring and permanent family for every child! 14 October 2021
Why I'm not going to the opening reception of the Descendancy Center tonight 1 October 2021
Rick Lawson elected new FRA Management Board Vice-Chair 27 September 2021
First lawsuit against the State for the forced adoption of children in the Netherlands 24 September 2021
The state's attitude in matters of waiver mothers and statute of limitations on adoption - House of Representatives of the State 24 September 2021
State invokes limitation period in remote mothers lawsuit 24 September 2021
Justice at last for the thousands of mothers who were forced to give up their children? 'Important to get recognition' 23 September 2021
Possibly hundreds of children from families who were the victims of the allowance affair have been removed from their homes 8 September 2021
Search for information about Mother Home De Hoeksteen, where unmarried mothers and their babies were cared for and separated fro 7 September 2021
Subject: Roots fund for intercountry adoptees in the Netherlands 6 September 2021
Residential Child and Youth care in a Developing World 3 September 2021
Wouter Beke argues for a general adoption break, but immediately receives criticism from Flemish coalition partners: "This is ra 2 September 2021
After many problems, the couple pushes their baby in the arms of the notary: 'I am deeply moved' 21 August 2021
Leena went back to native India: 'Grateful that I grew up here' 20 August 2021
Matthias, Sarah and Johanna Labee went looking for their roots 14 August 2021
The systematization of 'child exports' for economic and political aims 13 August 2021
Unicef Netherlands position in Intercountry Adoption ? 12 August 2021
Tineke and Bieni adopt the adult Ilse (24) and can now really call her their daughter after years of fighting 8 August 2021
This professor pointed out problems with adoption a long time ago. He is still right 'forty years too late' 2 August 2021
International Alliance for Adoption Abolition (IAAA) PIVOT CAMPAIGN Abuse, Alienation and Innocence versus Coincidence, Connecti 31 July 2021
Adopted children from China recognize their native language 28 July 2021
Sebastian is looking for his mother after a hard adoption report: 'Maybe not abandoned after all' 27 July 2021
Sebastian is looking for his mother after a hard adoption report: 'Maybe not abandoned after all' 27 July 2021
Adopted Sam sues state: 'I want my own date of birth in my passport' 8 July 2021
Take care of Aftercare 7 July 2021
Chained to files: Parents and children suffer from mistakes in youth protection 7 July 2021
Is there a future for adoption? Sure, but there's a lot of work to be done 5 July 2021
Adoption: a compassionate emergency measure 3 July 2021
Child Abuse & Neglect 30 June 2021
Compensation for adopted children possible but government not responsible 28 June 2021
Growing up in an adoptive or foster family: 'That's not your 'real' sister, is it?' 24 June 2021
Still adopting brothers and sisters of placed children from abroad 23 June 2021
Beware of calls to ‘rescue’ India’s ‘Covid orphans’ 15 June 2021
Amanda: 'I'm not the person on my adoption papers' 13 June 2021
They now know for sure: they are full sisters and are committed to their native Nepal 12 June 2021
Ethical dilemmas in parliamentary debate on adoption 11 June 2021
Jonkers offers Parliament a petition about adoptions: 'Minister must reconsider decision' 9 June 2021
AO Tweede Kamer (transcript) - Report Joustra incl FINAL REPORT 9 June 2021
ChristenUnie: Protect parentage data of adopted child 9 June 2021
Project adoptees NL - Volunteers wanted! (Indonesia/My Roots) 8 June 2021
'Retain adoption options from certain countries' 7 June 2021
Netherlands adoptee Stichting Facebook.pdf 5 June 2021
Hiring Project Supporter Expertise Center Intercountry Adoption 27 May 2021
Private environment for women considering renunciation for adoption 25 May 2021
Malawi Court to Rule On Dutch Man's Application to Dismiss Indecent Assault Case On May 26 22 May 2021
“Meager evidence for abuses adoption” 20 May 2021
The fact that abuses can arise is insufficient reason to stop adoptions altogether: 'Then you can also stop the marriage' 19 May 2021
Karen wants the temporary adoption stop to be lifted 18 May 2021
More young, sexually exploited girls: 'They often don't even understand that they are victims' 15 May 2021
Adopted as sisters: 'People from Indonesia also immediately see that we are not sisters' 14 May 2021
“Adopted people: right to security!” 13 May 2021
Distance mothers say confidence in forced adoption research: 'don't recognize myself in it' 10 May 2021
Number of children sent overseas for adoptions even higher than previously thought 8 May 2021
Becoming a mother in corona time: 'you can also feel love through a window' 8 May 2021
Vacancy senior communication advisor 7 May 2021
Documentation Survey Intercountry adoption in the Netherlands (SIAN) 6 May 2021
Fwd: Reminder: FW: Unicef Netherlands position in Intercountry Adoption ? 4 May 2021
Ernst and Tonny had to give up their baby and thought they would never see him again: 'As if you were amputated' 3 May 2021
Xueli Abbing: The abandoned baby who became a Vogue model 30 April 2021
Never told: 'I kept silent about being adopted' 30 April 2021
Elise and Klaas adopted 5 children at once: 'Openness our strength' 23 April 2021
The Influencing Force 23 April 2021
Elise and Klaas adopted 5 children at once: 'Openness our strength' 23 April 2021
Tjibbe Joustra ziet ‘veel goede wil’ in verbeterplan adoptie, maar ‘invulling zal doorslaggevend zijn’ 19 April 2021
Adoptiegesprek - De Balie 19 April 2021
800 Colombian adoptions to the West are suspected to be illegal 18 April 2021
The lawyer who went too far for the clients 18 April 2021
How 4 adults are still struggling with their adoption: 'Woman in the photo on my bedside table turned out not to be my mother' 16 April 2021
Interview with adoption permit holders 12 April 2021
'Dutch adoption stop deprives South African children of the chance to have a family' 10 April 2021
Sick toddler Teleza (1.5) finally has a Dutch passport for much needed heart surgery 9 April 2021
COURT OF OVERIJSSEL 06-04-2021 , ECLI: NL: RBOVE: 2021: 1988 6 April 2021
Stolen or sold as a baby: 'Nothing in my adoption file is true' 6 April 2021
'The time has come to stop intercountry adoption' 5 April 2021
Foundation wants to file a report against insurers for behavior in personal injury claims 5 April 2021
Report on the stagnation in the transfer of adoption files from the Child Protection Board to the National Archives 2 April 2021
How do you tell a child that it is a foundling? 'A child feels: I am not wanted' 2 April 2021
ECLI: NL: RBAMS: 2020: 6419 1 April 2021
Are intercountry adoptions in children’s best interests? 1 April 2021
CDA Zaanstad wants to see the consequences of investors in youth care 31 March 2021
ANW History | A New Way 30 March 2021
The adoption system needs a basic investigation - not a lifeline 29 March 2021
Call: TV makers looking for distance mothers - MAX Vandaag 29 March 2021
Nikwi found her biological parents surprisingly quickly: 'Now much more is possible' 26 March 2021
PvdA member Habtamu de Hoop is the youngest member of the new House of Representatives 26 March 2021
Minister Grapperhaus is investigating sadistic child abuse 25 March 2021
KennisBureau ter Meulen responds to report 25 March 2021
A Dutch person who wanted to have children cheated in Kenya, moves the court with his story 24 March 2021
Adoption, Memory, and Cold War Greece: Kid pro quo?:Adoption, Memory, and Cold War Greece: Kid pro quo?: A Before and After 22 March 2021
Social Impact Bonds ontrafeld (Social Impact Bonds Unraveled) 22 March 2021
Marktwerking Tieners met lichte psychische klachten zijn een groeimarkt 21 March 2021
Police of Rotterdam investigate living environment of badly injured 9-year-old girl - March 19 '21 19 March 2021
Organic, but put up for adoption child and heirs 19 March 2021
"Looking away is not an option" 19 March 2021
Fake documents hamper Dutch-Indonesian adoptees' search for birth parents This article was published in with 17 March 2021
Looking for a home. The Story of Iresha 13 March 2021
Adoption report Joustra committee: besides pain, finally recognition 12 March 2021
Adoption report Joustra Committee: besides pain, finally recognition 12 March 2021
Nova-Lilly (33) on her adoption: "Why had the agency placed me with such a woman?" 10 March 2021
Life as an Adoptee and Her View on Ending Foreign Adoption with Minakshi Baigum | Dutch Desi 8 March 2021
Netherlands stops international adoptions after Brazilian demonstrates that he was taken illegally - Brazil - Estadão 8 March 2021
Children from another world 6 March 2021
Hugo de Jonge (CDA) seemed a dream candidate for youth care when he was appointed Minister of Health in 2017 5 March 2021
Sigrid Kaag (D66) wants to continue to stand for ideals against negative forces: 'Do what is possible' 3 March 2021
Seeking roots all the way to Nongkojajar 1 March 2021
Adoptees: 'Adoption is not synonymous with child trafficking' 28 February 2021
'My adoptive mother didn't want me' 27 February 2021
With the campaign "Everyone a Max", Child Focus wants to be a person of trust for every child 26 February 2021
In search of biological parents, Brazilian changes rule of adoption in the Netherlands 26 February 2021
Babs has photo album full of unknown babies: 'so much sorrow is hidden behind this' 25 February 2021
Choosing a Party with Libelle: the photo album of Kees van der Staaij (SGP) 25 February 2021
Maya Kik: 'Acceptance is the key to happiness for me' 25 February 2021
Subject Motion Bergkamp van de Berge (GL) VSO Parenthood and adoption 24 February 2021
Featured Illegal adoptions? Stolen children? Adopted children request an investigation 22 February 2021
Gratitude and despair after foreign adoptions stop: 'My adoptive parents saved my life' 21 February 2021
Is it wise to stop adoption? 'Got opportunities that I would otherwise never get' 21 February 2021
Stopping intercountry adoption is merciless in a broken world 19 February 2021
Statskontorets adoptionsutredning gränsar till korruption | GP (The State Office's adoption investigation borders on corruption 19 February 2021
"Dutch sperm donor begets 200 children and advertises them on social media" 19 February 2021
Suspend intercountry adoption, but choose one mediator quickly 18 February 2021
Half of all adult adoptees have searched for birth information 17 February 2021
Mother Karen stands up for adoption: 'We already hear that adopted children address their parents about it' 16 February 2021
Not all adopted children are victims of cheating - NRC 16 February 2021
Don't dismiss adoption abuses - NRC 16 February 2021
About - parental leave. 16 February 2021
Adoptive parents start petition against complete adoption stop | Inland | 15 February 2021
Reclaiming Our Narrative 15 February 2021
"Do me such a Korean!" 14 February 2021
Hard report hurts adoptive parents: 'As if I am part of a criminal circuit' 13 February 2021
Nuances to the report of the Joustra Committee 12 February 2021
ACT/AD to Juhansone (SG): Fwd: Joustra Committee / Intercountry Adoptions 11 February 2021
Adoptive parents Chantal and Dirk-Jan deeply touched by critical report: 'We are not child traffickers' 10 February 2021
Colombian mother about Dutch adoption: 'They said my son was dead' 10 February 2021
Response to the report of the Joustra Committee 10 February 2021
"I plead for a Belgian adoption break" 10 February 2021
The hardest observation is that the adopted children offered were 'usually' not orphans at all. 10 February 2021
Request_members_questions_adoption.pdf 9 February 2021
'Time for thorough reflection on adoption' 9 February 2021
International adoption: the government has looked away from abuses for years 9 February 2021
Informatie over onderzoek naar interlandelijke adoptie / Information about research into intercountry adoption 9 February 2021
They are not surprised by the criticism of adoption: 'A child was regularly given a name that was invented on the spot' 9 February 2021
Netherlands Halts Adoptions From Abroad After Exposing Past Abuses 9 February 2021
Vlogging in search of biological parents 9 February 2021
Commission presents report on abuses adoption culture - Press conference Dekker / Joustra 8th February 2021 8 February 2021
Statement AVGG following report committee Joustra 8 February 2021
The government immediately suspends international adoptions 8 February 2021
Joustra Commission report on intercountry adoption - Terre des Hommes in Bangladesh 8 February 2021
Policy response report Commission Investigation into Intercountry Adoption in the past 8 February 2021
Baby Farms Nigeria 8 February 2021
"Adoption is the best thing that happened to me in my life" 8 February 2021
Adoption has been viewed through naive rose-colored glasses for far too long 8 February 2021
What does the research report mean for adoption cases? 8 February 2021
Threshold removed for lawsuits after 'shocking' report on adoption abuses 8 February 2021
Dilani Butink raised adoption abuses: 'years have been looked away' 8 February 2021
Minister Dekker: international adoption immediately suspended after damning report 8 February 2021
Cabinet receives report on adoption from abroad 8 February 2021
NJCM Working Group on Youth Law and Health Law/Sub Working Group on Intercountry Adoption 8 February 2021
Adopted Chamila Seppenwoolde: 'Every international adoption causes irreparable damage' 7 February 2021
Adoptees 'happy and doubly' about advice provisional adoption stop: 'keep checking that something is actually done with this rep 6 February 2021
"Government must stop foreign adoptions," Amanda has been fighting for years 6 February 2021
Illegal adoptees want compensation for looking for biological parents 5 February 2021
Jyoti (37) from Deventer and Yanien (50) from Apeldoorn about temporary adoption ban: 'Trade must stop' 5 February 2021
Hooge Mierdse Inez Teurlings: 'Abolition of adoption not necessary' 5 February 2021
Tough report on adoptions from abroad: cabinet urged to stop 5 February 2021
'Hard report' on adoption fraud leaked: 'Government must stop international adoptions' 5 February 2021
Kabinet zet nieuwe adopties in pauzestand, maar wil geen verbod 5 February 2021
The Dutch Data Protection Authority has a new advisory board 4 February 2021
Cooperating Licensees Adoption for the purpose of the General Consultation 1 February 2021
Investigation into role of government in illegal adoptions abroad 29 January 2021
Remco is a diplomat and lives in China with his husband and three children: 'Back in the closet a bit' 25 January 2021
White parents, black children: 'I didn't notice the bullying' 15 January 2021
Dutch Rutte government to resign over child welfare fraud scandal - BBC News 15 January 2021
Spoorloos - Twee meisjes, geboren in hetzelfde gezin in Iran,... | Facebook 11 January 2021
State of affairs research on domestic distance and adoption between 1956 and 1984 11 January 2021
Soorien (34) feels pain and sorrow due to adoption: 'They said: you should be grateful' 5 January 2021
Wob request. Information about intercountry adoptions. Appeal well-founded. ECLI: NL: RBAMS: 2020: 6419 4 January 2021
Government Gazette of the Kingdom of the Netherlands / Government Gazette 2020, 63439 16 December 2020
A Dutch adoption scandal triggers a search for roots in Indonesia 12 December 2020
ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2020:5774, Rechtbank Amsterdam, C/1… 4 December 2020
Multi-Year Policy World Children - financial support from the state 1 December 2020
Adoption Deception - Part 4 27 November 2020
Adopted, afraid to say she was a lesbian and a great relationship: Elly, 61, wrote a book about her life 27 November 2020
Adoption: 'It's not your child, you're the caregiver' 26 November 2020
Karen de Bok Talent Prize to film plan about adoption 19 November 2020
Arrangements archive Commission Research Intercountry Adoption in the past 18 November 2020
Nancy Santing from Emmen draws attention to adoption 11 November 2020
Fwd: FW: Concept verkiezingsprogramma vvd 1 November 2020
SP en GroenLinks kritisch op nieuwe subsidieregeling onder geadopteerden 14 October 2020
Kamerbrief over voortgang versterking rootszoektochten 13 October 2020
Letter Committee Joustra to Minister Dekker 12 October 2020
Twins Naila and Bryan from Tiel were illegally adopted: 'Shut your mouth, close your ears, close everything' 7 October 2020
Geadopteerden ontstemd over nieuwe subsidieregeling 1 October 2020
VACANCIES Communication advisor project Distance and Adoption (8 hours per week) - Ministry of Justice and Security, at home 29 September 2020
Judge in adoption case: barred 9 September 2020
International Social Service and the Hague Permanent Buro (Part 4) 8 September 2020
International Social Service and the Hague Permanent Buro (Part 4) 8 September 2020
Jyoti (36) uit Deventer werd slachtoffer van gesjoemel met adoptie in India: ‘De priester weet veel meer’ 5 September 2020
Wob decision of September 1, 2020 on five Wob requests from Against Child Trafficking - ketenoverleg (wrong) 1 September 2020
Her ‘rainbow tribe of 12’ and your ‘liberator granddad’ 19 August 2020
Geadopteerden ontevreden over onderzoek: ‘Commissie lijkt waarheid te verdraaien’ 31 July 2020
Wob request on artificial insemination with donor sperm (KID) 17 July 2020
The Chinese get over their shame to look for daughters given away 2 July 2020
Stichting Wereldkinderen De kwaliteit van het bemiddelingsproces bij een vergunninghouder interlandelijke adoptie 1 July 2020
Letter to Parliament on parenting and adoption / Kamerbrief over ouderschap en adoptie | Kamerstuk | 30 June 2020
Letter Dutch Ministry of Justice 30 June 2020
Omtzigt - Tweede Kamer Staat van de Europese Unie 2020 29 June 2020
Hungary: Interview with adoptive parents (NL - child in residential care) 7 June 2020
Minister grijpt in bij onderzoek naar gedwongen adoptie: Bossche organisatie FIOM buitenspel gezet 5 June 2020
Ministry is careless with sensitive information about adoption 5 June 2020
Vacancy Communication Advisor Online 28 May 2020
Sille werd geadopteerd en heeft kritiek op groot adoptie-onderzoek 28 May 2020
CBS-onderzoek onder geadopteerden valt totaal verkeerd 22 May 2020
Sri Lankan adoption fraud lawyer: 'Not a child in need, but business' 18 May 2020
Special homecoming from Haiti 9 May 2020
Parenting, citizenship and belonging in Dutch adoption debates 1900-1995 27 April 2020
Independent adoption 25 April 2020
Cabinet will come up with a scheme for partial custody and surrogacy 24 April 2020
Concerns about distance research and adoption 24 April 2020
The trail comes to a dead end; everything points to adoption fraud 24 April 2020
Subpoenas served on order of nuns as Dutch court asked to lift statute of limitation 21 April 2020
CBS survey commissioned by the Joustra Committee 21 April 2020
Letter Ministry of Justice to RP - subsidiarity 1 April 2020
A New Way neemt adoptiebemiddeling Slowakije over 16 March 2020
Afstandsmoeders 24 February 2020
Nota - Praktische gang van zaken rond adoptie en adoptievoorbereiding 10 February 2020
ISS NL involved in Adoptions from Greece and Austria 9 February 2020
E-mail Truus - Fwd: Nieuws van Fiom 9 January 2020
Archief Nederlandse Federatie van Instellingen voor de Ongehuwde Moeder en haar kind (FIOM) (1928) 1930-1999 1 January 2020
Waarom Eva de geboortedatum uit haar paspoort wil wijzigen: ‘Ik mis al mijn hele leven een identiteit’ 31 December 2019
Reina adopted two daughters from India 24 December 2019
Fwd: Reminder: File National Archive 20 December 2019
Hoe kan ik meedoen aan het onderzoek naar afstand en adoptie tussen 1956 en 1984? 20 December 2019
Adoptieprocedures Haïti tijdelijk opgeschort 18 December 2019
Adopteren uit Thailand 10 December 2019
E-mail to Dekker Fwd: Searches FIOM / ISS 9 December 2019
‘Gekleurde adoptiekinderen zeggen zich een bounty te voelen: bruin van buiten, wit van binnen’ 7 December 2019
Het afstaan van een kind is een zeer ingrijpende gebeurtenis 4 December 2019
E-Mail to Truus Fwd: File National Archive 2 December 2019
Miek de Langen (1930-2019), oprichter van de allereerste Kinderrechtswinkel 29 November 2019
Chamila to Aldewereld Fiom 28 November 2019
Terre des Hommes uses bait ads to track down pedophiles, but OM and lawyers are not happy with that 25 November 2019
Schimmige adopties: wat wist de Nederlandse overheid ervan? | NIEUWSUUR 16 November 2019
Beatrix staat stil bij dertig jaar kinderrechten - Vorsten (Beatrix reflects on thirty years of children's rights - Royals) 15 November 2019
Kamervragen zonder Antwoord 15 November 2019
Connectedness when adopting a child 14 November 2019
Hoe de ziel uit de ngo-sector verdwijnt - Vice Versa (How the soul disappears from the NGO sector - Vice Versa) 13 November 2019
"Ze hebben ons gewoon verkocht" 10 November 2019
Een warm gezin helpt weeshuiskind met stress omgaan 1 November 2019
Hoe belangrijk is de onderzoekscommissie naar adoptiefraude? 25 October 2019
Documents - from Roots Search India FB Group 21 October 2019
'Alles wat ik over mijzelf wist, bleek niet te kloppen' 15 October 2019
Onbegrensde adoptie De groei van illegale adoptiepraktijken 8 October 2019
Verdiepingsmiddag voor volwassen geadopteerden groot succes 6 October 2019
Bij adoptie is de waarheid uiteindelijk het beste 3 October 2019
Inzage Nederlandse afstandsdossiers met terugwerkende kracht gratis voor geadopteerden 2 October 2019
Adoption: yes or no? 30 September 2019
Adoptie: wel of niet? 30 September 2019
Adoptie: wel of niet? (Hoksbergen/Juffer) 30 September 2019
US Operation Babylift ‘orphans’ are still seeking their Vietnamese parents, more than 40 years on 28 September 2019
Afstand en adoptie in Nederland tussen 1956-1984 27 September 2019
Dutch Parliament unanimously adopted: Motion Omtzigt 24 September 2019
UAI Letter to PM Rutte and Minister Blok (Buza) 23 September 2019
Waarom je geen boekjes over adoptie moet lezen 21 September 2019
Vondeling Daniël (9) uit Hoorn start zoektocht naar zijn biologische ouders 19 September 2019
Sharron en Mark wachten op Amerikaanse baby: „Wat ons betreft komt het telefoontje snel” 12 September 2019
Holanda investiga 10.000 casos de adopciones forzadas 10 September 2019
Vrouw die kind moest afstaan stelt Staat aansprakelijk 10 September 2019
Adoption by gay couples: what about that? - New Li .. 1 September 2019
Social worker put the child at the centre of adoption 10 August 2019
Why intercountry adoption needs a rethink 1 August 2019
SPOORLOOS: Borny gaat op zoek naar zijn Roemeense familie | Spoorloos 16 July 2019
Yanien werd als kind ontvoerd en geadopteerd: ‘Ik ben voor het leven getekend’ 15 July 2019
De meeste volwassen geadopteerden zijn tevreden met hun leven 13 July 2019
Samenvatting by Anneke Vinke ( Adoptie in beweging ) 7 July 2019
Adopties uit India - Wereldkinderen 1 July 2019
Voice Recording Aldewereld Link 25 June 2019
Vrijwilligerswerk en weeshuistoerisme in het buitenland 25 June 2019
Tweet Herman Bolhaar Weeshuistoerisme Onderzoek 24 June 2019
Wereldkinderen: Adopties uit Bangladesh 1970 - 1983 17 June 2019
Project Historie en Roots 17 June 2019
Wereldkinderen: Het adoptiedossier 17 June 2019
Wereldkinderen: 17 June 2019
Adoptie Standpunten SGP 17 June 2019
Wereldkinderen: Adopties uit India 1970 - 2000 17 June 2019
Wie zijn wij l Kinderrechten 17 June 2019
Commissie Geweld Jeugdzorg | Eindrapport 12 June 2019
Adoptiekinderen zoeken familie in Colombia: 'Nederland is medeverantwoordelijk' 10 June 2019
14 French, Dutch orphans repatriated from Syria 10 June 2019
A Tale of A Shadowed Woman by Bram Paling 7 June 2019
Belangengroep Indiaas Geadopteerden Nederland: Toelichting ondertekening gezamenlijk plan UAI. 6 June 2019
Tragische verhalen: veel misstanden rond adoptie in Haïti 3 June 2019
Hechtingsproblematiek in pleegzorg- en adoptiesituaties extra ingewikkeld 3 June 2019
Adoptiekinderen Haïti: dna-match is enige hoop op hereniging 2 June 2019
Nieuwsuur: Kinderen in Haïti weggehaald bij ouders en verdwenen naar buitenland 2 June 2019
Presentatie van 'De vondeling van Kreta' 30 May 2019
Wensouderschap: zo reduceer je een kind tot een middel tegen kinderloosheid - Nederlands Dagblad 27 May 2019
Caroline Vrijens nieuwe kinderrechtencommissaris 22 May 2019
Nederlands-Duitse samenwerking door Europa ondersteund 20 May 2019
’Ook legale adopties kunnen illegaal zijn’ 16 May 2019
Invitation FIOM Meeting, May 2019 15 May 2019
Expertenpanel over adopties in de maak 10 May 2019
Beslissen over het perspectief van het pleegkind 30 April 2019
Chamber president intervenes after abuse scandal at ProDemos 30 April 2019
Landenlijst behoud nationaliteit - Bangladesh 29 April 2019
Tjibbe Joustra: 'Overheid heeft niet veel krediet meer' 26 April 2019
Dutch doctor 'fathered 49 children' in IVF scandal 12 April 2019
Europees kenniscentrum Nazorg Adoptie in Venray 11 April 2019
Column Ina Hut: 'Aanpak mensenhandel, de moraal uit het debat!' 11 April 2019
'Weeshuistoerisme debat is te eenzijdig' - Child Rights Focus 1 April 2019
With this first general newsletter of this year we would like to inform you again about general affairs at the NAS, the adoption 29 March 2019
Nederlandse Adoptie Stichting (NAS) - Newsletter 29 March 2019
'A good intention is not always a good idea' | International Institute of Social Studies | Erasmus University Rotterdam 27 March 2019
Minister Dekker over zaak Lisa: 'Onafhankelijkheid rechters voldoende gewaarborgd' 27 March 2019
Initiatiefnota van het lid Van Haga: Een goede bedoeling is niet altijd een goed idee 27 March 2019
"In het middelbaar deden medestudenten de Hitlergroet" 23 March 2019
Manat (26) is zijn ouders 'voor eeuwig dankbaar' dat ze hem adopteerden 22 March 2019
Moeten we stoppen met buitenlandse adopties? 'Ik gun iedereen zo'n mooi leven' 21 March 2019
Amy Documentary in The Netherlands: Facebook Comments 19 March 2019
After a lifetime of searching, two adopted Chinese find their birth parents 19 March 2019
Het aantal adopties uit het buitenland loopt gestaag terug 18 March 2019
Girl In Return (vanavond, om 20.55 uur, op NPO2) 18 March 2019
‘Ik ben een weggeefkind.’ Over de gevolgen van een adoptie 15 March 2019
VPRO 2Doc: Girl in return 13 March 2019
Bargoens - Episode Adoption Fraud 12 March 2019
Grandparents of Dutch model consider adoption in struggle to move on 11 March 2019
Adoption – The responsibility is to the child 10 March 2019
Vacature specialist beleid verwantschapsvragen 9 March 2019
Jody Bernal: 'als adoptieouder kun je een deel niet opvullen' 7 March 2019
Goals overview - Objectives overview activities of Lions Club Hoevelaken 1 March 2019
‘Afrikaanse weeshuizen zijn goudmijntjes voor Westerse uitbaters’ 26 February 2019
Should the judge in the Netherlands judge child abuse? 16 February 2019
‘Rechter had zich uit zaak moeten terugtrekken vanwege privé-contact met Joris Demmink’ 16 February 2019
Back to the Origin: The Woman Helping Adopted People Find Their Birth Parents 14 February 2019
De Kansencirkel, de beste start voor ieder kind 14 February 2019
Meisje drie weken na adoptie naar pleeggezin 13 February 2019
De achtergrond - DCI 4 February 2019
Presenter Habtuma de Hoop returns to native Ethiopia 3 February 2019
Courtcase child abuse: PAP Haiti - Netherlands 26 January 2019
Vrouw sleept Nederlandse staat voor de rechter om 'schimmige' adoptie 11 January 2019
Onderzoek naar illegale adopties rijt oude wonden open in Tuitjenhorn 5 January 2019
Justitie stopte illegale adoptie in doofpot 4 January 2019
Jansma’s op de bres voor adoptie 3 January 2019
Hague subsidiarity 1 January 2019
Kyrgyzstan Notice: Suspension of All Adoption Service Providers 21 December 2018
Fwd: 1982 19 December 2018
'I've probably been traded' 17 December 2018
Aangekondigd onderzoek naar illegale adoptie maakt veel los 16 December 2018
Mondje dicht! Ambtenaren knepen oogje toe bij ‘handel in baby's’ 8 December 2018
Geadopteerde Bibi Hasenaar: ‘Mijn leven is stukgemaakt voor de poen’ 8 December 2018
Het verhaal van Lisa 8 December 2018
Onderzoek naar rol Nederlandse ambtenaren bij illegale adopties 6 December 2018
Investigation into the role of Dutch civil servants in illegal adoptions 6 December 2018
19 years on, no justice, no compensation: A TN mother's fight for her abducted son 4 December 2018
Opinie René Hoksbergen, oud-hoogleraar adoptie December 2018
WOB Fiom subsidieverlening 2018 16 October 2018
Sajeda returns home after 40- yr from Netherlands 14 August 2018
King at the 125th anniversary of The Hague Conference on Private International Law 13 August 2018
Revocation of adoption. 1 August 2018
ECLI:NL:RBNHO:2018:5426, Rechtbank Noord-Holland,… 1 August 2018
ECLI:NL:RBNHO:2018:5426, Rechtbank Noord-Holland,… 1 August 2018
Demonstration for subsidy of searches for biological parents 5 July 2018
Yanien werd ontvoerd uit haar thuisland. (Indonesia 1980) 24 June 2018
'Maybe I robbed a mother of her child' 29 May 2018
Mensen Bizarre wending in het adoptieverhaal van Kevin (19) in Spoorloos 21 May 2018
Adoptiekinderen die kat de bel aanbonden blijven met wrang gevoel zitten bij onderzoek naar fraude 7 May 2018
Sri Lankan Adoptions: The Government-Flash Relationship (Part 3/4) 28 March 2018
terre des Hommes and the mild-making process from the term 'child abuser' to 'pedosexual' 9 January 2018
Verslag thema-avond ‘Zoeken via DNA-databanken' voor volwassen geadopteerden 19 December 2017
‘Jullie weten alles, wij weten niets. Wij hebben alleen maar leugens!’ 15 December 2017
Mail Jolijn to Smolin, Cantwell, ISS on China 9 December 2017
Health Ministry initiates a programme help adopted children to find their biological parents in Sri Lanka 22 November 2017
Son Paul de Leeuw angry: 'Jokes at my expense' 29 October 2017
Terre des Hommes reageert op uitzending Nieuwsuur over Biafra-kinderen 27 October 2017
Terre des Hommes responds to adoption story in Trouw 14 October 2017
TERRE DES HOMMES RESPONDS TO ADOPTION STORY IN TROUW 14/10/2017 In response to the article today in the Dutch national newspaper 14 October 2017
Adoptiebedrog Sri Lanka (De Nieuwe Maan) 6 October 2017
Zembla: Watch now: Adoption Fraud 2 Sri Lanka 5 October 2017
ZEMBLA onthult: Sri Lanka erkent bestaan 'babyfarms' voor adoptie 20 September 2017
Sri Lanka acknowledges the existence of 'baby alarms' in the 1980s and started investigation 20 September 2017
ZEMBLA onthult: Sri Lanka erkent bestaan 'babyfarms' voor adoptie 20 September 2017
Vorderingen op grond van illegale adoptie verjaard (Brazilie) 5 July 2017
Adoptiekinderen willen dna-databank voor alle nationaliteiten 30 June 2017
Adoptiekinderen Bangladesh zonder medeweten van ouders naar Nederland gebracht 3 June 2017
Fwd: adoptees who can discuss Hague Convention and UNROC? - 2017 28 May 2017
Fiom hands over assistance to local professionals 17 May 2017
'Veel fouten gemaakt bij adoptiedossiers kinderen uit Sri Lanka' 17 May 2017
Unicef NL position paper RSJ Report 16 May 2017
ADOPTIEBEDROG (Zembla - Sri Lanka) 10 May 2017
Human Microchipping, The Benefits And Downsides 23 April 2017
Overleg met Fiom 11 April 2017
Why international adoption should not yet be terminated 7 March 2017
Adopted children don't forget their mother tongue 15 February 2017
'Stelsel interlandelijke adoptie verbeteren, niet stopzetten' 31 January 2017
Letter Secretary of State - RSJ Report 17 January 2017
Accessing adoption files and information on the biological family | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights 2017
Brabants echtpaar veroordeeld voor illegale adoptie 31 December 2016
ECLI:NL:RBDHA:2016:13534 Dutch / Bangladesh Adoption 2016 15 November 2016
The Netherlands’ proposed ban on foreign adoption and the (ab)uses of ‘scientific expertise’ 10 November 2016
Film The Lost Son - November 8 7 November 2016
Roemenië heeft nu zelf jeugdzorg 4 November 2016
Intercountry adoption is a good option for a child 3 November 2016
’Stop adoptie kinderen uit buitenland’ 2 November 2016
Stop adoption of children from abroad 2 November 2016
RSJ REPORT 2 November 2016
Invitation - Lecture by Ms. Margaret Tuite, European Commission Coordinator for the Rights of the Child 6 October 2016
Look at adoption in Hungary 26 September 2016
Public lecture UN Special Rapporteur Ms. Maud de Boer- Buquicchio 22 September 2016
Opschorting interlandelijke adopties vanuit de DR Congo 14 September 2016
Netherlands stops adoptions from Congo 13 September 2016
Reducing Sexual Violence against Children, with special attention for sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism, in 25 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East 31 August 2016
Leiden University and UNICEF Netherlands renew collaboration 25 August 2016
Jayanti Zwanenburg uit India (Jayanti Zwanenburg from India) 12 August 2016
Eindelijk steun voor geadopteerde Oostenrijkse kinderen 31 July 2016
DCI NL No clear picture on subsidiarity 16 July 2016
Varsha's body prefers turmeric to dairy 4 June 2016
European Parliament: Briefing - Adoption of children in the European Union 1 June 2016
Afscheid niet hartverscheurend of naar - Goodbye not heartbreaking or to 30 May 2016
The future of the chain for inter-country adoption 17 May 2016
Reunited Indonesian twins on Swedish television 16 May 2016
Wie niet horen wil, moet voelen 18 April 2016
Congolese adoptiekinderen eindelijk hier (NL) 12 April 2016
Whistleblower Letter RP to EP President Martin Schulz (copied NL and European Ombudsman) 12 February 2016
Dutch woman on quest for family in Bangladesh 4 February 2016
Letter Minister about working visit to Bulgaria 4 February 2016
'Laat adoptiekinderen geen lijdend voorwerp zijn van emo-tv!' 6 January 2016
Parliamentary question - The message 'Free play for child traffickers' regarding illegal adoption from Nepal 22 December 2015
Illegal adoption project update 17 December 2015
By rushing to speed up forced adoptions we are letting children down 9 December 2015
Justice : plus d’adoption internationale en RDC jusqu’à nouvel ordre 3 November 2015
Congo clears the way for 72 adoptions after 2-year wait 2 November 2015
Politieke partijen willen stop op adoptie uit Bulgarije 18 October 2015
Brandpunt/Reporter: De Bulgaarse adoptie-industrie 18 October 2015
De kinderen die Nederland niet wilde helpen 16 August 2015
Illegale adoptie met hulp van de staat (radio) (DCI: ica niet afschaffen) 7 June 2015
U wilt een kind adopteren uit Nederland. April 2015
Less children adopted from abroad Last year, in the Netherlands 488 children were adopted, the lowest in 40 years. The number of 23 March 2015
Acting Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs Travels to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Netherlands, and Italy 19 March 2015
More insight into adoptees 11 March 2015
More view on adoptees 11 March 2015
Two adopted Congolese children arrive in the Netherlands 26 February 2015
Dutch adoptee afraid time running out in search for birth parents 22 February 2015
The kids are OK is a production of Metropolisfilm in collaboration with the NCRV. Directed by Ton Wolswijk. 15 January 2015
ISS Handbook 2015 Anand Kaper NL 1 January 2015
Teeven returns from Congo without adopted children 23 December 2014
'Foreign adoption must disappear to avoid suffering' 27 November 2014
ECLI: NL: RBNHO: 2014: 8263, District Court of Noord-Holland, ... 25 November 2014
RTL-programma Met Open Armen schaadt belangen adoptiekinderen 23 November 2014
Ina Hut: Adoptiemarkt is ontspoord, kinderhandel is de praktijk 21 November 2014
141109 Ploumen leidt handelsmissie naar DR Congo en Rwanda 11 September 2014
Adoption agencies looked at with suspicion following news report on 'baby-selling' 2 September 2014
Thesis Roeland Smeek 'History Dutch Adoption' 9 July 2014
"Jeugdzorg ontvoert jongetje" (Prof Arnold Heertje) 9 April 2014
MEPs must investigate this child-snatching scandal (UK) 6 April 2014
Wereldkinderen - restitution costs - higher costs than mentioned at website 21 February 2014
American Involvement in the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial Process 1 February 2014
Dutch couple faces adoption hitch Updated 26 January 2014
Court upholds suspended jail terms for illegal baby adoption (Baby Donna) 6 December 2013
Informal European Pilot meeting CA's and visit ISS and Unicef (Geneva) - NL proposed joint actions Congo 5 November 2013
Afscheid van Wereldkinderen 28 October 2013
SA orphans going Dutch 24 October 2013
Adoptie Overleg Dutch Parliament 2 October 2013
Dutchman meets biological father in Mumbai (Times of India) 21 September 2013
Rising overseas adoptions -- for black American children 16 September 2013
Lebanon: Closed adoption system helping traffickers 9 September 2013
NAS: Adoptions Czech Republic August 2013
Toch van de Melkboer 1 June 2013
Bevrijd Demi en Nirvana - -- Free Demi and Nirvana 10 May 2013
Adoptions: False death certificates used 8 April 2013
Hoe adoptie haar onschuld verloor 27 March 2013
Vreselijk, onze Armandino bij lesbische ouders' 25 March 2013
Adoptions to Italy halted 25 March 2013
Omstreden Babyhuis in Dordrecht gaat toch open 25 March 2013
Dutch Lesbians Raising Turkish Boy Go Into Hiding 15 March 2013
Turkey seeks to relocate European foster children to Muslim families 26 February 2013
Kinderen te Koop (Brandpunt II) 24 February 2013
PvdA: adopties uit Ethiopië voorlopig stoppen 24 February 2013
Reconstructie van een adoptie (Argos VPRO - Ethiopie) 23 February 2013
Erkenning met oog op omzeiling van adoptieregels is strijdig met openbare orde 2 November 2012
Adoptie uit Afrikaanse landen onder de loep 18 October 2012
Argos - statement Wereldkinderen 9 October 2012
Argos: Adoption, market of corruption and happiness 6 October 2012
Statements of support regarding the subsidy discount for Fiom 18 September 2012
Why can't gays adopt? 27 August 2012
Reply Kamervraag PvdA Zuid Afrika 13 August 2012
Kyrgyzstan has temporarily banned international adoptions 26 July 2012
DUTCH 'PAEDO' IS HOT! (Ghana) 9 July 2012
GroenLinks wil daadkracht kabinet in strijd tegen kindersekstoerisme (incl Parliamentary Question) 28 June 2012
GHANA HET NIEUWE PEDO-PARADIJS Een Limburgse miljonair wordt beschuldigd van verkrachting van een Ghanees meisje 28 June 2012
Opschorten adoptieverdrag Uganda goed signaal 14 June 2012
Spread of 'baby boxes' in Europe alarms United Nations 10 June 2012
Door crisis minder adopties 27 May 2012
Een echte Urker jongen 27 May 2012
Crisis zorgt voor minder adopties 27 May 2012
Teeven ontkracht berichtgeving adoptieaanvraag pedoseksueel 15 May 2012
Pedofiel in adoptieprocedure 14 May 2012
Straf ouders voor verkopen baby J. 14 May 2012
Adopción legal? (Steven - Netherlands/Colombia) 15 April 2012
Blog: Namibië definitief opgeschort 5 April 2012
Courtcase Ghana adoption Netherlands - Guardianship Youthcare 21 March 2012
Application acceptance from international adoption organizations suspended in Kyrgyzstan 20 February 2012
Blog: Namibië alweer opgeschort 6 January 2012
Letter MoJ to Dutch Parliament 22 December 2011
Editor Dares Dutch Crook and wife! 8 December 2011
Kortgeding: Brandpunt over adopties uit Ethiopië 5 November 2011
The Indian preacher and the fake orphan scandal 28 October 2011
South Africa tightens rules for foreign adoptions 14 October 2011
The interest of the child in illegal adoption 1 October 2011
Blog - problems Nigeria, Congo, Ghana - Netherlands 1 October 2011
Hilversum (RNW) - De Nederlandse adoptieouders Marco en Brigitta Neervoort, die in Colombia twee weken vast zitten in een hotel, 10 September 2011
Nederlandse adoptie-ouders Colombia iets hoopvoller 29 August 2011
Die verschwundenen Kinder von El Salvador 29 August 2011
Adoptieouders wonen verplicht half jaar in buitenland 29 July 2011
Adopted Danny van der Maas searched and found his family in India 28 July 2011
Geadopteerde Danny van der Maas zocht en vond zijn familie in India 28 July 2011
"Meerwaarde adoptie niet groot genoeg" 17 July 2011
Suspended jail terms for buying baby on internet 15 July 2011
'Buitenlandse adoptie houdt zichzelf in stand' 29 May 2011
Dutchman gets 10-yr RI for child abuse, uploading porn 27 May 2011
Paedophile Will Heume sentenced to 10 years in jail 26 May 2011
Probe into Chinese baby adoptions 17 May 2011
Foreign countries adopt 142 Lagos orphans 13 May 2011
Family-planning officials took & sold babies: report 10 May 2011
Geadopteerde Libanese kinderen slaken noodkreet 22 April 2011
ACCOUNTANT'S REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT AUDITOR Issued on behalf of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport 7 April 2011
'Adoptie uit Haïti kan' 31 March 2011
Courtcase Ghana adoption Netherlands - Guardianship Youthcare 30 March 2011
Five questions for Hans Guijt (Terre des Hommes) 20 March 2011
Themamiddag over homoseksueel ouderschap 13 March 2011
Kondanani - NEWS LETTER MARCH 2011 March 2011
'Stel mishandelt jarenlang adoptiekinderen' 4 February 2011
Debate MP Arib - Minister Opstelten 11 January 2011
Arib wants clarity on adoption from Ethiopia 11 January 2011
Arib wants clarity on adoption from Ethiopia 11 January 2011
Dutch couple involved in Adoption scandal 10 January 2011
Focal point broadcast Ethiopia 10 January 2011
Kinderen te Koop (Brandpunt - Ethiopia) 9 January 2011
adoptie info sri lanka - Netherlands 2011
The secret file of Orange, update. 23 December 2010
Polémique en France autour de l’adoption des enfants haïtiens 23 December 2010
Kinderbescherming blokkeerde adoptievraag Robert M. 14 December 2010
Netherlands temporarily halts adoptions from Haiti 13 December 2010
EC false report first international reactions 6 December 2010
Oranje Fonds steunt deskundigheidsbevordering vrijwilligers 30 November 2010
Report Psychological Examination Rahul by Anneke Vinke 4 November 2010
Terre des Hommes loses subsidy 1 November 2010
Together4change - 52 million subsidy 1 November 2010
Two-Way Street (NL/US) 1 November 2010
Zef Hendriks Linked In 15 October 2010
Brekelmans: Goedbedoeld, maar toch mislukt 8 August 2010
Bombay high court registry gets a week to trace adoption papers 3 August 2010
Oogje dicht op ambassade voor transseksuele ex’ 1 August 2010
Voorwaardelijke straf voor achterlaten baby 12 July 2010
Orphanage sells Malawian children to Dutch Agency 6 July 2010
Hague Conference on International Private Law Held the Third Special Commission Meeting 1 July 2010
Courtcase Ghana adoption Netherlands - Guardianship Youthcare 29 June 2010
Indian children stolen for adoption 28 June 2010
Hungary is final! 27 June 2010
Netwerk: Indiase ouders 'Rahul' doen aangifte van kidnapping 22 June 2010
Dutch moves court to trace Indian roots 18 June 2010
In search of roots, Dutch woman smells a ‘racket’ 17 June 2010
Netwerk: Indiase ouders 'Rahul' in Nederland voor DNA-test 15 June 2010
E-Mail Regarding Hoksbergen Chennai 12 June 2010
Failed adoption US - Kind en Toekomst 9 June 2010
Deputy Director-General of CCAA, Gan Weiwei, Met with Visitors from Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands 3 June 2010
Handicap wordt regel bij adoptie 8 May 2010
KENYA: Climate Change, Poverty and Tourists put Maasai Daughters at Risk 16 April 2010
Aantal adoptiekinderen bijna gehalveerd 12 April 2010
Adoption Blogs Kenya (Netherlands) April 2010
Children abandoned as Morocco deports adoptive parents 17 March 2010
25-02-2010 - Aanvulling op nieuwsbericht Adoptie uit Ethiopië, 19-02 25 February 2010
No reconsideration of adoptions from Ethiopia 18 February 2010
Letter Ministry of Justice - Ethiopia 16 February 2010
Joy for adopted twins after Immigration red-tape U-turn 6 February 2010
Haiti slows orphan flights over human trafficking concerns (Bellerive signed for 3 flights) 27 January 2010
No EU plan foreseen to fast-track adoptions of Haiti children 25 January 2010
Adopción de niños en Haití no es buena idea según la Comision Europea 25 January 2010
Adopted orphans arrive in France as UNICEF raises trafficking fears 22 January 2010
Children missing from Haiti hospitals: UNICEF 22 January 2010
EU wil adoptie van Haïti–wezen regelen 22 January 2010
Countries to fast-track Haiti adoption 22 January 2010
Al red je er maar één 22 January 2010
Dutch Airlift Brings 123 Haitian Orphans to Netherlands for Adoption 21 January 2010
53 Haitian orphans arrive at Pittsburgh airport 19 January 2010
Vliegtuig adoptiekinderen op Curaçao 19 January 2010
Haitis Erdbebenkinder sind begehrt 19 January 2010
Snelle adoptie kinderen uit Haïti is verkeerd signaal 18 January 2010
Blog - Eindelijk goed nieuws!!! (military involved?) 17 January 2010
Nederland evacueert Haïtiaanse adoptiekinderen (Ministry pays costs airplaine) 17 January 2010
First group of evacuees, including six adoption children from Haiti, arrive back in the Netherlands 17 January 2010
16-01-2010 - update aaardbeving Haïti (13.15 u) 16 January 2010
Proposals Netherlands 2010
A Family for Every Child: International Adoption of American Children in the Netherlands 1 January 2010
Les homosexuels bousculent les règles de l'adoption 25 November 2009
Haiti Adoption - 30.000 Euro 20 November 2009
Laatste nieuws adoptieprocedures Ethiopië 19 November 2009
Justitie onderzoekt illegale adopties 19 November 2009
Dutch Parliamentary Question - Teeven - Ethiopia 17 November 2009
Voetballer Rafael van Rijn is opgetogen teruggekeerd uit Brazilië na de hereniging met zijn Braziliaanse familie. 12 November 2009
KRO Spoorloos: Herenigd met verkeerde moeder? 9 November 2009
Wrong Interpretation art 21b (VVD/Kind en Toekomst) 28 October 2009
‘Christen moet tegen nota Rouvoet ingaan’ 23 October 2009
Ethiopiërs en Nederlanders ontmoeten elkaar 14 October 2009
Deputy Director-General Gan Weiwei Led a Delegation to Visit the Netherlands and United Kingdom 11 October 2009
Adoptie van HIV+ kinderen uit Zuid Afrika 10 October 2009
A baby with HIV raises fears for many people. But is that right? 10 October 2009
Tweede adoptieorganisatie in VS 6 October 2009
Geen straf voor illegale adoptie 29 September 2009
Reactie van voormalig directeur van Wereldkinderen ( Edited Version ) - CHINA 23 September 2009
Some Chinese parents say their babies were stolen for adoption 20 September 2009
Home » Adoptie » Verklaring adoptiebureau Wereldkinderen Verklaring adoptiebureau Wereldkinderen Reportage: Wereldkinderen stopt 16 September 2009
K&T stopt met bemiddeling VS 1 September 2009
Money plays too big a role in adoption 28 August 2009
Baby girls taken and sold for adoption 3 July 2009
Netwerk: Weer adoptieschandaal China 3 July 2009
Girls seized, handed over for adoption 2 July 2009
"Create" an abandoned child 1 July 2009
Dutch Dear Birth Parent Website 23 June 2009
Baby uit Leopoldsburg verkocht voor 25.000 euro 20 June 2009
Adoptie 12 June 2009
Minister Hirsch Ballin wil regels doe-het-zelf-adoptie flink aanscherpen 11 June 2009
DCI does not sign joint letter because of outgoing adoptions US 9 June 2009
Still high on Amsterdam trip, Landrieu promotes adoption of Dutch model (part one) 9 June 2009
Mail Teeven to RP: VVD does not agree with you about subsidiarity 6 June 2009
ACT Letter to Dutch Minister of Justice - Subsidiarity 5 June 2009
US urged to abandon ageing flood defences in favour of Dutch system 5 June 2009
ACT Letter to Dutch Minister of Justice - Subsidiarity USA 5 June 2009
2009/6 gegrond Beslissing van de Raad voor de Journalistiek inzake de klacht van UAI 1 June 2009
DAY FOUR: Landrieu, Congressional Delegation Conclude Study of Dutch Water Management 29 May 2009
Children of the Cedars 26 May 2009
GroenLinks wil behoud deelbemiddeling voor homo-paren 25 May 2009
Paul de Leeuw Show 23 May 2009
Kamervraag PvdA - Deelbemiddeling VS 19 May 2009
PETITIE: Deelbemiddeling moet blijven 13 May 2009
Juliana pregnant by her father Hendrik 1 May 2009
Stricter requirements in respect of adoption from the United States 28 April 2009
Doe-het-zelf-adoptie steeds populairder 14 April 2009
Blog - Dutch Adoption NAS 3 March 2009
deelbemiddeling VS en doorbreken monopolie van vergunninghouders 23 February 2009
Bappi verjaardag » Reisverhalen » antoni-in-bangl… 18 February 2009
Adoption from Kazakhstan to the Netherlands 15 February 2009
Handel in kinderen keihard aanpakken 13 February 2009
3500 VN-militairen in Haïti 19 January 2009
Godanaw een straatmeisjes project in Ethiopie 2009
Actueel boek: Baby op bestelling 2009
Centrum Peruaanse Moeders 1 January 2009
Convention-specific Technical Assistance Programmes 1 January 2009
Perverse effects of the Hague Convention - R. Post 1 November 2008
The Perverse Effects of the Hague Adoption Convention November 2008
'' Ooit wil ik terug, met mijn gezin '' 23 October 2008
Deelbemiddeling in Verdragstaten 22 September 2008
Chinese children's homes pay for children 9 September 2008
TV broadcast* EenVandaag 28-05-2008 28 May 2008
Courtcase NL: Indonesian adoption rejected 28 May 2008
Adoptees say local adoption system not free from irregularities 14 May 2008
Visiting rights sperm donor 12 March 2008
Netwerk TV: Adopties uit China 11 March 2008
Netwerk: Timmermans naar Bulgarije (private plane) 4 February 2008
Letter Roelie Post to Timmermans - Bulgaria 1 February 2008
Inside Story of an Adoption Scandal - Arun Dohle 2008
Erica Hoksbergen-Penningsmester Third World soest 1 January 2008
eerste alleenstaande adoptie-ouder in Nederland 4 December 2007
Reactie BZA op concept circulaire deelbemiddeling en vragenlijst 3 December 2007
Radical house sparrow 24 November 2007
Roelie Post to Drimmelen - Dank voor het gesprek (Thanks for the conversation) 16 November 2007
‘Adoptiedossiers kloppen vaker niet dan wel’ 5 November 2007
Forum Adoptie Trefpunt 1 November 2007
Klacht Hogar ten aanzien van Colombia ICBF 17 September 2007
Baby’s te koop TE KOOP 2 July 2007
EenVandaag: Adoptiestop in zicht? 19 June 2007
Volkskrant artikel IJzendoorn, Juffer, Vinke about Roelie Post 16 June 2007
Adoptietweelingen soms geen familie 2 June 2007
OM moet eigen onderzoek doen in adoptie zaken - Telegraaf (Knoops) 28 May 2007
Buitenlandse ouders zijn het lucratiefste 25 May 2007
'Stolen boy' may be one of dozens 23 May 2007
Blog: Wereldkinderen wrote to Ministry of Justice (India) 14 May 2007
,,In India heeft Stefia geen schijn van kans'' 8 March 2007
02.03.07: Verenigde Naties omarmen nieuw Nederlands initiatief voor Weeskinderen 7 March 2007
Tamil Nadu is home to adoption rackets and child-labour gangs 16 February 2007
After 25-year search, woman traces son 12 February 2007
Internationale adoptie Kinderen van de rekening 19 January 2007
Sri Lanka - ID mother wrong 2007
'Donated' is the core of the adopted child 30 December 2006
BCN Initiatives - Better Care Network 18 December 2006
Cablegate: Netherlands: Pending Adoption Cases in Romania 22 June 2006
Court Case Ethiopia - LJN: AV8244, Rechtbank 's-Gravenhage , 227088 4 April 2006
Welcome to Anand's weblog. 14 August 2005
Local Reunion ARC families 1 August 2005
Netherlands To Lift Adoption Ban 17 March 2005
"Expertise center adoption needed" 6 November 2004
Born in America, adopted abroad 27 October 2004
Protocol Working Method Bureau Central Authority when granting a permit to mediate in international adoption or extension of the validity period of that permit 19 May 2004
Child trafficking in Guatemala European Parliament resolution on child trafficking in Guatemala 12 March 2004
Homo’s mogen buitenlands kind adopteren 19 December 2003
President Mádl of Hungary celebrating HCCH's 110th Anniversary 30 October 2003
Adoptieouders doen het ook nooit goed 19 April 2003
Say: Bye bye Korea, until later, when I have grown up 4 April 2003
The effect of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in the Dutch Judiciary 20 January 2003
Schadeclaim tegen Jeugdzorg Dordt 2003
Adoption grief - Zembla - BNNVARA 21 November 2002
Child adoption from Haiti via Flash stopped 28 September 2002
Adoptie kinderen uit Haïti via Flash gestaakt 28 September 2002
Twijfels bij rol stichting in adoptie uit Haïti 15 August 2002
Parliamentary paper 2001-2002 28457 No. 3 9 July 2002
Uitspraak 200103332/1 17 April 2002
'Alles legaal' aan snelle adoptie Paul de Leeuw 17 October 2001
Handel in Indiase baby's voor adoptie is lucratief 14 August 2001
The India Channel was launched at the end of 1994 6 March 2001
'Nu zijn we ineens ouders' - Colombia 12 August 2000
Teveel 'wat wilt u', te weinig 'wat hebt u te bieden' 30 June 2000
BANGLADESH Evaluation of the Netherlands Development Programme with Bangladesh, 1972–1996 1 January 2000
What are the costs of an adoption? 1 January 2000
Sex slaves for sale 1 December 1999
LETTER Central Authorities to HAGUE - Romania problems 8 July 1999
`We rolden van de ene leugen in de andere' Een echtpaar uit Enschede zou een kind uit Brazilië hebben geroofd. 18 March 1999
Optimisme over `geroofd' adoptiekind (Brazilie) 15 March 1999
Blog: Familie Meier (Romania/Haiti) 1 January 1999
Support center for adoption questions 13 May 1998
Motalib Weijters terug naar Dhulia 9 April 1998
Pessers overschreeuwt zichzelf 26 September 1997
Ik eis mijn vader desnoods met een DNA-test 5 June 1997
Kans op buitenlandse baby neemt toe bij tegelijk aannemen van broertjes en zusjes 12 October 1996
Jordanië pakt consul van Sri Lanka op voor handel kinderen naar Nederland 22 March 1996
Argumenten Amsterdams gerechtshof bij toekenning adoptie-kind aan alleenstaande moeder 31 July 1995
Officieel onderzoek door Griekse Justitie 9 May 1995
Vietnam: Doe geen moeite, welk geslacht wenst u? 23 January 1995
Tweede Kamer: Meer controle buitenlandse adopties 27 October 1994
Adult adopted children are not necessarily entitled to all information from the files about their natural parents. 21 September 1994
The longing for the real parents 18 May 1994
Maria de R. mag weten wie haar vader is 16 April 1994
Minder adopties uit buitenland in 1993 6 April 1994
Buitenlandse Pleegkinderen 1 January 1994
Baby's te koop in Hongarije 13 November 1993
Verdrag beschemt kinderen tegen illegale adoptie 1 June 1993
Kosto stopt Baby Lijn uit Jordanie (Sri Lanka) 21 May 1993
PvdA Kamerlid Piet van Stoffelen (about Stoffelen Report) 19 March 1993
Gruweldaden van het monster van de JURA 2 February 1993
Kosto onderzoekt snellere adopties van Kroatische en Bosnische babies 30 January 1993
Kosto: No accusation against child protection in an adontie affair 14 October 1992
Kosto geen verwijt Kinderbescherming in adoptie affaire (Ethiopia) 1 October 1992
Speurtocht naar 'echte' ouders is vaak moeizaam 7 August 1992
Adoptiekind is in alles volop kind der christelijke gemeente 6 March 1992
Sri Lanka wil handel in baby's uitroeien 11 November 1991
life without a father, for many children exist 'bottomless' 3 June 1991
Justitie Brabant gaat illegale adoptie praktijken vrouw onderzoeken (Sri Lanka) 7 February 1991
Justice knows illegal adoption 6 February 1991
Kosto wil onderzoek naar illegale adopties Sri Lanka 6 February 1991
„Nauwelijks adopties Roemeense wezen Twee kinderen aangekomen op Schiphol 15 October 1990
Inzagerecht (geen anonieme donoren) 4 April 1990
Grote vraag adoptie Roemeense kinderen 10 January 1990
Adoptie in wetgeving en programma's, van Nederland tot Zweden en Sri Lanka 21 January 1989
Geadopteerde kinderen hebben recht op hun afkomst 16 September 1988
Adoptie buitenlandse kinderen lijkt haast onmogelijk te worden 14 May 1988
Kinderhandel uit de Derde Wereld door strengere regels indammen (Stoffelen Rapport) 1 October 1987
Sri Lanka maakt einde aan baby boerderijen 5 June 1987
Schokkend rapport babyhandel Sri Lanka 10 April 1987
Bevrijdingskinderen blijven zoeken naar Canadese vaders 27 January 1987
Stoffelen Report on Trade in Children (CoE) - Doc 5777 1 January 1987
UN Rules for Adoption 6 December 1986
Salvadoraanse kinderen ontvoert voor adoptie 18 December 1985
Adoptie van kinderen uit de derde wereld, 2 - Het Spoor - VPRO 2 September 1985
Adoptie van kinderen uit de derde wereld, 1 - Het Spoor - VPRO 26 August 1985
Haags incest (klein)kind overleden 18 June 1985
No child porn in the Netherlands? Come on! 4 May 1985
Nederlanders weer vrij in Santos 16 February 1985
Wij hebben niets verkeerd gedaan. Gearresteerde 'handelaren in kinderen' weer thuis 14 February 1985
Dutch not in baby trade 14 February 1985
Appointments for new reproductive techniques 3 January 1985
Adoptions to NL via Belgium (Haiti) 1985
A question of interests : Inter-country Adoption 1 October 1983
Overheid gaat wantoestanden rond adoptie legaliseren 15 April 1983
Illegale adopties baby's; Braziliaanse advocate aangehouden 23 March 1983
Stichting in Groesbeek beticht van babysmokkel 12 March 1983
Profiteering from the sale of babies 5 March 1983
Braziliaanse van illegale adoptie baby's verdacht 24 February 1983
West Germany: The baby business 15 January 1983
TROS AKTUA: FLASH adoptie kinderhandel Sri Lanka (Youtube) 4 January 1983
Illegaal adopteren vaak een noodsprong; We schamen ons hier helemaal niet voor (investigation NL Peru is ongoing) 1 January 1983
Illegale adoptie uit Peru hier niet bespeurd (MvJ does not know anything) 4 November 1982
5000 dollars betaald. Kinderen Illegaal Geadopteerd (Peru) - Dutch MoJ not aware 3 November 1982
Preadviezen Interlandelijke Adoptie BIA 1 November 1982
Tijdschrift voor Familie en Jeugdrecht - Pre Adviezen Interlandelijke Adoptie 1 November 1982
Baby Farm 8 January 1982
Duizenden babies illegaal naar West-Europa 17 October 1981
Adoption affair does not lead to prosecution 15 September 1981
Tante verdiende grof geld aan kleuters 28 July 1981
Verkochte Colombiaanse baby's mogelijk ook in ons land 25 July 1981
Breek Macht Baby Verkopers 18 May 1981
Instellingen willen gedragscode ter voorkoming adoptie schandalen 16 May 1981
Verhalen over kinderhandel slechts verdachtmaking (Indonesie) 3 January 1981
Vroedvrouw aangebouden. Baby's uit Indonesie verkocht 27 December 1980
Indonesische baby's vooral in Nederland verkocht 30 November 1980
Haars staakt subsidie voor adoptiebureau 17 May 1980
Letter Nota to Van Deth - Stateless children Indonesia (Chinese population) 13 February 1980
Dacca's Den of Child Snatchers 1 January 1980
Derde Wereld wil adopties aan banden 1 September 1979
Adoptie van buitenlandse (Justitiele Verkenningen) September 1979
Adoption affair Irian Jaya bigger than assumed 30 August 1979
Grote vraag leidt tot Babyhandel 17 August 1979
Kinderhandel in Bangladesh 1 August 1979
Beschuldiging aan adres van Terre des Hommes in Nederland en BIA 1 August 1979
Groeiend aantal aanvragen uit gezinnen met eigen kinderen 31 July 1979
Illegal trade on the baby market 11 March 1978
Baby Transport zu Ostern (Bangladesh) 1 January 1978
Ook fincanciële adoptie vraagt om juiste levensbeschouwelijke keuze 5 May 1977
Eva den Hartog resigns: Conflict met leiding om werk Bangla Desj 31 January 1977
Interlandelijke adoptie soms minst schadelijke oplossing HOOGLERAAR JEUGDRECHT IN ORATIE: 9 November 1976
Werkgroep voor adoptie uit buitenland 3 May 1976
Voor tienduizend gulden een kind adopteren in Beiroet 6 March 1976
red. - Buitenlandse pleegkinderen. Richtlijnen voor de opneming 1 March 1976
Leidsch Dagblad 17/01/1976 17 January 1976
Korean adoptions via BIA to other European countries 1976
De Telegraaf: Adoptie - Twintig jaar helpen (ISS) 16 April 1975
Veel aanvragen voor Vietnamese wezen (geronselde kinderen?) 10 April 1975
Aankomst adoptiekinderen in Nederland (1975) 9 April 1975
Deze week 30 kinderen: Wezen komen ook naar Nederland (Vietnam) 1 January 1975
Ouders dolgelukkig met weesjes uit Bangladesj 1 January 1975
Bangladesh stuurt voorlopig geen adoptiekinderen 5 December 1974
closure threatens for 2 day care centers/ Hartog / samsom 26 September 1974
Grote toename aspirantouders; adoptiekinderen moeilijker 25 April 1973
Scherpe kritiek op regeringsnota kinderbescherming (adoptie moet door private actoren) May 1972
negenduizend adopties na vijftien jaar 16 November 1971
PhD Jos Nota: De Adoptie 6 December 1969
Vietnamese wezen land niet uit 24 March 1969
Wij kunnen ongelimiteerd Zuidvietnamese kinderen opvangen 1 March 1968
Aanbod kinderen kleiner dan de vraag; buitenlandse kinderen worden hier niet zondermeer erkend 16 December 1967
Voorschriften nog sta-n-de-weg: Honderden pleegouders voor vietnameesjes 19 September 1967
Misbruik van adoptie in Griekenland; Dokter verkocht pleegkinderen 28 March 1965
Moderne Kinderhandel (US army) 21 December 1959
Handel in Nederlandse babies naar Amerika neemt toe 11 November 1959
KInderbescherming waarschuwt: Handel in Nederlandse babies naar Amerika neemt toe 10 November 1959
Aantal ongehuwde moeders stijgende (export/import) 9 November 1959
Vele Italiaanse kinderen naar Amerika verkocht 4 September 1959
Eerste ervaringen met nieuwe adoptiewet 20 November 1957
Kinderen voor adoptie over hun afkomst voorlichten 19 November 1957
Zwarte Handel in Canadese Baby's 11 February 1957
1956: Adoptiewet goedgekeurd 23 January 1956
Adoptievraagstuk nog steeds in het geding; zekerheid voor pleegouders ook zonder adoptie mogelijk 9 November 1954
Adoptiewet moet er komen, zelfs al zijn er bezwaren (Professor Van Bemmelen, Leiden) 15 July 1954
Wetsontwerp bij Tweede Kamer; kinderadoptie wordt ook in Nederland mogelijk 12 July 1954
Nederland heeft dringend een adoptiewet nodig 21 April 1953
Waarderende meningen over adoptierapport. Ook bezwaren tegen wettelijke regeling 23 December 1952
Handel in Zuigelingen ontdekt - Baby Export van Europa naar Amerika 28 November 1952
FIOM stelt voor adoptie mogelijk te maken 23 November 1952
Cost of a search
Featured Illegal adoptions? Stolen children? Adopted children request an investigation
'Adoption pause is necessary to really change'
Shiva (46) about Dharan (13): 'I had to fight for my food in an orphanage, so I can't complain'
History Fiom
Decision on Woo-request applications and NOW grants to transnational adoption foundations