World Initiative for Orphans (WIO)

The World Orphan Initiative is based in The Hague.  At the same address/phonenumber there is the Orphan Awareness Foundation

Previously called International Orphans Council and  International Advocates for Children - originating from the US (first Alpharetta/Georgia, moved to Atlanta). The organisation was moved to Amsterdam in 2004.

The World Orphan Initiative moved to The Hague in 2007. They formally seperated themselves from AMREX.


Person Relation type Date from Date to
Jaap Doek Approver of
Allison Turner Board member 2008 Jan 01
Ma. Lyra del Castillo Board member
Rene Hoksbergen Board member
Maarten Brekelmans CEO 2004 Jan 01
Alice Hakvoort Employed by 2005 Jan 01
Bettina Keppers Employed by
Inge Terpstra Employed by 2006 Jan 01
Lawrence Adams Employed by
Morris I.O Anyim Employed by 2008 Apr 01
Sandra Knuiman Employed by 2007 Jan 01
Welmont Wels Employed by

Relations to other organizations

Organization Relation Type Organization Country Date from Date to
Orphan Awareness Foundation (OAF) Part of World Initiative for Orphans (WIO)
The African Child Policy Forum Participates in World Initiative for Orphans (WIO)
International Advocates for Children Renamed into World Initiative for Orphans (WIO) 2007 Jan 01
World Initiative for Orphans (WIO) Sponsor of 2007 World Conference on Children without Parental Care
University of Massachusetts Medical School, Center for Adoption Research Sponsor of World Initiative for Orphans (WIO) 2007 Jan 01
ChildVision Sponsor of World Initiative for Orphans (WIO)
Americans for African Adoptions, Inc. (AFAA) Sponsor of World Initiative for Orphans (WIO)
Focus on Adoption (FOA) Sponsor of World Initiative for Orphans (WIO) 2007 Jan 01
Americans for International Aid and Adoption (AIAA) Sponsor of World Initiative for Orphans (WIO) 2007 Jan 01


Prinsessegracht 3
2514 AN
Den Haag