Adoption Advocates
- National Council for Adoption (NCFA)
- World Initiative for Orphans (WIO)
- Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute
- Joint Council on International Children's Services (JCICS)
- Pepsi Americas
- Adoptive Families Association of BC
- For the Children- SOS
- American Adoption Congress
- Focus on Adoption (FOA)
- International Advocates for Children
- Intercountry Adoption Congress
- Joint Adoption Information Network (JAIN)
- The Gladney Cup
- Baume et Mercier USA
- Mitsubishi Motors Nederland
- United States Helsinki Commision
- National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
- National Institute of Health (NIH)
- The Research Network on Early Experience and Brain Development
- Bucharest Early Intervention Project
- Care for Children International, Inc.
- Families for Russian And Ukranian Adoption (FRUA)
- Association of Jewish Family & Children’s Services (AJFCA)
- Colorado DHS
- Evan B Donaldson Adoption Institute
- Solidarite Enfants Roumains Abandonnes Romania (SERA Romania)
- Tulane Foundation
- Marie Curie Peadiatrics Hospital
- ChildNet (Romania)
- Council of Europe Development Bank
- Center for Adoption Policy (CAP)
- Harvard University
- Infant Adoption Training Initiative
- Hague Accreditation
- the adoption guide
- Nobody's Children
- Lobby to Re-open Romanian Adoptions (2001- )
- Council of Reformed Charities
- North American Council on Adoptable Children
- Angel in Adoption Awards
- Lutheran Social Services of Michigan
- A Wish for Children, Inc.
- Adoption Community of New England, Inc.
- Adoption Mosaic
- Adoption Resource Center of CT, Inc.
- Adoption Resources of Wisconsin
- Adoptive Families (The Adoption Education Institute)
- Adoptive Parents Committee
- 2004 Symposium on New Tools for Understanding and Enforcing the Human Rights of Orphaned and Abandoned Children
- National Adoption Day
- 2006 3rd Annual World Conference on Children without Parental Care
- National Safehaven Alliance, inc.
- Save Abandoned Babies Foundation
- United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCHOR)
- Orphan Awareness Foundation (OAF)
- Care France
- The Center for Adoption Support & Education, Inc.
- Concerned Persons for Adoption
- Ethica, Inc.
- Intercountry Adoption Resource Network (ICARN)
- Congress of Romanian Americans (CORA)
- The Guatemala 5000 Initiative
- Childout
- Rally for Intercountry Adoption
- Kentucky Adoption Coalition
- Kidsave International
- Kidsfirst Foundation, Inc.
- La Familia, Inc.
- International Family Services (IFS)
- Oklahoma Coalition on Adoptable Children
- Families without Borders
- Lobby to keep Guatemala open
- Children's Aid and Family Services, Inc. (NJ)
- Adoptive Family Rights Council
- Speedway Children's Charities
- Asociación Defensores de la Adopción(ADA)
- Adoption Exchange Association
- New York Council on Adoptable Children (COAC)
- PAL Center, Inc.
- Unicef New York
- Bethany Social Services Albania
- Voluntary Adoption Agencies and NGOs (IAVAAN)
- U.S. Delegation to the Hague Convention
- Romania Reborn (Regeneration Ministries)
- Answered Prayers
- No Price for Children
- Lobby for pipeline cases - Nepal
- Focus on the Family
- FamilyLife
- The LYDIA Fund
- LIFE International
- Birthmother Ministries, Inc.
- Antioch Adoptions (Antioch Bible Church)
- Adoption 4KIDS
- Caroline's Promise
- Christian Family Care Agency
- Precious in HIS Sight, LLC
- Adoption Patch
- Lobby for a European Adoption Policy/cross-border adoption
- Coordinamento Coppie Adottive Bulgaria
- RainbowKids
- Families Thru International Adoption (Kansas)
- Lutheran Adoption Network (LAN)
- New Jersey Right to Life
- Utah Adoption Council
- AdoptieOudersOverleg (AOO)
- Landelijke Vereniging Adoptieouders (LAVA)
- Belangenvereniding Zelfdoeners in Adoptie (BZA)
- Adoptievereniging De Rode Draad
- Adoptievereniging der Gereformeerde Gezindte (AdGG)
- Zuid-Afrika Adoptievereniging PROTEA
- Africa's Angels
- Annunciation Maternity Home, Inc.
- Corpus Christi Hope House
- Elizabeth Home
- Hannah House Maternity Home
- Nordic Adoption Council
- Lifehouse of Houston,
- San Antonio CAN! (Collaborative Adoption Network)
- Coordinamento Nazionale “Amici dell’Adozione”
- California Alliance of Child and Family Services
- Neobirth Pregnancy Care Cenre
- Door of Hope
- EurAdopt Australia
- Australian Families for Children
- Asociación Coordinadora de Afectados por el Bloqueo de Adopciones en Rumania (ACABAR),
- N-Child YahooGroup
- American Nepalese Children’s Foundation
- Adoption Council of Canada
- Enfance & Familles d'Adoption (EFA)
- Genitori si diventa - onlus
- Adoption & Child Welfare LawSite
- Hearts and Homes for Children
- Families Supporting Adoption
- Asociacion Defensores de la Adopcion
- The Rainbow Babies (
- Latin American Parents Association (LAPA)
- International Concerns for Children (ICC)
- Orphan Care Connection
- Lifesong for Orphans
- Project 1.27
- Children of Arkansas Loved for a Lifetime (The CALL)
- DFW Alliance
- The Sacred Portion Children's Outreach
- His Childeren, Inc.
- Open Arms Adoption Ministry
- Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition
- One Heart Family Ministries
- Together for adoption
- National Association of Christian Child and Family Agencies
- Weaving Families Adoption Ministry
- Focus on the Family’s Adoption & Orphan Care Initiative
- Forever Families (TX)
- Here I Am Orphan Ministries
- Christian Advocates For Adoption, Inc.
- For His Glory Outreach
- Adoption by G.R.A.C.E.
- Kansas City First Church of the Nazarene Adoption Ministries
- Foundation for Large Families
- University Presbyterian Church Heartbeat Ministry
- Forever Families of Christ Community Church
- Hope for 100
- Lake Pointe Adoption & Orphan Ministry
- Embrace Texas
- Mission: Hope at Oakwood Church
- National Christian Adoption Fellowship
- Faith, Hope, Adoption, Inc.
- Families for Orphans Coalition
- Equality for Adopted Children (EACH)
- Institute for Orphan Advocacy
- Project Hopeful
- Orphan Sundays
- Axis Adoption & Consulting Services Inc.
- Tennessee Adoption Tour
- Alabama Adoption Coalition, Inc.
- Children of War - Children of Hope
- Adoptees for children
- Reece's Rainbow
- LAFTER (Large Adoptive Families Together)
- Insight
- Children In Families First
- Guatemala 900
- Futuro de los Ninos
- Patch Our Planet
- National Center for Adoption Law & Policy
- Each Inc.
- Visiting orphans, Inc.
- COC Nederland (Federatie van Nederlandse Verenigingen tot Integratie van Homoseksualiteit COC Nederland)
- International Adoptive Families Association (IAFA)
- The Institute for Orphan Advocacy
- The Institute for Human Services
- Haiti Orphan Relief Team (HORT)
- Child's i Foundation
- Haitian Orphan Rescue
- Global Orphan Outreach
- British Association for Adoption & Fostering ( BAAF)
- University Church of Christ Ministry
- Better Care Netwerk (BCN) - NL
- Ek Sien Jou
- Christian Orphan Care movement
- Stichting Adoptie Voorzieningen (SAV)
- Both Ends Believing
- Committee for the Investigation of Intercountry Adoption
- Gezamenlijke Vergunninghouders
- United European Adoptees (UEA)
- Procuraduria de los niños niñas y la familia Coahuila (Mexico)