Lobby for a European Adoption Policy/cross-border adoption

9 November 2006


Person Relation type Date from Date to
Claire Gibault, MEP Contributed to
Franco Frattini Contributed to
Francois de Combret (Francois Polge de Combret) Contributed to
Jean-Marie Colombani Contributed to
Maud de Boer-Buquicchio Contributed to
Jean-Marie Cavada Participates in
Linda Robak Participates in

Relations to other organizations

Organization Relation Type Organization Country Date from Date to
Lobby for a European Adoption Policy/cross-border adoption Cooperates with 2008 Strasbourg Press Conference Towards a European procedure for adoption 2008 Feb 19
European Adoptions /Terre des hommes Event on Intercountry Adoption, 26.02.2008 in Brussels Part of Lobby for a European Adoption Policy/cross-border adoption 2008 Feb 26
Amici dei Bambini Part of Lobby for a European Adoption Policy/cross-border adoption 2006 Nov 09
2009 Conference: CHALLENGES IN ADOPTION PROCEDURES IN EUROPE - Strasbourg Part of Lobby for a European Adoption Policy/cross-border adoption 2009 Nov 30 2009 Dec 01
Amici dei Bambini Part of Lobby for a European Adoption Policy/cross-border adoption
A European Policy on Adoption - 9 Nov 2006 Part of Lobby for a European Adoption Policy/cross-border adoption
2008 Strasbourg Press Conference Towards a European procedure for adoption Part of Lobby for a European Adoption Policy/cross-border adoption 2008 Feb 18
Lobby for a European Adoption Policy/cross-border adoption Part of Lobby to Re-open Romanian Adoptions (2001- )
Solidarite Enfants Roumains Abandonnes France (SERA) Participates in Lobby for a European Adoption Policy/cross-border adoption
Council of Europe Participates in Lobby for a European Adoption Policy/cross-border adoption


Title Publication date
European Parliament - Legislative train: Financial implications 24 February 2024
Children without families: Aibi, "500 thousand in the Old Continent and Central Asia". Griffini, "a law on European adoption is needed" 29 January 2024
EU countries split over Commission’s plan to give parents cross-border rights 2 July 2022
Recovery found. Griffini (Ai.Bi.) "Now off to the reform of International Adoption" 21 July 2020
EurAdopt International Conference. Ai.Bi. and the project for a European adoption: stop for minors outside the family in Europe 17 April 2018
European Parliament demands action on EU-wide recognition of adoptions 2 February 2017
MEPs call for automatic cross-border recognition of adoptions 2 February 2017
EP Workshop on cross-border adoption 1 December 2015
EP Procedure Fiche : Stage reached in procedure Awaiting committee decision 5 May 2015
Amici: Patricello (EPP): "Establish a European Agency to handle adoptions among the various states of the old contin 5 March 2015
MOTION FOR A RESOLUTIONon setting up a European agency for the adoption of children within the EU 8 January 2015
Renzi e l’adozione internazionale: Congo “speriamo”, adozione europea “parliamone”, riforma A.I. “no comment” 20 May 2014
Romania: finally reopen international adoptions. Ai.Bi. accredited: Who can adopt a child Romanian? 6 August 2013
After the establishment of the database on adoptable minors in Italy, a new challenge: European Adoptions 13 February 2013
EU fails to safeguard human rights 16 September 2011
International Adoptions: Coordinating by the EU of the Rules 19 January 2011
EC false report first international reactions 6 December 2010
Jurnalul Na?ional declan?eaz? anchet? la Comisia European? 6 December 2010
Note CD to JLS - intercountry adoption ROmania 8 June 2010
Inter-Service meeting on Intercountry Adoptions 20 May 2010
Jurnal National: Romanian Orphans, ready for export to the EU - ADOPTION MAFIA WORKS THROUGH THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 20 October 2009
Letter Saastamoinen/De Luca to lawfirm ( instructing the contractor to change the report) 6 May 2009
NAC letter to Cavada, Frattini 22 August 2008
Letter NAC about a EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child 1 August 2008
EP/CoE Video Press conference Strasbourg Joint Declaration European Adoption POlicy 19 February 2008
Part of Euradopt minutes - written by Elisabeth Sandberg 1 October 2007
Italian Parliament document Griffini (Frattini not much hope = close Brussel's Office until better times) 1 July 2007
Note of Cavada/Gibault on adoption/Romania 1 March 2007
Letter Cavada/Gibault to Frattini 12 December 2006
EP Petition French Adopters - reply COM: implement Acquis 3 July 2006
Mail Frattini to AMici: DG JUST analyses proposal for European Adoption Policy 16 February 2006