Romania: finally reopen international adoptions. Ai.Bi. accredited: Who can adopt a child Romanian?
6 August 2013

Date: 06/08/13

Romania: finally reopen international adoptions. Ai.Bi. accredited: Who can adopt a child Romanian?

romania openness toAfter eight years of waiting and silence, finally gets good news from Romania.

The Central Authority of Romania (ORA) has decided to reopen international adoptions closed from January 1, 2005 (when it entered into force the Law 273/2004 on the legal regime of adoptions), and examine new dossier from September 2013 .

This great opportunity will cover, however, exclusively couples Romanian or Italian-Romanian residents in Italy (or other foreign country), which can then be taken in their country of origin. The new law on international adoptions, which came into force in April 2012, it reopens the possibility of adopting in Romania to those couples in which at least one of the spouses is of Romanian nationality.

The couple, in order to adopt, they must meet the requirements of Italian law provided for international adoptions , such as age limits of the intended parents.

With regard to the adoptable children are children for whom it was not possible to identify an adoptive family residing in Romania, within a period of 2 years from the final court approval of the opening of the internal adoption procedure.Are older than 3 years, and may be of a different ethnic group from the Romanian one.

To adopt in Romania, the couple will have to make two trips. In the first, the couple will visit the country to learn about the child matched. The Romanian law stipulates that are carried out during the stay a minimum of 8 meetings with the child, within 30 days and under the supervision of local authorities. At the conclusion of these meetings, the Court will set a hearing for adoption.

During the second trip, however, the child is given to the couple and can be prepared the necessary documentation at the entrance of the new Italian family.

Ai.Bi. has received accreditation to adopt in Romania , as well as other 8 authorized bodies, including 7 U.S.(Children's House International - WHO; FUNDATIA Nightlight Christian Adoptions; AGAPE ADOPTIONS; BAL JAGAT-CHILDREN'S WORLD Inc.; Lifeline Children's Services; Agentia Hands Across the Water; Agen?ia Alliance for Children)and one Canadian (CARC-International adoptio).

For more information call the office of International Adoptions Ai.Bi. - Friends of the Children, from 9.10 to 18.00, Monday to Friday: 02/988221