Amici dei Bambini

  • January 1986, established by initiative of a group of adoptive parents;
  • January 1991, Moral Body by a Decree of the Italian Home Office;
  • March 1992, Accredited Body for Intercountry Adoption by an Interministry Decree of the Foreign Office and the Ministry of Justice;
  • August 1993, Non-governmental Organisation by the Decree n. 2774/1 of the Italian Foreign Office
  • January 1994, Volunteering Body by a Regione Lombardia Decree;
  • October 2000 reconfirmed as Authorized Agency for Intercountry Adoption;
  • January 2001 credited by the United Nations Public Information Department.

Amici dei Bambini is also a strong advocate for intercountry adoption, and is ferociously lobbying for the reopening of Romanian adopties.

On 30 August 2007 AiBi published their political agenda:  European Adoptions, Kafalah and international placement


Person Relation type Date from Date to
Daniela Trogu Employed by
Elisabetta Pontello Employed by 2007 Mar 01
Krassimira Natan Employed by
Lorenzo Marfisi Employed by
Matteo Rebesani Employed by 1998 Apr 01 1998 Dec 01
Roberto Zambrenti Employed by
Marco Griffini President

Relations to other organizations

Organization Relation Type Organization Country Date from Date to
Albanian Adoption Committee Accredited Amici dei Bambini
Consejo Nacional de la Niñez y Adolescencia, Ecuador Accredited Amici dei Bambini
Romanian Adoption Committee Accredited Amici dei Bambini
Ministry of Justice, Bulgaria Accredited Amici dei Bambini
Autoridade Central Administrativa Federal, Brazil Accredited Amici dei Bambini
Department of Human Services of the Ministry of Human Development, Bolivia Accredited Amici dei Bambini
China Center of Adoption Affairs (CCAA) Accredited Amici dei Bambini
Secretaría Nacional de Adopciones, Peru Accredited Amici dei Bambini
Ministry of Education in the Russian Federation Accredited Amici dei Bambini
Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF), Colombia Accredited Amici dei Bambini
Comitetului pentru Infiere a Moldovei (The Moldovan Adoption Committee) Accredited Amici dei Bambini
Commissione per le Adozioni Internazionali Accredited Amici dei Bambini
Amici dei Bambini Cooperates with CIAI 2009 Feb 16
Amici dei Bambini Cooperates with Nidos
Amici dei Bambini Cooperates with Procura Generale della Congregazione delle Missionarie Figlie di San Girolamo Emiliani (Missionarie Somasche) 2009 Feb 16
Amici dei Bambini Cooperates with Terre des Hommes Switzerland
Amici dei Bambini Cooperates with The Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute (MISA) aka Natha-Denmark, Tara-US, Satya-India
Amici dei Bambini Founded Childout
Amici dei Bambini - Kosovo Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Amici dei Bambini, regional office Messina Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Amici dei Bambini, regional office Bologna Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Amici dei Bambini, regional office Roma Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Centro Servizi alla FAmiglia Fidarsi della Vita Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Amici dei Bambini - Bulgaria Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Amici dei Bambini - Bolivia Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Amici dei Bambini, regional office Bari Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Amici dei Bambini - Romania (Prieteni Copiilor) Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Amici dei Bambini, regional office Firenze Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Ai.Bi. Bonfim Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Amici dei Bambini - Moldavia Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Amici dei Bambini - Marocco Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Amici dei Bambini - Albania Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Amici dei Bambini, regional office Torino Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Ai.Bi. San Paolo Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Ai.Bi. Belem Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Amici dei Bambini, regional office Mestre Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Amici dei Bambini - Bosnia Erzegovina Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Amici dei Bambini - Ukraine Local office of Amici dei Bambini
Amici dei Bambini Member of Euradopt
Amici dei Bambini Member of EuroChild
Amici dei Bambini Member of Standing Conference of the Presidents of National Voluntary Service Associations and Federations
Amici dei Bambini Organizes No Price for Children
Amici dei Bambini Part of 2007 World Conference on Children without Parental Care
Amici dei Bambini Part of ACT - OLAF AMICI DEI BAMBINI (OF/2006/0497)
Amici dei Bambini Part of Lobby for a European Adoption Policy/cross-border adoption 2006 Nov 09
Amici dei Bambini Part of Lobby for a European Adoption Policy/cross-border adoption
Amici dei Bambini Part of
Amici dei Bambini Participates in A European Policy on Adoption - 9 Nov 2006
BNL Paribas Bank Participates in Amici dei Bambini 2005 Jan 01
Amici dei Bambini Participates in De-Institutionalisation of children in Public Care and Promotion of the social and family reinsertion
Amici dei Bambini Participates in Giovani per la pace
Amici dei Bambini Participates in Lobby to Re-open Romanian Adoptions (2001- )
Amici dei Bambini Participates in PEDOS/PERVERTS 2013 Jan 01
Amici dei Bambini Participates in Prevention and fight against child trafficking in Albania in the form of illegal and commercial adoption
Amici dei Bambini Participates in Prevention of Child Abandonment, development of Sustainable Health... (Morocco)
Amici dei Bambini Participates in Promovarea serviciilor noi pentru facilitarea procesului de reîntregire a familiilor copiilor institu?ionaliza?i din Moldova
Amici dei Bambini Participates in Social Inclusion for Out-of-family Children and Young People in Public Childcare
Amici dei Bambini Participates in Youth for Peace - project
European Commission Provided grant to Amici dei Bambini 2002 Jan 01 2004 Jan 01
European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) Provided grant to Amici dei Bambini
European Commission Provided grant to Amici dei Bambini 2003 Jan 01
European Commission Provided grant to Amici dei Bambini 2002 Jan 01
European Commission Provided grant to Amici dei Bambini


Title Publication date
Children without families: Aibi, "500 thousand in the Old Continent and Central Asia". Griffini, "a law on European adoption is needed" 29 January 2024
Unicef Netherlands position in Intercountry Adoption ? 12 August 2021
The father is not only the one who gives life, but the one who offers unconditional care and love; "And by adoption you can beco 1 June 2021
Child abuse, Bulgaria condemned: "Reports from Italian judges ignored" 4 February 2021
Recovery found. Griffini (Ai.Bi.) "Now off to the reform of International Adoption" 21 July 2020
Amici dei Bambini with Michele Torri on the EurAdopt Executive Board 18 May 2020
National Adoption. Griffini (Ai.Bi.): “The mystery of the database of adoptable children has still not been solved… after 20 years!” 28 October 2019
Migrant children, left without a mother by accidents in the Mediterranean, have found a second chance thanks to two Sicilian fam 20 July 2019
Adozione internazionale. Otto coppie cercasi per riaprire le adozioni con la Cambogia 17 July 2019
Soon a bilateral agreement with Italy. Ai.Bi. among the seven bodies authorized to operate (Congo) June 2019
Marco Griffini confermato alla presidenza: “Ci lasciamo alle spalle il triennio più difficile” 6 May 2019
Ai.Bi. autorizzata a operare in Nigeria. L’Africa nuova frontiera della adozione internazionale 15 April 2019
Il Fatto Quotidiano. Adozioni, i “ladri di bambini” non ci sono. L’archiviazione che inchioda l’autorità: “Denunce infondate e a 22 March 2019
Adozioni, i “ladri di bambini” non ci sono. L’archiviazione che inchioda l’autorità: “Denunce infondate e abuso di potere” 22 March 2019
Adozioni in Congo senza rilevanza penale» Così Milano ha archiviato l'inchiesta su Aibi 12 March 2019
Adoptions, from Gentiloni accusations against magistrate Aibi rejoices: whoever denounced us will pay 12 March 2019
Link to Copyright Proguard ( AMICI ) 12 March 2019
Milan. Adoptions, the poison season is over. The investigation on Aibi filed 9 March 2019
Le accuse contro Ai.Bi. sono totalmente infondate. Scritta la parola fine alla stagione dei veleni. Il ringraziamento di Ai.Bi. 8 March 2019
La Procura di Milano cambia opinione: «L'ente Aibi non ha commesso irregolarità» 4 March 2019
The trade in adoptions. Panorama's "scandal" cover triggers reactions from families, organizations and associations 7 February 2019
EFA: Mission République de Moldavie et Roumanie (janvier 2019) 1 January 2019
Written Question Sabine Verheyen EU funding Amici dei Bambini 24 September 2018
The two-day conference " Child friendly justice - Leaving Margaret Tuite 27 June 2018
Open Letter ACT to EP President Tajani: Subject: Child trafficking / Roelie Post 29 May 2018
The life of a whistleblower: Roelie Post (ARGOS) + anonymous colleague 5 May 2018
EurAdopt International Conference. Ai.Bi. and the project for a European adoption: stop for minors outside the family in Europe 17 April 2018
Better to stay in the community than having an un-Polish family? 6 April 2018
Stolen children, the 44 forgotten complaints So the state body conditioned the investigation 27 February 2018
Adoptions: illegal immigration and corruption Aibi investigated by the anti-mafia prosecutor's office 26 February 2018
107 Italian families waiting. Block adoptions from Ethiopia: couples in alarm 13 January 2018
First data 2017: minus 30% on 2016. Cifa, AiBi and NAAA confirm the first three places. The disinterestedness of the governments 9 January 2018
International adoptions. For the benefit of the uninformed journalists, here is how the authorities of the Democratic Republic.. 16 November 2017
Adoptions, Vice President Cai remains in his place. The Tar rejects the appeal against the appointment of Laura Laera 16 September 2017
Adoptions, Vice President Cai remains in his place. The Tar rejects the appeal against the appointment of Laura Laera 16 September 2017
Italy: Parliamentary Question about Amici dei Bambini 22 May 2017
L'Espresso: «Sull'aereo di Stato c'era un bimbo rubato» La denuncia di una mamma alla Camera 19 May 2017
L'Italie au cœur de l’imbroglio des adoptions internationales 18 April 2017
Silvia della Monica: Sale of Children, Trafficking, Congo, Amici (YOUTUBE) 20 March 2017
Adoptions italiennes au Congo : des irrégularités sur certains dossiers 16 February 2017
Fusion Documentariy The Traffickers discussed in Italian Senate 25 January 2017
Adoptions, new interrogations throughout Italy Melissa Satta cancels the campaign with Aibi 16 November 2016
US Broadcast of THE TRAFFICKERS 13 November 2016
Fusion: Who's really profiting from international adoptions? 9 November 2016
An exclusive first look at Fusion's newest investigative series, 'The Traffickers' 3 November 2016
Italian Associations trafficked children» The shocking report in Parliament 13 October 2016
CAI, SIlvia della Monica in the Justice Committee of the Italian Senate 12 October 2016
L'Espresso: The Lies of the Children Thieves 20 July 2016
I bambini italiani scomparsi in Congo e il ministro ombra Griffini 19 July 2016
Adoptions DRC: from June 10 all adopted children in the Congo by Italian families are at home by their parents. (6/17/2016) 17 June 2016
Ogni tre giorni restituito un bimbo. Così falliscono le adozioni in Italia 13 March 2016
“Opaque” system causes dwindling adoption rate 26 August 2015
From today the police will control international adoption: finally end the scourge of payments in cash and in black? 22 June 2015
Bureaucracy and prohibitive costs: international adoptions fell by 49% in a few years 6 June 2015
Bulgaria. Spouses Giunta: "Let them in school or bring them to our house? We read the response to each other's eyes " 6 June 2015
Congo. Si intensifica l’attività diplomatica per risolvere il blocco delle adozioni. Le missioni dell’Autorità Centrale francese 8 April 2015
Amici: Patricello (EPP): "Establish a European Agency to handle adoptions among the various states of the old contin 5 March 2015
International adoption. Moldova: finally operating the new law. Ai.Bi. credited. Authorized institutions declined from 25 to 16 25 February 2015
International adoption: the season of poison 14 October 2014
Chaos international adoptions: "Families waiting for months" 14 October 2014
Ecuador accuses Italy: the children of immigrants unfairly removed unemployed parents 14 August 2014
Burundi/Italie : Convention de coopération avec l’ONG Amici DEI Bambini 13 July 2014
Renzi e l’adozione internazionale: Congo “speriamo”, adozione europea “parliamone”, riforma A.I. “no comment” 20 May 2014
Decision Ombudsman Amici 20 May 2014
Romania are 237 children waiting for a family abroad 27 November 2013
Ghana: Gender Ministry to Regulate Child Adoption 22 August 2013
Romania: finally reopen international adoptions. Ai.Bi. accredited: Who can adopt a child Romanian? 6 August 2013
The Democratic Republic of the Congo suspends the output of adopted children. Suspicions of irregularities in adoptions 23 April 2013
International Adoptions: UNICEF urges Ghana to the ratification of the Hague Convention by June 2013 11 March 2013
After the establishment of the database on adoptable minors in Italy, a new challenge: European Adoptions 13 February 2013
The European Commission and intercountry adoption from Romania 1 February 2013
Adoptions of older children. Required the intervention of the Ombudsman of the Child: "Without Dr. Cavallo!" 1 February 2013
Griffini's rebuttal of L'Espresso: BULGARIA, ORC BURROW AIBI DISPROVES, 19 January 2013
Adoption and Pedophilia, a Chilling Affair (translation l'Espresso) 17 January 2013
The procedures for institutionalized children victims of abuse: the case of Bulgaria and the details of Ai.Bi. 14 January 2013
Bulgaria, nella tana dei pedofilidi 14 January 2013
Italian magazine reports on sexual abuse cases in Bulgarian home for children deprived of parental care 12 January 2013
Italy, the crisis of births: serve 15,000 adoptions a year 21 November 2012
Adozioni internazionali, Romania: la CAI designa come referente unico l’ente pubblico ARAI Piemonte. Ma è davvero la scelta gius 19 September 2012
Commissione Bicamerale per l’Infanzia, presentata la proposta di Ai.Bi. contro la crisi dell’adozione internazionale 18 September 2012
Two NGOs raise funds to support child trafficking victims 4 July 2012
Gezinnen, geen kinderhuizen: tentoonstelling en rondetafel lezing in Europees Parlement 6 June 2012
Ghana To Streamline Inter-Country Adoption 4 June 2012
Amici dei Bambini, second biggest agency in Europe 17 May 2012
Romania: allo stadio 40.000 bambini abbandonati 27 June 2011
European Parliament - Petition Simone Eiler (video) 15 June 2011
Adoptions International Semester 1, 2011: best result ever for Ai.Bi. 7 June 2011
EP Petition Meeting = Petition Simone Eiler June 2011
Kosovo: “stop all’abbandono dei bambini” 20 May 2011
Petition Eiler - reply COM 3 March 2011
Ai.Bi. cerca famiglie o single per l’accoglienza di minori tunisini 24 February 2011
MEPs demand easing of adoption restrictions 26 January 2011
International Adoptions: Coordinating by the EU of the Rules 19 January 2011
European Parliament adopts joint motion for resolution on international adoptions (See link Romania for export ONly) 18 January 2011
Project: Joining nature and culture through outdoor activities in the border area 2011
Romania Adozioni Internazionali: passi in avanti verso la riforma della legge. 29 October 2010
Adozioni Internazionali Romania: si lavora sulla nuova legge. 20 October 2010
Congo e adozione internazionale: alla ricerca di una regolamentazione 22 July 2010
Romania: in aumento il numero di neonati abbandonati negli ospedali 1 July 2010
Petitie: "Petitie privind dreptul la adoptie internationala" 28 June 2010
Members of the ll Melegrano Network June 2010
Petition 1120/2009 on Romania’s fulfilment of international conventions on children’s rights 1 April 2010
Amici dei Bambini EP Petition rejected; Romanian adoptions remain closed 31 March 2010
Vittoria del Governo romeno sui bambini abbandonati 29 March 2010
Lettera shock dalla Romania:”negli istituti hanno violentato il nostro futuro.” 26 March 2010
Romanian Office for Adoptions suggests lifting some restrictions imposed on international adoptions 25 March 2010
Din Malta,cu dragoste:povestea unui copil adoptat 23 March 2010
Report from Brussels: Amici dei Bambini Petition rejected, Romanian adoptions to remain closed 23 March 2010
Reopening of adoptions in Romania? The issue is addressed in Petitions Committee 8 March 2010
War child trafficking between Bosnia and Italy 1 March 2010
EP Petition and reply European Commission 19 February 2010
Progetto Ricostruiamo dai bambini 2010
AiBi Childout 15 December 2009
Children’s rights 4 December 2009
International adoption: Romania and Bulgaria, two countries in comparison 3 December 2009
Amici dei Bambini Report 2009- CHILDOUT December 2009
Updates on the Abandonment Emergency 1 November 2009
Jurnal National: Romanian Orphans, ready for export to the EU - ADOPTION MAFIA WORKS THROUGH THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION 20 October 2009
Life after institutional care: international round table 9 July 2009
USA: on line il nuovo sito Ai.Bi. USAA: on line il nuovo sito Ai.Bi. USA 1 July 2009
Il Melegrano Network - Newsletter 1 June 2009
Amici dei Bambini Report 2009- June 2009
Italian NGO Reunites Abandoned Mongolian Children With Families 15 January 2009
Arisi Marco Emilio- Direttore della U.O. di Ostetricia e Ginecologia, Ospedale Regionale 22 November 2008
Amici dei Bambini Report 2008 October 2008
"Drepturile copilului sunt lege" (Preparation new adoption law) 1 July 2008
petition Macaluso 9 March 2008
Bulgaria: Brought to a new level 4 March 2008
Roelie Post to Drimmelen - Dank voor het gesprek (Thanks for the conversation) 16 November 2007
Mail Sandberg to: EU changes position (Strategy) 1 November 2007
Letter European Commission (JLS) to Amici dei Bambini - about tender together with ISS 25 October 2007
Adoption for Italian couple?! 25 October 2007
Part of Euradopt minutes - written by Elisabeth Sandberg 1 October 2007
Italian Parliament document Griffini (Frattini not much hope = close Brussel's Office until better times) 1 July 2007
Frattini lobbying for Bielorusse? 14 March 2007
Aibi Social Report 2007 1 January 2007
Letter Cavada/Gibault to Frattini 12 December 2006
Letter Amici to Frattini 10 October 2006
Suspended adoptions in Kosovo: 4 May 2006
Mail Frattini to AMici: DG JUST analyses proposal for European Adoption Policy 16 February 2006
Adozioni Romania: "Violata la Convenzione ONU dell´89". 8 February 2005
Picture Pres Conference Bucharest (Zambrenti, Clement, Castor - Phelim McAleer) 18 June 2004
Stop adozioni in Romania: parla Melita Cavallo 15 June 2004
dominio 10 June 2004
NGOs strive to block the law on international adoptions 2004
Le coppie dicono dei nostri corsi 25 January 2003
Legge sulla "Privacy" 2003
Traffico di bimbi, Bucarest blocca le adozioni 20 March 2001
Thirty-Two Non-Governmental Organizations Approved for Association 26 January 2001
Italian NGO co-finances social project in Rabat 18 October 2000
Raccolta fondi in corso 30 September 2000
L'albo degli enti autorizzati appena pubblicato subirà modifiche? 2000
Annual Report Europol 1 January 1999
LinkedIn Matteo Rebesani 1998
Le prospettive di vita dei bambini di Chernobyl sono drammatiche
Sponsors Amici dei Bambini
Per sostenere i propri progetti Ai.Bi. lancia varie campagne
Missione Arcobaleno (this was linked from Aibi website)
Links on Website Amici dei Bambini
pubblicazioni Amici dei Bambini


Via Giacomo Frassi 19