Title |
Publication date |
Children without families: Aibi, "500 thousand in the Old Continent and Central Asia". Griffini, "a law on European adoption is needed" |
29 January 2024 |
Unicef Netherlands position in Intercountry Adoption ? |
12 August 2021 |
The father is not only the one who gives life, but the one who offers unconditional care and love; "And by adoption you can beco |
1 June 2021 |
Child abuse, Bulgaria condemned: "Reports from Italian judges ignored" |
4 February 2021 |
Recovery found. Griffini (Ai.Bi.) "Now off to the reform of International Adoption" |
21 July 2020 |
Amici dei Bambini with Michele Torri on the EurAdopt Executive Board |
18 May 2020 |
National Adoption. Griffini (Ai.Bi.): “The mystery of the database of adoptable children has still not been solved… after 20 years!” |
28 October 2019 |
Migrant children, left without a mother by accidents in the Mediterranean, have found a second chance thanks to two Sicilian fam |
20 July 2019 |
Adozione internazionale. Otto coppie cercasi per riaprire le adozioni con la Cambogia |
17 July 2019 |
Soon a bilateral agreement with Italy. Ai.Bi. among the seven bodies authorized to operate (Congo) |
June 2019 |
Marco Griffini confermato alla presidenza: “Ci lasciamo alle spalle il triennio più difficile” |
6 May 2019 |
Ai.Bi. autorizzata a operare in Nigeria. L’Africa nuova frontiera della adozione internazionale |
15 April 2019 |
Il Fatto Quotidiano. Adozioni, i “ladri di bambini” non ci sono. L’archiviazione che inchioda l’autorità: “Denunce infondate e a |
22 March 2019 |
Adozioni, i “ladri di bambini” non ci sono. L’archiviazione che inchioda l’autorità: “Denunce infondate e abuso di potere” |
22 March 2019 |
Adozioni in Congo senza rilevanza penale» Così Milano ha archiviato l'inchiesta su Aibi |
12 March 2019 |
Adoptions, from Gentiloni accusations against magistrate Aibi rejoices: whoever denounced us will pay |
12 March 2019 |
Link to Copyright Proguard ( AMICI ) |
12 March 2019 |
Milan. Adoptions, the poison season is over. The investigation on Aibi filed |
9 March 2019 |
Le accuse contro Ai.Bi. sono totalmente infondate. Scritta la parola fine alla stagione dei veleni. Il ringraziamento di Ai.Bi. |
8 March 2019 |
La Procura di Milano cambia opinione: «L'ente Aibi non ha commesso irregolarità» |
4 March 2019 |
The trade in adoptions. Panorama's "scandal" cover triggers reactions from families, organizations and associations |
7 February 2019 |
EFA: Mission République de Moldavie et Roumanie (janvier 2019) |
1 January 2019 |
Written Question Sabine Verheyen EU funding Amici dei Bambini |
24 September 2018 |
The two-day conference " Child friendly justice - Leaving Margaret Tuite |
27 June 2018 |
Open Letter ACT to EP President Tajani: Subject: Child trafficking / Roelie Post |
29 May 2018 |
The life of a whistleblower: Roelie Post (ARGOS) + anonymous colleague |
5 May 2018 |
EurAdopt International Conference. Ai.Bi. and the project for a European adoption: stop for minors outside the family in Europe |
17 April 2018 |
Better to stay in the community than having an un-Polish family? |
6 April 2018 |
Stolen children, the 44 forgotten complaints So the state body conditioned the investigation |
27 February 2018 |
Adoptions: illegal immigration and corruption Aibi investigated by the anti-mafia prosecutor's office |
26 February 2018 |
107 Italian families waiting. Block adoptions from Ethiopia: couples in alarm |
13 January 2018 |
First data 2017: minus 30% on 2016. Cifa, AiBi and NAAA confirm the first three places. The disinterestedness of the governments |
9 January 2018 |
International adoptions. For the benefit of the uninformed journalists, here is how the authorities of the Democratic Republic.. |
16 November 2017 |
Adoptions, Vice President Cai remains in his place. The Tar rejects the appeal against the appointment of Laura Laera |
16 September 2017 |
Adoptions, Vice President Cai remains in his place. The Tar rejects the appeal against the appointment of Laura Laera |
16 September 2017 |
Italy: Parliamentary Question about Amici dei Bambini |
22 May 2017 |
L'Espresso: «Sull'aereo di Stato c'era un bimbo rubato» La denuncia di una mamma alla Camera |
19 May 2017 |
L'Italie au cœur de l’imbroglio des adoptions internationales |
18 April 2017 |
Silvia della Monica: Sale of Children, Trafficking, Congo, Amici (YOUTUBE) |
20 March 2017 |
Adoptions italiennes au Congo : des irrégularités sur certains dossiers |
16 February 2017 |
Fusion Documentariy The Traffickers discussed in Italian Senate |
25 January 2017 |
Adoptions, new interrogations throughout Italy Melissa Satta cancels the campaign with Aibi |
16 November 2016 |
13 November 2016 |
Fusion: Who's really profiting from international adoptions? |
9 November 2016 |
An exclusive first look at Fusion's newest investigative series, 'The Traffickers' |
3 November 2016 |
Italian Associations trafficked children» The shocking report in Parliament |
13 October 2016 |
CAI, SIlvia della Monica in the Justice Committee of the Italian Senate |
12 October 2016 |
L'Espresso: The Lies of the Children Thieves |
20 July 2016 |
I bambini italiani scomparsi in Congo e il ministro ombra Griffini |
19 July 2016 |
Adoptions DRC: from June 10 all adopted children in the Congo by Italian families are at home by their parents. (6/17/2016) |
17 June 2016 |
Ogni tre giorni restituito un bimbo. Così falliscono le adozioni in Italia |
13 March 2016 |
“Opaque” system causes dwindling adoption rate |
26 August 2015 |
From today the police will control international adoption: finally end the scourge of payments in cash and in black? |
22 June 2015 |
Bureaucracy and prohibitive costs: international adoptions fell by 49% in a few years |
6 June 2015 |
Bulgaria. Spouses Giunta: "Let them in school or bring them to our house? We read the response to each other's eyes " |
6 June 2015 |
Congo. Si intensifica l’attività diplomatica per risolvere il blocco delle adozioni. Le missioni dell’Autorità Centrale francese |
8 April 2015 |
Amici: Patricello (EPP): "Establish a European Agency to handle adoptions among the various states of the old contin |
5 March 2015 |
International adoption. Moldova: finally operating the new law. Ai.Bi. credited. Authorized institutions declined from 25 to 16 |
25 February 2015 |
International adoption: the season of poison |
14 October 2014 |
Chaos international adoptions: "Families waiting for months" |
14 October 2014 |
Ecuador accuses Italy: the children of immigrants unfairly removed unemployed parents |
14 August 2014 |
Burundi/Italie : Convention de coopération avec l’ONG Amici DEI Bambini |
13 July 2014 |
Renzi e l’adozione internazionale: Congo “speriamo”, adozione europea “parliamone”, riforma A.I. “no comment” |
20 May 2014 |
Decision Ombudsman Amici |
20 May 2014 |
Romania are 237 children waiting for a family abroad |
27 November 2013 |
Ghana: Gender Ministry to Regulate Child Adoption |
22 August 2013 |
Romania: finally reopen international adoptions. Ai.Bi. accredited: Who can adopt a child Romanian? |
6 August 2013 |
The Democratic Republic of the Congo suspends the output of adopted children. Suspicions of irregularities in adoptions |
23 April 2013 |
International Adoptions: UNICEF urges Ghana to the ratification of the Hague Convention by June 2013 |
11 March 2013 |
After the establishment of the database on adoptable minors in Italy, a new challenge: European Adoptions |
13 February 2013 |
The European Commission and intercountry adoption from Romania |
1 February 2013 |
Adoptions of older children. Required the intervention of the Ombudsman of the Child: "Without Dr. Cavallo!" |
1 February 2013 |
Griffini's rebuttal of L'Espresso: BULGARIA, ORC BURROW AIBI DISPROVES, |
19 January 2013 |
Adoption and Pedophilia, a Chilling Affair (translation l'Espresso) |
17 January 2013 |
The procedures for institutionalized children victims of abuse: the case of Bulgaria and the details of Ai.Bi. |
14 January 2013 |
Bulgaria, nella tana dei pedofilidi |
14 January 2013 |
Italian magazine reports on sexual abuse cases in Bulgarian home for children deprived of parental care |
12 January 2013 |
Italy, the crisis of births: serve 15,000 adoptions a year |
21 November 2012 |
Adozioni internazionali, Romania: la CAI designa come referente unico l’ente pubblico ARAI Piemonte. Ma è davvero la scelta gius |
19 September 2012 |
Commissione Bicamerale per l’Infanzia, presentata la proposta di Ai.Bi. contro la crisi dell’adozione internazionale |
18 September 2012 |
Two NGOs raise funds to support child trafficking victims |
4 July 2012 |
Gezinnen, geen kinderhuizen: tentoonstelling en rondetafel lezing in Europees Parlement |
6 June 2012 |
Ghana To Streamline Inter-Country Adoption |
4 June 2012 |
Amici dei Bambini, second biggest agency in Europe |
17 May 2012 |
Romania: allo stadio 40.000 bambini abbandonati |
27 June 2011 |
European Parliament - Petition Simone Eiler (video) |
15 June 2011 |
Adoptions International Semester 1, 2011: best result ever for Ai.Bi. |
7 June 2011 |
EP Petition Meeting = Petition Simone Eiler |
June 2011 |
Kosovo: “stop all’abbandono dei bambini” |
20 May 2011 |
Petition Eiler - reply COM |
3 March 2011 |
Ai.Bi. cerca famiglie o single per l’accoglienza di minori tunisini |
24 February 2011 |
MEPs demand easing of adoption restrictions |
26 January 2011 |
International Adoptions: Coordinating by the EU of the Rules |
19 January 2011 |
European Parliament adopts joint motion for resolution on international adoptions (See link Romania for export ONly) |
18 January 2011 |
Project: Joining nature and culture through outdoor activities in the border area |
2011 |
Romania Adozioni Internazionali: passi in avanti verso la riforma della legge. |
29 October 2010 |
Adozioni Internazionali Romania: si lavora sulla nuova legge. |
20 October 2010 |
Congo e adozione internazionale: alla ricerca di una regolamentazione |
22 July 2010 |
Romania: in aumento il numero di neonati abbandonati negli ospedali |
1 July 2010 |
Petitie: "Petitie privind dreptul la adoptie internationala" |
28 June 2010 |
Members of the ll Melegrano Network |
June 2010 |
Petition 1120/2009 on Romania’s fulfilment of international conventions on children’s rights |
1 April 2010 |
Amici dei Bambini EP Petition rejected; Romanian adoptions remain closed |
31 March 2010 |
Vittoria del Governo romeno sui bambini abbandonati |
29 March 2010 |
Lettera shock dalla Romania:”negli istituti hanno violentato il nostro futuro.” |
26 March 2010 |
Romanian Office for Adoptions suggests lifting some restrictions imposed on international adoptions |
25 March 2010 |
Din Malta,cu dragoste:povestea unui copil adoptat |
23 March 2010 |
Report from Brussels: Amici dei Bambini Petition rejected, Romanian adoptions to remain closed |
23 March 2010 |
Reopening of adoptions in Romania? The issue is addressed in Petitions Committee |
8 March 2010 |
War child trafficking between Bosnia and Italy |
1 March 2010 |
EP Petition and reply European Commission |
19 February 2010 |
Progetto Ricostruiamo dai bambini |
2010 |
AiBi Childout |
15 December 2009 |
Children’s rights |
4 December 2009 |
International adoption: Romania and Bulgaria, two countries in comparison |
3 December 2009 |
Amici dei Bambini Report 2009- CHILDOUT |
December 2009 |
Updates on the Abandonment Emergency |
1 November 2009 |
Jurnal National: Romanian Orphans, ready for export to the EU - ADOPTION MAFIA WORKS THROUGH THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION |
20 October 2009 |
Life after institutional care: international round table |
9 July 2009 |
USA: on line il nuovo sito Ai.Bi. USAA: on line il nuovo sito Ai.Bi. USA |
1 July 2009 |
Il Melegrano Network - Newsletter |
1 June 2009 |
Amici dei Bambini Report 2009- |
June 2009 |
Italian NGO Reunites Abandoned Mongolian Children With Families |
15 January 2009 |
2009 |
Arisi Marco Emilio- Direttore della U.O. di Ostetricia e Ginecologia, Ospedale Regionale |
22 November 2008 |
Amici dei Bambini Report 2008 |
October 2008 |
"Drepturile copilului sunt lege" (Preparation new adoption law) |
1 July 2008 |
petition Macaluso |
9 March 2008 |
Bulgaria: Brought to a new level |
4 March 2008 |
Roelie Post to Drimmelen - Dank voor het gesprek (Thanks for the conversation) |
16 November 2007 |
Mail Sandberg to: EU changes position (Strategy) |
1 November 2007 |
Letter European Commission (JLS) to Amici dei Bambini - about tender together with ISS |
25 October 2007 |
Adoption for Italian couple?! |
25 October 2007 |
Part of Euradopt minutes - written by Elisabeth Sandberg |
1 October 2007 |
Italian Parliament document Griffini (Frattini not much hope = close Brussel's Office until better times) |
1 July 2007 |
Frattini lobbying for Bielorusse? |
14 March 2007 |
Aibi Social Report 2007 |
1 January 2007 |
Letter Cavada/Gibault to Frattini |
12 December 2006 |
Letter Amici to Frattini |
10 October 2006 |
8 October 2006 |
12 June 2006 |
Suspended adoptions in Kosovo: |
4 May 2006 |
Mail Frattini to AMici: DG JUST analyses proposal for European Adoption Policy |
16 February 2006 |
1 January 2006 |
1 January 2006 |
Adozioni Romania: "Violata la Convenzione ONU dell´89". |
8 February 2005 |
Picture Pres Conference Bucharest (Zambrenti, Clement, Castor - Phelim McAleer) |
18 June 2004 |
Stop adozioni in Romania: parla Melita Cavallo |
15 June 2004 |
dominio balkansnetwork.net. |
10 June 2004 |
6 April 2004 |
NGOs strive to block the law on international adoptions |
2004 |
Le coppie dicono dei nostri corsi |
25 January 2003 |
Legge sulla "Privacy" |
2003 |
31 December 2002 |
Traffico di bimbi, Bucarest blocca le adozioni |
20 March 2001 |
Thirty-Two Non-Governmental Organizations Approved for Association |
26 January 2001 |
Italian NGO co-finances social project in Rabat |
18 October 2000 |
Raccolta fondi in corso |
30 September 2000 |
L'albo degli enti autorizzati appena pubblicato subirà modifiche? |
2000 |
Annual Report Europol |
1 January 1999 |
LinkedIn Matteo Rebesani |
1998 |
Le prospettive di vita dei bambini di Chernobyl sono drammatiche |
Sponsors Amici dei Bambini |
Per sostenere i propri progetti Ai.Bi. lancia varie campagne |
Missione Arcobaleno (this was linked from Aibi website) |
Links on Website Amici dei Bambini |
pubblicazioni Amici dei Bambini |