The Democratic Republic of the Congo suspends the output of adopted children. Suspicions of irregularities in adoptions
23 April 2013

Date: 23/04/13

The Democratic Republic of the Congo suspends the output of adopted children. Suspicions of irregularities in adoptions

There are reports that we would prefer not to, events that would be better not happen.

Yesterday, late in the evening, we received a communication from the Democratic Republic of the Congo have been temporarily suspended the permissions of the Direction General de Migration output of the adopted children.

This decision clearly involve, significantly, Italian couples already in the process of starting and couples who approach the "eight months," indicative of the date of combination.

For all other couples, who started the adoption process, however, the procedure will continue regularly.

There are in fact temporarily suspended international adoptions, but the permissions at the exit of minors. 's not a small difference, because it is not a closure, but fortunately only a need for verification, decided by the DGM of the country.

Probably, however, there will be delays and a slowing of all practices. It is a blow to the many parents that it was finally time to embrace and take home their child. And it is all the more so for small abandoned to which reference is made ??again (and who knows how long) time to get out of difficult living conditions and feel welcomed in affection and security of a family. After a long wait, you must be patient.

The reasons for this suspension are linked to some suspected irregularities in the documentation and adoptions made ??by some international agencies adoptions (not Italian).

Ai.Bi. is confident that it can be solved as soon as this suspension. however, unable to estimate the timing for the recovery, our staff (Italian and Congolese) is in constant contact with all the Ministries and the DGM on site, to track in real time developments in the case and keep current the families.

The furious reaction of the President of Ai.Bi., Mark Griffin, facing the nth block because of the behavior of some international agencies, who do not seem at all "equipped" to work in African countries: " Again for ' irresponsibility and incompetence (not to use offensive terms) of some, many children and their prospective parents are forced to further delay, because they weigh the souls of suffering and anxiety. It's time to say enough to these "hacks" of international adoption: who wants to work in this field, especially in African countries, it must have the necessary requirements of transparency, organization and efficiency. It is the organization itself, with its own staff, which has to load the whole adoption procedure from beginning to end, without delegate, in whole or in part, to individual lawyers or representatives or brokers . "

The pairs of Ai.Bi. allocated to the country are invited to participate in the technical DRC will be held on 29/04/2013 at 14:30 pm at all our locations . It will be an opportunity to deepen some aspects of ITER.
