Title |
Publication date |
La Belgique reconnue coupable de crimes contre l'humanité pour des enlèvements dans l'ex RDC |
3 December 2024 |
Condamnée à 10 ans de prison pour enlèvement d’enfants dans le cadre de fraudes à l’adoption, la Belgo-Congolaise de Namur Julienne Mpemba fait appel |
21 November 2024 |
Enfants volés au Congo, adoptés en Belgique : une procédure au civil pour pointer les responsabilités de la chaîne d’adoption et du politique |
12 October 2024 |
Enfants volés en RDC : 10 ans de prison ferme pour Julienne Mpemba - RTBF Info |
12 October 2024 |
World Day against Trafficking in Persons: It all started with the case of 'Baby X' |
31 July 2024 |
Julienne Mpemba from Namur, prosecuted for trafficking children from Congo to Belgium, risks 12 years in prison: "The authorities of the two countries did not do their job properly in order to verify the identity of these children", argues the defense |
4 July 2024 |
Julienne Mpemba from Namur, prosecuted for trafficking children from Congo to Belgium, risks 12 years in prison: "The authorities of the two countries did not do their job properly in order to verify the identity of these children", argues the defense |
4 July 2024 |
Trafficking of Congolese children: the woman from Namur denies the facts but risks up to 12 years in prison |
3 July 2024 |
NAMUR | Trial of Julienne Mpemba, prosecuted for child trafficking: "I want to give my little girl back her story" |
30 June 2024 |
Maurice, a former professor at UNamur, hopes to see the 84,000 euros that Julienne, prosecuted for child trafficking, owes him: "I'm at rock bottom, she's blown my family up" |
20 June 2024 |
Namuroise Julienne Mpemba prosecuted for trafficking Congolese children in the context of adoption to Belgium soon to be judged: “Children and adoptive and biological parents are destroyed in this case” |
7 June 2024 |
Al 134 meldingen over mogelijke onregelmatigheden bij adopties | De Standaard Mobile (Already 134 reports about possible irregularities in adoptions | The Standard Mobile) |
24 March 2024 |
21 March 2024 |
Dimitri Leue and Samuel Vekeman make a performance about adoption. “Adopted children need a double portion of love” |
27 January 2024 |
How software can digitally transform child adoption |
18 January 2024 |
Adoptie: een toekomst voor kinderen die er geen hebben - Adoption: a future for children who don't have one |
29 November 2023 |
'Keep all administration regarding intercountry adoption files in one central place' |
14 September 2023 |
Lahbib contacted ministers from India and Chile, among others, about illegal adoptions |
11 September 2023 |
Explainer: State Department releases annual report on intercountry adoptions |
19 July 2023 |
Abuses in foreign adoptions have not yet been investigated |
18 July 2023 |
Fewer and fewer families are able to adopt a child between waiting times, postponements, psychologists, social workers and the courts. And same-parent couples are left with only the hypothesis of foster care |
9 July 2023 |
Bizarre and shady adoption scandal in Croatia |
12 June 2023 |
The media reports that a child from the Congo was recently brought to Croatia; what questions does that raise? |
27 April 2023 |
DOCUMENTARY: #Investigation : trafic d’enfants, destins volés |
26 April 2023 |
The ministry, we learn, is calling the families that previously adopted children from the Congo and announcing the visit of soci |
25 April 2023 |
Another aspect of the Zambia affair that no one is talking about: Why do they separate brothers and sisters in adoption? |
21 April 2023 |
Dave and Jenny Marrs Share 'Miracle' Adoption Story: 'We Didn't Think She Would Ever Come Home' (Exclusive) |
20 April 2023 |
Kinderhandel: EU officials betrokken bij mensenhandel maffia. |
14 April 2023 |
International conference of the conservative foundation New Direction in Zagreb |
12 March 2023 |
Judge says authenticity of decisions on DR Congo adoptions being verified |
26 February 2023 |
Adoptive mother of children from the Congo: "I couldn't have children because of cancer. The fear and uncertainty were immense" |
18 February 2023 |
They announce from DR Congo for the primary time: ‘A pair from Croatia can not legally undertake these youngsters’ |
17 February 2023 |
15 February 2023 |
Adoption fight as 4 couples arrested over 'fake papers' in African nation amid trafficking claims |
10 February 2023 |
Protect the children, not desires of the grown ups! |
7 February 2023 |
Zambia Rearrests Four Croatian Couples in Child Adoption Case |
7 February 2023 |
State discontinues the 8 Croatian nationals’s case and orders them to leave Zambia within 48 Hours |
6 February 2023 |
Committee on the Family: Ban adoption from the Congo and establish expert body |
25 January 2023 |
Committee on the Family: Ban adoption from the Congo and establish expert body |
25 January 2023 |
The DCTH calls on the government to react |
20 January 2023 |
Daily: Croatian child adoption case attracts attention of European Parliament |
16 January 2023 |
Croatians arrested in Zambia have evidence mothers gave up children, daily says |
12 January 2023 |
Witness tells court that the the Croatian couples only had the children from DRC two days after check-in |
12 January 2023 |
Court in Zambia sets bail for eight Croatian nationals |
12 January 2023 |
Croats charged with child trafficking in Zambia granted bail |
12 January 2023 |
11 January 2023 |
Croatian nationals plead not guilty to the offence of attempted trafficking in four children of Congolese origin |
10 January 2023 |
Croatian nationals plead not guilty to the offence of attempted trafficking in four children of Congolese origin |
10 January 2023 |
Eight Croatians arrested in Africa in a scandal involving the illegal adoption of children who received Croatian documents |
10 January 2023 |
Eight Croatians arrested in Africa in a scandal involving the illegal adoption of children who received Croatian documents |
3 January 2023 |
Eight Croats arrested in Zambia for disputed adoption. The story gets weirder and weirder |
2 January 2023 |
180 children were adopted from DR Congo to Croatia, and the Ministry knows nothing about them |
2 January 2023 |
Interior Minister confirms adopted children from Congo had Croatian documents |
30 December 2022 |
Why are the media silent about Noah Kraljevi?, councilor Mozemo, being arrested in Zambia on suspicion of human trafficking? |
27 December 2022 |
Zambia: among the detained Croats is also an LGBTQ activist who 'changed gender' |
27 December 2022 |
Cabinet Reynders to ACT: UNCRC Acquis (delay) |
10 October 2022 |
Recommendations for* child welfare care reform in the global south: Perspectives of 542 adults who were separated from parental care during childhood in 12 nations |
22 September 2022 |
Cabinet Hahn (HR) to Dieu Merci Kitambo: Piria, private issue |
21 September 2022 |
ACT to Reynders (COM) - UNCRC = Acquis |
22 August 2022 |
Missouri family’s international adoption nightmare moves forward in court |
25 July 2022 |
News 4 Investigates: MO family sues federal government over international adoption issues |
7 July 2022 |
News 4 Investigates: MO family sues federal government over international adoption issues |
7 July 2022 |
Meeting Federal Parliament, Brussels - on illegal adoptions |
15 March 2022 |
Adopted Sons from Congo Finally Reunite with Their Parents after 3 Years of Waiting |
14 March 2022 |
Prosecutors name two WFP officials over Italy envoy death |
9 February 2022 |
TUMAINI ("to hope" in Swahili) - website archive - start Tumaini |
19 December 2021 |
Trial of Métis children against the Belgian state: not a crime against humanity, according to justice |
8 December 2021 |
North Texas woman who played role in horrific abuse pleads guilty in adoption scam Read more at: https://www.star-telegram.com/ |
19 November 2021 |
Messenger: Broken immigration system leaves Missouri family separated from their son |
10 October 2021 |
Unicef Netherlands position in Intercountry Adoption ? |
12 August 2021 |
Aibi in Congo to promote the right of minors to grow up in the family |
30 July 2021 |
Child trafficking: Merci Dieu Kitambo charges Julienne Mpemba |
26 February 2021 |
Julienne Mpemba: This prescription that satisfies |
23 February 2021 |
Reply from ambassador EU to Dieu Merci - Complaint European Ombudsman |
21 January 2021 |
Cameroon Man Arrested for Baby Trafficking Gives Stunning Details of Operation |
18 January 2021 |
A Frenchwoman condemned for having abandoned the child she had just adopted in the Congo |
19 December 2020 |
ACT - Open Letter to Von der Leyen - Kitambo/Roelie Post - request for protection |
10 May 2020 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Intercountry Adoptions and Exit Permits Suspended |
4 May 2020 |
A complaint against Kalev on the basis of a failed suicide mission? |
12 March 2020 |
Chambre du conseil de Dinant: le dossier des fraudes suspectées à l'adoption d'enfants congolais reporté sine die |
10 March 2020 |
Children were robbed from their parents to be adopted here, and they looked the other way |
9 March 2020 |
Raadkamer beslist vandaag of acht ambtenaren naar rechtbank moeten voor adoptiefraude |
9 March 2020 |
Children were robbed from their parents to be adopted here, and they looked the other way |
9 March 2020 |
Spilfiguur in Congolese adoptiefraude Julienne Mpemba (42) doorbreekt stilte en haalt zwaar uit naar ambtenaren Franse Gemeensch |
30 September 2019 |
Civil servants suspected of adoption fraud |
14 September 2019 |
The children sent to a DR Congo 'holiday camp' never to come back |
14 August 2019 |
Julienne Mpemba Lubadi: spilfiguur in het Congolese adoptieschandaal |
2 August 2019 |
Soon a bilateral agreement with Italy. Ai.Bi. among the seven bodies authorized to operate (Congo) |
June 2019 |
Zodra met adopties geld te verdienen valt, loert fraude om de hoek |
18 May 2019 |
Michel excuseert zich bij kinderen van de kolonie |
3 April 2019 |
Adozioni in Congo senza rilevanza penale» Così Milano ha archiviato l'inchiesta su Aibi |
12 March 2019 |
Adoptions, from Gentiloni accusations against magistrate Aibi rejoices: whoever denounced us will pay |
12 March 2019 |
Le accuse contro Ai.Bi. sono totalmente infondate. Scritta la parola fine alla stagione dei veleni. Il ringraziamento di Ai.Bi. |
8 March 2019 |
De nachtmerrie van de Congolese weesjes (18.500 euro paid?) |
4 February 2019 |
EP Event Intergroup Transparency/Organised Crime: Dark Side of Adoption |
7 November 2018 |
Prey children Investigation (CC BY-NC-ND): Olivier Bailly Illustrations (CC BY-NC-ND): Orfee Grandhomme |
14 June 2018 |
Prey children |
14 June 2018 |
Faux orphelins du Congo: "La faillite du système d'adoption francophone belge" |
12 May 2018 |
LeVif: Enfants voles de Congo |
10 May 2018 |
Pourquoi personne n'a pu éviter le drame des enfants volés du Congo |
9 April 2018 |
Adoption. Simon, promised twice |
4 April 2018 |
Kerry Neal: Unicef NL position (mail to AD) |
12 February 2018 |
France: Adoption au Congo: L'espoir renait pour les familles |
11 January 2018 |
International adoptions. For the benefit of the uninformed journalists, here is how the authorities of the Democratic Republic.. |
16 November 2017 |
Child Trafficking: The Consequence of Lack of Leadership |
10 September 2017 |
Italy: Parliamentary Question about Amici dei Bambini |
22 May 2017 |
L'Espresso: «Sull'aereo di Stato c'era un bimbo rubato» La denuncia di una mamma alla Camera |
19 May 2017 |
Debate in Belgian Parliament about adoptions congo |
16 May 2017 |
"Belgium has long been aware of suspicious adoptions from Congo" |
16 May 2017 |
Suspect Congolese child adoptions: Belgian parents bring civil claims |
16 May 2017 |
Kidnapped or not: No guarantee that children are returned to parents |
10 May 2017 |
Part 3 on adoption fraud in Congo: "They wanted only girls Nobody wanted Jacques." |
8 May 2017 |
6 May 2017 |
"No indication of irregularities in adoptions in Flanders" |
5 May 2017 |
Children taken from their families in Congo were adopted in Belgium |
5 May 2017 |
Adoption Fraud: Congo abducted children end up as "ophans" in Belgium |
5 May 2017 |
Belgium/Congo ADOPTION FRAUD - Parliamentary Question Parys |
5 May 2017 |
L'Italie au cœur de l’imbroglio des adoptions internationales |
18 April 2017 |
Silvia della Monica: Sale of Children, Trafficking, Congo, Amici (YOUTUBE) |
20 March 2017 |
Italie-RD Congo : « Il y a de la mafia dans les organisations d’adoption » |
23 February 2017 |
Adoptions italiennes au Congo : des irrégularités sur certains dossiers |
16 February 2017 |
Italy: Three Congo adoptions under scrutiny (3) |
7 February 2017 |
Adoption en RD Congo : un quatrième Noël sans les enfants |
27 December 2016 |
La France refuse de délivrer des visas à 54 enfants de RDC adoptés par des familles françaises |
9 December 2016 |
AD to Timmermans: letter Ana Gomes + two open letters (Traffickers, Congo) |
2 December 2016 |
Madrane à propos du trafic de mineurs congolais: "Si des erreurs ont été commises, je prendrai les mesures nécessaires" |
1 December 2016 |
Four raids in investigation into trade in Congolese orphans |
1 December 2016 |
La France va suspendre les adoptions d'enfants en RDC |
24 November 2016 |
Fwd: twitter / Child Trafficking in Congo by Amici dei Bambini |
18 November 2016 |
La France va suspendre les adoptions d’enfants en RD Congo |
14 November 2016 |
13 November 2016 |
Fusion: How international adoption creates a market for child trafficking |
9 November 2016 |
Fusion: Who's really profiting from international adoptions? |
9 November 2016 |
Fusion: The blurry line between international adoption and child trafficking |
8 November 2016 |
Fusion: Is this adoption agency selling children? |
8 November 2016 |
An exclusive first look at Fusion's newest investigative series, 'The Traffickers' |
3 November 2016 |
Italian Associations trafficked children» The shocking report in Parliament |
13 October 2016 |
Opschorting interlandelijke adopties vanuit de DR Congo |
14 September 2016 |
Netherlands stops adoptions from Congo |
13 September 2016 |
(Uganda) Affaires consulaires: Reynders appelle les politiques à la retenue dans les cas délicats |
3 September 2016 |
L'Espresso: The Lies of the Children Thieves |
20 July 2016 |
I bambini italiani scomparsi in Congo e il ministro ombra Griffini |
19 July 2016 |
Adoptions DRC: from June 10 all adopted children in the Congo by Italian families are at home by their parents. (6/17/2016) |
17 June 2016 |
Written Question Morano about adoptions in Congo, Reply Mogherini |
15 June 2016 |
Congolese adoptiekinderen eindelijk hier (NL) |
12 April 2016 |
Una guerra sulle adozioni internazionali |
8 April 2016 |
Adoption internationale en RDC: 600 enfants autorisés à quitter le pays |
10 March 2016 |
Congolese children to join U.S. adoptive parents, ending 2-year wait |
24 February 2016 |
17 February 2016 |
Congolese Police raids Belgian orphanage |
February 2016 |
Adoption in the DRC: small children end up "domestic or sexual slaves" |
31 January 2016 |
Congo's government says it has drafted new adoption legislation and reviewed cases pending since the country halted internationa |
19 January 2016 |
PETITION: Mr. Didier Reynders, Minister of Foreign Affairs: Bring together the 12 adopted Congolese children and their Belgian families. |
3 December 2015 |
29 November 2015 |
26 November 2015 |
The 400 American adoptive families of Congolese children are not giving up |
20 November 2015 |
"Uitbaatster weeshuis ontvoerde kinderen" |
7 November 2015 |
Justice : plus d’adoption internationale en RDC jusqu’à nouvel ordre |
3 November 2015 |
DR Congo approves about 70 int'l adoptions: Belgian FM |
3 November 2015 |
Congo clears the way for 72 adoptions after 2-year wait |
2 November 2015 |
Groen licht voor de komst van 11 Congolese adoptiekinderen |
2 November 2015 |
Onze enfants adoptés par des familles belges autorisés à quiter la République démocratique du Congo et à venir en Belgique |
2 November 2015 |
Irene Piria: PETITION: Faisons sortir 1300 enfants congolais légalement adoptés et bloqués en RDC depuis plus de 2 ans! |
1 November 2015 |
Reuters Foundation Exclusive - Congolese ban on overseas adoptions fuels smuggling of children |
28 October 2015 |
Ces enfants belges pris en otage au Congo-Kinshasa ! |
27 September 2015 |
NGO's: Congo - kidnapping for Belgium |
26 August 2015 |
USA pushes Congo to allow adoptions despite trafficking fears |
5 August 2015 |
Congolese Children, Adopted Years Ago, May Soon Be Permitted to Travel to New Homes |
22 June 2015 |
Inspiring Neighbors: The Families of Celina Baldwin and Amanda Purvis |
15 April 2015 |
Congo: Pittella and Kyenge, from Kinshasa a commitment to ok adoptions |
8 April 2015 |
Congo. Si intensifica l’attività diplomatica per risolvere il blocco delle adozioni. Le missioni dell’Autorità Centrale francese |
8 April 2015 |
Congo: Pittella e Kyenge, da Kinshasa impegno su ok adozioni |
8 April 2015 |
Readout of Obama's Call with President Joseph Kabila of the Democratic Republic of the Congo |
31 March 2015 |
Acting Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs Travels to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Netherlands, and Italy |
19 March 2015 |
Two adopted Congolese children arrive in the Netherlands |
26 February 2015 |
The Minister, Congo and Sister Benedicta |
16 February 2015 |
Congo, 22 children abducted who are to be adopted by Italian couples |
20 January 2015 |
Teeven returns from Congo without adopted children |
23 December 2014 |
Diplomatic Meeting in Congo - adoptions |
14 November 2014 |
Adoption in Congo, more than a hundred children still stuck after the mission of Boshi |
22 October 2014 |
M. Didier Reynders, Ministre des Affaires Etrangères : Réunir les 12 enfants congolais adoptés et leurs familles belge. |
1 October 2014 |
Status of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) exit permit suspension for adopted children |
29 September 2014 |
Trafic d’enfants : la DGM démantèle un réseau dirigé par un citoyen américain |
14 September 2014 |
141109 Ploumen leidt handelsmissie naar DR Congo en Rwanda |
11 September 2014 |
Senator Corker, Colleagues Urge President Obama To Personally Engage On Congolese Adoption Delays |
18 July 2014 |
Italian Minister “saves” children from Congo |
29 May 2014 |
29 May 2014 |
27 May 2014 |
Six adopted Congolese children arrive in Belgium |
27 May 2014 |
Italian plane to pick up adopted children blocked in Congo |
26 May 2014 |
Renzi e l’adozione internazionale: Congo “speriamo”, adozione europea “parliamone”, riforma A.I. “no comment” |
20 May 2014 |
Notes from Susan Jacobs meeting today. |
18 April 2014 |
DRC-adoption-letter.pdf |
17 April 2014 |
Democratic Republic of the Congo Authorities Postpone Visits to United States |
16 April 2014 |
Belgian who tried to flee with Congolese adopted child into the cell for six months |
15 April 2014 |
Enfant adopté : une Belge condamnée à 6 mois de prison au Congo |
15 April 2014 |
Seven adopted children stranded in Kinshasa |
4 April 2014 |
Zeven Congolese adoptiekinderen geblokkeerd in Kinshasa |
4 April 2014 |
Congo : a new cry against child trafficking |
24 January 2014 |
48 Hours Investigation Doesn’t Tell the Whole Story |
20 January 2014 |
Blog - 3 children with mother |
19 January 2014 |
CBS: Perilous Journey |
18 January 2014 |
DISASTRI DIPLOMATICI Kyenge, adozioni bloccate: Il giallo dei 50mila euro |
14 January 2014 |
Congo Suspends International Adoptions |
20 December 2013 |
Informal European Pilot meeting CA's and visit ISS and Unicef (Geneva) - NL proposed joint actions Congo |
5 November 2013 |
EAC on the Congo Suspension |
9 October 2013 |
Adoption Democratic Republic of Congo Journeys of the Heart/Tumaini |
17 September 2013 |
Près d’une centaine d’enfants congolais adoptés par des familles françaises visités par la ministre du Genre |
22 May 2013 |
1) Assessment of the Adoption and Child Protection framework |
May 2013 |
The Democratic Republic of the Congo suspends the output of adopted children. Suspicions of irregularities in adoptions |
23 April 2013 |
Spain: The prosecutor asked four years in prison for the charge of failed adoptions in Congo |
15 April 2013 |
Email from JCICS about corruption in the DRC |
25 March 2013 |
US State Department: Notice: Reports of the Removal of Children from Orphanages in the DRC |
15 March 2013 |
PEAR Ethics Alert and Cautionary Statement on Adoptions from Democratic Republic of Congo |
29 December 2012 |
Congo: 4 milioni di bambini abbandonati. Aumentate del 90% le adozioni internazionali, ma non bastano. “Abbiamo bisogno di famig |
29 October 2012 |
Youtube Tumaini |
1 January 2012 |
Congo fatigue: EU funding in the heart of Africa |
1 November 2011 |
Blog - problems Nigeria, Congo, Ghana - Netherlands |
1 October 2011 |
Congolese children attending school thanks to your generosity |
5 September 2010 |
Congo e adozione internazionale: alla ricerca di una regolamentazione |
22 July 2010 |
Number of illegal child adoptions growing in ?R |
30 June 2010 |
Congolese children educated thanks to your generosity |
9 May 2010 |
A Kinshasa, notre investissement est important dans les orphelinats avec qui nous avons noué des relations. (Vivre en Famille) |
1 April 2010 |
Report from Brussels: Amici dei Bambini Petition rejected, Romanian adoptions to remain closed |
23 March 2010 |
Congo questionnaire Hague Convention |
1 October 2009 |
Tumaini helps the children of Congo |
25 August 2009 |
Weer vragen bij adoptie Emile |
13 June 2009 |
Congo, the French Community and the law |
2009 |
Rechter buigt zich over mislukte adoptie - Congo |
14 February 2005 |
Mensenhandel en visafraude |
27 January 2003 |