Democratic Republic of The Congo

Democratic Republic of The Congo


Title Publication date
Julienne Mpemba from Namur, prosecuted for trafficking children from Congo to Belgium, risks 12 years in prison: "The authorities of the two countries did not do their job properly in order to verify the identity of these children", argues the defense 4 July 2024
Julienne Mpemba from Namur, prosecuted for trafficking children from Congo to Belgium, risks 12 years in prison: "The authorities of the two countries did not do their job properly in order to verify the identity of these children", argues the defense 4 July 2024
Trafficking of Congolese children: the woman from Namur denies the facts but risks up to 12 years in prison 3 July 2024
NAMUR | Trial of Julienne Mpemba, prosecuted for child trafficking: "I want to give my little girl back her story" 30 June 2024
Maurice, a former professor at UNamur, hopes to see the 84,000 euros that Julienne, prosecuted for child trafficking, owes him: "I'm at rock bottom, she's blown my family up" 20 June 2024
Namuroise Julienne Mpemba prosecuted for trafficking Congolese children in the context of adoption to Belgium soon to be judged: “Children and adoptive and biological parents are destroyed in this case” 7 June 2024
Al 134 meldingen over mogelijke onregelmatigheden bij adopties | De Standaard Mobile (Already 134 reports about possible irregularities in adoptions | The Standard Mobile) 24 March 2024
Dimitri Leue and Samuel Vekeman make a performance about adoption. “Adopted children need a double portion of love” 27 January 2024
How software can digitally transform child adoption 18 January 2024
Adoptie: een toekomst voor kinderen die er geen hebben - Adoption: a future for children who don't have one 29 November 2023
'Keep all administration regarding intercountry adoption files in one central place' 14 September 2023
Explainer: State Department releases annual report on intercountry adoptions 19 July 2023
Abuses in foreign adoptions have not yet been investigated 18 July 2023
Fewer and fewer families are able to adopt a child between waiting times, postponements, psychologists, social workers and the courts. And same-parent couples are left with only the hypothesis of foster care 9 July 2023
Bizarre and shady adoption scandal in Croatia 12 June 2023
The media reports that a child from the Congo was recently brought to Croatia; what questions does that raise? 27 April 2023
DOCUMENTARY: #Investigation : trafic d’enfants, destins volés 26 April 2023
The ministry, we learn, is calling the families that previously adopted children from the Congo and announcing the visit of soci 25 April 2023
Another aspect of the Zambia affair that no one is talking about: Why do they separate brothers and sisters in adoption? 21 April 2023
Dave and Jenny Marrs Share 'Miracle' Adoption Story: 'We Didn't Think She Would Ever Come Home' (Exclusive) 20 April 2023
Kinderhandel: EU officials betrokken bij mensenhandel maffia. 14 April 2023
International conference of the conservative foundation New Direction in Zagreb 12 March 2023
Judge says authenticity of decisions on DR Congo adoptions being verified 26 February 2023
Adoptive mother of children from the Congo: "I couldn't have children because of cancer. The fear and uncertainty were immense" 18 February 2023
They announce from DR Congo for the primary time: ‘A pair from Croatia can not legally undertake these youngsters’ 17 February 2023
Adoption fight as 4 couples arrested over 'fake papers' in African nation amid trafficking claims 10 February 2023
Protect the children, not desires of the grown ups! 7 February 2023
Zambia Rearrests Four Croatian Couples in Child Adoption Case 7 February 2023
State discontinues the 8 Croatian nationals’s case and orders them to leave Zambia within 48 Hours 6 February 2023
Committee on the Family: Ban adoption from the Congo and establish expert body 25 January 2023
Committee on the Family: Ban adoption from the Congo and establish expert body 25 January 2023
The DCTH calls on the government to react 20 January 2023
Daily: Croatian child adoption case attracts attention of European Parliament 16 January 2023
Court in Zambia sets bail for eight Croatian nationals 12 January 2023
Croats charged with child trafficking in Zambia granted bail 12 January 2023
Witness tells court that the the Croatian couples only had the children from DRC two days after check-in 12 January 2023
Croatians arrested in Zambia have evidence mothers gave up children, daily says 12 January 2023
Croatian nationals plead not guilty to the offence of attempted trafficking in four children of Congolese origin 10 January 2023
Croatian nationals plead not guilty to the offence of attempted trafficking in four children of Congolese origin 10 January 2023
Eight Croatians arrested in Africa in a scandal involving the illegal adoption of children who received Croatian documents 10 January 2023
Eight Croatians arrested in Africa in a scandal involving the illegal adoption of children who received Croatian documents 3 January 2023
Eight Croats arrested in Zambia for disputed adoption. The story gets weirder and weirder 2 January 2023
180 children were adopted from DR Congo to Croatia, and the Ministry knows nothing about them 2 January 2023
Interior Minister confirms adopted children from Congo had Croatian documents 30 December 2022
Zambia: among the detained Croats is also an LGBTQ activist who 'changed gender' 27 December 2022
Why are the media silent about Noah Kraljevi?, councilor Mozemo, being arrested in Zambia on suspicion of human trafficking? 27 December 2022
Cabinet Reynders to ACT: UNCRC Acquis (delay) 10 October 2022
Recommendations for* child welfare care reform in the global south: Perspectives of 542 adults who were separated from parental care during childhood in 12 nations 22 September 2022
Cabinet Hahn (HR) to Dieu Merci Kitambo: Piria, private issue 21 September 2022
ACT to Reynders (COM) - UNCRC = Acquis 22 August 2022
Missouri family’s international adoption nightmare moves forward in court 25 July 2022
News 4 Investigates: MO family sues federal government over international adoption issues 7 July 2022
News 4 Investigates: MO family sues federal government over international adoption issues 7 July 2022
Meeting Federal Parliament, Brussels - on illegal adoptions 15 March 2022
Adopted Sons from Congo Finally Reunite with Their Parents after 3 Years of Waiting 14 March 2022
Prosecutors name two WFP officials over Italy envoy death 9 February 2022
TUMAINI ("to hope" in Swahili) - website archive - start Tumaini 19 December 2021
Trial of Métis children against the Belgian state: not a crime against humanity, according to justice 8 December 2021
North Texas woman who played role in horrific abuse pleads guilty in adoption scam Read more at: 19 November 2021
Unicef Netherlands position in Intercountry Adoption ? 12 August 2021
Aibi in Congo to promote the right of minors to grow up in the family 30 July 2021
Child trafficking: Merci Dieu Kitambo charges Julienne Mpemba 26 February 2021
Julienne Mpemba: This prescription that satisfies 23 February 2021
Reply from ambassador EU to Dieu Merci - Complaint European Ombudsman 21 January 2021
Cameroon Man Arrested for Baby Trafficking Gives Stunning Details of Operation 18 January 2021
A Frenchwoman condemned for having abandoned the child she had just adopted in the Congo 19 December 2020
ACT - Open Letter to Von der Leyen - Kitambo/Roelie Post - request for protection 10 May 2020
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Intercountry Adoptions and Exit Permits Suspended 4 May 2020
A complaint against Kalev on the basis of a failed suicide mission? 12 March 2020
Chambre du conseil de Dinant: le dossier des fraudes suspectées à l'adoption d'enfants congolais reporté sine die 10 March 2020
Children were robbed from their parents to be adopted here, and they looked the other way 9 March 2020
Children were robbed from their parents to be adopted here, and they looked the other way 9 March 2020
Raadkamer beslist vandaag of acht ambtenaren naar rechtbank moeten voor adoptiefraude 9 March 2020
Spilfiguur in Congolese adoptiefraude Julienne Mpemba (42) doorbreekt stilte en haalt zwaar uit naar ambtenaren Franse Gemeensch 30 September 2019
Civil servants suspected of adoption fraud 14 September 2019
The children sent to a DR Congo 'holiday camp' never to come back 14 August 2019
Soon a bilateral agreement with Italy. Ai.Bi. among the seven bodies authorized to operate (Congo) June 2019
Zodra met adopties geld te verdienen valt, loert fraude om de hoek 18 May 2019
Michel excuseert zich bij kinderen van de kolonie 3 April 2019
Adoptions, from Gentiloni accusations against magistrate Aibi rejoices: whoever denounced us will pay 12 March 2019
Adozioni in Congo senza rilevanza penale» Così Milano ha archiviato l'inchiesta su Aibi 12 March 2019
Le accuse contro Ai.Bi. sono totalmente infondate. Scritta la parola fine alla stagione dei veleni. Il ringraziamento di Ai.Bi. 8 March 2019
De nachtmerrie van de Congolese weesjes (18.500 euro paid?) 4 February 2019
EP Event Intergroup Transparency/Organised Crime: Dark Side of Adoption 7 November 2018
Prey children Investigation (CC BY-NC-ND): Olivier Bailly Illustrations (CC BY-NC-ND): Orfee Grandhomme 14 June 2018
Prey children 14 June 2018
Faux orphelins du Congo: "La faillite du système d'adoption francophone belge" 12 May 2018
LeVif: Enfants voles de Congo 10 May 2018
Pourquoi personne n'a pu éviter le drame des enfants volés du Congo 9 April 2018
Adoption. Simon, promised twice 4 April 2018
Kerry Neal: Unicef NL position (mail to AD) 12 February 2018
France: Adoption au Congo: L'espoir renait pour les familles 11 January 2018
International adoptions. For the benefit of the uninformed journalists, here is how the authorities of the Democratic Republic.. 16 November 2017
Child Trafficking: The Consequence of Lack of Leadership 10 September 2017
Italy: Parliamentary Question about Amici dei Bambini 22 May 2017
L'Espresso: «Sull'aereo di Stato c'era un bimbo rubato» La denuncia di una mamma alla Camera 19 May 2017
Debate in Belgian Parliament about adoptions congo 16 May 2017
"Belgium has long been aware of suspicious adoptions from Congo" 16 May 2017
Suspect Congolese child adoptions: Belgian parents bring civil claims 16 May 2017
Kidnapped or not: No guarantee that children are returned to parents 10 May 2017
Part 3 on adoption fraud in Congo: "They wanted only girls Nobody wanted Jacques." 8 May 2017
Adoption Fraud: Congo abducted children end up as "ophans" in Belgium 5 May 2017
Children taken from their families in Congo were adopted in Belgium 5 May 2017
"No indication of irregularities in adoptions in Flanders" 5 May 2017
Belgium/Congo ADOPTION FRAUD - Parliamentary Question Parys 5 May 2017
L'Italie au cœur de l’imbroglio des adoptions internationales 18 April 2017
Silvia della Monica: Sale of Children, Trafficking, Congo, Amici (YOUTUBE) 20 March 2017
Italie-RD Congo : « Il y a de la mafia dans les organisations d’adoption » 23 February 2017
Adoptions italiennes au Congo : des irrégularités sur certains dossiers 16 February 2017
Italy: Three Congo adoptions under scrutiny (3) 7 February 2017
Adoption en RD Congo : un quatrième Noël sans les enfants 27 December 2016
La France refuse de délivrer des visas à 54 enfants de RDC adoptés par des familles françaises 9 December 2016
AD to Timmermans: letter Ana Gomes + two open letters (Traffickers, Congo) 2 December 2016
Four raids in investigation into trade in Congolese orphans 1 December 2016
Madrane à propos du trafic de mineurs congolais: "Si des erreurs ont été commises, je prendrai les mesures nécessaires" 1 December 2016
La France va suspendre les adoptions d'enfants en RDC 24 November 2016
Fwd: twitter / Child Trafficking in Congo by Amici dei Bambini 18 November 2016
La France va suspendre les adoptions d’enfants en RD Congo 14 November 2016
US Broadcast of THE TRAFFICKERS 13 November 2016
Fusion: Who's really profiting from international adoptions? 9 November 2016
Fusion: How international adoption creates a market for child trafficking 9 November 2016
Fusion: The blurry line between international adoption and child trafficking 8 November 2016
Fusion: Is this adoption agency selling children? 8 November 2016
An exclusive first look at Fusion's newest investigative series, 'The Traffickers' 3 November 2016
Italian Associations trafficked children» The shocking report in Parliament 13 October 2016
Opschorting interlandelijke adopties vanuit de DR Congo 14 September 2016
Netherlands stops adoptions from Congo 13 September 2016
(Uganda) Affaires consulaires: Reynders appelle les politiques à la retenue dans les cas délicats 3 September 2016
L'Espresso: The Lies of the Children Thieves 20 July 2016
I bambini italiani scomparsi in Congo e il ministro ombra Griffini 19 July 2016
Adoptions DRC: from June 10 all adopted children in the Congo by Italian families are at home by their parents. (6/17/2016) 17 June 2016
Written Question Morano about adoptions in Congo, Reply Mogherini 15 June 2016
Congolese adoptiekinderen eindelijk hier (NL) 12 April 2016
Una guerra sulle adozioni internazionali 8 April 2016
Adoption internationale en RDC: 600 enfants autorisés à quitter le pays 10 March 2016
Congolese children to join U.S. adoptive parents, ending 2-year wait 24 February 2016
Congolese Police raids Belgian orphanage February 2016
Adoption in the DRC: small children end up "domestic or sexual slaves" 31 January 2016
Congo's government says it has drafted new adoption legislation and reviewed cases pending since the country halted internationa 19 January 2016
PETITION: Mr. Didier Reynders, Minister of Foreign Affairs: Bring together the 12 adopted Congolese children and their Belgian families. 3 December 2015
The 400 American adoptive families of Congolese children are not giving up 20 November 2015
"Uitbaatster weeshuis ontvoerde kinderen" 7 November 2015
DR Congo approves about 70 int'l adoptions: Belgian FM 3 November 2015
Justice : plus d’adoption internationale en RDC jusqu’à nouvel ordre 3 November 2015
Onze enfants adoptés par des familles belges autorisés à quiter la République démocratique du Congo et à venir en Belgique 2 November 2015
Groen licht voor de komst van 11 Congolese adoptiekinderen 2 November 2015
Congo clears the way for 72 adoptions after 2-year wait 2 November 2015
Irene Piria: PETITION: Faisons sortir 1300 enfants congolais légalement adoptés et bloqués en RDC depuis plus de 2 ans! 1 November 2015
Reuters Foundation Exclusive - Congolese ban on overseas adoptions fuels smuggling of children 28 October 2015
Ces enfants belges pris en otage au Congo-Kinshasa ! 27 September 2015
NGO's: Congo - kidnapping for Belgium 26 August 2015
USA pushes Congo to allow adoptions despite trafficking fears 5 August 2015
Congolese Children, Adopted Years Ago, May Soon Be Permitted to Travel to New Homes 22 June 2015
Inspiring Neighbors: The Families of Celina Baldwin and Amanda Purvis 15 April 2015
Congo. Si intensifica l’attività diplomatica per risolvere il blocco delle adozioni. Le missioni dell’Autorità Centrale francese 8 April 2015
Congo: Pittella and Kyenge, from Kinshasa a commitment to ok adoptions 8 April 2015
Congo: Pittella e Kyenge, da Kinshasa impegno su ok adozioni 8 April 2015
Readout of Obama's Call with President Joseph Kabila of the Democratic Republic of the Congo 31 March 2015
Acting Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs Travels to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Netherlands, and Italy 19 March 2015
Two adopted Congolese children arrive in the Netherlands 26 February 2015
The Minister, Congo and Sister Benedicta 16 February 2015
Congo, 22 children abducted who are to be adopted by Italian couples 20 January 2015
Teeven returns from Congo without adopted children 23 December 2014
Diplomatic Meeting in Congo - adoptions 14 November 2014
Adoption in Congo, more than a hundred children still stuck after the mission of Boshi 22 October 2014
M. Didier Reynders, Ministre des Affaires Etrangères : Réunir les 12 enfants congolais adoptés et leurs familles belge. 1 October 2014
Status of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) exit permit suspension for adopted children 29 September 2014
Trafic d’enfants : la DGM démantèle un réseau dirigé par un citoyen américain 14 September 2014
141109 Ploumen leidt handelsmissie naar DR Congo en Rwanda 11 September 2014
Senator Corker, Colleagues Urge President Obama To Personally Engage On Congolese Adoption Delays 18 July 2014
Italian Minister “saves” children from Congo 29 May 2014
Six adopted Congolese children arrive in Belgium 27 May 2014
Italian plane to pick up adopted children blocked in Congo 26 May 2014
Renzi e l’adozione internazionale: Congo “speriamo”, adozione europea “parliamone”, riforma A.I. “no comment” 20 May 2014
Notes from Susan Jacobs meeting today. 18 April 2014
DRC-adoption-letter.pdf 17 April 2014
Democratic Republic of the Congo Authorities Postpone Visits to United States 16 April 2014
Belgian who tried to flee with Congolese adopted child into the cell for six months 15 April 2014
Enfant adopté : une Belge condamnée à 6 mois de prison au Congo 15 April 2014
Seven adopted children stranded in Kinshasa 4 April 2014
Zeven Congolese adoptiekinderen geblokkeerd in Kinshasa 4 April 2014
Congo : a new cry against child trafficking 24 January 2014
Blog - 3 children with mother 19 January 2014
CBS: Perilous Journey 18 January 2014
DISASTRI DIPLOMATICI Kyenge, adozioni bloccate: Il giallo dei 50mila euro 14 January 2014
Congo Suspends International Adoptions 20 December 2013
Informal European Pilot meeting CA's and visit ISS and Unicef (Geneva) - NL proposed joint actions Congo 5 November 2013
EAC on the Congo Suspension 9 October 2013
Adoption Democratic Republic of Congo Journeys of the Heart/Tumaini 17 September 2013
Près d’une centaine d’enfants congolais adoptés par des familles françaises visités par la ministre du Genre 22 May 2013
1) Assessment of the Adoption and Child Protection framework May 2013
The Democratic Republic of the Congo suspends the output of adopted children. Suspicions of irregularities in adoptions 23 April 2013
Spain: The prosecutor asked four years in prison for the charge of failed adoptions in Congo 15 April 2013
Email from JCICS about corruption in the DRC 25 March 2013
US State Department: Notice: Reports of the Removal of Children from Orphanages in the DRC 15 March 2013
PEAR Ethics Alert and Cautionary Statement on Adoptions from Democratic Republic of Congo 29 December 2012
Congo: 4 milioni di bambini abbandonati. Aumentate del 90% le adozioni internazionali, ma non bastano. “Abbiamo bisogno di famig 29 October 2012
Youtube Tumaini 1 January 2012
Congo fatigue: EU funding in the heart of Africa 1 November 2011
Blog - problems Nigeria, Congo, Ghana - Netherlands 1 October 2011
Congolese children attending school thanks to your generosity 5 September 2010
Congo e adozione internazionale: alla ricerca di una regolamentazione 22 July 2010
Number of illegal child adoptions growing in ?R 30 June 2010
Congolese children educated thanks to your generosity 9 May 2010
A Kinshasa, notre investissement est important dans les orphelinats avec qui nous avons noué des relations. (Vivre en Famille) 1 April 2010
Report from Brussels: Amici dei Bambini Petition rejected, Romanian adoptions to remain closed 23 March 2010
Congo questionnaire Hague Convention 1 October 2009
Tumaini helps the children of Congo 25 August 2009
Weer vragen bij adoptie Emile 13 June 2009
Congo, the French Community and the law 2009
Rechter buigt zich over mislukte adoptie - Congo 14 February 2005
Mensenhandel en visafraude 27 January 2003