Adoptions DRC: from June 10 all adopted children in the Congo by Italian families are at home by their parents. (6/17/2016)

17 June 2016

Adoptions DRC: from June 10 all adopted children in the Congo by Italian families are at home by their parents. (6/17/2016)

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Great news and a great satisfaction.

All adopted children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo by Italian families were able to hug their parents and start a new life journey together.

The Commission expresses its joy because the intense work done in these two years, which saw Italy protagonist, made it possible to reach, in agreement with the authorities of the DRC, this beautiful result.

Italy is the only country that got the green light to all procedures foster the Democratic Republic of Congo and has already brought home all adopted children.

The Commission thanks the authorities of the Congo, which have been agreed methods and timing of transfers to allow the arrival of children in Italy, in the safest conditions, and thanks the authorities and the families who have supported and backed with great confidence and great awareness of the Commission in this delicate and complex path, which ended in the best way.

The Commission thanks the State Police for the support lent with great professionalism and sensitivity for the reception of children in Italy; it is thanks to the men and women of the State Police that children will remember their arrival in Italy and the meeting with the parents as a beautiful day of celebration.

The hope is that all children can have a peaceful and happy future in Italy with their families.