International conference of the conservative foundation New Direction in Zagreb

12 March 2023

After Zambian authorities arrested four Croatian couples on suspicion of child trafficking in early December, the issue of cross-border adoption raised many questions.

On this occasion, an international conference of the conservative foundation New Direction took place in Zagreb. The host of the conference, Croatian MEP Ladislav Il?i?, advocated suspending adoptions from countries that have not signed the Convention on the Prevention of Trafficking in Children.

Ladislav Il?i?, Member of the European Parliament, explained in an interview:

"In general, we aim for better cooperation and a better exchange of experiences, and this conference can be very helpful in that regard. In addition, these intermediaries and agencies need to be better monitored to see who is involved in the adoption process. And yes, we want a temporary or even permanent suspension of adoptions from countries that have not signed the Hague Conventions; in other words, countries where child trafficking has taken place."

"In general, human trafficking - and child trafficking in particular - is regulated by various European and global agreements. Unfortunately, in this tragic case, Croatia has to ask itself what it has done and what it will do in the future to prevent illegal adoption," he said Dubravka Hrabar from the Faculty of Law at the University of Zagreb.