


Title Publication date
The Child Guarantee: Phase III – “Testing the Child Guarantee in the EU Member States” 16 July 2024
MUM'S LOVE I pray one day my boys will be back where they belong…with me, says mum whose kids were taken by their dad 7 years ago 5 December 2023
Bizarre and shady adoption scandal in Croatia 12 June 2023
Reader question: Is Pforzheim city councilor Oana Krichbaum really a lawyer? 20 May 2023
The media reports that a child from the Congo was recently brought to Croatia; what questions does that raise? 27 April 2023
After four couples were arrested in Zambia, a Croatian woman duly went to DR Congo, adopted a child and brought him there 26 April 2023
The ministry, we learn, is calling the families that previously adopted children from the Congo and announcing the visit of soci 25 April 2023
Another aspect of the Zambia affair that no one is talking about: Why do they separate brothers and sisters in adoption? 21 April 2023
Mum's battle to bring her boys back home 20 April 2023
Exclusive confession of the mother of the arrested Croatian woman: 'My Azra's world stopped when she hugged her daughter' 17 April 2023
Kinderhandel: EU officials betrokken bij mensenhandel maffia. 14 April 2023
International conference of the conservative foundation New Direction in Zagreb 12 March 2023
Judge says authenticity of decisions on DR Congo adoptions being verified 26 February 2023
Adoptive mother of children from the Congo: "I couldn't have children because of cancer. The fear and uncertainty were immense" 18 February 2023
They announce from DR Congo for the primary time: ‘A pair from Croatia can not legally undertake these youngsters’ 17 February 2023
Croatia: family court fiasco and corruption 13 February 2023
Adoption fight as 4 couples arrested over 'fake papers' in African nation amid trafficking claims 10 February 2023
Zambia Rearrests Four Croatian Couples in Child Adoption Case 7 February 2023
Protect the children, not desires of the grown ups! 7 February 2023
State discontinues the 8 Croatian nationals’s case and orders them to leave Zambia within 48 Hours 6 February 2023
Committee on the Family: Ban adoption from the Congo and establish expert body 25 January 2023
Committee on the Family: Ban adoption from the Congo and establish expert body 25 January 2023
16 municipal courts dealt with such cases and none of the applications were denied, Croatia's highest court said on Tuesday. 24 January 2023
The DCTH calls on the government to react 20 January 2023
Daily: Croatian child adoption case attracts attention of European Parliament 16 January 2023
Witness tells court that the the Croatian couples only had the children from DRC two days after check-in 12 January 2023
Croats charged with child trafficking in Zambia granted bail 12 January 2023
Court in Zambia sets bail for eight Croatian nationals 12 January 2023
Croatians arrested in Zambia have evidence mothers gave up children, daily says 12 January 2023
Eight Croatians arrested in Africa in a scandal involving the illegal adoption of children who received Croatian documents 10 January 2023
Croatian nationals plead not guilty to the offence of attempted trafficking in four children of Congolese origin 10 January 2023
Croatian nationals plead not guilty to the offence of attempted trafficking in four children of Congolese origin 10 January 2023
Eight Croatians arrested in Africa in a scandal involving the illegal adoption of children who received Croatian documents 3 January 2023
Eight Croats arrested in Zambia for disputed adoption. The story gets weirder and weirder 2 January 2023
180 children were adopted from DR Congo to Croatia, and the Ministry knows nothing about them 2 January 2023
Interior Minister confirms adopted children from Congo had Croatian documents 30 December 2022
Zambia: among the detained Croats is also an LGBTQ activist who 'changed gender' 27 December 2022
Why are the media silent about Noah Kraljevi?, councilor Mozemo, being arrested in Zambia on suspicion of human trafficking? 27 December 2022
Residential Child and Youth care in a Developing World 3 September 2021
Meet Diana Topcic Rosenberg from Croatia 21 June 2021
En Croatie, les couples homosexuels peuvent désormais adopter des enfants 7 May 2021
En Croatie, les couples homosexuels peuvent désormais adopter des enfants 7 May 2021
Adoption Croatia still in its infancy: first gay couple to have foster children 7 September 2020
Accessing adoption files and information on the biological family | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights 2017
Croatia ratified Hague 1 April 2014
Three States join the 1993 Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention 20 December 2013
Adoption to become easier 30 May 2013
Kosto onderzoekt snellere adopties van Kroatische en Bosnische babies 30 January 1993