Zambia: among the detained Croats is also an LGBTQ activist who 'changed gender'
27 December 2022

Zambia: according to information from Zambian portals, among the 4 couples who were arrested at the beginning of the month, there is also an LGBTQ activist, DP, former co-president of the Trans Aid association, now the kolekTIRV association . She became known to the Croatian public for advocating transgenderism and presenting her personal "transition" to the male gender and changing her name to NP, and then to N.K.

The Zambian media published the names and surnames of all those detained and the children who were with them. Jutarnji list announced yesterday that the 52-year-old guitarist of Hladni piva is among those detained.

Eight Croats were arrested on December 6 and detained in Zambia, a country with 19 million inhabitants in southern Africa. They were arrested at Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe Airport with four children aged between one and three. They were taken to the police station on the basis of a report, and because of the suspicion that they brought four children to Zambia from the Congo with falsified documents, writes Zambia News. The authorities there suspect trafficking in people, that is, children . The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that the four married couples have been detained in Zambia for 16 days. They were visited by an employee of the Croatian consular office of the Croatian embassy in Pretoria. sent an inquiry to the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy about the couples detained in Zambia - whether they are registered as potential adoptive parents in the Republic of Croatia and about the validity of the child adoption procedure in accordance with the laws and the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia and international conventions. In a separate question, we asked for information about a possible procedure in Croatia for the couple NK and I.K, that is, two female persons, one of whom underwent the transition to the male gender and, according to some media, came to Zambia to adopt a child from the Congo. We will publish the Ministry's answers to these questions as soon as we receive them.

Zambia and the Congo: international adoption and the Convention

Jutarnji list states that four couples were in Congo , that is, Zambia , because they wanted to adopt children through the process of international adoption.

Namely, since 2014, Croatia has been a signatory to the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Connection with Intercountry Adoption . Zambia is also a signatory to the same Convention. But the Democratic Republic of the Congo is not a signatory to the Convention. This country with about 90 million inhabitants is very insecure and torn apart by war and military conflicts.

With regard to international adoption - persons residing in Croatia , regardless of their citizenship, who wish to adopt a child from another contracting state , after completing the procedure before the competent center for social welfare in order to determine their suitability for adopting a child (the so-called professional processing of potential adopters ), submit an application for adoption to the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy, indicating the country from which they wish to adopt a child . To the request submitted to the Ministry, potential adopters must attach an expert opinion from the Center for Social Welfare that they are eligible and suitable for adopting a child, not older than one year.

Investigation underway

A Zambian portal - Kalemba News - reported that a preliminary investigation shows that documents related to the adoption of four children believed to have been issued by the Congolese authorities are not authentic. For this purpose, the office of the Consulate General of the Congo was engaged through the officer of the immigration office, Chiyakaa Steward.

The Copperbelt Provincial Police Commander, Peacewella Mweemba told Kalemba that an investigation is underway to establish the facts.

Mweeba disclosed that the four couples were detained at four police stations – Chifubu, Kansensji, Central Ndola and Masala while the children were cared for in social welfare institutions.

Some famous names - among them the 'transgender' NK

Kalemba News lists the names and surnames of the four couples who were detained and the names and surnames of the children who are from the Congo and were brought to Zambia.

Among the arrested couples are DM (44) and NM (45), ZS (52) and AIS (41), otherwise the guitarist of the group Hladno pivo, LP (42) and AP (40) and NK (45) and IK (36).

By the way, NK, that is, DP and then NP became known to the Croatian public for their media appearances related to their "gender change" .

Thus, in an interview conducted with DP/NK in 2014, Jutarnji list stated that at that time, a 37-year-old editor employed in a civil society association in transition to another gender had a mastectomy , i.e. removed her breasts, but did not "change" her genitalia with the operation.

Thus NK states: "Never say never, but that's what I decided. The operative change of female to male genitalia is very complex, demanding and with an uncertain effect. When I talked about it with the psychiatrist, he asked me if I was this satisfied and if I was functioning sexually. When I answered in the affirmative, he agreed that then there was no real need for surgery..."

Jutarnji list also states that DP/NK, as a biological woman and a biological man, could give birth to a child.

"It's really out of place. I am a man and I want to be a father, not a mother. I have a strong desire for parenthood and I will try to achieve it - as a father," NK said at the time

In 2014, after the homosexual parade in Zagreb, DP/NK was declared LGBTIQ person of the year.

"This year, the director and editor, as well as the co-president of Trans Aid , NP, received this recognition" - the Libel website published in 2014 and brought a press release from Trans Aid :

"We are proud that our colleague has been recognized for his work, with which he promotes human rights in solidarity, especially the rights of trans, inter and gender-variant people, whose acceptance and understanding he contributes to and therefore significantly affects the shifting of boundaries in society with his visibility. This is another victory for us in creating our history proudly and bravely".