Adoption in Congo, more than a hundred children still stuck after the mission of Boshi

22 October 2014

Adoption in Congo, more than a hundred children still stuck after the mission of Boshi

In May, the minister went to Africa and helped 31 children to be adopted by 24 Italian families. But the situation remains stationary for another 130 pairs. On September 26, the Congolese government has decided to extend indefinitely barring adoptions because of yet another case of child trafficking by an American family

Alessio Schiesari | October 22, 2014 COMMENTS

It's been 147 days since it was last May 28, Boshi descended from a flight from Kinshasa along with 31 Congolese children adopted bu 24 Italian families . The landing, remained engraved in the collective memory for the braids made by the Minister for Reforms, was hailed as the end of a nightmare since September when in fact the Congolese government had blocked all international adoptions.

The 24 families who have brought home their children, however, are just the tip of the iceberg since then, some 130 pairs of parents (this is an estimate, but the Commission adoptions refuses to offer an official figure) - the adoption of which has been validated by the authorities of the African country - waiting in vain for the situation to breakouts. Not only have to live with the silence of the institutions, the broken promises of politicians and the strong recommendation not to talk to anyone, least of all with the press.

Giulia (the name is fictional because all parents felt they wished to remain anonymous) in January 2013 adopted a 6 ??year old. Next month it will turn 8: He has the surname of Italian parents, but they have never met. Julia and her husband would have to leave for the Congo to take him to Italy onOctober 2, 2013, just days after the departure of those families who then fail to resolve their situation in May. She had a final judgment of adoption issued by a court of Kinshasa , she had already purchased airline tickets and packed his bags. But those few days after the tickets have made ??a difference.

From May 28, Julia has received only two emails from the Committee adoptions , the agency - under the responsibility of the Presidency of the Council - which is trying to untangle the situation with the Congolese authorities. Both end with the same warning: "Families" act "with prudence and discretion." "Any personal initiative threatens to undermine the work done and in progress." Translated: do not talk to the press. The non-profit organization involved in the affair Congo in March wrote to Cai (the Commission for Intercountry Adoption, ed ) asking how to deal with families waiting. The Commission never answered. Only in July, during the general assembly of more than 40 institutions authorized to adoptions (so even those who have nothing to do with the Congo), has made ??a reference to the issue during the introductory report. "We have had bilateral meetings with families and associations," says Silvia della Monica , chairman Cai (by proxy of Matteo Renzi).

Some, not all. For this reason, the discontent over the lack of communication are common. The most striking example is that of the 26th of September, when the Congo has decided - partly because of yet another case of child trafficking perpetrated by a North American family - to extend indefinitely the block adoptions. Parents have heard the news from the Internet, thanks to the Articles of the African press. The release of Cai arrived in the afternoon: "As soon as we receive official notice we turn to the families," the president replied. In recent months, several families have sought direct contact with the Foreign Ministry . A strategy proved unwelcome to the Commission Cai, from what the authorities and parents, he "felt passed over . " As confirmed by the president Della Monica: "We are the only competent authority, the contacts with the families belong to us. I do not take care of Marines. "

It would seem a matter of jealousy between the institutions, as in May, when it is written of resentment (never denied) by the Minister Mogherini because the aircraft from Kinshasa had favorited Boshi. "No jealousy, but the release was about exclusive Renzi (Prime Minister) who telephoned the Congolese President Kabila, "replies Della Monica. Clearly, the success surpassed all boundaries, since only half of the 60 children left out of the Congo had been adopted by Italian families, other parents of other countries (abroad, however, no walkways with braids).

The strategy of the Presidency of the Council since then has remained the same: to us. For this reason, during the last National Day of Unity in Bologna, one of the mothers involved in the affair has moved up the Peninsula to request the intervention of the one able to untangle the situation: Matteo Renzi . "Do something for our children," she shouted. He, as reported by the local press, has taken her hand and he reassured her: "Quiet, tomorrow I phone Kabila . " Maybe he did not. Of course he did not call this mother to expose the outcome of the call.

From The Daily of October 22, 2014