6 May 2017

"Dear girls, we miss you so. Your home is here "





today, 02u28

Picture for illustration

One day a car stops at an orphanage in Kinshasa. Three girls are considered for adoption in Belgium. However, no orphans, but children who were abducted with their parents. Today they are raised by adoptive families in our country. Families who think they raise an orphan. Or thought, because the federal prosecutor conducts research on child trafficking. We were in the bush 850 kilometers from Kinshasa, the real parents of the girls.


Rode sandy paths and children who climb to the top of a tree to pick fruit. Gemena, 850 kilometers from the Congolese capital Kinshasa, it is Africa's most beautiful films. In the streets sounds of music and modern cabins have a solar panel on the roof. The people speak Lingala, one of the many languages of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Photographer Benoit and I walk through the streets and along the paths of the Salongo neighborhood. It is here that the biological parents of the children attending. Most residents live from farming or fishing. Some are carpenter, or have some other shop. The Samira dad's tailor. On an antique sewing machine, he recovers the clothes of the villagers. Who asks him constantly if he and his wife have heard from their daughter. "Then I always shake their heads," says Abdulah Yusef Libenge (34). "I do not know where she is. Except that she lives in Belgium. "

The man goes into his house and explored a photo of Samira on. "Taken on the day of her departure to Kinshasa. She was so happy. We also. It was offered to us by Planète Junior as a break of several weeks. We are poor people, you know. We will never get the chance to travel to Kinshasa. A plane ticket, we can not afford. Samira had the chance, it made us proud. "

" We often think of her. We wonder what happened. What did they all survive? How much she must have missed us. And how they arrived in Belgium? When and with whom? We want to know how she puts it today. Or she grows into a fine family. She goes to school? Does she have sisters or brothers, like here? As home? "

At home, if the husband pronounces the word, he gets a little difficult. "This is her home. She belongs here. We never want to give her up for adoption. It was a holiday, they would return after a few weeks. But now she is in Belgium. When adoptive parents who think we are dead. How terrible is it. "

" It all we can do today, "said the dad. "Apart from that picture of the last day, a skirt and one shoe. I love it, but look at it hurts me. We miss her terribly. "

Abdulah surrounded by Samira's sister Mariam (12) and Aisha (4) and its large 7-year-old brother Yunus. His wife would rather not in the picture, it is doing it too much grief.

"We have not since that day in May 2015 heard from her. That's two years. Two years of our life and that of her. I can not stress enough how much we miss her and we never have liked it. We'd like her back, but how? We have no means. Not even for a lawyer. I just know that people will say that she is better off in Belgium. And, you know, just maybe, is that true, but then we had - her parents - still like made that decision himself. Nobody else has that right. Samira is taken away from us. "

" We can only hope that the god who snatched her from us, it also brings back some day. And he protects her now. Oh, dear Samira, you should hear this message one day, please know that we miss you. "

" If I could ask one thing to Belgian adoptive parents is that they have good care of our daughter. Today we know that she has a different name and a different date of birth. Today we know that the adoptive parents did not know of our existence. I want them to say that I'm the real father of Samira. She was born here in Salongo, on February 12, 2011. I want them to say that we have never wanted this and I hope Samira return one day. Until that day I pray for her. "

Within walking distance of the tailor Zakiatu lives of the family. Mama Suriya (34), dad Usman (43), big sister Mariam (10) and the 3-year-old sister Farida. As a photographer Benoit and I get off on them, the tears rolling down the cheeks of mom Suriya. News travels fast in Gemena and we had that morning visited the family friend Samira, parents Zakiatu had been reached. Mama Suriya standing outside waiting for us. The picture of her missing daughter in the hands. This is the first contact she has with Belgians who might be able to say something about Zakiatu daughter. It was only a toddler of just 2 years old when she got into a snow-white dress with red bow on the plane to Kinshasa. "She could not speak well," said her mother. "She never said much. Today I can not even remember her voice. "Mama Suriya look at a recent photo of her daughter, which we loved. "Oh, she looks like a princess!"

"When I see other kids our walk, I see her. I've often difficult. "The disappearance of the toddler has also caused a fight. "The family of my husband, her father, her accusation that I gave way for that holiday. I never should do that. But when we all stood behind it. When we all thought it was a godsend. Today, they blame me. "

" We are so worried about Zakiatu. All. No one can ever tell us where she is. We do not know how she lives, we know the life circumstances. We can also us not imagine this, when living in Belgium. "

Mama Suriya wants her daughter to leave a video message, but they only speak Lingala. "I hope they get to hear it once and that someone translated for her. I want to tell her that God will protect her. Dear Zakiatu, I know that the God who is left with you, will return to you. Meanwhile know that we, your mom and dad and your sisters will keep us strong. "

Her father, Usman, A spirited. "You are here, in Gemena, born. This is your home. You belong here with us. We hope you return. "

Kilometers further we find Annie Abeso, mummy jaelle Imate Koyala. When we arrive, have gathered around the house of 29-year-old woman dozens of relatives and acquaintances. They expect us and be ready for a video message for the girl. That is going to the bone. "Jaelle Day a few years ago, you disappeared. It hurts my heart. "While Annie turns to her daughter jaelle, the bystanders are very emotional.

Jaëlles dad died after her birth mom and Annie was all alone. She fed Simeon, today 12 years, and Jaelle alone. But now she found new love happiness. On her lap is her youngest, a half brother of jaelle. Born after her disappearance. "Faustin is eleven months," says Annie. "Born after her disappearance. Jaelle has never seen him. "

Mama Annie has no illusions. "I want jaelle back, but I think it never will. Maybe it does take into account the living conditions. We are poor farmers. When the sun rises, I have been to the fields to work. Goes to the sun. Life is so. In your country, in Europe, it will be better. I think so. So perhaps keep it in mind there. Although I do not think anyone else is entitled to make that choice for my daughter. That should be my choice. And I have not had. "

" You know how they called her? "Annie asks suddenly. We tell her its Belgian name. "That's nice. Hopefully they agree on vacation later. But then I call her just Jaelle. "




The story of little Jacques: kidnapped, but never left the Congo



When we reach the family of Jacques, a now 7-year-old boy in Gemena, have photographer Benoit and I good news. Jacques was not hit in Belgium, had heard dad Malachi (34). But in Kinshasa where his son lives, he did not. We show pictures. Three days made before, when we Jacques came on the track. The father and his family are very emotional. "This is Jacques! See him smile once! "


perhaps even five suspected adoptions in our country


Great uncertainty for many adoptive parents see the video messages of Congolese parents


Kidnapped and as being 'brought to Belgium



It was November 2015 when our country arrive a dozen Congolese orphans. The Belgian adoptive parents have already a long process behind it. Congo has stopped long adoptions and orphanage in Kinshasa - which already has dozens of orphans 'delivered' to our country - has also further delayed everything, and thousands of euros extra required of parents.

But that day in November 2015, the Belgian parents finally close the children in their arms. Orphans, who would have a better life in our country.

At least that was the theory. For in reality they were not all orphans. Four of them - three girls and a boy from Gemena, in northern Congo - in the months before with a trick to the orphanage in Kinshasa lured. Taken from their parents, so to speak, to go on a holiday camp. The camp offered by Tumaini orphanage. A local youth organization, Planète Junior, was brought in to bring the four children to Kinshasa. Complicity or extremely naive, the court today still looking out. Anyway, the children never returned home.

In February 2016 - belatedly, so - Congolese police raided the orphanage. When there were still twenty children. Among them Jacques, the only boy that came along from Gemena. Severely malnourished, severely traumatized. But the three girls - Samira, Zakiatu and Jaelle - no trace. The three girls were found to be in Belgium. When adoptive parents, who were firmly convinced that they had received an orphan.

In reality, the Belgian-Congolese manageress of the orphanage, Julienne Mpemba (40), the girls on the day of their arrival, given all other names and requires them to speak together with those new names. They also had different birth dates.

Their data were falsified, were messed with their memories. And slowly they were prepared for the Belgian adoption. Mpemba - a lawyer from names that have stood up for the PS - was arrested in the Netherlands but released pending trial.

The adoptive parents today do not know what the future will bring. Can they? Are they back? Heartbreaking moments so. But in Gemena, where we found the biological parents.
