


Title Publication date
Was a Korean baby brought illegally to Belgium immediately after birth? Mother begs for help: “I've been looking for him for 37 years” 27 June 2024
Incomprehensible that Belgium continues with adoption from Hungary and Bulgaria' 22 June 2024
Despite the stop, five hundred parents still have hope for an adopted child 21 June 2024
Namuroise Julienne Mpemba prosecuted for trafficking Congolese children in the context of adoption to Belgium soon to be judged: “Children and adoptive and biological parents are destroyed in this case” 7 June 2024
Children's rights in Europe 30 May 2024
Reply Belgian EU Presidency to Romanian Adoptees (R&D): EU must implement Hague Adoption Convention 15 April 2024
Al 134 meldingen over mogelijke onregelmatigheden bij adopties | De Standaard Mobile (Already 134 reports about possible irregularities in adoptions | The Standard Mobile) 24 March 2024
Investigation The Franco-Belgian business of “stolen babies”: “We were goods that could be taken back to the store” 20 March 2024
Das Geheimnis lüften - To disclose the secret 6 March 2024
[Exclusive] “Korean child sold for $1,200”… Belgium demands meeting with Park Chung-hee 13 February 2024
[Exclusive] “Korean child sold for $1,200”… Belgium demands meeting with Park Chung-hee 13 February 2024
Dimitri Leue and Samuel Vekeman make a performance about adoption. “Adopted children need a double portion of love” 27 January 2024
Guatemala’s baby brokers: how thousands of children were stolen for adoption 4 January 2024
"It is not a child on order" but also "child trafficking will continue to exist": divided opinions about adoption pause 22 December 2023
Reflecting on 25 Years as Founder of ICAV 20 December 2023
Foreign adoption freeze is new episode in long-running saga: 'Realize that this can be hard' 15 December 2023
Catholic Church put up 30,000 children for adoption without mothers' consent 14 December 2023
Woman convicted for selling baby for 5,000 euros: “A child is not a commodity” 4 December 2023
Adoptie: een toekomst voor kinderen die er geen hebben - Adoption: a future for children who don't have one 29 November 2023
The uncomfortable truth is that overseas adoptions will never be fraud-free Sculpture by Saskia Vanderstichele 29 November 2023
HLN RESEARCH. Eva adopted Alex (10) from Colombia last year, but now makes a shocking discovery: “Why was everyone silent about this?” 28 November 2023
A child of a surrogate mother, now a fighter against the industry 23 October 2023
Landmark ruling for donor-conceived people regarding DNA-testing of gamete donors 23 October 2023
Merger of adoption services leads to unrest among prospective parents 19 October 2023
Minister Crevits reforms intercountry adoption in Flanders 28 September 2023
'Keep all administration regarding intercountry adoption files in one central place' 14 September 2023
Adopted daughter (35) in jail for murder of 68-year-old woman 4 September 2023
Isidores' love story is shattered when his wife is revealed to be a liar, cheat and unfaithful 2 September 2023
Never-ending quest: defining ethnic identity as son of adoptee 27 August 2023
'We have to do everything to find out the truth': Govt defends itself on illegal adoptions case 19 July 2023
Illegally adopted children testify: “How could Belgium let this happen? » 18 July 2023
Abuses in foreign adoptions have not yet been investigated 18 July 2023
Extra incentive for a project on care and guidance: which project did the jury choose? 10 July 2023
Intern Lorianne looks back 29 June 2023
'We found your birth mother': How Chile's children were stolen and adopted worldwide 28 June 2023
Foreign adoption: 'No one has the courage to stop it' 20 June 2023
Tied with nylon thread and left at the airport: 'Belgium knew about abuses with Korean adoptions, but did nothing' 26 May 2023
DOCUMENTARY: #Investigation : trafic d’enfants, destins volés 26 April 2023
Care Belgium - ABOUT US 10 April 2023
Extra incentive for projects related to care and guidance 6 April 2023
Disappearance is “a wound that never heals” 31 March 2023
Intended parents can still appeal to a married surrogate mother, the Constitutional Court has ruled 30 March 2023
What if you cannot provide a birth certificate? 30 March 2023
14 jaar Leuvense AdoptieStudie! Een interview met Simon Fiore - Detail - Steunpunt Adoptie - 14 years of Leuven Adoption Study! 16 March 2023
Waar kom ik vandaan? Een pleidooi voor transparantie in het adoptiesysteem - nieuws - Maastricht University (Where do I come fro 14 March 2023
Flemish Descent Center traces donor fathers via commercial DNA databases. Donorkinderen vzw files a complaint. 4 March 2023
LOOK. Belgian adopted woman finds her biological mother in Guatemala after 37 years, the reunion is touching 2 March 2023
Defence for Children 24 February 2023
Adopting a child is not emergency aid 15 February 2023
Flanders stops adoptions from Vietnam: “Insufficient guarantees to rule out malpractice” 14 February 2023
Three countries of origin are given the green light for further adoption cooperation after extensive screening 14 February 2023
Three countries of origin are given the green light for further adoption cooperation after extensive screening 14 February 2023
No more adoptions from Vietnam, Kazakhstan is still in the balance 14 February 2023
Extra care and guidance for adoptees 6 February 2023
Waar blijft regeling interlandelijke adoptie? (Where is the intercountry adoption regulation?) 1 February 2023
Where is the intercountry adoption regulation? 1 February 2023
International illegal adoption Master's thesis of the study programme 'Master of Law' Submitted by Inge Stevens Student no. 2004 17 January 2023
Whistleblower testifies in Krichbaum trial 12 January 2023
Copy of University Research Project - New Adoptive Families 9 December 2022
Hoop voor 14 Belgische adoptiekinderen uit Zuid-Korea op zoek naar identiteit: “De verhalen zijn schrijnend” | Nieuws | 9 December 2022
South Korea launches investigation into suspicious adoptions of children to the West 8 December 2022
Friends Annick, An Sheela and Sheela are all adopted 13 October 2022
Noëmi (26) was linked to the wrong biological father: "Everyone says DNA doesn't lie, until it does" 12 October 2022
After testimony from Noëmi who is linked to the wrong biological father: "Don't let biological descent be purely commercial" 12 October 2022
Cabinet Reynders to ACT: UNCRC Acquis (delay) 10 October 2022
Friends Annick, An Sheela and Sheela are all adopted 7 October 2022
Update: Adoption Policy Reform 1 October 2022
Cabinet Hahn (HR) to Dieu Merci Kitambo: Piria, private issue 21 September 2022
Lintse finalist of Mr. Gay Belgium promotes couples with children during Antwerp Pride 8 August 2022
Daniel Cardon de Lichtbuer, former chairman of Child Focus, has died 1 August 2022
“I discovered by accident that images of our suffering have existed for more than 40 years. Everyone should see this” 26 July 2022
Over ons - Nazorghuis - Welcome to Aftercare Home Who are we? 26 July 2022
Interest association CAFE demands apologies from government and truth commission about illegal adoptions from South Korea 26 July 2022
Reform (intercountry) adoption in Flanders 19 July 2022
Belgian daughter returns to reunite with family in Odisha's Kandhamal district after 29 years 8 July 2022
Born in Odisha and brought up in Belgium, she meets family members after long 30 years 8 July 2022
Five metis children appeal against the acquittal of the Belgian state 2 July 2022
ONE Adoption 2 July 2022
Belgium: DUTROUX CASE, Document of the actual hearing, HEARING OF X3 (PART OF THE ROYAL FAMILY). – The Informant. 30 June 2022
Disbelief in the Indian children's home that doctor Jan founded: “Never noticed anything wrong here. Never" 22 June 2022
Pediatrician jailed for voyeurism and child pornography, 20 years after being caught 22 June 2022
Kinderarts Jan D.V. leek een onbesproken man, maa… (Pediatrician Jan D.V. seemed an impeccable man, but…) 22 June 2022
Pediatrician from Zedelgem in jail for voyeurism and child porn after he “tried to lure a boy with candy” 21 June 2022
41 yrs after, ‘Belgian’ Kathy to be in Kerala in search of parents 18 June 2022
17. Papa’s en vaders – An Sheela's blog 12 June 2022
The Harrowing Story of the 'Children of Sin' 1 June 2022
Wij wachten nog altijd op onze genetische identit… (We are still waiting for our genetic identity…) 30 May 2022
Why is family so important? Lidewij Nuitten finds out in the new 'We are family' 11 May 2022
Scandal at Foster Parents Netherlands 3 May 2022
Coordinator DCI World Service Foundation Brussels, Belgium 6 April 2022
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakc? paid an official visit to Brussels 21 March 2022
Meeting Federal Parliament, Brussels - on illegal adoptions 15 March 2022
Last year 46 children were adopted in Flanders 18 January 2022
'Reform intercountry adoption: when will the government dare to look into its own pockets?' 11 January 2022
The aftermath of transnational illegal adoptions: Redressing human rights violations in the intercountry adoption system with in 31 December 2021
Naar een krachtiger kinderrechtenkijk op interlandelijke adoptie - Towards a more powerful children's rightsview intercountry a 21 December 2021
Advice Towards a stronger children's view on intercountry adoption 21 December 2021
Advice Towards a stronger children's view on intercountry adoption 21 December 2021
Flanders plans to tighten up rules on adoptions from other countries 11 December 2021
With which countries will Flanders still cooperate for adoption? Stricter screening must prevent abuses 10 December 2021
Flanders becomes stricter for adoptive countries: “Those who do not comply, fly off the list” 10 December 2021
Trial of Métis children against the Belgian state: not a crime against humanity, according to justice 8 December 2021
In Guatemala, the lives of adopted children stolen 8 December 2021
Nuttige links - a-Buddy - Geadopteerd & op zoek naar een luisterend oor? 2 December 2021
While experiencing 'han,' we need to reintegrate 'jeong' into our vocabulary 27 November 2021
Gezocht en (niet) gevonden: Annick vertelt - Deta… (Wanted and (not) found: Annick tells - Deta…) 25 November 2021
wanted and not found - gezocht en (niet) gevonden 25 November 2021
Miss Belgium Kedist Deltour (24) visits her father, who left her in an orphanage 15 years ago: "I feel lighter, that's what I ha 6 November 2021
Intercountry adoptions are decreasing year by year 24 October 2021
International adoptions continue to decline 24 October 2021
En daarna gebeurde er niks - De Standaard Mobile - And then nothing happened 22 October 2021
Belgium: a show offers you to have a child ... with strangers 19 October 2021
Metissen sues Belgian state for kidnapping 11 October 2021
Jeunesse & Droit - JDJ - A parliamentary commission of inquiry is needed! 6 October 2021
Adopted separately nine years ago, but found each other here: twin brothers play together in Flemish musical 4 October 2021
Stop au trafic d'enfants et aux adoptions illegales ! 23 September 2021
Make adoption fraud free 23 September 2021
Flemish Government will translate political agreement on reform of intercountry adoption into concrete action plan 17 September 2021
'It is our moral duty to put the best interests of the adoptee first' 15 September 2021
Flemish goes to court in Seoul: 'South Korea lied about our adoption' 14 September 2021
Composition of the Advisory Committee of the VCA 12 September 2021
Beke kicks a lot of shins with a surprising adoption proposal, but that is razed to the ground 3 September 2021
Wouter Beke argues for a general adoption break, but immediately receives criticism from Flemish coalition partners: "This is ra 2 September 2021
Report from expert panel on intercountry adoption in Flanders 2 September 2021
Report from expert panel on intercountry adoption in Flanders 2 September 2021
Shortage of foster families for siblings who want to stay together 20 August 2021
The systematization of 'child exports' for economic and political aims 13 August 2021
Youqine Lefèvre on the trail of (her own) adoption 9 August 2021
Youqine Lefèvre on the trail of (her own) adoption 9 August 2021
The best interests of the child – A dialogue between theory and practice 9 August 2021
Chief Foreign Policy Advisor to the President of the Council of the European Union meets with H.E Ambassador of Qatar – Qatar Em 3 June 2021
Number of children sent overseas for adoptions even higher than previously thought 8 May 2021
Rani was misled by adoptive parents about biological mother 7 May 2021
Rani was misled about biological mother by adoptive parents 7 May 2021
Belgian girl seeking her roots in Assam! 26 April 2021
'I am against international adoption, and this is why' 7 April 2021
Stephanie Planckaert: “This is undoubtedly the hardest decision ever” 25 March 2021
More adoption and foster parent leave for tenured civil servants 18 March 2021
Over | Ibyang 18 March 2021
Adopted from India to Belgium 14 March 2021
A grass-root activist at the Committee on the Rights of the Child 8 March 2021
Wouter Beke: 'No need for an adoption break in Flanders' 2 March 2021
Child trafficking: Merci Dieu Kitambo charges Julienne Mpemba 26 February 2021
Guatemala: children adopted from civil war join forces 25 February 2021
Julienne Mpemba: "There has never been child theft" 24 February 2021
Julienne Mpemba: This prescription that satisfies 23 February 2021
Alleged fraud in the adoption of Congolese children: Julienne Mpemba in correctional 17 February 2021
Who am I to determine that my child would be happier here? 16 February 2021
Congolese adoption fraud: only pivotal figure to criminal court, officials acquitted 16 February 2021
'High time for more rights for rainbow families' 10 February 2021
Genk couple has been waiting for an adopted child for nine years due to unfair procedure 29 January 2021
Reply from ambassador EU to Dieu Merci - Complaint European Ombudsman 21 January 2021
Quest for roots drives Carol Peters D'Souza on mission (im)possible? 4 January 2021
Defence for Children Belgium (DEI-Belgium) asbl/vzw 26 November 2020
'Bake Off Flanders' candidate Asha was adopted at a young age: "I still don't know why they gave us up" 20 October 2020
“Kroongetuige in zaak van adoptiefraude wordt met de dood bedreigd” 27 September 2020
International views on fraudulent adoptions, how do we respond to this? 28 June 2020
'We want to prepare adoptees emotionally' 29 May 2020
‘We willen geadopteerden emotioneel voorbereiden’ 29 May 2020
'Baby trade is pure mafia' 12 March 2020
Chambre du conseil de Dinant: le dossier des fraudes suspectées à l'adoption d'enfants congolais reporté sine die 10 March 2020
Raadkamer beslist vandaag of acht ambtenaren naar rechtbank moeten voor adoptiefraude 9 March 2020
Children were robbed from their parents to be adopted here, and they looked the other way 9 March 2020
Vlaamse regering keurt oprichting afstammingscentrum en DNA-databank definitief goed 14 February 2020
Bébés volés au Guatemala : la maman de Coline réagit 5 February 2020
Mijn rootsreis naar India, het einde van een zoek… (My roots trip to India, the end of a search…) 12 January 2020
Devoir d'enquête Trafiquants d'âmes (Enquête sur des soupçons d'adoptions frauduleuses entre le Guatemala et la Belgique) 8 January 2020
"Trafiquants d'âmes" enquête sur des soupçons d'adoptions frauduleuses entre le Guatemala et la Belgique 7 January 2020
Des enfants adoptés en Belgique ont-ils été raflés au Guatemala ? 3 January 2020
Devoir d'enquête 21 December 2019
Internationale visies op frauduleuze adopties, hoe reageren we hierop? 2 December 2019
Belgium: Internationale visies op frauduleuze adopties, hoe reageren we hierop? 2 December 2019
"Reynders weakened the rule of law" 29 November 2019
International Conference Sloviakia 13 November 2019
Slachtoffers adoptiefraude hekelen onderzoek: “Alleen witte mannen en vrouwen in panel” 22 October 2019
“Adoptiecentrum moet eigen fouten onderzoeken” 22 October 2019
Documents - from Roots Search India FB Group 21 October 2019
Spilfiguur in Congolese adoptiefraude Julienne Mpemba (42) doorbreekt stilte en haalt zwaar uit naar ambtenaren Franse Gemeensch 30 September 2019
Belgian couple adopts girl from Kaithal 19 September 2019
Civil servants suspected of adoption fraud 14 September 2019
For my first mom 15 August 2019
The children sent to a DR Congo 'holiday camp' never to come back 14 August 2019
Ouders van minstens vijf Congolese “weeskinderen” blijken nog in leven 1 August 2019
Aalsterse adoptieouders schrijven open brief over ‘Denderracisme’: ‘Onze kinderen worden steeds vaker geviseerd’ 20 June 2019
Internationale adoptie meestal niet in belang van het kind 19 June 2019
Hoe Paula (93) de situatie van kinderen van ongehuwde moeders voor altijd veranderde: 40 jaar arrest-Marckx 13 June 2019
Inzage en roots - Steunpunt Adoptie 11 June 2019
Koning Albert heeft vanochtend al DNA afgestaan in zaak-Boël 28 May 2019
Zodra met adopties geld te verdienen valt, loert fraude om de hoek 18 May 2019
Adopties waren niet altijd ‘in het belang van het kind’ 14 May 2019
Le directeur ad interim d'Unicef Belgique écarté après des accusations sur Twitter 13 May 2019
Bernard Sintobin, CEO ad interim van Unicef België. 13 May 2019
Na amper een week: Unicef-baas zet stap opzij na gerechtelijk onderzoek over kinderhandel 12 May 2019
Baas Unicef zet stap opzij wegens ‘kinderhandel’ 12 May 2019
Help Comes* from Adoptie Sri Lanka Belgium VZW 9 May 2019
Kinderen zijn geen koopwaar 9 May 2019
Rani T’Kindt werd als kind ontvoerd voor adoptie: ‘Mijn mama was in paniek’ 4 May 2019
Adoptiekinderen die kat de bel aanbonden blijven met wrang gevoel zitten bij onderzoek naar fraude 2 May 2019
Commissie Welzijn houdt extra zitting over mogelijk gesjoemel met adopties uit Ethiopië 2 May 2019
Jaak Albert werd uit Rwanda ontvoerd en groeide in België op zonder identiteit 30 April 2019
Nieuwe getuigenissen over fraude bij adoptie uit Ethiopië 30 April 2019
Ene klacht na de andere over gesjoemel met adopties 30 April 2019
Vandeurzen: 'Wie twijfels heeft over adoptiedossier, kan dat laten onderzoeken' 29 April 2019
Link to Flamish, original paper articles: Ethiopia 27 April 2019
Vandeurzen: 'Wie twijfels heeft over adoptiedossier, kan dat laten onderzoeken' 19 April 2019
22 Vlaamse baby’s vorig jaar afgestaan voor adoptie 5 April 2019
22 Vlaamse baby’s vorig jaar afgestaan voor adoptie 5 April 2019
Michel excuseert zich bij kinderen van de kolonie 3 April 2019
Destined for Export The troubled legacy of Guatemalan adoptions 16 March 2019
‘Afrikaanse weeshuizen zijn goudmijntjes voor Westerse uitbaters’ 26 February 2019
‘Wie zegt dat ook wij niet verkocht zijn?’ Adoptiedossiers vaak erg summier 23 February 2019
Aantal internationale adopties historisch laag in Vlaanderen 22 February 2019
About 100 children given up for adoption in Wallonia and Brussels in 2018 22 February 2019
Aantal interlandelijke adopties historisch laag 22 February 2019
Vier nieuwe namen voor ‘Bargoens’ 6 February 2019
De nachtmerrie van de Congolese weesjes (18.500 euro paid?) 4 February 2019
Assam-born Belgium woman searches for her biological mother online 22 December 2018
Adoption au Maroc : des parents belges trompés ? 9 November 2018
Prey children 14 June 2018
Prey children Investigation (CC BY-NC-ND): Olivier Bailly Illustrations (CC BY-NC-ND): Orfee Grandhomme 14 June 2018
Faux orphelins du Congo: "La faillite du système d'adoption francophone belge" 12 May 2018
LeVif: Enfants voles de Congo 10 May 2018
Adoptiekinderen die kat de bel aanbonden blijven met wrang gevoel zitten bij onderzoek naar fraude 7 May 2018
Pourquoi personne n'a pu éviter le drame des enfants volés du Congo 9 April 2018
Adoption. Simon, promised twice 4 April 2018
België ziet strenger toe op nieuwe adoptiekanalen met andere landen 9 December 2017
Agreement on reform of adoption from other countries 20 November 2017
“Adoptie is niet voor iedereen weggelegd” 21 October 2017
Meeting European Central Authorities with ISS - Subsidiarity - RSJ Report 4 October 2017
Vlaams bureau genoemd in zaak adoptiefraude 27 September 2017
Belgium/Poland: "Michiel is een symbooldossier" 12 September 2017
Child Trafficking: The Consequence of Lack of Leadership 10 September 2017
Belgium: International adoption banned Families stranded in Ethiopia 17 May 2017
Debate in Belgian Parliament about adoptions congo 16 May 2017
Suspect Congolese child adoptions: Belgian parents bring civil claims 16 May 2017
"Belgium has long been aware of suspicious adoptions from Congo" 16 May 2017
Gros coup de filet à Bruxelles: arrestation d'une proxénète nigériane à la tête d'un important réseau 11 May 2017
Kidnapped or not: No guarantee that children are returned to parents 10 May 2017
Part 3 on adoption fraud in Congo: "They wanted only girls Nobody wanted Jacques." 8 May 2017
"No indication of irregularities in adoptions in Flanders" 5 May 2017
Adoption Fraud: Congo abducted children end up as "ophans" in Belgium 5 May 2017
Children taken from their families in Congo were adopted in Belgium 5 May 2017
Belgium/Congo ADOPTION FRAUD - Parliamentary Question Parys 5 May 2017
Accessing adoption files and information on the biological family | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights 2017
Pressions diplomatiques (27.000 paid by Belgian Government to orphanage) 3 December 2016
Trafic d'orphelins congolais en Belgique: que s'est-il passé exactement? 3 December 2016
Four raids in investigation into trade in Congolese orphans 1 December 2016
Madrane à propos du trafic de mineurs congolais: "Si des erreurs ont été commises, je prendrai les mesures nécessaires" 1 December 2016
Fwd: twitter / Child Trafficking in Congo by Amici dei Bambini 18 November 2016
Didier Reynders welcomes agreement Ugandan government for departure adoption children 8 October 2016
Deze Vlaamse adoptieouders worden beschuldigd van kinderdiefstal en dreigen hun zoontje opnieuw te moeten afstaan 7 October 2016
Uganda: Belgium Pleads With Museveni On Adoption 5 October 2016
Reynders bespreekt adopties met Oegandese president 23 September 2016
Nu ook problemen met tientallen Vlaamse adoptiedossiers in Ethiopië 16 September 2016
(Uganda) Affaires consulaires: Reynders appelle les politiques à la retenue dans les cas délicats 3 September 2016
Zes Oegandese kinderen mogen eindelijk met hun adoptieouders naar België vertrekken 3 September 2016
Begium: De politieke strijd achter adoptie in Oeganda 19 August 2016
Al bijna drie maanden kamperen ouders in Oeganda omdat ze land niet uit kunnen met hun adoptiekinderen 3 August 2016
Situation of adopted children from Uganda 3 August 2016
Adoption of children in the European Union 1 June 2016
European Parliament: Briefing - Adoption of children in the European Union 1 June 2016
Poland: The Belgians have paid money for the child 22 May 2016
Werkbezoek van het Vlaams Centrum voor adoptie aan Guinée 17 May 2016
Dalend aantal adopties van buitenlandse kinderen 16 April 2016
"Adopted children are too often presented as a commodity ' 16 March 2016
Go ahead for Delphine Boël to seek recognition as King Albert’s daughter 3 February 2016
Congolese Police raids Belgian orphanage February 2016
Adoption in the DRC: small children end up "domestic or sexual slaves" 31 January 2016
Conflict of interest at the Council of Europe: rapporteur on surrogacy report is involved in surrogacy practices in Belgium 25 January 2016
Vlaams Centrum voor Adoptie keurt adoptie uit New York goed 15 January 2016
Flemish Center for Adoption makes adoption from New York possible 15 January 2016
Adoptie uit het buitenland afschaffen, is vluchten voor onze verantwoordelijkheid 5 January 2016
Queues too long and expensive: 'Adoption from abroad is a finite story' 5 January 2016
Te lange wachtrijen en te duur: 'Adoptie uit het buitenland is een eindig verhaal' 5 January 2016
Adopties uit Oeganda: ‘Alsof we ons schuldig maken aan kinderhandel’ 2 January 2016
Costs/Fees adoption USA - Belgium January 2016
La double vie d'un riche Belge pédophile qui avait bâti un orphelinat au Cambodge 18 December 2015
Binnenlandse adoptie is weer mogelijk 18 December 2015
MO* heeft een nieuwe zakelijk leider 15 December 2015
Adopties uit Ethiopië stilgelegd 9 December 2015
VS bieden Belgische homo's adoptiekans 8 December 2015
PETITION: Mr. Didier Reynders, Minister of Foreign Affairs: Bring together the 12 adopted Congolese children and their Belgian families. 3 December 2015
Opschorting adopties uit Oeganda 2 December 2015
Didier Reynders: ‘Congolese adoptiekinderen onder hoede Belgische ambassade’ 7 November 2015
"Uitbaatster weeshuis ontvoerde kinderen" 7 November 2015
Adoption of Congolese children by Belgian couples: the director of the orphanage arrested 6 November 2015
DR Congo approves about 70 int'l adoptions: Belgian FM 3 November 2015
Justice : plus d’adoption internationale en RDC jusqu’à nouvel ordre 3 November 2015
Congo clears the way for 72 adoptions after 2-year wait 2 November 2015
Onze enfants adoptés par des familles belges autorisés à quiter la République démocratique du Congo et à venir en Belgique 2 November 2015
Groen licht voor de komst van 11 Congolese adoptiekinderen 2 November 2015
Irene Piria: PETITION: Faisons sortir 1300 enfants congolais légalement adoptés et bloqués en RDC depuis plus de 2 ans! 1 November 2015
NGO's: Congo - kidnapping for Belgium 26 August 2015
L’ancien juge lyonnais Broaly condamné pour « abus sexuels d’enfants » 25 May 2015
"Bébé à vendre 120.000€", une organisation en fait la pub au siège du gouvernement bruxellois 3 May 2015
European Conference on “the Best Interests of the Child” 9 December 2014
Diplomatic Meeting in Congo - adoptions 14 November 2014
M. Didier Reynders, Ministre des Affaires Etrangères : Réunir les 12 enfants congolais adoptés et leurs familles belge. 1 October 2014
Mater Matuta eist onderzoek van oude adoptiepraktijken 20 August 2014
Brussels woman finds mother after being kidnapped 30 years ago 7 August 2014
Detienen en Guatemala a mujer que vendió niña a una familia belga en 1984 4 August 2014
Six adopted Congolese children arrive in Belgium 27 May 2014
Belgian who tried to flee with Congolese adopted child into the cell for six months 15 April 2014
Enfant adopté : une Belge condamnée à 6 mois de prison au Congo 15 April 2014
Seven adopted children stranded in Kinshasa 4 April 2014
Zeven Congolese adoptiekinderen geblokkeerd in Kinshasa 4 April 2014
American Involvement in the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial Process 1 February 2014
Les adoptions en forte baisse en Belgique 21 January 2014
Bought children, doctored files… A generation of adoptees in search of the truth 24 December 2013
Court upholds suspended jail terms for illegal baby adoption (Baby Donna) 6 December 2013
Informal European Pilot meeting CA's and visit ISS and Unicef (Geneva) - NL proposed joint actions Congo 5 November 2013
België stopt met Marokkaanse adoptie 4 November 2013
Wat de schildpad, de bij en Vietnam met elkaar gemeen hebben: adoptie 1 October 2013
Zusters ontkennen geldgewin bij gedwongen adopties in Lommels tehuis 7 September 2012
Rwanda: Adoption Policy Questioned 19 July 2012
Straf ouders voor verkopen baby J. 14 May 2012
New Legislation will bring more transparency for parents wanting to adopt in Flanders 8 February 2012
Jaarverslag Kind & Gezin 20 January 2012
Adoptieouders krijgen voortaan sneller uitsluitsel 15 December 2011
Mails to Central Authority - Dorine Chamon - about minutes meeting 24 October 2011
Die verschwundenen Kinder von El Salvador 29 August 2011
Salvadoran group dogged in search for children missing years ago in civil war 24 July 2011
Suspended jail terms for buying baby on internet 15 July 2011
Montreal Group - Haiti 14 July 2011
Divorced in India, reunited in Zedelgem 18 April 2011
Baby, stranded in Ukraine, to join Belgian parents 22 February 2011
'Mijn Afrikaanse mama is heel ziek' 18 December 2010
Netherlands temporarily halts adoptions from Haiti 13 December 2010
Congolese children attending school thanks to your generosity 5 September 2010
Aantal adopties in Vlaanderen stijgt 26 May 2010
IAWG urges better adoption process 24 February 2010
Belgian traces her mom to TN, 28 yrs after adoption 27 January 2010
Unicef: 'Pas op voor overhaaste adopties' 20 January 2010
Des petits Haïtiens bientôt en Belgique pour y être adoptés 18 January 2010
Haïti. 13 enfants susceptibles d'être adoptés bientôt en Belgique 18 January 2010
Orphanage: Adoption plan needed for Haitian children 15 January 2010
Master Thesis: Internationale Illegale Adopties 1 January 2010
Kind zoekt ouders 15 December 2009
Ces blouses blanches qui s'occupent de bébés abandonnés 1 December 2009
Girls seized, handed over for adoption 2 July 2009
Baby uit Leopoldsburg verkocht voor 25.000 euro 20 June 2009
Weer vragen bij adoptie Emile 13 June 2009
Blog: minder goed nieuws 3 June 2009
Adoption from Kazakhstan to the Netherlands 15 February 2009
Belgium - Adoption from Morocco 1 January 2009
Facebook: Irene Piria about Ethiopian adoption 6 November 2008
ABA: Shining a Light in the Playroom: Improving Transparency in Inter-Country Adoptions Under the Hague Convention. 23 September 2008
Business with poverty 29 June 2005
international adoption... an interview with AnneMarie CRINE & Chantal SACLIER 26 March 2005
Belgian Blog - Sele Enat 1 January 2005
list of granted large scale projects under section 5 2000- 2002 30 October 2003
Kind en Koning 30 June 2003
Trafic de bébés roumains via la Belgique 19 March 2003
Kind is Koning - KNACK article - Ray of Hope 1 January 2003
Romania caught between opposing demands of EU and NATO 8 April 2002
Drie ouderparen dienden klacht in tegen geschorste adoptiedienst 19 February 2002
'Buitenlandse Zaken blokkeert al weken adopties uit Vietnam' (Belgium) 6 November 2001
LETTER Central Authorities to HAGUE - Romania problems 8 July 1999
'Just bill it to the old whore' 15 March 1999
Les enfants Gosseries: une adoption manquée, un retour difficile 28 March 1998
Stoffelen Report on Trade in Children (CoE) - Doc 5777 1 January 1987
Adoptions to NL via Belgium (Haiti) 1985
A question of interests : Inter-country Adoption 1 October 1983
Service Social International Brussels Social Action Service - SASB Asbl