Title |
Publication date |
Resolution calls for Belgian apology for abuses in illegal adoptions |
19 February 2025 |
How Hungary takes children away from poor parents |
10 February 2025 |
Video EXCLUSIVE. The heartbreaking story of Lucian, a "little one" abandoned at birth and adopted by a Belgian family: "The pain I felt then, I want to forget" |
6 February 2025 |
22 January 2025 |
India Sees 4,963 Children Adopted by Foreigners Across 41 Countries in Last Decade |
20 December 2024 |
Didier Reynders : ce que l’on sait de l’enquête en cinq questions |
7 December 2024 |
La Belgique reconnue coupable de crimes contre l'humanité pour des enlèvements dans l'ex RDC |
3 December 2024 |
Adoption freeze for children from abroad will continue for at least another year: “The safety of the child comes first” |
28 November 2024 |
Condamnée à 10 ans de prison pour enlèvement d’enfants dans le cadre de fraudes à l’adoption, la Belgo-Congolaise de Namur Julienne Mpemba fait appel |
21 November 2024 |
Enfants volés en RDC : 10 ans de prison ferme pour Julienne Mpemba - RTBF Info |
12 October 2024 |
Children stolen in Congo, adopted in Belgium: civil proceedings to highlight the responsibilities of the adoption chain and politicians |
12 October 2024 |
Enfants volés au Congo, adoptés en Belgique : une procédure au civil pour pointer les responsabilités de la chaîne d’adoption et du politique |
12 October 2024 |
1 September 2024 |
Open Adoption in Practice: Eunique's Story |
29 August 2024 |
Bombay High Court Janani Ashish Charitable Trust vs Jessy Pushpa Vandervaeren, Belgian ... on 24 July, 2024 |
24 July 2024 |
Julienne Mpemba from Namur, prosecuted for trafficking children from Congo to Belgium, risks 12 years in prison: "The authorities of the two countries did not do their job properly in order to verify the identity of these children", argues the defense |
4 July 2024 |
Julienne Mpemba from Namur, prosecuted for trafficking children from Congo to Belgium, risks 12 years in prison: "The authorities of the two countries did not do their job properly in order to verify the identity of these children", argues the defense |
4 July 2024 |
Trafficking of Congolese children: the woman from Namur denies the facts but risks up to 12 years in prison |
3 July 2024 |
NAMUR | Trial of Julienne Mpemba, prosecuted for child trafficking: "I want to give my little girl back her story" |
30 June 2024 |
VBJK | Ghent (Belgium) - Ankie Vandekerckhove |
29 June 2024 |
Questions at the adoption service Het Kleine Mirakel: 'How can the government cooperate with such a service?' |
29 June 2024 |
Was a Korean baby brought illegally to Belgium immediately after birth? Mother begs for help: “I've been looking for him for 37 years” |
27 June 2024 |
Incomprehensible that Belgium continues with adoption from Hungary and Bulgaria' |
22 June 2024 |
Despite the stop, five hundred parents still have hope for an adopted child |
21 June 2024 |
Maurice, a former professor at UNamur, hopes to see the 84,000 euros that Julienne, prosecuted for child trafficking, owes him: "I'm at rock bottom, she's blown my family up" |
20 June 2024 |
Children wrongly placed in adoption system |
18 June 2024 |
Namuroise Julienne Mpemba prosecuted for trafficking Congolese children in the context of adoption to Belgium soon to be judged: “Children and adoptive and biological parents are destroyed in this case” |
7 June 2024 |
La fin de l’adoption internationale, pour qui? – PROMOTION DES DROITS DE L'ENFANT (The end of international adoption, for whom? – PROMOTION OF CHILDREN’S RIGHTS) |
1 June 2024 |
Children's rights in Europe |
30 May 2024 |
Jeevan Asha Trusts Asha Shishugruha Th. ... vs Katrien Roberthe R. Verdonckt (Prop ... on 30 April, 2024 |
30 April 2024 |
Reply Belgian EU Presidency to Romanian Adoptees (R&D): EU must implement Hague Adoption Convention |
15 April 2024 |
Al 134 meldingen over mogelijke onregelmatigheden bij adopties | De Standaard Mobile (Already 134 reports about possible irregularities in adoptions | The Standard Mobile) |
24 March 2024 |
21 March 2024 |
Already 134 reports of possible irregularities in adoption |
21 March 2024 |
Investigation The Franco-Belgian business of “stolen babies”: “We were goods that could be taken back to the store” |
20 March 2024 |
Das Geheimnis lüften - To disclose the secret |
6 March 2024 |
[Exclusive] “Korean child sold for $1,200”… Belgium demands meeting with Park Chung-hee |
13 February 2024 |
[Exclusive] “Korean child sold for $1,200”… Belgium demands meeting with Park Chung-hee |
13 February 2024 |
Dimitri Leue and Samuel Vekeman make a performance about adoption. “Adopted children need a double portion of love” |
27 January 2024 |
Guatemala’s baby brokers: how thousands of children were stolen for adoption |
4 January 2024 |
"It is not a child on order" but also "child trafficking will continue to exist": divided opinions about adoption pause |
22 December 2023 |
Reflecting on 25 Years as Founder of ICAV |
20 December 2023 |
Foreign adoption freeze is new episode in long-running saga: 'Realize that this can be hard' |
15 December 2023 |
Catholic Church put up 30,000 children for adoption without mothers' consent |
14 December 2023 |
Woman convicted for selling baby for 5,000 euros: “A child is not a commodity” |
4 December 2023 |
Adoptie: een toekomst voor kinderen die er geen hebben - Adoption: a future for children who don't have one |
29 November 2023 |
The uncomfortable truth is that overseas adoptions will never be fraud-free Sculpture by Saskia Vanderstichele |
29 November 2023 |
HLN RESEARCH. Eva adopted Alex (10) from Colombia last year, but now makes a shocking discovery: “Why was everyone silent about this?” |
28 November 2023 |
Landmark ruling for donor-conceived people regarding DNA-testing of gamete donors |
23 October 2023 |
A child of a surrogate mother, now a fighter against the industry |
23 October 2023 |
Merger of adoption services leads to unrest among prospective parents |
19 October 2023 |
Minister Crevits reforms intercountry adoption in Flanders |
28 September 2023 |
'Keep all administration regarding intercountry adoption files in one central place' |
14 September 2023 |
Lahbib contacted ministers from India and Chile, among others, about illegal adoptions |
11 September 2023 |
Adopted daughter (35) in jail for murder of 68-year-old woman |
4 September 2023 |
Isidores' love story is shattered when his wife is revealed to be a liar, cheat and unfaithful |
2 September 2023 |
Never-ending quest: defining ethnic identity as son of adoptee |
27 August 2023 |
La princesse Esmeralda et son fils Leopoldo au gala CARE Belgium au palais des Colonies |
7 August 2023 |
'We have to do everything to find out the truth': Govt defends itself on illegal adoptions case |
19 July 2023 |
Abuses in foreign adoptions have not yet been investigated |
18 July 2023 |
Illegally adopted children testify: “How could Belgium let this happen? » |
18 July 2023 |
Extra incentive for a project on care and guidance: which project did the jury choose? |
10 July 2023 |
Intern Lorianne looks back |
29 June 2023 |
'We found your birth mother': How Chile's children were stolen and adopted worldwide |
28 June 2023 |
Foreign adoption: 'No one has the courage to stop it' |
20 June 2023 |
Tied with nylon thread and left at the airport: 'Belgium knew about abuses with Korean adoptions, but did nothing' |
26 May 2023 |
DOCUMENTARY: #Investigation : trafic d’enfants, destins volés |
26 April 2023 |
Care Belgium - ABOUT US |
10 April 2023 |
Extra incentive for projects related to care and guidance |
6 April 2023 |
Disappearance is “a wound that never heals” |
31 March 2023 |
What if you cannot provide a birth certificate? |
30 March 2023 |
Intended parents can still appeal to a married surrogate mother, the Constitutional Court has ruled |
30 March 2023 |
10 Years Since Forced Adoption Apology |
21 March 2023 |
14 jaar Leuvense AdoptieStudie! Een interview met Simon Fiore - Detail - Steunpunt Adoptie - 14 years of Leuven Adoption Study! |
16 March 2023 |
Waar kom ik vandaan? Een pleidooi voor transparantie in het adoptiesysteem - nieuws - Maastricht University (Where do I come fro |
14 March 2023 |
Flemish Descent Center traces donor fathers via commercial DNA databases. Donorkinderen vzw files a complaint. |
4 March 2023 |
LOOK. Belgian adopted woman finds her biological mother in Guatemala after 37 years, the reunion is touching |
2 March 2023 |
Defence for Children |
24 February 2023 |
Adopting a child is not emergency aid |
15 February 2023 |
No more adoptions from Vietnam, Kazakhstan is still in the balance |
14 February 2023 |
Flanders stops adoptions from Vietnam: “Insufficient guarantees to rule out malpractice” |
14 February 2023 |
Three countries of origin are given the green light for further adoption cooperation after extensive screening |
14 February 2023 |
Three countries of origin are given the green light for further adoption cooperation after extensive screening |
14 February 2023 |
Extra care and guidance for adoptees |
6 February 2023 |
Waar blijft regeling interlandelijke adoptie? (Where is the intercountry adoption regulation?) |
1 February 2023 |
Where is the intercountry adoption regulation? |
1 February 2023 |
International illegal adoption Master's thesis of the study programme 'Master of Law' Submitted by Inge Stevens Student no. 2004 |
17 January 2023 |
Whistleblower testifies in Krichbaum trial |
12 January 2023 |
Copy of University Research Project - New Adoptive Families |
9 December 2022 |
Hoop voor 14 Belgische adoptiekinderen uit Zuid-Korea op zoek naar identiteit: “De verhalen zijn schrijnend” | Nieuws | hln.be |
9 December 2022 |
South Korea launches investigation into suspicious adoptions of children to the West |
8 December 2022 |
13 October 2022 |
Friends Annick, An Sheela and Sheela are all adopted |
13 October 2022 |
After testimony from Noëmi who is linked to the wrong biological father: "Don't let biological descent be purely commercial" |
12 October 2022 |
Noëmi (26) was linked to the wrong biological father: "Everyone says DNA doesn't lie, until it does" |
12 October 2022 |
Cabinet Reynders to ACT: UNCRC Acquis (delay) |
10 October 2022 |
Friends Annick, An Sheela and Sheela are all adopted |
7 October 2022 |
Update: Adoption Policy Reform |
1 October 2022 |
Cabinet Hahn (HR) to Dieu Merci Kitambo: Piria, private issue |
21 September 2022 |
Lintse finalist of Mr. Gay Belgium promotes couples with children during Antwerp Pride |
8 August 2022 |
Daniel Cardon de Lichtbuer, former chairman of Child Focus, has died |
1 August 2022 |
Interest association CAFE demands apologies from government and truth commission about illegal adoptions from South Korea |
26 July 2022 |
“I discovered by accident that images of our suffering have existed for more than 40 years. Everyone should see this” |
26 July 2022 |
Over ons - Nazorghuis - Welcome to Aftercare Home Who are we? |
26 July 2022 |
Reform (intercountry) adoption in Flanders |
19 July 2022 |
Born in Odisha and brought up in Belgium, she meets family members after long 30 years |
8 July 2022 |
Belgian daughter returns to reunite with family in Odisha's Kandhamal district after 29 years |
8 July 2022 |
Five metis children appeal against the acquittal of the Belgian state |
2 July 2022 |
ONE Adoption |
2 July 2022 |
Belgium: DUTROUX CASE, Document of the actual hearing, HEARING OF X3 (PART OF THE ROYAL FAMILY). – The Informant. |
30 June 2022 |
Disbelief in the Indian children's home that doctor Jan founded: “Never noticed anything wrong here. Never" |
22 June 2022 |
Kinderarts Jan D.V. leek een onbesproken man, maa… (Pediatrician Jan D.V. seemed an impeccable man, but…) |
22 June 2022 |
Pediatrician jailed for voyeurism and child pornography, 20 years after being caught |
22 June 2022 |
Pediatrician from Zedelgem in jail for voyeurism and child porn after he “tried to lure a boy with candy” |
21 June 2022 |
41 yrs after, ‘Belgian’ Kathy to be in Kerala in search of parents |
18 June 2022 |
17. Papa’s en vaders – An Sheela's blog |
12 June 2022 |
The Harrowing Story of the 'Children of Sin' |
1 June 2022 |
Wij wachten nog altijd op onze genetische identit… (We are still waiting for our genetic identity…) |
30 May 2022 |
Why is family so important? Lidewij Nuitten finds out in the new 'We are family' |
11 May 2022 |
Scandal at Foster Parents Netherlands |
3 May 2022 |
Coordinator DCI World Service Foundation Brussels, Belgium |
6 April 2022 |
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Faruk Kaymakc? paid an official visit to Brussels |
21 March 2022 |
Meeting Federal Parliament, Brussels - on illegal adoptions |
15 March 2022 |
15 March 2022 |
Last year 46 children were adopted in Flanders |
18 January 2022 |
'Reform intercountry adoption: when will the government dare to look into its own pockets?' |
11 January 2022 |
The aftermath of transnational illegal adoptions: Redressing human rights violations in the intercountry adoption system with in |
31 December 2021 |
Advice Towards a stronger children's view on intercountry adoption |
21 December 2021 |
Naar een krachtiger kinderrechtenkijk op interlandelijke adoptie - Towards a more powerful children's rightsview intercountry a |
21 December 2021 |
Advice Towards a stronger children's view on intercountry adoption |
21 December 2021 |
Flanders plans to tighten up rules on adoptions from other countries |
11 December 2021 |
Flanders becomes stricter for adoptive countries: “Those who do not comply, fly off the list” |
10 December 2021 |
With which countries will Flanders still cooperate for adoption? Stricter screening must prevent abuses |
10 December 2021 |
Trial of Métis children against the Belgian state: not a crime against humanity, according to justice |
8 December 2021 |
In Guatemala, the lives of adopted children stolen |
8 December 2021 |
Nuttige links - a-Buddy - Geadopteerd & op zoek naar een luisterend oor? |
2 December 2021 |
While experiencing 'han,' we need to reintegrate 'jeong' into our vocabulary |
27 November 2021 |
Gezocht en (niet) gevonden: Annick vertelt - Deta… (Wanted and (not) found: Annick tells - Deta…) |
25 November 2021 |
wanted and not found - gezocht en (niet) gevonden |
25 November 2021 |
Miss Belgium Kedist Deltour (24) visits her father, who left her in an orphanage 15 years ago: "I feel lighter, that's what I ha |
6 November 2021 |
Intercountry adoptions are decreasing year by year |
24 October 2021 |
International adoptions continue to decline |
24 October 2021 |
En daarna gebeurde er niks - De Standaard Mobile - And then nothing happened |
22 October 2021 |
Belgium: a show offers you to have a child ... with strangers |
19 October 2021 |
Metissen sues Belgian state for kidnapping |
11 October 2021 |
Jeunesse & Droit - JDJ - A parliamentary commission of inquiry is needed! |
6 October 2021 |
Adopted separately nine years ago, but found each other here: twin brothers play together in Flemish musical |
4 October 2021 |
Stop au trafic d'enfants et aux adoptions illegales ! |
23 September 2021 |
Make adoption fraud free |
23 September 2021 |
Flemish Government will translate political agreement on reform of intercountry adoption into concrete action plan |
17 September 2021 |
'It is our moral duty to put the best interests of the adoptee first' |
15 September 2021 |
Flemish goes to court in Seoul: 'South Korea lied about our adoption' |
14 September 2021 |
Composition of the Advisory Committee of the VCA |
12 September 2021 |
Beke kicks a lot of shins with a surprising adoption proposal, but that is razed to the ground |
3 September 2021 |
Report from expert panel on intercountry adoption in Flanders |
2 September 2021 |
Wouter Beke argues for a general adoption break, but immediately receives criticism from Flemish coalition partners: "This is ra |
2 September 2021 |
Report from expert panel on intercountry adoption in Flanders |
2 September 2021 |
Shortage of foster families for siblings who want to stay together |
20 August 2021 |
The systematization of 'child exports' for economic and political aims |
13 August 2021 |
The best interests of the child – A dialogue between theory and practice |
9 August 2021 |
Youqine Lefèvre on the trail of (her own) adoption |
9 August 2021 |
Youqine Lefèvre on the trail of (her own) adoption |
9 August 2021 |
27 July 2021 |
Janani Ashish Charitable Trust vs Frederic Christian B.Delvaux,Belgian ... on 8 July, 2021 |
8 July 2021 |
Bombay High Court - Janani Ashish Charitable Trust vs Frederic Christian B.Delvaux, Belgian ... on 8 July, 2021 |
8 July 2021 |
Chief Foreign Policy Advisor to the President of the Council of the European Union meets with H.E Ambassador of Qatar – Qatar Em |
3 June 2021 |
Number of children sent overseas for adoptions even higher than previously thought |
8 May 2021 |
Rani was misled about biological mother by adoptive parents |
7 May 2021 |
Rani was misled by adoptive parents about biological mother |
7 May 2021 |
Belgian girl seeking her roots in Assam! |
26 April 2021 |
'I am against international adoption, and this is why' |
7 April 2021 |
Stephanie Planckaert: “This is undoubtedly the hardest decision ever” |
25 March 2021 |
Over | Ibyang |
18 March 2021 |
More adoption and foster parent leave for tenured civil servants |
18 March 2021 |
Adopted from India to Belgium |
14 March 2021 |
A grass-root activist at the Committee on the Rights of the Child |
8 March 2021 |
Wouter Beke: 'No need for an adoption break in Flanders' |
2 March 2021 |
Child trafficking: Merci Dieu Kitambo charges Julienne Mpemba |
26 February 2021 |
Guatemala: children adopted from civil war join forces |
25 February 2021 |
Julienne Mpemba: "There has never been child theft" |
24 February 2021 |
Julienne Mpemba: This prescription that satisfies |
23 February 2021 |
Alleged fraud in the adoption of Congolese children: Julienne Mpemba in correctional |
17 February 2021 |
Congolese adoption fraud: only pivotal figure to criminal court, officials acquitted |
16 February 2021 |
Who am I to determine that my child would be happier here? |
16 February 2021 |
'High time for more rights for rainbow families' |
10 February 2021 |
Genk couple has been waiting for an adopted child for nine years due to unfair procedure |
29 January 2021 |
Reply from ambassador EU to Dieu Merci - Complaint European Ombudsman |
21 January 2021 |
Quest for roots drives Carol Peters D'Souza on mission (im)possible? |
4 January 2021 |
Defence for Children Belgium (DEI-Belgium) asbl/vzw |
26 November 2020 |
'Bake Off Flanders' candidate Asha was adopted at a young age: "I still don't know why they gave us up" |
20 October 2020 |
“Kroongetuige in zaak van adoptiefraude wordt met de dood bedreigd” |
27 September 2020 |
International views on fraudulent adoptions, how do we respond to this? |
28 June 2020 |
‘We willen geadopteerden emotioneel voorbereiden’ |
29 May 2020 |
'We want to prepare adoptees emotionally' |
29 May 2020 |
'Baby trade is pure mafia' |
12 March 2020 |
Chambre du conseil de Dinant: le dossier des fraudes suspectées à l'adoption d'enfants congolais reporté sine die |
10 March 2020 |
Children were robbed from their parents to be adopted here, and they looked the other way |
9 March 2020 |
Raadkamer beslist vandaag of acht ambtenaren naar rechtbank moeten voor adoptiefraude |
9 March 2020 |
Vlaamse regering keurt oprichting afstammingscentrum en DNA-databank definitief goed |
14 February 2020 |
Bébés volés au Guatemala : la maman de Coline réagit |
5 February 2020 |
Mijn rootsreis naar India, het einde van een zoek… (My roots trip to India, the end of a search…) |
12 January 2020 |
Devoir d'enquête Trafiquants d'âmes (Enquête sur des soupçons d'adoptions frauduleuses entre le Guatemala et la Belgique) |
8 January 2020 |
"Trafiquants d'âmes" enquête sur des soupçons d'adoptions frauduleuses entre le Guatemala et la Belgique |
7 January 2020 |
Des enfants adoptés en Belgique ont-ils été raflés au Guatemala ? |
3 January 2020 |
Devoir d'enquête |
21 December 2019 |
Belgium: Internationale visies op frauduleuze adopties, hoe reageren we hierop? |
2 December 2019 |
Internationale visies op frauduleuze adopties, hoe reageren we hierop? |
2 December 2019 |
"Reynders weakened the rule of law" |
29 November 2019 |
International Conference Sloviakia |
13 November 2019 |
Slachtoffers adoptiefraude hekelen onderzoek: “Alleen witte mannen en vrouwen in panel” |
22 October 2019 |
“Adoptiecentrum moet eigen fouten onderzoeken” |
22 October 2019 |
Documents - from Roots Search India FB Group |
21 October 2019 |
Spilfiguur in Congolese adoptiefraude Julienne Mpemba (42) doorbreekt stilte en haalt zwaar uit naar ambtenaren Franse Gemeensch |
30 September 2019 |
Belgian couple adopts girl from Kaithal |
19 September 2019 |
Civil servants suspected of adoption fraud |
14 September 2019 |
For my first mom |
15 August 2019 |
The children sent to a DR Congo 'holiday camp' never to come back |
14 August 2019 |
Ouders van minstens vijf Congolese “weeskinderen” blijken nog in leven |
1 August 2019 |
Aalsterse adoptieouders schrijven open brief over ‘Denderracisme’: ‘Onze kinderen worden steeds vaker geviseerd’ |
20 June 2019 |
Internationale adoptie meestal niet in belang van het kind |
19 June 2019 |
Hoe Paula (93) de situatie van kinderen van ongehuwde moeders voor altijd veranderde: 40 jaar arrest-Marckx |
13 June 2019 |
Inzage en roots - Steunpunt Adoptie |
11 June 2019 |
Koning Albert heeft vanochtend al DNA afgestaan in zaak-Boël |
28 May 2019 |
Zodra met adopties geld te verdienen valt, loert fraude om de hoek |
18 May 2019 |
Adopties waren niet altijd ‘in het belang van het kind’ |
14 May 2019 |
Le directeur ad interim d'Unicef Belgique écarté après des accusations sur Twitter |
13 May 2019 |
Bernard Sintobin, CEO ad interim van Unicef België. |
13 May 2019 |
Baas Unicef zet stap opzij wegens ‘kinderhandel’ |
12 May 2019 |
Na amper een week: Unicef-baas zet stap opzij na gerechtelijk onderzoek over kinderhandel |
12 May 2019 |
Help Comes* from Adoptie Sri Lanka Belgium VZW |
9 May 2019 |
Kinderen zijn geen koopwaar |
9 May 2019 |
Rani T’Kindt werd als kind ontvoerd voor adoptie: ‘Mijn mama was in paniek’ |
4 May 2019 |
Adoptiekinderen die kat de bel aanbonden blijven met wrang gevoel zitten bij onderzoek naar fraude |
2 May 2019 |
Commissie Welzijn houdt extra zitting over mogelijk gesjoemel met adopties uit Ethiopië |
2 May 2019 |
Nieuwe getuigenissen over fraude bij adoptie uit Ethiopië |
30 April 2019 |
Jaak Albert werd uit Rwanda ontvoerd en groeide in België op zonder identiteit |
30 April 2019 |
Ene klacht na de andere over gesjoemel met adopties |
30 April 2019 |
Vandeurzen: 'Wie twijfels heeft over adoptiedossier, kan dat laten onderzoeken' |
29 April 2019 |
Link to Flamish, original paper articles: Ethiopia |
27 April 2019 |
27 April 2019 |
Vandeurzen: 'Wie twijfels heeft over adoptiedossier, kan dat laten onderzoeken' |
19 April 2019 |
22 Vlaamse baby’s vorig jaar afgestaan voor adoptie |
5 April 2019 |
22 Vlaamse baby’s vorig jaar afgestaan voor adoptie |
5 April 2019 |
Michel excuseert zich bij kinderen van de kolonie |
3 April 2019 |
Destined for Export The troubled legacy of Guatemalan adoptions |
16 March 2019 |
‘Afrikaanse weeshuizen zijn goudmijntjes voor Westerse uitbaters’ |
26 February 2019 |
‘Wie zegt dat ook wij niet verkocht zijn?’ Adoptiedossiers vaak erg summier |
23 February 2019 |
Aantal internationale adopties historisch laag in Vlaanderen |
22 February 2019 |
Aantal interlandelijke adopties historisch laag |
22 February 2019 |
About 100 children given up for adoption in Wallonia and Brussels in 2018 |
22 February 2019 |
Vier nieuwe namen voor ‘Bargoens’ |
6 February 2019 |
De nachtmerrie van de Congolese weesjes (18.500 euro paid?) |
4 February 2019 |
Assam-born Belgium woman searches for her biological mother online |
22 December 2018 |
Adoption au Maroc : des parents belges trompés ? |
9 November 2018 |
Adoption and Child Migration in U.S. History |
6 November 2018 |
Prey children Investigation (CC BY-NC-ND): Olivier Bailly Illustrations (CC BY-NC-ND): Orfee Grandhomme |
14 June 2018 |
Prey children |
14 June 2018 |
Faux orphelins du Congo: "La faillite du système d'adoption francophone belge" |
12 May 2018 |
LeVif: Enfants voles de Congo |
10 May 2018 |
Adoptiekinderen die kat de bel aanbonden blijven met wrang gevoel zitten bij onderzoek naar fraude |
7 May 2018 |
Pourquoi personne n'a pu éviter le drame des enfants volés du Congo |
9 April 2018 |
Adoption. Simon, promised twice |
4 April 2018 |
België ziet strenger toe op nieuwe adoptiekanalen met andere landen |
9 December 2017 |
Agreement on reform of adoption from other countries |
20 November 2017 |
“Adoptie is niet voor iedereen weggelegd” |
21 October 2017 |
Meeting European Central Authorities with ISS - Subsidiarity - RSJ Report |
4 October 2017 |
Vlaams bureau genoemd in zaak adoptiefraude |
27 September 2017 |
Belgium/Poland: "Michiel is een symbooldossier" |
12 September 2017 |
Child Trafficking: The Consequence of Lack of Leadership |
10 September 2017 |
Belgium: International adoption banned Families stranded in Ethiopia |
17 May 2017 |
"Belgium has long been aware of suspicious adoptions from Congo" |
16 May 2017 |
Suspect Congolese child adoptions: Belgian parents bring civil claims |
16 May 2017 |
Debate in Belgian Parliament about adoptions congo |
16 May 2017 |
Gros coup de filet à Bruxelles: arrestation d'une proxénète nigériane à la tête d'un important réseau |
11 May 2017 |
Kidnapped or not: No guarantee that children are returned to parents |
10 May 2017 |
Part 3 on adoption fraud in Congo: "They wanted only girls Nobody wanted Jacques." |
8 May 2017 |
6 May 2017 |
Belgium/Congo ADOPTION FRAUD - Parliamentary Question Parys |
5 May 2017 |
Children taken from their families in Congo were adopted in Belgium |
5 May 2017 |
"No indication of irregularities in adoptions in Flanders" |
5 May 2017 |
Adoption Fraud: Congo abducted children end up as "ophans" in Belgium |
5 May 2017 |
Accessing adoption files and information on the biological family | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights |
2017 |
Pressions diplomatiques (27.000 paid by Belgian Government to orphanage) |
3 December 2016 |
Trafic d'orphelins congolais en Belgique: que s'est-il passé exactement? |
3 December 2016 |
Four raids in investigation into trade in Congolese orphans |
1 December 2016 |
Madrane à propos du trafic de mineurs congolais: "Si des erreurs ont été commises, je prendrai les mesures nécessaires" |
1 December 2016 |
Fwd: twitter / Child Trafficking in Congo by Amici dei Bambini |
18 November 2016 |
Reynders: J’ai remis la décoration de Grand Officier de l’Ordre de Léopold à Madame Catherine Day |
7 November 2016 |
8 October 2016 |
Didier Reynders welcomes agreement Ugandan government for departure adoption children |
8 October 2016 |
Deze Vlaamse adoptieouders worden beschuldigd van kinderdiefstal en dreigen hun zoontje opnieuw te moeten afstaan |
7 October 2016 |
Uganda: Belgium Pleads With Museveni On Adoption |
5 October 2016 |
Reynders bespreekt adopties met Oegandese president |
23 September 2016 |
Nu ook problemen met tientallen Vlaamse adoptiedossiers in Ethiopië |
16 September 2016 |
(Uganda) Affaires consulaires: Reynders appelle les politiques à la retenue dans les cas délicats |
3 September 2016 |
Zes Oegandese kinderen mogen eindelijk met hun adoptieouders naar België vertrekken |
3 September 2016 |
Begium: De politieke strijd achter adoptie in Oeganda |
19 August 2016 |
Situation of adopted children from Uganda |
3 August 2016 |
Al bijna drie maanden kamperen ouders in Oeganda omdat ze land niet uit kunnen met hun adoptiekinderen |
3 August 2016 |
Adoption of children in the European Union |
1 June 2016 |
European Parliament: Briefing - Adoption of children in the European Union |
1 June 2016 |
Poland: The Belgians have paid money for the child |
22 May 2016 |
Werkbezoek van het Vlaams Centrum voor adoptie aan Guinée |
17 May 2016 |
Dalend aantal adopties van buitenlandse kinderen |
16 April 2016 |
"Adopted children are too often presented as a commodity ' |
16 March 2016 |
17 February 2016 |
Go ahead for Delphine Boël to seek recognition as King Albert’s daughter |
3 February 2016 |
Congolese Police raids Belgian orphanage |
February 2016 |
Adoption in the DRC: small children end up "domestic or sexual slaves" |
31 January 2016 |
Conflict of interest at the Council of Europe: rapporteur on surrogacy report is involved in surrogacy practices in Belgium |
25 January 2016 |
Flemish Center for Adoption makes adoption from New York possible |
15 January 2016 |
Vlaams Centrum voor Adoptie keurt adoptie uit New York goed |
15 January 2016 |
Adoptie uit het buitenland afschaffen, is vluchten voor onze verantwoordelijkheid |
5 January 2016 |
Queues too long and expensive: 'Adoption from abroad is a finite story' |
5 January 2016 |
Te lange wachtrijen en te duur: 'Adoptie uit het buitenland is een eindig verhaal' |
5 January 2016 |
Adopties uit Oeganda: ‘Alsof we ons schuldig maken aan kinderhandel’ |
2 January 2016 |
Costs/Fees adoption USA - Belgium |
January 2016 |
Binnenlandse adoptie is weer mogelijk |
18 December 2015 |
La double vie d'un riche Belge pédophile qui avait bâti un orphelinat au Cambodge |
18 December 2015 |
MO* heeft een nieuwe zakelijk leider |
15 December 2015 |
Adopties uit Ethiopië stilgelegd |
9 December 2015 |
VS bieden Belgische homo's adoptiekans |
8 December 2015 |
PETITION: Mr. Didier Reynders, Minister of Foreign Affairs: Bring together the 12 adopted Congolese children and their Belgian families. |
3 December 2015 |
Opschorting adopties uit Oeganda |
2 December 2015 |
Didier Reynders: ‘Congolese adoptiekinderen onder hoede Belgische ambassade’ |
7 November 2015 |
"Uitbaatster weeshuis ontvoerde kinderen" |
7 November 2015 |
Adoption of Congolese children by Belgian couples: the director of the orphanage arrested |
6 November 2015 |
Justice : plus d’adoption internationale en RDC jusqu’à nouvel ordre |
3 November 2015 |
DR Congo approves about 70 int'l adoptions: Belgian FM |
3 November 2015 |
Onze enfants adoptés par des familles belges autorisés à quiter la République démocratique du Congo et à venir en Belgique |
2 November 2015 |
Congo clears the way for 72 adoptions after 2-year wait |
2 November 2015 |
Groen licht voor de komst van 11 Congolese adoptiekinderen |
2 November 2015 |
Irene Piria: PETITION: Faisons sortir 1300 enfants congolais légalement adoptés et bloqués en RDC depuis plus de 2 ans! |
1 November 2015 |
NGO's: Congo - kidnapping for Belgium |
26 August 2015 |
Chêne-al-Pierre : le château sous les flammes |
13 August 2015 |
L’ancien juge lyonnais Broaly condamné pour « abus sexuels d’enfants » |
25 May 2015 |
"Bébé à vendre 120.000€", une organisation en fait la pub au siège du gouvernement bruxellois |
3 May 2015 |
27 April 2015 |
European Conference on “the Best Interests of the Child” |
9 December 2014 |
Diplomatic Meeting in Congo - adoptions |
14 November 2014 |
M. Didier Reynders, Ministre des Affaires Etrangères : Réunir les 12 enfants congolais adoptés et leurs familles belge. |
1 October 2014 |
Mater Matuta eist onderzoek van oude adoptiepraktijken |
20 August 2014 |
Brussels woman finds mother after being kidnapped 30 years ago |
7 August 2014 |
Detienen en Guatemala a mujer que vendió niña a una familia belga en 1984 |
4 August 2014 |
Six adopted Congolese children arrive in Belgium |
27 May 2014 |
Enfant adopté : une Belge condamnée à 6 mois de prison au Congo |
15 April 2014 |
Belgian who tried to flee with Congolese adopted child into the cell for six months |
15 April 2014 |
Seven adopted children stranded in Kinshasa |
4 April 2014 |
Zeven Congolese adoptiekinderen geblokkeerd in Kinshasa |
4 April 2014 |
American Involvement in the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial Process |
1 February 2014 |
Les adoptions en forte baisse en Belgique |
21 January 2014 |
Bought children, doctored files… A generation of adoptees in search of the truth |
24 December 2013 |
Court upholds suspended jail terms for illegal baby adoption (Baby Donna) |
6 December 2013 |
Informal European Pilot meeting CA's and visit ISS and Unicef (Geneva) - NL proposed joint actions Congo |
5 November 2013 |
België stopt met Marokkaanse adoptie |
4 November 2013 |
Wat de schildpad, de bij en Vietnam met elkaar gemeen hebben: adoptie |
1 October 2013 |
Zusters ontkennen geldgewin bij gedwongen adopties in Lommels tehuis |
7 September 2012 |
Rwanda: Adoption Policy Questioned |
19 July 2012 |
Straf ouders voor verkopen baby J. |
14 May 2012 |
New Legislation will bring more transparency for parents wanting to adopt in Flanders |
8 February 2012 |
Jaarverslag Kind & Gezin |
20 January 2012 |
Adoptieouders krijgen voortaan sneller uitsluitsel |
15 December 2011 |
Mails to Central Authority - Dorine Chamon - about minutes meeting |
24 October 2011 |
Die verschwundenen Kinder von El Salvador |
29 August 2011 |
Salvadoran group dogged in search for children missing years ago in civil war |
24 July 2011 |
Suspended jail terms for buying baby on internet |
15 July 2011 |
Montreal Group - Haiti |
14 July 2011 |
Divorced in India, reunited in Zedelgem |
18 April 2011 |
Baby, stranded in Ukraine, to join Belgian parents |
22 February 2011 |
'Mijn Afrikaanse mama is heel ziek' |
18 December 2010 |
Netherlands temporarily halts adoptions from Haiti |
13 December 2010 |
Congolese children attending school thanks to your generosity |
5 September 2010 |
Aantal adopties in Vlaanderen stijgt |
26 May 2010 |
IAWG urges better adoption process |
24 February 2010 |
Belgian traces her mom to TN, 28 yrs after adoption |
27 January 2010 |
Unicef: 'Pas op voor overhaaste adopties' |
20 January 2010 |
Haïti. 13 enfants susceptibles d'être adoptés bientôt en Belgique |
18 January 2010 |
Des petits Haïtiens bientôt en Belgique pour y être adoptés |
18 January 2010 |
Orphanage: Adoption plan needed for Haitian children |
15 January 2010 |
Master Thesis: Internationale Illegale Adopties |
1 January 2010 |
Kind zoekt ouders |
15 December 2009 |
14 December 2009 |
Ces blouses blanches qui s'occupent de bébés abandonnés |
1 December 2009 |
Girls seized, handed over for adoption |
2 July 2009 |
Baby uit Leopoldsburg verkocht voor 25.000 euro |
20 June 2009 |
Weer vragen bij adoptie Emile |
13 June 2009 |
Blog: minder goed nieuws |
3 June 2009 |
Adoption from Kazakhstan to the Netherlands |
15 February 2009 |
1 January 2009 |
Belgium - Adoption from Morocco |
1 January 2009 |
Facebook: Irene Piria about Ethiopian adoption |
6 November 2008 |
ABA: Shining a Light in the Playroom: Improving Transparency in Inter-Country Adoptions Under the Hague Convention. |
23 September 2008 |
Business with poverty |
29 June 2005 |
international adoption... an interview with AnneMarie CRINE & Chantal SACLIER |
26 March 2005 |
Belgian Blog - Sele Enat |
1 January 2005 |
list of granted large scale projects under section 5 2000- 2002 |
30 October 2003 |
Kind en Koning |
30 June 2003 |
Trafic de bébés roumains via la Belgique |
19 March 2003 |
Trafic de bébés roumains via la Belgique |
19 March 2003 |
Kind is Koning - KNACK article - Ray of Hope |
1 January 2003 |
"Ray of Hope cheated us" |
19 December 2002 |
Romania caught between opposing demands of EU and NATO |
8 April 2002 |
Drie ouderparen dienden klacht in tegen geschorste adoptiedienst |
19 February 2002 |
'Buitenlandse Zaken blokkeert al weken adopties uit Vietnam' (Belgium) |
6 November 2001 |
11 October 1999 |
LETTER Central Authorities to HAGUE - Romania problems |
8 July 1999 |
'Just bill it to the old whore' |
15 March 1999 |
Les enfants Gosseries: une adoption manquée, un retour difficile |
28 March 1998 |
21 August 1997 |
Child Welfare in Europe. 1993: Implications for Adoption. Report of a Seminar (Brussels, Belgium, March 1993). |
March 1993 |
6 January 1993 |
9 September 1992 |
15 June 1990 |
10 January 1990 |
15 September 1989 |
Child sex ring run out of UNICEF office |
7 March 1988 |
Stoffelen Report on Trade in Children (CoE) - Doc 5777 |
1 January 1987 |
Adoptions to NL via Belgium (Haiti) |
1985 |
A question of interests : Inter-country Adoption |
1 October 1983 |
Adoption defects |
Service Social International Brussels Social Action Service - SASB Asbl |