ONE Adoption
2 July 2022

Adoption is an act that commits the future of the child, his adoptive family and his birth family. This commitment requires more than good intentions. It must be carefully considered by everyone. Adoption arouses feelings, emotions in perpetual evolution, which deserve to be devoted to them a space of listening and reflection.

Our service ONE Adoption is an organization approved by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation for internal adoption – that is to say the adoption of children who were born or reside in French-speaking Belgium.

ONE Adoption fulfills a support mission in several areas concerning adoption:

support for mothers or birth parents in their reflection and their plan to put their child up for adoption;

support for children placed with a view to their adoption, at the request of the birth parents or the Youth Aid authorities;

supervision and support for candidates who wish to adopt through our organization, whether or not they are already parents;

support for adoptees and families at the start of questions that arise after the adoption has been pronounced, as part of post-adoptive follow-up;

support for adoptees questioning their identity and origins.

Thinking of giving a child up for adoption?

We suggest that you meet with a psychosocial worker from our team to think about it with you . It is better to come and see us as soon as possible, even if the child is not yet born. If you are living this project as a couple, we can of course receive you together. Ultimately, you alone will decide what you think is best for you and the child . We are only here to help you see things more clearly.

If you decide not to remain the child's parent, be aware that your adoption consent cannot be received until the baby is two months old . This is what the law provides. While you reflect with our help on the solution that seems best for you and the child, he will be in the nursery. Experienced nurses will ensure his well-being until he leaves with his adoptive parents. You will also be welcome there if you wish to visit the premises or come and see the child.

Only once you have passed the minimum reflection period, if that is the best decision for you, can you sign a consent tox. We will then notify the adoptive parents. Once your consent is officially signed, we can start the adoption process, and the child can live in their new home. We remain present with the adopters until the end of the legal proceedings.

By requesting the adoption of your child, you agree not to contact the adoptive family in any way. On the other hand, you will always be welcome in our service if you want to talk about it. The same is true for adopters and adoptees.

Adoption is a complete and definitive change of parentage, which takes effect by judgment and ends with the registration of the child's new name in the civil registry.

Are you considering adopting a child?

Any adoption procedure starts with preparation organized by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. It is necessary to register with the Community Central Authority (ACC) for adoption, in order to be able to begin this collective preparation. You will then be received by an approved adoption agency. This applies both to international and national adoptions (also called "internal"), as well as to intra-family adoptions or following fostering.

During your preparation for adoption, or even before, if you have questions prior to registration, you can contact us : we can answer you by email or by phone .

Questions arise after the adoption?

“Once the adoption has been pronounced, we become a family! Through this adage, the ONE Adoption service considers that adoption constitutes a path at the end of which children and parents can lead their daily lives like any other family.

That said, it happens that adoption raises questions that can lead to a need for support for adoptive parenthood : the transmission to the child of his or her adoption history, the development of the child with regard to the adoptive particularity , parent-child relationships in adolescence, the gaze of those around you (school, professionals, family), the link to origins and social networks, etc. When such questions arise, the ONE Adoption service can see you and help you think about what is best for your child.

The post-adoptive support offered today essentially consists of interviews carried out at the request of the families. Any request can be addressed by telephone or email and is subject to the most appropriate follow-up possible.

Support initiatives in the form of collective activities are also envisaged in the near future. These must enable adoptive families to meet around shared concerns, during conferences or in thematic discussion groups.

Have you been adopted and are you thinking about your origins?

Whether you are a teenager, an adult or middle-aged , it is never too late to clear up personal questions.

We propose to help you better understand what could have been the beginning of your existence, by reflecting together on the elements in your knowledge, and by helping you with our experience and many testimonials received. We also suggest that you play the role of intermediary with your birth parents when we learn of their identity.

These steps are taken with the utmost discretion and respect., each being heard personally before possibly accepting a meeting. Often, we simply collect and pass on everyone's testimonials without contact being requested.


Subscribe to the newsletter on the activities carried out in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation in terms of adoption.

Consult the documents:

ONE Adoption, intermediaries in adoption...

Welcoming babies in institutions

Support for children

Biological families

To adopt a child, consult the documents:

Desire for children and application for adoption

Being in the process of adopting is also expecting a child...

To find out more about the adoption procedure, visit the ACC website.

Have you been adopted? Consult the document More than a gesture... storytellers


You have questions? Do you want to meet us?

ONE Adoption

113, Chaussée de Charleroi,

1060 Brussels

Téléphone : 02/538.59.99

Fax : 02/ 538.82.56

