Assam-born Belgium woman searches for her biological mother online

22 December 2018

GUWAHATI: A woman, Rajini who was born in Assam but now lives in Belgium is searching for her biological mother.

In a video posted on YouTube, she narrates her story and is being shared on many social media applications.

She wrote on a Facebook page that she was born in Tezpur, Assam, on the 24th of February, 1983. Four days later, someone bought her to the orphanage, Missionaries of Charity in Tezpur also known as the Orphanage of Mother Theresa. She lived there for a year and then was moved to Kolkata’s Shishu Bhavan orphanage. At the age of 2, she was adopted and now has lived in Belgium for 33 years.

She said that she is not sure if her mother gave her up or if her mother even knows that Rajini is alive. She said she does not even know the truth and that for her entire life, she thought she was an orphan. Even her adoptive parents thought that she was an orphan as no information was available about Rajini’s biological family.

She said that for the past two years, she has been writing to the orphanage and the adoption agency and recently, she got some positive news. Listed below is the information shared by her:

Mother’s name: Rabiya

Last name:Adoption Agency did not mention

Age: Was 35 years old when Rajini was born, so she was probably born in 1947 or 1948, probabaly is 70-71 years old now.

Place: The agency said she was born in Tezpur, but Rajini knows from other adoptees that Tezpur is the place where she was taken in the orphanage. She said she might be from Tezpur or somewhere close to that, maybe the district of Sonitpur.

Religion: Muslim
