Flemish Center for Adoption makes adoption from New York possible

15 January 2016

The adoption of children from the United States, and more specifically from New York State, becomes possible. The Flemish Center for Adoption (VCA) has approved the collaboration between adoption service Het Kleine Mirakel and New York. Kind & Gezin, Flemish Minister of Welfare Jo Vandeurzen and Federal Minister of Justice Koen Geens report this in a press release.

Editorial 15-01-16, 18:04 Last update: 16-01-16, 17:01 Source: BELGA

In New York, one adoption service will mediate for children who are given up by their biological parents shortly after birth. It will usually involve parents in very precarious situations.

You can now start with five test files. Candidate adoptive parents who have a suitability judgment can contact the adoption service. More information about the conditions that the candidates must meet and the working method can be found on the Kind & Gezin website. All costs incurred in the course of the process will be borne by the candidates.

Ministers Vandeurzen and Geens are satisfied with the new adoption channel. "This is good news for prospective adoptive parents, including same-sex couples," says Vandeurzen. "With this we also show that adoption has a future. Geens is positive about the guarantees that have been built in.

Het Kleine Mirakel submitted a proposal in December 2014 to enable adoption cooperation with New York. The research by the Flemish Center for Adoption is now completed, after a final consultation with and favorable opinion from the Federal Central Authority.
