Against Child Trafficking (ACT) Website: Email: Organization types: Foundation Persons Person Relation type Date from Date toIara de Witte Employed by 2011 Sep 01 2012 Jan 01 Documents Title Publication dateMail Nigel Cantwell to ACT and R. Post 27 November 2023ATTWIN Position Paper: 19 July 2023A ROOTS SEARCH The Journey of One Indian - AGAINST CHILD TRAFFICKING (ACT) 14 July 2023AD/ACT reply on behalf of Reynders: citizensletter - UNCRC not acquis 25 November 2022Fwd: : Re: : Defamation/ Clarification 18 May 2022AD/ACT to Plankiskeya - planning overleg werkgroep beleid invloed 20 April 2022ACT/AD to Council: Child Rights / Whistleblower 26 March 2022European Commission to ACT: Letter regarding illegal adoptions - UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 30 March 2021Reply from ambassador EU to Dieu Merci - Complaint European Ombudsman 21 January 2021European Commission to ACT: Subsidiarity Principle in adoptions in the European Union and externally 12 December 2020ACT to President Von der Leyen - security Kitambo 19 October 2020Dutch NGO calls for probe after KZN girls adopted without father’s consent 28 September 2020Mail from Swedish Central Authority abt subsidiarity 27 August 2020VIdeocall Kok and Houtschild with AD 3 July 2020International Social Services, from India to Romania (Part 3) 30 April 2020Mail ACT to Anke Hassel - Diffamierung/Adoption 30 March 2020ACT: request for lower costs participation Euradopt conference 6 February 2020International Social Service General Secretariat 19 October 2016Conference Children on the Move = Question AD to Mr. Pacquet 5 March 2015ACT to President Obama - about Children in Adversity - Bootbie/Horvath 14 October 2014People for Ethical Adoption Reform / RESOURCE: Connecting the Dots in Ethiopia 10 April 2011ACT Letter to Dutch Minister of Justice - Subsidiarity 5 June 2009ACT Letter to Dutch Minister of Justice - Subsidiarity USA 5 June 2009 Parent topics: Foundation Location 1000 BrusselsBrussels-Capital RegionBelgium