European Commission to ACT: Subsidiarity Principle in adoptions in the European Union and externally

12 December 2020

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From: ACT

Date: Sat 12. Dec 2020 at 16:03

Subject: Re: Ares(2020)4528893: Subsidiarity Principle in adoptions in the European Union and externally



Dear Ms. Sipala,

it was a pleasure to see your presentation.

We could set up a Zoom meeting and then I could further explain the issue to you.

What date and time works for you best ? I would prefer timewise before 13.30 hour Brussels time as i m currently for fieldwork in India.

Best regards,

Arun Dohle

For Indian adoptees: Roots searches

On Fri, 4 Dec 2020 at 21:02, wrote:

Dear Mr Dohle,

First of all please allow me to apologise for the late response. Your correspondence to the cabinet of President Von Der Leyen was sent to the cabinet of Commissioner Johansson for follow-up.

I regret to inform you that a meeting with a member of President’s cabinet will not be possible at this stage due to heavily committed agendas of the team.

In order to ensure a follow-up of your comments I would propose you get in direct contact with Ms Floriana Sipala, Head of Unit F.5 Directorate General ‘Home Affairs’ dealing with Organised crime and drugs policy (here in Cc).

With my best wishes,


Assistant to Alexandra CUPSAN-CATALIN and Gosia PEARSON

Cabinet of Commissioner Ylva JOHANSSON

Home Affairs


European Commission

BERL 09/172, Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Brussels

Tel.: +32.2.29 58462


We would like to highlight that for reasons of public transparency, Commissioners and their Cabinets only meet organisations or self-employed individuals that are registered in the EU's Transparency Register (see here: I would invite you to register if you have not yet done so, and send us your registration number if you wish to request a meeting.

From: ACT

Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 12:59 PM


Subject: Subsidiarity Principle in adoptions in the European Union and externally

Dear Mrs. von der Leyen,

we just got the below reply from the swedish central adoption authority.

I d like to recall that ACT was set up at the behest of the then Secretary General of the European Commission in order to park EU civil servant Roelie Post.

Further i ‘d like to remind you of the opinion of the independent panel set up by the European Commission to accompany Romania in drafting new legislation.

The documents you can find here:

The hot potato, was the “ subsidiarity principle “ .

Subsequently Mrs. Post was taken off her job which at the end resulted in 2018 with her being fired.

DG NEAR and DG JUST pretended wrongfully that the Hague Adoption Convention is EU Law.

Here a short video interview with the then Child Rights Coordinator Margaret Tuite

( Btw. she has now joined Defence for Children, the organisation who very much has been pushing and is pushing for policies in line with the Hague Adoption Convention for decades and in fact has created these policies. )

Subsequently the European Commission forced countries like Serbia , Montenegro etc. falsely to implement the Hague Adoption Convention and finances the adoption lobby.

As a result now even children in appropiate public care can be taken out of foster care and residential care. Like for example in the case of Sorina in Romania.

Or like in Hungary, which for 2019 was the biggest sending country for the Netherlands.

Countries which also receive EU funding for their local child protection systems.

I request a meeting with you or your cabinet staff to discuss this situation, so that the record can be set straight.

As a german citizen, i find it horrific to imagine that possibly german children out of foster care and residential care , will be in the future exported to the United States.

This is exactly what this wrongful social policy which is currently being EU wide implemented will end with.

A global regulated market in children and all kinds of abuses take place.

I´m awaiting your positive reply.


Arun Dohle

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Date: Thu 27. Aug 2020 at 15:22

Subject: Adoptionsregler och lagar


Dear mr. Dohle,

Thank you for your email and concern regarding adopted children from Serbia.

As described by my colleague, mr. Hägerlind, MFoF is not involved in each specific adoption. The authority handles authorizations of adoption organisations and supervision of these.

When MFoF permitted Adoptionscentrum to mediate intercountry adoptions from Serbia the Authority examined the national legislation and found that the country indeed had ratified the Hague Convention and also had a legislation which takes into account the fundamental principles for intercountry adoption expressed in the UNCRC and in the Hague Convention. For example the principle of subisidiarity expressed in art 103 (1), (2), (3) of the Family Act.

The authority also visited Serbia during 2014 and according to the information we then were given Serbia also in practise applies the principle of subsidiarity, for one year. During this time ten presumptive adoptive parents are questioned before the child becomes available for international adoption.

To answer your question, MFoF finds intercountry adoption as a suitable solution for a child when the child is considered available for adoption in a way that means that may involve that the national authorities have consents from the parents and an investigation of that an intercountry adoption is in the best interest of the child (includes the subsidiarity principle).

MFoF works for the best permanent solution for the children. An adoption from a foster family could be the best solution if the placement at the foster family is not permanent and no permanent national solutions is available. The principle of subsidiarity is of the utmost importance. According to the national legislation the principle of subsidiarity is also considered in Serbia. MFoF have no information that shows that the national legislation is not being complied with. If you have such documentaion, MFoF would be grateful if you shared it with us.

Best wishes,

Best wishes


Adam Bitén

Specialist Officer

+46 10 190 10 80

Family Law and Parental Support Authority, MFoF

Box 35, 931 21 Skellefteå, Sweden

+46 10 190 11 00

MFoF is a Government Agency under the Swedish Ministry of Health and Social Affairs with expertise in parental support, family advise and Swedish family law. We also work to ensure that Intercountry adoptions to Sweden are carried out according to law and good ethics.


Best regards,

Arun Dohle

For Indian adoptees: Roots searches

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Preview YouTube video European Commission included Hague Adoption Convention as legal basis, by 'mistake'