Subsidiarity Website: Email: Organization types: Miscellaneous Documents Title Publication datePODCAST Diane Kunz: The Hague Adoption Convention was made to counter the UNCRC - art 21B December 2023AO Tweede Kamer (transcript) - Report Joustra incl FINAL REPORT 9 June 2021European Commission to ACT: Letter regarding illegal adoptions - UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 30 March 2021ACT/AD to Reynders etc: Adoption Conference / Conférence sur l'adoption : Today's headlines in Romania - FYI 11 March 2021European Commission to ACT: Subsidiarity Principle in adoptions in the European Union and externally 12 December 2020Mail from Swedish Central Authority abt subsidiarity 27 August 2020Analysis of the responses to the 2019 Questionnaire - Hague Adoption Convention 1 June 2020Letter Dutch Ministry of Justice to RP - following meeting January 2020 6 April 2020Letter Ministry of Justice to RP - subsidiarity 1 April 2020The Principle of Subsidiarity in the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption: A Philosophical Analysis 19 June 2019Intercountry Adoption: A Multinational Perspective 16 February 2019Adoption Advocate No. 127 | publications - National Council for Adoption 1 January 2019Position Statement on “Intercountry Adoption” 1 Adopted at the 22nd ENOC General Assembly, 21st September 2018, Paris 21 September 2018Kerry Neal: Unicef NL position (mail to AD) 12 February 2018Meeting European Central Authorities with ISS - Subsidiarity - RSJ Report 4 October 2017Unicef NL position paper RSJ Report 16 May 2017'Stelsel interlandelijke adoptie verbeteren, niet stopzetten' 31 January 2017RP: Summary of Opinion on Subsidiarity 21 January 2017Letter Secretary of State - RSJ Report 17 January 2017Study on illegal adoptions Maud de Boer=Buquicchio 22 December 2016RSJ REPORT 2 November 2016ISS: Double principle of subsidiarity: Keeping the child’s individual needs at the centre of decisions 1 August 2016DCI NL No clear picture on subsidiarity 16 July 2016BBA going against ISS: DOUBLE SUBSIDIARITY PRINCIPLE AND THE RIGHT TO IDENTITY 28 May 2016Roelie Post- Whistleblowing: THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD and the EUROPEAN UNION 16 February 2016Reply of Unicef to AD (Cornelius Williams = successor Susan Bissell) 11 November 2015AD reminder to Susan Bissell + documentary Bulgaria/Hague 7 November 2015Informal report DCI on subsidiarity - Hague 14 July 2015Minutes Hague Meeting - European Commission - Patrizia de Luca 14 July 2015NEW UNICEF POSITION ON INTERCOUNTRY ADOPTION (institutions no longer last resort) 26 June 2015Mail exchange Arun Dohle - Nigel Cantwell - ARTICLE 21B - Independent Panel 17 June 2015DCI Note on Hague Convention Conference 16 June 2015Nordic Adoption Council: 4th Meeting of the Special Commission on the Hague Convention 12 June 2015Unicef Report: Best Interests, Human Rights and Intercountry Adoption 2014Adoptionsforum: What does the EU think about international adoption? 22 May 2012Cantwell to Iara de Witte - intern ACT 28 November 2011The Legality and Ethics of Independent Intercountry Adoption Under the Hague Convention 23 September 2011Seeking the Better Interests of Children with a New International Law of Adoption 1 January 2011Speech Hans van Loon - Brussels Parlament 27 May 2010A Family for Every Child: International Adoption of American Children in the Netherlands 1 January 2010Presentation De Luca 1 December 2009Wrong Interpretation art 21b (VVD/Kind en Toekomst) 28 October 2009ACT mail - Better Care Network (Bep van Sloten) about Draft Guidelines 12 August 2009DCI does not sign joint letter because of outgoing adoptions US 9 June 2009Mail Teeven to RP: VVD does not agree with you about subsidiarity 6 June 2009ACT Letter to Dutch Minister of Justice - Subsidiarity USA 5 June 2009ACT Letter to Dutch Minister of Justice - Subsidiarity 5 June 2009INTERCOUNTRY ADOPTION AND THE SUBSIDIARITY PRINCIPLE: A PROPOSAL FOR A VIA MEDIA 1 January 2009Social policy approaches to intercountry adoption 2009Perverse effects of the Hague Convention - R. Post 1 November 2008What does the EU think about international adoption? 30 January 2008Guide on Good Practice Hague Adoption Convention (institutions last resort) 1 January 2008Letter Danadopt to Danish European Commissioner - subsidiarity 16 February 2007Letter Adoptionscentrum to EU Commissioner Margot Walstrom 8 January 2007ISS Factsheet Subsidiarity 2007Unicef Handbook: last resort art 21b 2007Statement on Madonna's adoption 27 October 2006Reply European Commission to Danish Authorities (subsidiarity) 16 June 2006Letter Danish Central Authority to European Commission (subsidiarity) 3 May 2006Internal minutes EC - Hague meeting 6 October 2005The Two Faces of Intercountry Adoption: The Significance of the Indian Adoption Scandals 1 June 2005Examination of Witnesses (Questions 220 - 235) - Nicholson/Cantwell UK Parliament 3 March 2005How Bartholet influenced Jaap Doek 1 October 2004Opinion of the Independent Panel of EU Family Law Experts: adoption is not child protection 25 May 2004Letter Hague to Romania - still children in need 30 March 2004UNICEF's position on Inter-country adoption (Hague version of subsidiarity) 16 February 2004Cantwell visiting EU Delegation: ica before institutions (preparing Unicef position) (DRAFT BOOK) 6 January 2004Letter Ethica to Romanian Government - art 21b - keep adoptions an option 30 April 2003GUIDANCE NOTE ON INTERCOUNTRY ADOPTION IN THE CEE/CIS/BALTICS REGION (exceptional measure) 1 February 2003Working Group on Adoption Law - US Embassy Bucharest 29 November 2001The Child's Right to Grow Up In a Family - Guidelines (India) 1 January 1997Issues in Implementing the 1993 Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption 26 October 1994Adoption Internationale et trafic d'enfants, myths et realites January 1991Jaap Doek and Red-Boer about adoption as child protection (not) 1 January 1982 Parent topics: Miscellaneous