- 2007 World Conference on Children without Parental Care
- European Commission
- 2005 2nd World Conference on Children without Parents
- The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption
- Mark D. Argrast trip to The Hague
- International Social Service (ISS)
- Le scandal du contrat SERA - Project EU Social Fund
- 2006 Hearing EP: Discover the reality of child protection in Romania - Vice-Chairman of CARE France
- The Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute (MISA) aka Natha-Denmark, Tara-US, Satya-India
- European Ombudsman
- Acquis Communautaire, UNCRC acquis or not?
- Juncker - Sale of Children
- Subsidiarity
- Adoption Scandal Sorina
- Children to France on Medical Visa
- Organs
- University Leiden
- Care Belgium