The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption

The Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption (1993) entered into force in 1995.


Person Relation type Date from Date to
Hans van Loon CEO
Hans van Loon CEO 1985 Jan 01
Steven M. Kirsh Contributed to 1990 Jan 01
Jennifer Degeling Employed by
Laura Martinez-Mora Employed by
Trish Maskew Employed by 2003 Jan 01 2004 Jan 01
William L. Pierce, Ph.D. Participates in 1993 Jan 01

Relations to other organizations

Organization Relation Type Organization Country Date from Date to
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited ACC, Autorité Centrale Communautaire, Belgium
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Adoption Committee - Office of the Vice-President and Home Affairs Ministry - Kenya
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Attorney-General's Department, International Family Law Branch, Australia
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Autoridade Central Administrativa Federal, Brazil
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Bundeszentralstelle fur Auslandsadoptionen
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA)
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Centre for International Legal Protection of Children and Youth, Slovak Republic
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Child Adoption Center, Thailand
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited China Center of Adoption Affairs (CCAA)
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Consejo Nacional de Adopciones - Guatemala
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Consejo Nacional de la Niñez y Adolescencia, Ecuador
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Department of Human Services of the Ministry of Human Development, Bolivia
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Department of Social Development, South Africa 2003 Jan 01
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Directora Nacional del Servicio Nacional de Menores, Chile
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF), Colombia
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Le Ministère de l'Action Sociale et de la Solidarité Nationale, Burkina Fasso
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Ministry of Children and Family Affairs, Latvia
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Ministry of Justice, Bulgaria
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Ministry of Social Security and Labour, Lithuania
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Ministry of Social Welfare and Labour, Mongolia
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Mission de l'adoption internationale (MAI)
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Romanian Adoption Committee
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Secretaría Nacional de Adopciones, Peru 2003 Jan 01 2003 May 22
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited US State Department
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption Accredited Vlaamse Centrale Autoriteit Adoptie (Kind en Gezin) - Belgium
Hague Convention Expert Group on the Financial Aspects of Intercountry Adoption Part of The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption
Special Commission on the Practical Operation of the Hague Convention - 2000 Part of The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption


Title Publication date
The Netherlands adopts children from Hungary, although quite a few things seem wrong 21 June 2024
Centrale autoriteit Internationale Kinderaangelegenheden’s Post - Central Authority International Children's Affairs Post 30 January 2024
Norwau: It could have been my boys 26 January 2024
A first in the world of international adoption in France: a judicial investigation opens for adults born in Romania. 26 January 2024
Only people with a Danish passport are heard in the debate about international adoption 23 January 2024
Balancing the right to know of adoptees and privacy of biological families: Is the Contact Veto Provision the way to go? 19 January 2024
Taiwan affected by international adoptions decision 18 January 2024
OVERVIEW: All adoptions from abroad to Denmark go through DIA 16 January 2024
OVERVIEW: All adoptions from abroad to Denmark go through DIA 16 January 2024
"It is not a child on order" but also "child trafficking will continue to exist": divided opinions about adoption pause 22 December 2023
MUM'S LOVE I pray one day my boys will be back where they belong…with me, says mum whose kids were taken by their dad 7 years ago 5 December 2023
PODCAST Diane Kunz: The Hague Adoption Convention was made to counter the UNCRC - art 21B December 2023
Denmark's only adoption agency receives a 'very serious' warning from the authority 20 November 2023
Blog | Liability for adoption abuse; an update 16 November 2023
Nordic Adoption Council, NAC, statement in accordance with the conference in Reykjavik in September 2023 September 2023
Inadequacy of adoption records management criticized during Assembly forum - The Korea Times 22 July 2023
Center for Children, Law and Ethics 22 July 2023
ATTWIN Position Paper: 19 July 2023
Outgoing minister Weerwind about wrong adoptions: 'I cannot correct past suffering' 17 July 2023
Fewer and fewer families are able to adopt a child between waiting times, postponements, psychologists, social workers and the courts. And same-parent couples are left with only the hypothesis of foster care 9 July 2023
International Aspects of Child Protection – Legal and Practice Challenges from the Perspective of CFAB by Maria Wright, Senior Legal Adviser, CFAB 1 July 2023
Dr. Aurangasri Hinriksson : Brave Lankan lady knighted for her battle against baby farm racket - Opinion | Daily Mirror 27 June 2023
Foreign adoption: 'No one has the courage to stop it' 20 June 2023
Reconstruction: how the adoption freeze was canceled at the very last minute 16 June 2023
Armenians accused of selling babies still work in hospitals and government 31 May 2023
It's Time for Congress to Overhaul Intercountry Adoption | Opinion 25 April 2023
Mum's battle to bring her boys back home 20 April 2023
ICAV - Let’s talk about Illegal and Illicit Intercountry Adoptions 12 April 2023
Adopting a child is not emergency aid 15 February 2023
Flanders stops adoptions from Vietnam: “Insufficient guarantees to rule out malpractice” 14 February 2023
Malawian Judge Recommends Changes to Adoption Laws 13 February 2023
Illicit international adoptions of children 10 February 2023
Where is the intercountry adoption regulation? 1 February 2023
Waar blijft regeling interlandelijke adoptie? (Where is the intercountry adoption regulation?) 1 February 2023
Lies, love and deception: inside the cut-throat world of international adoption 6 December 2022
Adoption legally possible 4 November 2022
Cabinet Reynders to ACT: UNCRC Acquis (delay) 10 October 2022
ACT to Reynders (COM) - UNCRC = Acquis 22 August 2022
The youngest and longest serving MP in conversation: 'Pim Fortuyn was a very important moment' 5 August 2022
Call for a moratorium on intercountry adoption in response to the conflict in Ukraine 27 May 2022
Opinie | Stop adoptie uit het buitenland (Opinion | Stop adoption from abroad) 20 May 2022
Today's inter-country adoption system is not fit for purpose 7 May 2022
Birth by GPA in France: a complaint has been filed 6 May 2022
FINLAND - Foreign Authorization 5 May 2022
AD/ACT to Plankiskeya - planning overleg werkgroep beleid invloed 20 April 2022
Cambodia to resume controversial child adoptions 31 March 2022
"People lived here for a long time with the illusion of orphan children" 28 January 2022
DOS-cable-Fraudulent-ICA-Does-Not-Constitute-Trafficking_Jun11.pdf 18 January 2022
The Relationship between Intercountry Adoption and Human Trafficking 16 January 2022
Kids’ adoption falls to 20 in 2021 against 27 in 2019 9 January 2022
The aftermath of transnational illegal adoptions: Redressing human rights violations in the intercountry adoption system with in 31 December 2021
Not always enough adoptive parents in their own country 29 December 2021
Senate Ratifies Pact That Seeks to Protect Children In International Adoptions 23 December 2021
“It is imperative to place rights and ethics at the center of the international adoption system” 10 December 2021
The Hague Court rules on intercountry adoption cases 2 December 2021
The Hague Conference: Progressively Heading Towards Surrogacy? 25 November 2021
State ordered for the first time to pay damages to illegally adopted person 24 November 2021
New report: Half of Norwegian foreign adoptees experience being discriminated against 22 November 2021
Irregularities in international adoptions must be investigated 14 November 2021
Examining International Adoption 9 November 2021
Change of course at Donor Data Foundation: Maria is allowed to know who her father is 5 November 2021
International adoptions continue to decline 24 October 2021
'It is our moral duty to put the best interests of the adoptee first' 15 September 2021
Inter-Country Adoptions: Delhi High Court Asks Centre To Submit its Report On A Permanent Mechanism To Deal With Inter-Country A 2 September 2021
The hidden face of international adoptions and mothers' rights in Vietnam 30 August 2021
Political decisions behind Korea's adoption curve 22 August 2021
Unicef Netherlands position in Intercountry Adoption ? 12 August 2021
Adoption of children: New models of documents used in the adoption procedure have emerged 12 August 2021
International Alliance for Adoption Abolition (IAAA) PIVOT CAMPAIGN Abuse, Alienation and Innocence versus Coincidence, Connecti 31 July 2021
Annual Report on Intercountry Adoption 24 July 2021
Families and Children 7 July 2021
Take care of Aftercare 7 July 2021
Chained to files: Parents and children suffer from mistakes in youth protection 7 July 2021
Ethical dilemmas in parliamentary debate on adoption 11 June 2021
NCFA Meets with African Delegation to Discuss Ethical Practices in Intercountry Adoption 9 June 2021
Disclosure of sperm donor identity could not be refused 2 June 2021
Recognition of intercountry adoptions - practical operation of the 1993 Hague Convention 14 May 2021
Fwd: Reminder: FW: Unicef Netherlands position in Intercountry Adoption ? 4 May 2021
bilagssamling.pdf 21 April 2021
The report "Suspicion of illegal conditions in adoptions from Chile to Denmark 1978-1988" 21 April 2021
'I am against international adoption, and this is why' 7 April 2021
Are intercountry adoptions in children’s best interests? 1 April 2021
Protocol for Responding to Allegations of Illicit or Illegal Practices in Intercountry Adoption 18 March 2021
Protocol for Responding to Allegations of Illicit or Illegal Practices in Intercountry Adoption 16 March 2021
The discussion on international adoptions 4 March 2021
Policy response report Commission Investigation into Intercountry Adoption in the past 8 February 2021
Cross-Border Adoption in Nigeria 1 December 2020
Commission for Intercountry Adoptions 24 November 2020
Mail AD/ACT to Laura Martinex/Hague: Adoptee voices 5 July 2020
Fwd: MFoF redovisar slutrapport om indikatorer 2 July 2020
Executive summary 22 June 2020
Analysis of the responses to the 2019 Questionnaire - Hague Adoption Convention 1 June 2020
Lynelle / ICAV / Hague / Jennifer Degeling 9 January 2020
Congo: A new Contracting Party to the Adoption Convention and a 154th connected State to the HCCH! 19 December 2019
Angry e-mail from Nigel to Arun regarding issue with Guidelines. Fwd: Reminder, newsletter 3 December 2019
International Conference Sloviakia 13 November 2019
Kenya bans child adoption by foreigners 12 September 2019
Stringent rules slowdown international adoption 26 August 2019
Why intercountry adoption needs a rethink 1 August 2019
Why intercountry adoption needs a rethink 1 August 2019
Signing Hague Convention: implication and challenges for Korea 20 June 2019
AD/ACT Open Letter to Hague/Laura Martinez - working group “illicit practices” meeting 14 May 2019
Kinderen zijn geen koopwaar 9 May 2019
Adoption Advocate No. 127 | publications - National Council for Adoption 1 January 2019
Hague subsidiarity 1 January 2019
Shani King: Immigration, Adoption and Our National Identity 1 January 2019
Root Search by Adopted Children: Issues and Challenges 1 January 2019
The Board of Appeal and Shejar Chhaya 2019
Premier agrees to look at inter-country adoption 23 November 2018
EP Event Intergroup Transparency/Organised Crime: Dark Side of Adoption 7 November 2018
Latvian government approves changes to foreign adoption rules 31 October 2018
Position Statement on “Intercountry Adoption” 1 Adopted at the 22nd ENOC General Assembly, 21st September 2018, Paris 21 September 2018
MIA and Nigel Cantwell 'Report to Swedish Government March 2015 - Commission conc bilateral agreements on intercountry adoption.pdf' with you 27 December 2017
The Rights of the Child in a Globalized World 17 November 2017
International adoptions. For the benefit of the uninformed journalists, here is how the authorities of the Democratic Republic.. 16 November 2017
Intercountry Adoption and Child Welfare Legal Reforms 16 November 2017
After careful consideration, the DIA has decided to relocate the cooperation with Vietnam. 8 November 2017
Rwanda: Govt Lifts Ban on Foreign Adoption of Rwandan Kids 21 September 2017
Melanie Adela Vega -> Adoptierte aus aller Welt 7 August 2017
Fwd: adoptees who can discuss Hague Convention and UNROC? - 2017 28 May 2017
Intercountry adoption is a good option for a child 3 November 2016
Written Question Morano about adoptions in Congo, Reply Mogherini 15 June 2016
European Parliament: Briefing - Adoption of children in the European Union 1 June 2016
OPINION. 'Adoption is more than giving a warm home' 17 March 2016
SIDE EVENT 8th March – 12.30 / 14.00 – Room XXI "Tackling illegal adoptions and addressing the rights of victims" 8 March 2016
Subsidiarity, and the notion that indigenous solutions should be preferred 1 February 2016
Parliamentary question - The message 'Free play for child traffickers' regarding illegal adoption from Nepal 22 December 2015
EP Workshop on cross-border adoption 1 December 2015
Brandpunt/Reporter: De Bulgaarse adoptie-industrie 18 October 2015
Minutes Hague Meeting - European Commission - Patrizia de Luca 14 July 2015
Nordic Adoption Council: 4th Meeting of the Special Commission on the Hague Convention 12 June 2015
III. European Union approves the 2005 Choice of Court Convention (+ mentions ICA as in force in EU) 11 June 2015
Ghana: Social News Cabinet approves ratification of Convention on Protection of Children By 21 May 2015
Expert sees need for reforms in law on child adoption in Armenia 18 May 2015
Japan - Progress is slow when it comes to societal views on adoption 2 May 2015
Protocol for Responding to Allegations of Child Trafficking in Intercountry Adoption 1 April 2015
The Controversy Surrounding the Intercountry Adoption 5 February 2015
Avoiding the Perils and Pitfalls of Intercountry Adoption from Non-Hague Countries: Considerations for Agencies and Adoptive Par 1 February 2015
Unicef-VietnamAdoption law must improve to protect children 7 April 2014
Hans van Loon about the Hague Convention in The Hague ISS 2014
Three States join the 1993 Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention 20 December 2013
A Q&A with Peter Hayes on international adoption 28 November 2013
Misguided Saviors: An Analysis of International Adoption Issues and Necessary Considerations for Prospective Adoptive Parents 1 September 2013
Adoption process in Ireland now ‘full of fear and desperation’ 11 June 2013
Colombia closed the door for foreign adoption 30 May 2013
Ukraine: Ratification of Hague Adoption Convention to help learn fate of children adopted by foreigners 17 January 2013
COM - ELARG report: Montenegro ratified Hague 10 October 2012
Improving child adoption management 13 September 2012
Notice: The Hague Adoption Convention Enters into Force for Rwanda 1 July 2012
Haiti - Social : UNICEF congratulates and encourages the Haitian State for its determination 17 June 2012
Journeys of the Heart ADOPTION SCANDAL in Marshall Islands 1 June 2012
Adoptionsforum: What does the EU think about international adoption? 22 May 2012
L’adoption internationale : garantir le respect de l’intérêt 18 April 2011
Adoption conference drafts 21 guidelines 26 September 2010
OrphanAid Africa urges government to phase out orphanages 9 September 2010
UNICEF expresses strong support for the Hague Intercountry Adoption Convention (POSITION) 22 July 2010
Spain, Italy suspend adoption from Nepal 14 July 2010
Hague Conference on International Private Law Held the Third Special Commission Meeting 1 July 2010
Vietnam law change may allow adoptions to resume 27 June 2010
Nepal skips the Hague meet on adoption 21 June 2010
The Baby Business 15 June 2010
Moratorium Imposed on Adoptions from Nepal 4 June 2010
Speech Hans van Loon - Brussels Parlament 27 May 2010
Babies Onboard 6 May 2010
PROVISIONAL DRAFT AGENDA: Provisional draft agenda for the Special Commission of 17 to 25 June 2010 1 May 2010
Hague Invitation - June Conference 12 March 2010
Reopening of adoptions in Romania? The issue is addressed in Petitions Committee 8 March 2010
Kazakhstand party to Hague Convention 1 March 2010
African Governments urged to adopt Hague Conventions on Children 23 February 2010
Hague Conference - report Nepal 4 February 2010
Colloque sur les droits de l'enfant et l'adoption internationale - 18/01/2010 18 January 2010
American adoptive father daughter rape case cited concern about China adoption process has been questioned 5 January 2010
UN Committee on the Right of the Child 2010
Saastamoinen (European COM): Hague now included in acquis 1 December 2009
Adoption Bill includes Hague protections 19 November 2009
Guatemala Confronts One of its Largest Businesses: Adoptions 1 November 2009
Wrong Interpretation art 21b (VVD/Kind en Toekomst) 28 October 2009
Foreign adoption treaty sets up double standard within U.S. 20 October 2009
Hague Secretariat rep on fact-finding mission - by Staff Reporter 12 October 2009
Congo questionnaire Hague Convention 1 October 2009
NAC Panel Discussion (no longer online) 16 September 2009
Dear Friends of the Convention on the Rights of the Child - by Laetitia van Haren - Executive Director 12 September 2009
[Hankyoreh 21 Cover Story] Holt International’s price for children 24 July 2009
Japan lacking on intl adoption Nation needs to ratify Hague convention to protect children 17 July 2009
Important Notice on Adopting from Hungary 18 May 2009
Convention-specific Technical Assistance Programmes 1 January 2009
Letter EU to HAGUE - no accession to 1993 Adoption Convention 6 November 2008
The Perverse Effects of the Hague Adoption Convention November 2008
Perverse effects of the Hague Convention - R. Post 1 November 2008
Chinese children's homes pay for children 9 September 2008
Hague Guide on Outgoing Cases April 2008
What does the EU think about international adoption? 30 January 2008
Inside Story of an Adoption Scandal - Arun Dohle 2008
Guide on Good Practice Hague Adoption Convention (institutions last resort) 1 January 2008
Roelie Post to Drimmelen - Dank voor het gesprek (Thanks for the conversation) 16 November 2007
SOS Children's Villages' standpoint regarding adoption 31 October 2007
Part of Euradopt minutes - written by Elisabeth Sandberg 1 October 2007
Mail Gibault to Frattini 14 March 2007
Note of Cavada/Gibault on adoption/Romania 1 March 2007
Letter Danadopt to Danish European Commissioner - subsidiarity 16 February 2007
Stone Juul Petersen, Vice President of NAC and in DanAdopt's board writes: (European) 2 February 2007
'Donated' is the core of the adopted child 30 December 2006
Directorate General for Prevention, Youth and Sanctions 19 June 2006
Reply European Commission to Danish Authorities (subsidiarity) 16 June 2006
Letter Danish Central Authority to European Commission (subsidiarity) 3 May 2006
Draft letter Bertzi to Jaap Doek - UNCRC 1 November 2005
Internal minutes EC - Hague meeting 6 October 2005
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe “Helsinki Commission” 14 September 2005
Romanian Adoption Policy Examined as Human Rights Issue 14 September 2005
Helsinki Commission Testimony 14 September 2005
Trafficking in children in Guatemala 7 July 2005
DG JUST restores UNCRC to Acquis List 4 November 2004
Letter Hague to Romania - still children in need 30 March 2004
Intercountry adoption: Trafficking children 1 January 2004
Letter of Van Loon to CA's requesting funding for ISS 23 June 2003
Letter Ethica to Romanian Government - art 21b - keep adoptions an option 30 April 2003
OPINION Legal Service - Hague Conventions are not acquis 21 February 2003
The Rights of the Child in Internal and Intercountry Adoption Ethics and Principles Guidelines for Practice 24 January 2003
ISS Report - The activities of International Social Service and their legal bases 2002 6 December 2002
Parliamentary paper 2001-2002 28457 No. 3 9 July 2002
Working Group on Adoption Law - US Embassy Bucharest 29 November 2001
Same-Sex Issue Clouds adoption 30 May 2000
International adoption: respecting children’s rights 26 January 2000
Enfants vendus, enfants bafoues, enfants trahis 1 January 2000
Visite du Vice Premier Ministre et Ministre de la Justice de Roumanie au Bureau Permanent de la Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé 17 November 1999
LETTER Central Authorities to HAGUE - Romania problems 8 July 1999
All you need is love -- and a marriage license 9 June 1999
Bill set to curb sale of children 11 January 1999
Illegal adoptions: Guatemala case study 27 October 1998
The Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption by Maureen Evans, Director, JCICS January 1998
Maureen Evans: International Adoption: Changes and Challenges 1 January 1997
Legislation for inter-country adoption in Spain 30 June 1995
First countries ratifying Hague Adoption Convention (article Van Loon) 1 January 1995
Verdrag beschemt kinderen tegen illegale adoptie 1 June 1993
Committee on the Rights of the Child 3. State Party Reports Romania 1 January 1993
UN Committee on the Rights of the Child - Romania 1993
Peter Pfund Memo December 1992
Library Data - Title Inter-country adoption from Romania - the big test 1 March 1992
Halen en betalen 20 July 1991
Report: The Adoption of Romanian Children by Foreigners (DCI, ISS, Hague, Nigel) 1 April 1991
Adoption Internationale et trafic d'enfants, myths et realites January 1991
Hague Yearbook of International Law 1991 1 January 1991
The Network - Adoptions Romania 1 January 1991
Road to Foreign Adoptions Gets Rockier 28 February 1990
Van Loon Report 1 January 1990
UN Rules for Adoption 6 December 1986
A question of interests : Inter-country Adoption 1 October 1983
History ISS - 1956, see yellow 30 December 1955
CV Hans van Loon


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