CV Hans van Loon

Member of the Council of International Social Service, Geneva (1986-2003).Member of the Board of the Dutch branch of International Social Service (1985-1994).C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E

Hans van Loon

Johannes Hendrik Albert (Hans) van Loon, born at Utrecht, the Netherlands, 15 April 1948. Married to Ir Caroline H. Engels; two daughters and one son.

Education and employment:

Studied law at the University of Utrecht (1966-1971), and international law and international relations at the University of Leyden (1971-1972) and at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva (1972-1973, scholarship of the Swiss Government).

Trainee with the Directorate of Legal Affairs of the Council of Europe and the Secretariat of the European Commission of Human Rights, Strasbourg (1973).

Admitted to the Bar, practised law (at the lawfirm of Blackstone, Rueb & Van Boeschoten) with the Supreme Court of the Netherlands at The Hague (1974-1978).

Acted for the applicant before the European Commission and Court of Human Rights in Winterwerp v. the Netherlands, 6301/73 (1979) ECHR 4; (1981) ECHR 7.

Executive Secretary (1978-1996) of the Netherlands Standing Government Committee for the Codification of Private International Law. Responsible for the scientific organisation of the Committee’s work on the codification of private international law in the Netherlands (1978-1996).

Member of the Permanent Bureau (the scientific secretariat) of the Hague Conference on Private International Law:

- Secretary (since 15 September 1978)

- First Secretary at the Permanent Bureau (since 6 January 1988)

- Secretary General of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (since 30 June 1996).

Has contributed to the development of the following international Conventions within the Conference:

Convention of 25 October 1980 on International Access to Justice (principal scientific responsibility);

Convention of 1 July 1985 on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on their Recognition (joint responsibility);


Convention of 22 December 1986 on the Law Applicable to Contracts for the International Sale of Goods;

Convention of 1 August 1989 on the Law Applicable to Succession to the Estates of Deceased Persons (principal responsibility);

Convention of 19 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (initiative and principal responsibility);

Convention of 19 October 1996 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children;

Convention of 13 January 2000 on the International Protection of Adults;

Convention of 5 July 2006 on the Law Applicable to Certain Rights in Respect of Securities held with an Intermediary;

Revision of the Statue of the Hague Conference (effective 1 January 2007);

Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance;

Protocol of 23 November 2007 on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations.

Has also contributed to the negotiations on several international instruments within the framework of other international organisations (Council of Europe, European Community/EFTA (Lugano Convention), Asian-African Legal Consultative Organisation, Unidroit).

Additional functions and activities:

Associated Member of the Institut de Droit International (2009)

Permanent consultant of the Standing Government Committee (since 1996).

Hon. Secretary of the Executive Board of the Netherlands Association for International Law, the Dutch Branch of the International Law Association (ILA) (1977-1992).

Member and Reporter of the Committee on the Legal Aspects of Intercountry Adoption and Protection of Children (1985-1991).

Member of the Board of Directors of the International Legal Institute, The Hague (since 1982).

Substitute judge in the Arrondissementsrechtbank (District Court) at The Hague (1984-1996).

Member of the Council of International Social Service, Geneva (1986-2003).

Member of the Board of the Dutch branch of International Social Service (1985-1994).

Correspondent of the Netherlands International Law Review (since 1986).

Member of the Review Committee for International Law of the Dutch Foundation for Legal Research (1987-1992).

Member of the Scientific Board of "Molengrafica" (annual publication of the Law Faculty of the University of Utrecht) (since 1990).


Member of the European Group on Private International Law (GEDIP) (since 1991).

Secretary and Treasurer of the Netherlands Foundation for the Advancement of Private International Law Research (since 1992).

Member of the Study Group “Prof. Mr J. Offerhaus” (University of Amsterdam) (since 1992).

Member of the Advisory Board of the Yearbook of Private International Law (published in association with the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law) (since 1999).

Honorary member of the Asociación Americana de Derecho Internacional Privado (ASADIP) (Since 2007)


Visiting Professor, University of Florida, Gainesville (Florida, USA) (Fall 1988).

Director of Studies, first period – private international law, Hague Academy of International Law (Summer 1989).

Lecturer at the Hague Academy of International Law, first period – private international law (July 1993).

Lecturer at the Hague Academy of International Law, external programme, San José, Costa Rica (April 1995).

Lecturer at the XXXIIth Organisation of American States Course on International Law, Rio de Janeiro (2005).

Has lectured on the Hague Conference and its work at other universities and academic institutions worldwide (including in Auckland, Wellington, Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Sendai, Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bangkok, New Delhi, Madras, Kathmandu, Jerusalem, Muscat, Rabat, Moscow, St Petersburg, Kiev, Helsinki, Warsaw, Prague, Brno, Bratislava, Budapest, Bucharest, Sofia, Florence, Milan, Rome, Taormina, Barcelona, Valencia, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Burgos, Madrid, Paris, Lyon, Montpellier, Nancy, Strasbourg, Genève, Lausanne, Fribourg, Luxembourg, Ghent, Louvain-la-Neuve, Leuven, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Nijmegen, Berlin, Leverkusen, Würzburg, London, Bath, Liverpool, Dublin, Ottawa, Champaign-Urbana, Washington DC, Eugene, Mexico City, Panama, Bogotá, Quito, Brasília, Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile).

Has (co-)organized numerous international symposia concerning subject matters of private international law, in cooperation with other intergovernmental organizations, Governments and academic institutions, including on:

- the outlook for private international law after the end of the cleavage in Europe (Osnabrück - 1992);

- the private international law aspects of damage to the environment (Osnabrück - 1994);

- Islamic law and its reception by the courts in the West (Osnabrück - 1998);

- the legal aspects of registered partnerships (The Hague - 1999), and


- the legal aspects of the Internet and of E-commerce (The Hague - 2004);

as well as several (judicial) confererences concerning:

- transfrontier questions of family law in particular across the Mediterranean (Malta – 2004, 2006);

- the Hague Conventions for African countries (The Hague – 2006, 2007); and

- for the Asia Pacific Region (Sydney – 2007, Hong Kong – 2008).


Expert-consultant to the Governments of Costa Rica (1989), Romania (1991 and 2000), Albania (1992), to the Senate of Paraguay (1996), to the Governments of Guatemala (2005) and of Cambodia (2008), as well as to other international organisations (UNICEF; UNHCR), concerning international legal cooperation, in particular on the implementation of Hague Conventions on international child protection.

Awards and Honours:

Doctor honoris causa, University of Osnabrück (2 November 2001).


Officier de l'Ordre National du Mérite, France (30 November 2004).

Officer in the Order of Orange Nassau, Netherlands (18 September 2008).


Award US Congressional Coalition on Adoption (24 September 2002).


Académie de droit international, Recueil des Cours:

- “International Co-operation and Protection of Children with regard Intercountry Adoption”, in Recueil des Cours, Volume 244 (1993-VII), pp. 195-456 (1995).

Studies in preparation of International Conventions / Etudes préparatoires pour des Conventions internationales :

- « Rapport sur l'adoption d'enfants originaires de l'étranger/Report on Intercountry Adoption of Children », in Hague Conference on Private International Law / Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé, Proceedings of the Seventeenth Session/Actes et documents de la Dix-septième session (1993), Tome II (1994), pp. 11-119, (also translated into Spanish / également traduit en espagnol).

- “Report on trusts and analogous institutions/Rapport sur les trusts et institutions analogues”, (co-author/co-auteur), in Hague Conference on Private International Law/Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé, Proceedings of the Fifteenth


Session/Actes et documents de la Quinzième session (1984), Tome II (1985), pp. 10-108, (also translated into Japanese / également traduit en japonais).

- “Succession in private international law-Prospective Study/Droit international privé des successions-Étude prospective”, in Hague Conference on Private International Law/Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Session/Actes et Documents de la Seizième (1988), Tome II, (1990), pp. 140-161 (Supplementary Notes / Notes complémentaires, ibidem, pp. 106-139, pp.196-201;202-205;206-217;222-231).

Studies written for the International Law Association / Études écrites pour la International Law Association:

- “International Adoption of Children”, in International Law Association, Report of Sixty-Fourth Conference (Queensland, 1990), pp.362-386;

Idem, Report of the Sixty-Third Conference (Warsaw, 1988), pp. 570-665.


- "The accommodation of religious laws in cross-border situations: the contribution of the Hague Conference on Private International Law", in Cuadernos de Derecho Internacional (March 2010), Vol 2, No 1, pp. 261-267.

- « Vers un nouveau modèle de gouvernance multilatérale de la migration internationale – réflexions à partir de certaines techniques de coopération développées au sein de la Conférence de La Haye », in Vers de nouveaux équilibres entre ordres juridiques. Liber Amicorum Hélène Gaudemet-Tallon, (Paris : Dalloz, 2008), pp. 420 – 434.

- “The European Community and the Hague Conference on Private International Law”, (with Andrea Schulz), in Martenczuk, B., and van Thiel, S., eds., Justice, Liberty, Security: New Challenges for EU External Relations (Brussels: Brussels University Press, 2008), pp. 257-299.

- “Bridging cultural differences between Western and religious legal systems – the contribution of the Hague Conference on Private International Law”, in Vriesendorp, D., Nelissen F.A., Wladimiroff M., eds., The Hague Legal Capital? Liber in Honorem W.J. Deetman (The Hague: Hague Academic Press, 2008), pp. 15-22.

- “Remarks on the needs and methods for governance in the field of private international law - at the global and the regional levels“, in Cafaggi, F., Muir-Watt, H., eds., Making European Private Law – Governance Design, (Cheltenham: Edward Elger Publishing, 2008), pp.197-208.

- “40 years of Private International Law”, in Ribbelink, O., ed., Forty Years of international Law - on the occasion of 40 years of the T.M.C. Asser Instituut, (The Hague: T.M.C.Asser Instituut, 2007), pp. 15-21.


- “La Conferenza dell?Aia di Diritto Internazionale Privato e il Notariato Latino. Una missione comune nell?era della globalizzazione e dell?integrazione regionale”, in Unione Internazionale del Notariato, Il ruolo del Notariato nello spazio giuridico internazionale (Roma: IPSOA, 2007), pp. 5-17.

- « Quelques aspects de la mondialisation dans le domaine des conflits de juridictions », in Travaux du Comité français de droit international privé, années 2004-2006, pp. 227 et s.

- « L?actualité de la Convention de La Haye relative à la loi applicable au trust et à sa reconnaissance », in Mélanges en l’honneur de Mariel Revillard–Liber Amicorum (Paris : Éditions Defrénois, 2007), pp. 323-341.

- “Unification of private international law in a multi-forum context”,in E.M.Kieninger, ed., Denationalisierung des Privatrechts? Symposium anlässlich des 70. Geburtstages von Karl Kreuzer (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2005), pp. 33-52.

- “The Hague Conference on Private International Law: An Introduction”, in van Krieken, P.J., and McKay, D., eds., The Hague: Legal Capital of the World (The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2005), pp. 518-526.

- “Global and Regional Cooperation in the Field of Private International Law: A Challenge for the Hague Conference”, Japanese Yearbook of Private International Law 7 (2005), pp. 2-19.

- “The Hague Conference on Private International Law and its Relevance to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child” in E. Verhellen, ed., Understanding Children's Rights, (Ghent: Ghent University, 2004), pp. 243-352.

- “The implementation and Enforcement of the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction in comparative perspective: It?s Japan?s move!”, Gender Law and Policy Annual Review 2, (2004) (The Tohoku University 21st Century COE Program), English, pp. 189-209; Japanese, pp. 123 – 137.

- “The Hague Conference on Private International Law in an Age of Increasing Globalisation and Regional Integration”, Pravna Misal 4, 2003, pp. 45-61 (in Bulgarian).

- “International Governance and Institutions:What Significance for International Law? Balancing Global and Regional Perspectives”, Keynote address, in Proceedings of the 11th Annual Meeting of the Australian New Zealand Society of International Law, 2003, p. 8-14.

- “The Hague Convention of 1st July 1985 on the Law Applicable to Trusts and on their Recognition”, in Prum, A. et Witz, C., éd., Trust et fiducie, la Convention de La Haye et la nouvelle législation luxembourgeoise, (Paris: Édition Montchrestien, 2005), pp.19-33.

- “The Hague Conference on Private International Law: Current problems and perspectives, in La Codificación del Derecho Internacional - Cursos de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales de Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2002, pp. 21-41.


- “Anders denken over kinderrechten: de betekenis van de Haagse Verdragen over internationaal privaatrecht”, in Tijdschrift voor Jeugdrecht en Kinderrechten, 3, extra editie, (2002), pp. 18-21.

- "The Hague Conference on Private International Law in a time of Globalisation: New Challenges and New Conventions in the fields of Civil Procedure and Applicable Law", in Baur, J.F., Manzel, H.-P., eds., Systemwechsel im europäischen Kollisionsrecht, Fachtagung der Bayer-Stiftung für deutsches und internationales Arbeits-und Wirtschaftsrecht am 17. und 18. Mai 2001, (München: Verlag C.H. Beck, 2002), pp. 193-203.

- "Law, International Commerce and the Formulating Agencies - the Future of Harmonisation and Formulating Agencies - A Perspective from the Hague Conference", in I. Fletcher, L. Mistelis, M. Cremona, eds., Foundations and Perspectives of International Trade Law, (London: Sweet and Maxwell, 2001), pp. 67-72.

- “Les conflits de garde au sein des couples bi-nationaux”, in Enfants d’Europe, Enfants du monde, Actes des Deuxièmes Journées Européennes du Droit de Nancy (Nancy, 2000), pp. 31-38.

- “Globalisation and The Hague Conference on Private International Law”,International Law Forum du droit international 2 (2000), pp. 230-234.

- “Recent Developments in International Treaty Law on the Protection of Children”, International Family Law (1999), pp. 91-95.

- “One Hundred Years of Activity of the Hague Conference on Private International Law in the Field of Family Law”, Japanese Yearbook of Private International Law, 1999, p. 95-116.

- “Synthesis of the Discussions at the European Conference on Monitoring Children?s Rights”, in E. Verhellen, ed., Monitoring Children’s Rights, (The Hague etc.: Martinus Nijhoff, 1996), pp. 211-221.

- “A bird?s eye view of the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993”, in E. Verhellen, ed., Understanding Children’s Rights (Ghent: University of Ghent, 1996), pp. 389-395.

- “Unification and Co-operation in the Field of International Family Law: A Perspective from The Hague” in Borrás, A, Bucher, A., Struycken, T, Verwilghen, M., eds, E Pluribus Unum. Liber Amicorum Georges A.L. Droz, (The Hague etc.: Martinus Nijhoff, 1996) pp. 173-190.

– « Les Conventions de la Conférence de La Haye (I) », in Rubellin-Devichi, J. et Frank, R., L'Enfant et Les Conventions internationales, (Lyon : Presses Universitaires de Lyon, 1996), pp. 49-69.

– “What New Conventions There May Be: A Perspective From The Hague” in Lowe, N., Douglas, G., eds., Families Across Frontiers, International Society of Family Law 8th World Conference, Cardiff 1994 (The Hague: Kluwer, 1996), pp. 855-868.

– “Het Haags Verdrag van 29 mei 1993 inzake internationale adoptie”, in E.Verhellen, ed., Rechten van kinderen in de wereld (Gent: Universiteit Gent, 1996), pp.149-167.


– “Os Aspectos Legais da Adoção Internacional e a Proteção da Criança - Relatório da Associação de Direito Internacional”, in Uma vida dedicada ao Directo. Homenagem a Carlos Henrique de Carvalho”, (São Paulo: Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 1995), pp. 241-254.

– “Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption”, The International Journal of Children's Rights 3, 1995, pp. 463-468.

– “Inleiding”, in Frohn, E.N., Hennis, E., eds., Staatscommissie IPR, Geselecteerde Adviezen - naar een afgewogen IPR, (Den Haag: T.M.C. Asserinstituut, 1995), pp. IX-XVI. Also drafted various consultation papers included in this Collection for the Government of the Netherlands on private international law, e.g. on / A également rédigé de nombreux avis, inclus dans ce Recueil, destinés au Gouvernment néerlandais, notamment sur:

? The application of imprisonment for debt of foreigners / La contrainte par corps contre les étrangers (1980), pp.311-315;

? The law applicable to maritime and inland navigation issues / La Loi applicable aux questions de droit maritime et de navigation intérieure (1981), pp.284-301;

? Declaratory judgments concerning the validity of foreign legal relationships / Jugements déclaratifs concernant la validité de relations juridiques établies à l?étranger (1982), pp.15-19;

? The law applicable to family names and first names / La loi applicable aux noms et aux prénoms (1985), pp.19-27;

? The Hague and Luxembourg Conventions on child abduction and their implementation / Les Conventions de La Haye et de Luxembourg sur l?enlèvement international d?enfants et leur mise en oeuvre (1985), pp. 176-188;

? The Rome Convention of 19 June 1980 on the law applicable to contractual obligations / La Convention de Rome du 19 juin 1980 sur la loi applicable aux obligations contractuelles (1985), pp.231-238;

? International divorce proceedings /Les procédures en matière de divorce international (1986), pp. 108-112;

? The law applicable to the celebration and the recognition of the validity of marriages / La loi applicable à la célébration et la reconnaissance de la validité des mariages (1987), pp. 124-134;

? International access to Justice / L?accès international à la justice (1987), pp. 315-325 ;

? The law applicable to international sales contracts / La loi applicable aux contrats de vente internationale (1990), pp. 238-241;

? Legislative jurisdiction on the Dutch part of the continental shelf outside the territorial sea / La compétence législative sur la partie néerlandaise du plateau continental en dehors de la mer territoriale (1990), pp. 245-252;

? Private international law aspects of insolvency / La faillite en droit international privé (1981;1990) pp. 303-309;

? The law applicable to international trusts and their recognition / La loi applicable au trust et sa reconnaissance (1991), pp. 255-261.

– « Genèse et Historique de la Convention du 29 mai 1993 », in Association Louis Chatin pour la défense des droits de l'Enfant, Actes du Colloque « L'adoption internationale », (Paris : Cour de Cassation, 1994) pp. 9-17.


– “Honderd jaar Haagse Conferentie voor internationaal privaatrecht”, Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht, édition spéciale / special issue (1994), pp. 5-10.

– “The Hague Conference – its origins, organization and achievements”, Svensk Juristtidning 4 (1993), pp. 293-307.

– “Het „dubbele aangezicht? van Haagse verdragen: volkenrechtelijke en nationaalrechtelijke aspecten”, Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn Themis, 4/5, 1993), pp. 196-210.

– “Introduction”, in C. von Bar, ed., Perspektiven der Internationalen Privatrechts nach dem Ende der Spaltung Europas, (Cologne: Carl Heymans Verlag, 1993), pp. 7-9.

– “De wisselwerking tussen internationaal privaatrecht en rechten van de mens”, in Grensoverschrijdend privaatrecht. Opstellen aangeboden aan Mr. J. van Rijn van Alkemade, (Deventer: Kluwer, 1993), pp. 135-148.

– “Introductory Note on the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption”, in Uniform Law Review, 1993, Vol. I/II, pp. 76-81

– “Intercountry Adoption of Children: A Challenge for International Co-operation to Protect Children's Rights”, Hague Yearbook of International Law (1992), pp. 137-163.

– “Family Relations in a Mobile Society – Private International Law Issues”, in Contemporary International Law Issues: Sharing Pan-European and American Perspectives, ASIL/NVIR Proceedings, (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1992), pp. 218-225.

– « L'application pratique de la Convention de Bruxelles aux Pays-Bas », Gazette du Palais (Paris, Nos 2,3, janvier 1991), pp. 17-20.“Some Comments on the Declaration of Human Responsibilities for Peace and Sustainable Development“, in Brenes-Castro, A., ed., Seeking the True Meaning of Peace, Conference Proceedings and Post-Conference Contributions, (San José: University of Peace Press, 1991) pp. 422-432.

– “Naar een wereldwijd verdrag over adoptie van kinderen uit het buitenland”, in Interlandelijke adoptie (Preadvies Thijmgenootschap), (Zwolle: W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink, 1990), pp. 57-68.

– “Ter inleiding: iets over de Haagse Conferentie voor Internationaal Privaatrecht en de Haagse Verdragen”, in Joppe I.S., de Lange, K.D., Westbroek.W., Twee Haagse Verdragen, (Deventer: Kluwer, 1990), pp. 1-10.

– “The Increasing Significance of International Co-operation for the Unification of Private International Law”, in Forty Years On: the Evolution of Postwar Private International Law in Europe, (Deventer: Kluwer, 1990), pp. 101-122.

– “The Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Succession to the Estates of Deceased Persons”, Hague Yearbook of International Law 2, (1989), pp. 48-66.

– “Die Haager Konferenz und Ihre Bestrebungen zur Reform des Internationalen Erbrechts”, Mitteilungen der Rheinischen Notarkammer, (Heft Nr 1/2, Januar/Februar 1989), pp. 9-12.


– « Quelques réflexions sur l'unification progressive du droit international privé dans le cadre de la Conférence de La Haye », in Erauw J., Bouckaert B., Bocken H., Gaus H., Storme M., ed., Liber memorialis François Laurent 1810-1887, (Bruxelles : E. Story-Scientia, 1989), pp. 1133-1149.

– “Der Entwurf einer Konvention über die Rechte des Kindes im Kontext anderer internationaler Übereinkommen”, AGJ Mitteilungen Forum-Jugendhilfe, (Bonn: No 3-4, 1988), pp. 28-32.

– “Towards a Convention on the Law Applicable to Succession to the Estates of Deceased Persons”, Hague Yearbook of International Law 1, (1988), pp. 270-279.

– “The Hague Conventions on Private International Law”, in F.G. Jacobs & S. Roberts, eds., The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law, (London: Sweet and Maxwell, 1987), pp. 221-251.

– “Overzicht der Nederlandse rechtspraak – Internationaal Privaatrecht – Overeenkomsten (1980-1986)” (with/avec M.V. Polak), Weekblad voor Notarisambt en Registratie 1987, Nrs. 5820 and 5821.

– “Het gevaarscriterium”, in RIAGG, Verslag Symposium “Het gevaarscriterium”. 1987, pp. 27-32.

– « La nouvelle loi néerlandaise sur la nationalité », Revue critique de droit international privé (1986), pp. 182-192.

– “Feasibility study on the law applicable to contractual obligations / Étude prospective sur la loi applicable aux obligations contractuelles”, in Hague Conference on Private International Law / Conférence de la Haye de droit international privé, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Session / Actes et documents de la Quinzième session (1984), Tome I (1986), pp. 98-113 (cf. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Session / Actes et Documents de la Dix-septième session (1993), Tome I, pp. 154-157)

– “De erkenning van trusts”, Landelijk Notarieel Studentenblad A la Minuut, 56, (1986), pp. 4 -9.

– “De Vijftiende Zitting van de Haagse Conferentie voor Internationaal Privaatrecht”, Nederlands Juristenblad (1985), pp. 573-579.

– “Anglo-Amerikaanse trusts en het Nederlandse recht, Aanrakingspunten met het Nederlandse recht”, in Mededelingen NVIR (1983), 87, pp. 43-111.

– “Nationaliteit en personeel statuut”, Nederlands Juristenblad (1983), pp. 449-450.

– “Internationale alimentatie”, Advocatenblad (1982), pp. 124-130; pp. 141-144.


Annual Reviews / Revues annuelles:

– “The Hague Conference on Private International Law – Work in Progress”, Annual contributions, in Sarcevic P., Volken P., Bonomi A., eds., Yearbook of Private International Law, 1999 - 2005: 7 (2005), pp. 240–247; 6 (2004), pp. 237-245; 5 (2003), pp. 169-175; 4 (2002), pp. 219-226; 3 (2001), pp. 237–244; 2 (2000), pp. 169-178; 1 (1999), pp. 205-214.

– “Hague Conference on Private International Law – Work in…”, Annual overviews of the work of the Hague Conference, in Hague Yearbook of International Law /Annuaire de La Haye de droit international, 1988 – 2005: 2005 (pp.197-205); 2004 (pp. 359-367); 2003 (pp. 299-314); 2002 (pp. 273-279); 2001 (pp. 281-289); 2000 (pp. 307-315); 1999 (pp. 337-340); 1998 (pp. 271-274); 1997 (pp. 269-271); 1996 (pp. 241-242); 1995 (pp. 209-228); 1994 (pp. 325-341); 1993 (p.293); 1992 (pp. 279-283); 1991 (pp. 339-341); 1990 (pp. 286-288); 1989 (pp. 354-355); 1988 (pp. 470-471).

Forewords / Préfaces:

– “Prefácio”, in Grandino Rodas J., de Campos Monaco G.F., eds., Conferência da Haia de Direito Internacional Privado: A Participação do Brasil (Brasilia: Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão, Ministério das Relaçoes Exteriores, 2007) pp. XV-XXI (English pp. XXIII-XXVIII).

– “Foreword”, in Svantesson D.J.B., Private International Law and the Internet, (Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2007), pp. XIII-XV.

– “Foreword”, in Lowe N., Everall M., Nicholls M., International Movement of Children. Law Practice and Procedure (Bristol: Jordan Publishing, 2004), pp. v-vi.

– “Foreword”, in Selman P., ed., Intercountry Adoption, Developments, trends and perspectives (London: British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering, 2000), pp. 1-2.

– “Preface”, in Detrick S., and Vlaardingerbroek P., eds., Globalization of Child Law, the Role of the Hague Conventions (The Hague etc.: Kluwer Law International, 1999), pp. VII-IX.

Selection of publications under the name of the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference / Quelques publications au nom du Bureau Permanent de la Conférence de La Haye:

– « Some reflections on the Present State of Negotiations on the Judgments Project in the Context of the Future Work Programme of the Conference / Quelques réflexions sur l?état actuel des négociations du projet sur les jugements dans le contexte du programme de travail future de la Conférence », in Hague Conference on Private International Law / Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé, Proceedings of the Nineteenth Session / Actes et Documents de la Dix-neuvième session (2001/2002), Tome I (2008), pp. 428-435.

– « Some reflections of the Permanent Bureau on a general convention on enforcement of judgments / Quelques réflexions du Bureau Permanent sur une convention générale sur l?exécution des jugements », in Conférence de La Haye de droit international


privé/Hague Conference on Private International Law, Actes et Documents de la Dix-septième session / Proceedings of the Seventeenth Session (1993), Tome I, (1995), pp. 231-239.

– « Note sur la compétence judiciaire et la reconnaissance et l?exécution des décisions en matière de successions / Note on judicial jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement of decisions in matters of succession upon death », ibidem, pp. 220-227.

– Practical Handbook on the operation of the Hague Convention of 18 March 1970 on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters / Manuel pratique sur le fonctionnement de la Convention de La Haye du 18 mars 1970 sur l'obtention des preuves à l'étranger en matière civile ou commerciale (Antwerp / Anvers : Maklu, 1984)

– Practical Handbook on the operation of the Hague Convention of 15 November 1965 on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters / Manuel pratique sur le fonctionnement de la Convention de La Haye du 15 novembre 1965 relative à la signification et la notification à l'étranger des actes judiciaires et extrajudiciaires en matière civile ou commerciale (Antwerp / Anvers : Maklu, 1983).

Edited Books / Travaux dirigés:

– With / avec Doek J.E. and / et Vlaardingerbroek P., Children on the Move. How to implement their right to family life (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff), 1996.

– With / avec van Eeuwijk, P.C.Th.M., Identiteitsproblemen bij Adoptiekinderen, (Amsterdam / Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger), 1989.


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