Hans van Loon


Organization Relation type Date from Date to
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption CEO
The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and International Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption CEO 1985 Jan 01
Angel in Adoption Awards Recipient of 2001 Sep 19
A European Policy on Adoption - 9 Nov 2006 Speaker at


Title Publication date
International Social Service and the Hague Permanent Buro (Part 4) 8 September 2020
Fwd: adoptees who can discuss Hague Convention and UNROC? - 2017 28 May 2017
Expert Meeting on “Sale of Children and Illegal Adoption” 22 September 2016
Reducing Sexual Violence against Children, with special attention for sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism, in 25 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East 31 August 2016
Hans van Loon about the Hague Convention in The Hague ISS 2014
Adoptionsforum: What does the EU think about international adoption? 22 May 2012
Speech Hans van Loon - Brussels Parlament 27 May 2010
What does the EU think about international adoption? 30 January 2008
Mail Gibault to Frattini 14 March 2007
Note of Cavada/Gibault on adoption/Romania 1 March 2007
Trafficking in children in Guatemala 7 July 2005
Letter Hague to Romania - still children in need 30 March 2004
President Mádl of Hungary celebrating HCCH's 110th Anniversary 30 October 2003
Letter of Van Loon to CA's requesting funding for ISS 23 June 2003
OPINION Legal Service - Hague Conventions are not acquis 21 February 2003
LETTER Central Authorities to HAGUE - Romania problems 8 July 1999
First countries ratifying Hague Adoption Convention (article Van Loon) 1 January 1995
Implications for Adoption. Report of a Seminar (Brussels, Belgium, March 1993) 1 March 1993
Committee on the Rights of the Child 3. State Party Reports Romania 1 January 1993
Halen en betalen 20 July 1991
Report: The Adoption of Romanian Children by Foreigners (DCI, ISS, Hague, Nigel) 1 April 1991
Van Loon Report 1 January 1990
CV Hans van Loon