Reducing Sexual Violence against Children, with special attention for sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism, in 25 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East

31 August 2016

  Terre des Hommes TdH Netherlands and Terre des Hommes International Secretariat (International Federation) in Geneva have supported the consultancy and expert meeting which will lead to the publication of the report of the UNSR on the Sale of Children on illicit adoptions during the Human Rights Council Meeting in March 2017. The draft report is written by consultant Nigel Cantwell. An expert meeting was held on 19-20 September 2016 to verify the findings and discuss the outcomes and recommendations. The expert meeting was organised by Terre des Hommes Netherlands staff in cooperation with the University of Leiden.61 The expert meeting was attended by UNSR Ms. Maud de Boer-Buquicchio as well as a number of international experts on (illegal) adoption, such as David Smolin, Claire Achmad, Hans van Loon, Laura Martinez, Sarah Guebreyes (African Child Policy Forum), Bernadette Babejo (Philippines Central Authority), Carolina Pimentel, Nekane Lavin and Dorian Hall. The final report will be published in March 2017.   



evaluatierapport.pdf (3335055 Bytes)