Expert sees need for reforms in law on child adoption in Armenia

18 May 2015

18-5-2015 Expert sees need for reforms in law on child adoption in Armenia | ARMENPRESS Armenian News Agency 1/1

Expert sees need for reforms in law on child adoption in Armenia

17:23, 18 May, 2015

YEREVAN, 18 MAY, ARMENPRESS. The process of child adoption is

still imperfect in Armenia, and that can be the reason for the sale of

children and illegal adoption. This is what Special Rapporteur of

the United Nations Maud de Boer-Buquicchio mentioned

during a May 18 press conference. During her May 12-18 visit,

Buquicchio assessed the situation connected to the sale of children,

child prostitution and child pornography in Armenia.

“I welcome the decision of the Armenian government and

National Assembly to undertake legislative reforms and

call on matching the law on child adoption with the

international norms and standards immediately, including

The Hague Convention,” Maud de Boer-Buquicchio


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